Baby Lance
Credit to everyone who made all the pictures in this book, if you know who made them please let me know so I can give credit, thanks!
"Ooh! Look at this one!" Lance said showing a flower to Hunk.
"Lance, Coran said to be careful not to touch anything.
"Oh come on! This one is pretty, I think it brings out your eyes!" Lance said holding it next to Keith's face for comparison. "Wadya think Hunk?"
"Lance!" Keith blushed and pushed his hand away.
"What Keith? It's pretty just like you!" Lance said smelling the flower as he watched Keith roll his eyes and turn around. Hunk just watched smiling considering he knew they both like each other already.
The flower then sprayed a small gas into Lances face. He immediately dropped it and coughed choking a bit.
Hunk and Keith both immediately ran to Lance to make sure he was okay. "Are you Okay?" Hunk Asked.
"Uh, I don't feel any different. I think so." Lance said rubbing his head.
"He should catch up to others, just tell us if you feel different or sick." Keith said helping him up.
When they got back to the castle Lance was acting... strange? Keith noticed right away considering he was keeping a closer eye on him after what happened. Lance was staring and giggling in fascination at the blue glowing wall.
"Lance, are you okay?"
"Gaah~!" Lance said in a small cute high voice like a baby. He cleared his throat. "Uh, Yeah! Just tired..." he said walking to his room quickly.
"Hey Coran!" Keith yelled running up to him. "What kind of stuff was on that planet that made it important for us not to touch anything."
"Well lots of things, that's why no one inhabits that planet."
"What about purple flowers that spray gas? What do those do?" Keith asked.
"You didn't get sprayed by one did you?!" Coran began to panic.
"Uh, no." Keith said wide eyed.
"Oh okay then, bye paladin." Coran ran off before Keith could ask anything else. He ran to Lances room to check on him.
Keith knocked, "Uh, Lance, are you okay? How are you feeling?"
No answer.
"I'm coming in." Keith opened the door, no one was there. Or so he thought. He walked in looking around before noticing a small lump under the sheets of his bed. He pulled them back to reveal a small baby.
"Oh no."
The small baby's eyes fluttered open and then it began to cry. Keith picked him up and the baby immediately stopped.
"Lance?" Keith muttered.
Keith looked at the baby's face carefully, it was without a doubt Lance. Keith settled for a fast walk through the halls of the castle.
"Shiro, you're not going to believe this."
"What is it Keith? Is that a... baby?" Shiro's face twisted in confusion.
"Yeah but it's also... well... Lance."
Keith was holding Lance up to his chest gently while he grabbed at his mullet. Keith had just finished explaining what happened to everyone.
"What are we going to do? We can't form voltron without him." Shiro said trying to think.
"Don't worry paladins, it's reversible. I'll just need to go get the cure. It will take me a couple days considering I'll need to go pretty far to get it. It won't be cheap either." Coran explained,
Keith relaxed learning that it would only be temporary. Something about having a crush on a baby didn't seem right. He wanted Lance back to normal, and he's sure Lance did to.
"What the f-" Pidge started bringing a sweat but Keith kicked her and covered baby Lances ears.
"Language!" Keith scolded. "You are around an infant!"
She rolled her eyes.
"Can I hold him!" Allura said a large smile across her face.
"Uh sure." Keith said handing him so her. He kind of didn't want to but it's not like Lance was his. After about a minute Lance began to cry.
"You can have him back." Allura handed him to Keith.
"Do I look like his mother?" Keith scoffed taking Lance bouncing up and down lightly trying to sooth him.
"Well you'll have to do." She said with a smile. Though Keith wasn't actually complaining, Lance was the cutest fricken baby.
"I think he's hungry, is there anything here for babies?" Keith asked.
Allura and Coran exchanges glances, "Goo in a blender?" Allura shrugged.
Keith sighed, that will have to do.
Keith was feeding Lance as everyone watched him still getting used to his baby form. Keith made little faces getting him to eat it as he used the spoon to get some off his chin giving him another bite.
"Hey Keith, you're actually pretty good at that, I'm surprised." Hunk said laughing a bit.
"Eh, no big deal." Keith said making another face causing him to giggle and take another bite.
Keith cleaned Lance off with a wet washcloth and began to burp him. "How long did Coran say it would take to get the cure?"
Everyone was clearly holding back laughs. "And we thought Shiro was the total dad." Pidge said and everyone was no longer able to contain it, they burst into laughter.
"Yeah laugh it up." Keith said angrily. After burping Lance, (oh my gosh, I can't friggen do this XD) Keith sighed. He had to go to the bathroom. He took off his gloves and set them down. "Hey Shiro, I gotta go to the bathroom. Watch Lance for me?"
"Sure." Lance was on the ground making a series of noises in objection.
Keith began to walk off but Lance began to cry. Keith's heart practically broke, he turned around and looked at Lance. He didn't want to leave him.
"Keith, you're not even a dad anymore, you're acting like a mom. Go to the stupid bathroom!" Shiro sighed. These teenagers were hopeless.
When Keith came back, Lance was on the floor playing with Keith's right glove. "Hey Lancey, can I see my glove?" Keith said kneeling down and grabbing it. Lance slowly began to cry.
Keith sighed heavily, "Here's my glove..."
Lance lightened up immediately when it was placed back in his hands. Shiro was stifling back laughter.
"Not a word." Keith glared at him.
"I'm not saying anything."
Keith picked up Lance and set him on his lap and began to play with his tiny hands. Keith made cute faces at Lance making him smile silently.
"So when are you going to tell him?" Shiro asked.
"Ask who what?" Keith asked still distracted by the baby.
"Don't play stupid, you obviously in f-friggen, friggen, love with Lance." He said almost swearing, which would have been a death wish if he had m, considering Keith's overprotectiveness.
"He's a baby Shiro! I'm pretty sure people go to jail for that you creep." Keith said grossed out to mess with him.
"Yeah but only for the day. He wasn't before, he won't be after. Besides, it's painfully obvious." Shiro laughed.
"What gave it away?" Keith asked sarcastically. "I've been practically obsessed with him. I've been so overprotective about everything. He's a cute baby but I really want him back to normal. It's creeping me out. I'm creeping myself out."
Lance was grabbing at Keith's mullet again. "Ouch you little sh-! shiny ball of babyness." Keith caught himself quickly. Shiro just laughed.
"I got the cure!" Coran said charging through the door. It was a small can of baby food. They gave Lance the needed amount and by then it was late and Lance was falling asleep on a blanket laying on the the couch.
"I'll get him to bed." Keith said before accidentally stubbing his toe. "SON OF A FUDGING FADOODLE CAKES. BUTTERNUT SQUASH ASTRONAUT POTATO!!" Keith yelled quietly. The paladins were loving the fact he couldn't cuss and they stuck around for the very sight.
Keith fell asleep snuggled up to Lance. He just couldn't wait for Lance to return to normal.
"Uh, um, K-Keith?
Keith's eyes fluttered open tiredly. He was cuddled up to a warm mass which was WAS LANCE! "Thank Glob you're back to normal!"
"Glob? Hehe, still can't swear around me?" Lance laughed.
"Wait, you remember everything?" Keith asked gritting his teeth.
"Uuuuhh, no?" Lance asked smiling.
"Why didn't you um I don't know give me some kind of sign or something that you can understand things?!" Keith huffed crossing his arms.
"My emotions were all over the place though. I was in awe over everything and my emotions were crazy. I felt slightly sad about something and before I knew it I'd be balling my eyes out. Though the faces you made were hilarious, I'll admit that." He laughed imitating the goofy faces Keith made to get him to eat.
Keith punched him in the arm, "Hey! Son of a fudging fadoodle cakes butternut squash astronaut potato!" Lance mocked.
"Are you serious! You heard that too?" Keith felt embarrassed, "Wait. So you understood everything everyone said?" Keith felt heat rise to his cheeks at the thought of him and Shiro's conversation being overheard by Lance.
"Well not everything... okay yeah everything. But Keith I um... me too." Lance looked away with pink cheeks.
"Me too? Me too to what?" Keith was curious now, intrigued even.
"Are you going to make me say it?" Lance whined.
Keith examined Lances face studying every feature. "Considering I've been feeding you, burping you, changing your diapers, managed to keep myself and others from swearing, and keep you Lance McClain out of trouble for 24 hours, I think I deserve it."
"Geez, you sound like my mom."
"Don't even Frooking go there sharpshooter." Keith slapped his arm.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Okay fine, I Lance Fooking McClain like you, Keith Kogane." Lance said looking directly at him.
"That was music to my ears." Keith said stretching. "I guess you're okay too."
"What?! That's all I get?!" Lance whined.
"Uh, I guess, I like you too Lance McClain." Keith smiled.
Lance grinned at the answer and wrapped his arms around Keith hugging him closely. They laid back down and cuddled sleeping in on the lovely morning, it was practically night all day everyday anyway.
"Hey guys, did the cure work? OH SORRY TO BOTHER YOU I DIDNT REALIZE!!!" Coran said walking in before immediately walking back out.
The two sat up rubbing their eyes sleepily. "What's wrong Coran?" Shiro asked, "Did it work?"
Before Lance and Keith knew it the room was filled with the other paladins including Coran and Allura. "You two are getting along well." Pidge smirked.
"So are you two like a thing now?" Hunk asked with a smile.
Keith and Lance looked at each other before standing up and pushing everyone out.
"Go!" They said in unison.
"I'll take that as a yes!" Hunk yelled before the door shut.
Lance and Keith quickly shared a sweet kiss. "Lance?"
"If you ever turn into a baby again, I'm tossing you into space~" Keith said sweetly.
"Good to know." Lance said scared shitless.
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