And they were roomates
Request by: aarndt1
"Ready Keithy? Investigators are coming by tonight." Lance stretched his arms over his head.
"Yes, and this time I will convince them we exist." Keith said determined sitting on the bed.
"I don't get why you care so much, we're dead, why should it matter?" Lance bellyflopped onto the bed and rested his head on his chin with his feet kicked up in the air like a teenage girl ready for gossip.
"Because, we hold all the answers to one of humanities greatest mysteries. If you were still alive you'd want to know too." Keith laid back resting his head on Lance.
"Yeah, but we aren't alive. Living people shouldn't really concern us. Except to mess with them of course." Lance smirked.
"Whatever." Keith rolled his eyes.
"That's right 'whatever', you can work your un-life away but I'll spend mine having a bit of fun." Lance glanced at Keith, the boy he was to spend all of eternity with.
They were stuck in the same hotel for the rest of existence. The hotel was supposed to be a mere stop on their way to see Mt. Rushmore for a school field trip. They didn't survive getting hit by the school bus. Tragic and ironic.
So the once wonderful hotel was now a hotspot for paranormal activity well known for being haunted thanks to the two boys.
They heard voices down the hall and got up exiting the room. They were silent until Lance cut a mischievous look to Keith. "Race you downstairs."
Keith had already taken off leaving a stunned Lance in the dust. They laughed and giggled like idiots as they chased each other through the hall and down the stairs.
"Did you hear that!" Someone shouted.
"Yeah it sounds like someone's running." Another responded.
"Hello, if there are spirits here with us, please, make yourself known." A lady spoke holding out a small box.
Lance huffed as Keith has just barely beaten him there. "Heh, watch this." Lance whispered to Keith. He leaned next to the box and spoke one word. "Penis."
"Oh my-! Did you hear that! I'm going to replay it!" She rewinded it and played it.
Lances voice came through rougher and more quiet but spoke the word penis plain as day. "It said pencils. That could relate to the history of the deaths at this building which we will get to in a moment.
Keith rolled his eyes but a smile was evident. "Oh c'mon, lets have some fun." Lance grabbed Keith's hands and pulled him down the hall.
"Where are we going? The investigators are back there." Keith let himself be dragged into a room.
"Not for long." Lance smirked and banged on the wall. "Help me make it louder."
Keith sighed helping give him some energy. "Maybe if you didn't exhaust yourself trying to do stupid stuff all the time." Keith scolded.
"Hear that loud banging, it's coming down the hall!" Someone shouted.
"Quiet, lets go check it out." Someone whispered back.
They heard them shuffling down the hallway before someone shushed them.
"All doors should be closed, this ones open a crack." She pointed out.
Keith and Lance were leaning against each other on the bed watching as they all freaked out over the cracked door.
"Legend says two schoolboys were roommates during a class field trip." A lady spoke.
"Oh my god they were roommates." Lance joked. Keith give him a disapproving look.
"They fell in love and knowing how cruel society is, jumped in front of their schools bus ending their lives." She spoke dramatically in front of a camera.
"What?!" Both Keith and Lance jumped up.
"They totally just made that up!" Keith yelled his voice cracking, which Lance totally would have teased him for.
Lance stared at the investigators long and hard. He bit at his cheek contemplating which made Keith worried considering it seemed out of character for the boy. "You know what we have to do Keith." Lances said seriously.
"What?" Keith looked at him nervous.
"We have to mess with them. We have to make this night miserable and their evidence will be so crazy and ludicrous no one will believe them." Lance smiled devilishly.
Keith contemplates it before giving Lance a smile. "Let's do it."
They both giggled like idiots as Lance snuck up to one of the investigators. He leaned into the voice box and spoke, "Is your refrigerator is running. Cause you better catch it."
The was a small alert and the investigators all looked at the voice box playing it. "You've got to be kidding me." The lead woman said in disbelief.
"Well, if they really are teenage ghosts, maybe they are just messing with us?" A smaller girl suggested.
"Don't be silly. Spirits can't be that irresponsible, they're most likely mature and composed, or possibly even angry." A man brushed off the speculation.
"No really! The voice that came in earlier said 'penis' not 'pencil', that was obvious." The small girl pointed out folding her arms.
"Your right! He probably said penis because the ghost is gay!" The leading lady said happily at the revelation as Lance watched horrified.
"Hear that Lance?" Keith was on the floor laughing and kicking his legs while lance folded his arms grumpily.
"I'm not even gay, I'm bisexual, there's a difference!" Lance snapped turning up his nose.
"Wait your bi?" Keith asked regaining his composure.
"Yeah, we've been stuck with each other for three years and you're just finding that out?" Lance smiled.
"Well it does explain a LOT." Keith laughed.
"Wow, at least I already know your gay." Lance poked his side playfully.
"What? How?" Keith was puzzled.
"I'm not that oblivious besides I knew quite a bit about you before we even died." Lance rubbed the back of neck sitting with Keith.
"Is that so?"
"Don't give me that! Word travels fast around the school. Plus, I mean... I... well-" Lance trailed off but changed the subject. "We should take them to the boiler room. We can scare them into leaving. They won't have enough content for a whole episode."
Keith was disappointed he didn't finish his thought but agreed it was a good idea.
The two made a joined effort in making a series of noises leading the group to the boiler room.
"Now what? How do we scare them?" Keith folded his arms skeptically.
"We should throw this rock at their head." Lance threw one up and caught it with a mischievous look painted on his face.
"Lance, we're trying to scare them. Not kill them. Besides, we aren't poltergeists." Keith rolled his eyes.
"I didn't mean we'd actually hit them." Lance pulled his arm back aiming in their direction.
Keith grabbed his hand and pulled the rock from his grip. "I have a better idea.
"Keith, this is stupid." Lance complained.
"It's better than chucking a rock at their head!" Keith defended.
They were wearing bed sheets with eyeholes cut out. "Seriously, we look like five year old on Halloween in the seventies." Lance insulted.
Keith tripped Lance to which he fell through the floor leaving the bundle of bed sheets laying on the ground. Lance then floated back up the sheet being pulled back up into his form.
"Not funny."
"It was pretty funny. Besides, think, when they pull the sheets off and see nothing, they'll be even more spooked." Keith spoke cleverly.
"Ah, I see. Aren't you glad I came up with such a good plan." Lance spoke smugly as he finally found the investigators again.
Keith simply glared at the boy. They stood in front of the group bravely.
"Uh, hello. This place is closed under investigation. What you're doing isn't funny." The lead woman spoke sternly.
The two didn't respond and only continued to stand there in horrific silence.
"That's it, I'm going to report you fo-" she pulled the sheets off to see absolutely nothing.
They all screamed running down the stairs to the main door. The two boys laughed and high-five one another proudly.
The next day after the hotel closed Keith and Lance decided to surf the internet to find out what they could about the investigators.
The episode did air but was shut down being debunked as clearly fake and were argued with about the misinformation on the background by the hotel owners themselves. Lance and Keith smiled happily at each other.
"Well Lance, ready to spend an eternity together in the same building." Keith said leaning back in the rolly chair at the desk.
Lance was hovering just above him leaned over looking at the screen. "Hey, that's no way to be positive. We may find our unfinished business." Lance spoke a little more hopefully.
"Easy for you to say, I don't know what my unfinished business is." Keith spoke sadly. "Besides, more than likely you'll find yours and I can live an eternity here alone."
Lance stared at him realizing just how much sorrow there was in this. "I know my unfinished business, but it won't happen. Not ever. I know that for sure. So I'm afraid to say it will be the other way around." Lance placed a hand on Keiths shoulder.
Keith seemed to have a revelation as he stood up. "What if we wait. Wait until we can both finish up whatever business it is. That way neither of us are left alone."
"You know you can fulfill that stuff by accident. Like what happened to Jerry." Jerry was a ghost that dwelled here when they first died. He was quiet and peaceful but welcoming. One day he found his spoons out of the blue and disappeared. Lance and Keith both know where but it was difficult to explain.
"But if we do find out." Keith said hopefully.
Lance nodded. "Promise?"
They looked at each other for a moment before leaning in slowly. Lance stopped right before their lips touched. "Wait."
"I'm sorry, that was stupid of me." Keith shook his head thinking Lance wasn't interested.
"No, no! I just-I promised you I'd wait to fulfill by business didn't I?" Lance stopped him.
"I'm... I'm your unfinished business?" Keith looked at him confused.
"In a way. I wanted to ask you out before we died. Made plans to tell you and everything. When I caught up to you on the cross walk I was going to... but then the bus came and..." Lance trailed off in despair a tear sliding down his cheek.
"Lance," Keith cupped his face and leaned in once again captivating Lance, "I love you."
"I love you too." They kissed.
A bright light shown around the both of them and they disappeared together. They were in a better place with each other at their side.
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