"But, coooaaachhh....!" They whined when Shiro instructed them to run five laps around the gym. "Go, you lazy sacks of hormones!"
They all stubbornly broke out into a fatigued run. All... except for Lance. He happily sprinted around with his long legs. One stride covered three of Pidge's. "Tired already guys? And Pidge?" He added.
Hunk pouted and Pidge cut Lance a sharp look telling him to shut his mouth. Pidge managed to argue her way onto the boys basketball team despite being four feet tall and female. She said the only reason she wanted to join was because she was bored and wanted to kick people in the shins to steal the ball. That last part was a joke, she actually did enjoy the sport. And for being half the size of everyone on the team, she was amazing. Lance claimed that because of her small stature, she had less resistance, and that's why she was lightning quick. She told him he was an idiot.
Hunk was only there because Lance had begged him. Hunk claimed to be more of a baseball person. Lance convinced him by promising he'd sign up for baseball with him when the time came. Hence, why Hunk was on the verge of tears running around the court to prepare for a game he didn't want to play. He decided it was worth it to have someone to practice with when baseball season came. Pidge even agreed to argue her way into the team so they could be a trio then too.
"You guys are versing the Blades tomorrow." Shiro yelled. That was the East school, it wasn't far, not even a 10 minute drive. "My little brother is going to destroy you." He said proudly.
"You have a little brother that plays?" Lance asked taking a swig of water already finished with the laps.
"Yup, he's edgy, but a hard worker. You'll like him. That is if you can get passed the embarrassment of losing to him." Shiro laughed confidently.
"As if," Lance picked up a ball and dribbled it lazily.
"If you play like you did today, expect a loss." Shiro said wheeling in the equipment.
"Gee, thanks for the encouragement." Lance laughed throwing the ball, it landed in the bin with the rest.
"You're welcome." Shiro smirked locking up the equipment closet.
Crowds of people filed in and sat on the bleachers. Team voltron was stretching and tossing around basketballs practicing. It was a home game meaning the Blades would be visiting. When they showed, they began to do the same.
"Alright! We're starting defense! Lance, you block #2 and Pidge..." Shiro assigned everyone their positions.
The game started and the gym raged with screaming, cheering, the ball bouncing, and shoes screeching along the floor. Lance spotted a jersey with the #2 and he moved quickly. The boy already had the ball and twirled around. They were on Voltron's court side and Lance immediately threw his arms up to guard.
He froze seeing the dark haired boy. His violet eyes were wild and thrashed looking in every direction to quickly analyze the situation. Lance was focused on how he moved, still dribbling. His hair was longer and pulled back into a loose ponytail causing Lances breath to catch in his throat. The boy ran past him leaving the stunned Lance. It was when the opponent bleachers began to roar that Lance snapped back into reality. His eyes blinked a few times and he looked to see Shiro writing down the score.
Lance turned around to see the boy holding the ball again tossing it to the referee. The boy gave a small glance to him before focusing back on the game.
Lance smiled widely. This would be fun.
It was no lie that the Blade was better than Voltron, but the score was close. Most of the game, it was Lance and the boy one on one blocking each other or trying to steal the ball.
The game ended with the blade winning 34-32. (Is that a realistic basketball score? Idk, I don't really watch b-ball; I'm more of a cricket fan...)
Voltron went to the locker rooms. Despite having lost, they were buzzing with energy. They were at least close to a tie, and it was clear they weren't as good as the blades but they held up substantially well.
"Did you see that guy I was blocking?!" Lance exclaimed changing his shirt.
"Yeah, what about him?" Hunk asked innocently.
"He was so hot!" Lance whined hanging on his locker dramatically.
"Lance, think this through. He's on the rival team." Hunk spoke.
"But... he's so cute." Lance pouted.
"The school will kill you. They take competition seriously here." Hunk laughed shutting his locker.
"But did you see him! He was crazy good!" Lance plopped on the bench sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce.
Hunk sighed, "Okay, Okay! I get it. Go get him loverboy."
Lance ran out of the locker rooms and searched for #2. He saw the boy with a bag slung over his shoulder. He had put a red sweater over his jersey and his hair was still pulled back into a ponytail but it was neater. The boy walked out of the gym and Lance chased after him.
Lance cut through the crowd of teenagers all trying to leave. When he got outside, he looked around frantically before calming at the sight of #2 sitting in the grass with his earbuds in.
Lance strolled up casually and sat next to him. The boy pulled out his earbuds a little surprised. "This spot isn't taken is it?"
"No... no, of course not." The boy responded awkwardly.
"You did amazing... I mean your team. Your team was good. But you did amazing, individually." Lance stumbled. He didn't think this through.
"Oh, thanks. You guys did too." He smiled. "And girl." He added.
"Oh yeah, that's Pidge. She's great." Lance relaxed a bit.
"That's cool they let her on." The boy spoke turning to look at Lance.
"She can argue her way into anything." Lance chuckled causing him to as well. "Sorry, I never got your name."
"It's Keith. Keith Kogane." He held out his hand.
"Lance McClain." Lance shook it gently.
Keith's phone went off snapping him from the moment. "Sorry." He looked at it and sighed. "It's my brother, I'm supposed to meet him at the east entrance. I thought this was."
"Oh, no, this is the west." Lance informed.
"Damn." Keith stood up grabbing his bag.
"Uh, I can walk you there!... if you'd like." Lance offered.
Keith's head dipped back to his phone and his eyes narrowed. "That's alright. I'm just going to meet him at the gym exit." He began to walk off and waved bye.
Lance waved back halfheartedly. Welp, there goes his chance. He wished he was bold enough to ask for his number.
Lance met back up with Hunk and Pidge. "So? How'd it go?" Hunk asked.
"Um, I'm not sure. We talked briefly but I lost my chance." Lance whined. "I didn't get his number and he had to leave."
"Relax, were playing them again in two days." Pidge waved the paper schedule in front of him.
"Seriously?!" Lance snatched it and looked the sheet over. "We get to play them five more times before the end of the season."
"Small benefit of a small town." Pidge smiled.
Lance did a happy dance. The next couple days, he spent doing nothing but practicing.
"Told you my brother would crush you guys; ready to accept the same defeat?" Shiro taunted.
"Not this time! I'm totally going to wipe the floor with them and impress the cute guy!" Lance spoke confidently shooting a basket.
"The cute guy?" Shiro asked.
"Yup! Lance has a huge crush on one of the guys on the team." Hunk rolled his eyes.
"Huge crush is an understatement. Lance hasn't stopped talking about this kid." Pidge joined.
"Better not be my brother." Shiro joked.
"Oh please, anyone with your genes is a hard no." Lance teased.
"My brother and I aren't actually blood related. He lives with me, and doesn't have any other close family." Shiro informed.
"Well, you still probably rubbed off on him." Lance added stubbornly.
People were already beginning to show up for the game. Lance kept his eye out for the opposing team in anticipation.
"Lance, pay attention to the ball please." Shiro said finally after it had hit the lovestruck boy in the head. Lance glared at Pidge who merely shrugged.
A taller man walked in holding two coffees. He had brown soil colored hair and tan skin. He handed one of the coffees to Shiro, planting a small kiss on his cheek.
"Shiro! You never told us you have a boyfriend!" Lance exclaimed.
"Never came up. As your coach I shouldn't be talking about it either." Shiro said sipping the coffee.
"Hey, Takashi, I'm going to sit over there." He pointed. "Also, don't forget, you're in charge of invitations." He was clearly shy from the attention of the team and he left.
"Oh, and by the way, he's not my boyfriend." Shiro tossed a ball to hunk. "He's my fiancé."
"How are we finding this out just now?" Lance dribbled the ball lazily. But that of course, was when Keith walked in. The ball hit Lances toe getting misguided and rolling across the gym floor. Lance coughed quickly looking away and trying to act cool. He leaned against the wall and looked at Pidge trying to signal the boy's arrival.
"Lance," Pidge tossed the ball to him and he caught it, "if you keep staring at him, you're going to make him uncomfortable."
"You're right." Then he began to make some serious eye contact with the floor. Hunk threw a ball at him hitting him in the thigh. Lance gave him a scary look, Hunk and Pidge just laughed in response.
"Just stop acting weird and go talk to him." Pidge sighed.
Lance gave a worried look to the both of them before heading in Keith's direction. "Hey." Lance smiled with a wave.
"Oh, hi." Keith turned. He glanced back at his teammates who were looking at the both of them.
"I just wanted to give you a heads up that you guys won't be winning this time." Lance slid his hands into his pockets.
"Is that so?" Keith raised an eyebrow and folded his arms.
Lance raised his hands defensively. "Just wanted to be polite and let you know ahead of time."
"Oh, what a gentleman." Keith spoke sarcastically.
"That's me." Lance smiled.
"Oh, hey Shiro." Keith said suddenly looking behind Lance. Lance turned to see Shiro giving him a smug smile.
"Hey Lance," Shiro's arms folded, "I see you've met my brother."
Lance felt his stomach flip and his legs go weak. Uh oh. "Uh, Yeah! I didn't know you were... brothers." He smiled nervously.
The game was called to start breaking the conversation. Suddenly, Lance was worried about not just Keith's opinion of him, but also Shiro's. Shiro and him both walked to the rest of the team and Lance gave him a guilty smile.
"So Lance, that's the cute kid?" Shiro gave him an expectant look.
"Um, yes. But I value personality over looks." He spoke nervously, his voice cracking. Shiro grinned at the fact he could now take the position of 'protective brother'.
"You better," Shiro said sternly.
This game, Voltron won 32-31. Afterward, Shiro stopped Lance.
"Listen, you'll never hear me say this ever again. I think you're a good kid. And if you and Keith want to date, I'm okay with it. But expect me to be protective. He is my brother after all." Shiro said starring ahead and not making eye contact.
"Thank you, Shiro. But I don't know if Keith is interested." Lance said with a sad smile.
Shiro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I knew."
"Knew what?" Lance asked.
"I knew the boy you were talking about was Keith." He briefly looked around before turning back to Lance. "I knew it because Keith came home that day talking about 'a super cute boy named Lance'." Shiro mimicked.
Lances lips curled into a large smile reaching from ear to ear. "Really?" Lance laughed excitedly. "He- He said that?!"
"Don't tell him I told you." Shiro warned.
"Wait, did you talk about me?" Lance turned to him suspiciously.
"Of course." Shiro smiled.
"What did you say? Shiro, what did you tell him?" Lance looked horrified.
"Mostly just your clumsy stories. Such as getting hit in the head, tripping..., oh! That time when you tried to jump off the mini trampoline and do a slam dunk but you missed and fell on your face." He laughed at the memory.
"Oh.... no..." Lance took in a deep breath realizing his fate was now sealed.
"Don't worry, Keith listened to every story very adamantly."
"Shiro!" Lance screeched.
"What? I'm not your wingman." Shiro defended.
"Takashi, stop it." Adam stepped in giving him an apprehending look.
"But Adam..." Shiro started, but he simply rolled his eyes in response and dragged his fiancé away. Then Lance saw Keith.
Lance smiled warmly and waved. Keith's face was red with embarrassment, but he walked up to him anyway.
"What all did he say to you?" Keith's face scrunched up.
"Well, mostly about how he enjoyed embarrassing me." Lance rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Oh, yeah," Keith brightened, "I loved the story about how you attempted to steal Galra high's mascot. Didn't they find you hanging from the fence by your shirt?" He asked a little cocky.
"Shiro is so getting Gatorade poured on him. Regardless if we win or lose next game."
Keith chuckled a little at that.
"I actually did want to asked you out on a date. I'm sure there are plenty of stories you'd love to hear that Shiro doesn't even know about."
"That's tempting." Keith grinned, "I think I have no choice, but to say yes."
Later when Keith's team was leaving, Lance excitedly ran through the gym toward Hunk and Pidge, holding a ball. "KEITH SAID YES!" He yelled and went to slam the ball on the ground. It bounced up quicker than expected and hit him in the forehead.
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