Bippoty boppity boo muggle f'ers
Weird things have been happening lately. Not weird as in 'puberty weird' but as in 'this is legitimately breaking all laws of physics and is not possible' weird. What I mean is, things I can't explain have been happening.
For example, I was frustrated over a test grade and the water in my cup began to boil. Or, I was crossing the street and some teenagers were driving fast around the corner. I should, in theory, have been hit. But the car had stopped a centimeter away from my hand. I don't understand.
My emotions are easily being taken out of proportions. I was excited about a movie coming out and I swear, from the corner of my eye, I saw flowers bloom. Maybe I'm just going insane.
"Hey, you look like shit." Pidge smiled sitting next to me with her tray.
"Thank you. I try." I smiled back sarcastically.
Keith sat down across from me pulling out his earbuds in the process. "Hey."
"Hi." I said a little quicker than I meant to.
"Oh, hold up, I see Hunk." Pidge stood up. "I have to ask his girlfriend something about history." She took off leaving Keith and I.
"You look like shit." He observed.
"That's the second time." I glared.
"Sorry, you look like you haven't slept in ages." He stabbed at his green beans.
"It feels like I haven't. I didn't sleep last night is all." I sighed.
Keith's eyes flicked up to meet mine. "Why's that?"
"Prefer not to talk about it." I scratched at my hand.
"Okay, I'm here if you need to." Keith looked at me seriously. My heart skipped a beat.
I scratched at my hand again. And again. I looked up at Keith who was looking out the windows. I scratched again.
My eyes felt like they were burning and hands felt hot. I scratched again. There was a shooting pain from my fingertips through my arms. I gasped doubling over and squeezing my eyes shut tightly. My hands were clasped together tightly.
My eyes hurt, there was a constant pain rushing through my hands and arms and my head was starting to pound.
"Lance?" He asked worried slightly. "Lance are you okay?" He said far more urgently.
I opened my eyes to see my hands had a blue aura surrounding them. Parts of my skin in the shape of rips and tears shown the deep fluorescent color.
I looked up to Keith. My hands were under the table and I breathed heavily. He was standing up in panic. "Are you oka- Lance." He said a little freaked out. "Lance your eyes."
I quickly shoved my hands under my armpits and ran to the bathroom. Pain still surged through every joint in my finger as I slammed the bathroom door shut. I held my hands out in front of me and they look like they're surrounded in blue flames.
I cried out and turned on a faucet plugging the bottom. I'm sure this isn't what it really feels like to have your hands on fire, I'm sure that's more excruciating, but this still hurts like no other. I dipped my hands into the ice cold water and felt nothing. The pain still proceeded. The water began to boil and I ripped my hands from it.
Tears were running down my cheeks. Out of fear and confusion and mild pain. I looked up in the mirror and saw my eyes were glowing a light fluorescent blue similar to my hands. Even my tears steamed with a fiery blue.
There was a knock at the door.
"Lance, it's me, Keith. Are you okay?" I heard. His voice was stern and I almost wanted to open the door. Let him in. Let him help me.
I backed to the corner of the bathroom and slid down the wall.
"Please, Lance. I know you're in there. Please let me in." I felt more tears run down my face and the fire licked up my arms and down my legs. I was on fire. Blue flames surrounded me. I was so scared and so panicked.
I need to calm down.
I leaned my head back and breathed. The flames appeared because of Keith and I got scared and therefore they just got worse, right? I just need to calm down. The longer I sat breathing the more I felt at ease.
I didn't feel anything else, no more pain, or flames, or heat. I felt fine.
I heard the lock on the door jiggle. I didn't bother to look or hide. I just sat with my head tilted back breathing. A janitor, Keith, and a teacher all ran in.
"Lance? What have you done?" The teacher asked horrified.
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at them and then at the mess I had made. The floor and wall around me was dark and charred from the flames. The paper towels in the dispenser were burned and water was flowing out of the sink.
Keith walked up to me at a loss for words. He reached to put a hand on my arm but pulled it back quickly. It burned him.
"Did you try to set the school on fire?" The janitor asked in disbelief as he looked around the bathroom.
"I- didn't- I..." I looked to Keith again.
"Lance your hands." Keith said quietly. It was almost a whisper.
I looked down at them. My palms, almost as if splattered with blue paint illuminated. It traveled up the veins in my arms glowing bright.
He reached out to touch me again a little more hesitant. His hand slid into mine and he locked his fingers around mine. He didn't jerk back this time. But after a few moments he let go. "Your hands are like ice now."
Rumors spread like wildfire. The most popular was that I tried to set the school on fire.
I denied setting anything on fire and after being searched and the bathroom investigated, they determined that I had no possible way of causing it. I was allowed to go back to school immediately which I wished I wasn't. Kids will be giving me looks like I'm a deranged arsonist. And I don't want to see Keith.
I'm scared that he's scared. I'm scared that I might do it again. I practiced though. I found magic coursing through my veins and now I need to learn to control it. I don't know where I got them, how long I've had them, and why I have them. I just do.
"Hey Lance." Pidge gave me a half smile trying to be comforting. "Are you doing okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I looked around nervously. "A little more worried of what the school thinks."
"I won't lie, the entire school thinks you got away with nearly setting the building on fire." Pidge pursed her lips.
"And Keith?" I asked casually.
"He's been threatening everyone brave enough to make the accusation to his face." She laughed.
I smiled and shook my head. And I was worried he'd be scared of me.
I turned around to see Keith. "Hey." I smiled nervously.
"You scared the shit out of me, are you okay?" He asked immediately.
"I should be asking you that." I laughed.
"Oh, I have to talk to... uh Shay again. Yeah." Pidge took off unsubtly.
"I'm not... crazy, right?" Keith asked quietly sitting next to me. I felt my hands tickle with blue electricity.
"No." My smile faded becoming a little more serious.
"So, the blue stuff, the blue fire, what was all of that?" He asked quickly.
I looked around nervously and licked my lips. "Not here." I stood up and awkwardly nodded my head to gesture we go somewhere more private.
He got up and followed. We went to the end of the hall under the stairs where no one was around. I pulled my hands out of my pockets. They flickered with blue energy. Like lightning bolts connecting my hands. I blinked and focused the magic. When my eyes opened, I know they were glowing blue and bits of my skin and veins were illuminating the same color.
"Lance?" He was wide eyed.
"I'm magic I guess." I shrugged.
"What the fu-" he started.
"Look, I don't really know much more than you do." I sighed leaning against the wall.
"So yesterday, your magic started going ballistic and... could you, I don't know, explain?" He wanted answers, I don't blame him.
"I noticed weird things before, but never something like that. Just.. small things. Like flowers growing when I'm happy or water boiling when I'm upset. I didn't think anything of it. I honestly thought it was just a coincidence or it was just my mind playing tricks." I looked to the side and sat down. "I don't know."
Keith looked at the ground and bit his cheek for a moment. Then he came and sat next to me. "What triggered your magic?" Keith asked. "At least, what do you think?"
I let out a chuckle. "I guess it's always there, it's just harder to control when my emotions get out of hand."
"So yesterday? Were you angry or something?" Keith asked.
"No." I took a deep breath. I held up my hands, energy was whipping around almost like smoke. "I can't control it now. It's doing it's own thing."
"But it isn't as bad as yesterday?" Keith watched the magic with me.
"I think it's because I got scared. It just kept fueling the flames; quite literally." I slowly moved my fingers, the magic dancing around them. "I managed to get the hang of controlling it yesterday night."
"Why can't you now? What's different? What caused it to happen in the first place yesterday?" Keith tore his attention from the magic to my face. He looked serious, searching for an answer.
"You." I spoke softly.
"What? I didn't do anything. I think." He was confused.
I took a leap of faith and leaned forward meeting my lips to his. I was worried at first but he kissed back. My hands moved up to cup his face but he pulled back. "You're on fire again." He breathed.
"Why thank you." I smirked.
He rolled his eyes. "For real." His eyes had a flicker of worry.
I was indeed up in flames. "It doesn't burn you now does it?"
"No," he shook his head, "it's just warm." He held his hand out letting his fingers go within the blue flames surrounding me.
"Good." I said leaning back in and kissing him again.
When we parted we were both smiling. The magic was almost like floating water and smoke now. It danced up through Keith's hair almost as if it were wind blowing it up. We laughed as it seemed to have a mind of its own.
The bell rang.
"Do you by chance know how to freeze time or prevent school?" Keith asked hopefully with a large grin already knowing the answer.
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