Altean Lance & Galra Keith/P2
Okay, okay, bear with me. This will seem sad and depressing but trust me, it'll get better. You just gotta push through the sad stuff a bit.
Lance POV:
Keith and I were cuddling in my bed. We were both sad and neither of us spoke. He was the big spoon, his arms wrapped around me holding me close. I was rubbing his arm staring at it lovingly. The thought that this could come to an end in just three days made my heart drop to my stomach. I couldn't take it anymore. "It's not fair!" I snapped rolling over to face him, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.
"I know." He said sadly. "There's Nothing we can do though." Keith stared up at the ceiling.
"Yes there is!" I grabbed his arm pleadingly. "If I leave! I could walk away from this! I don't even want to become a prince anyway. Sure, my father might not let me leave without some struggle but I-"
"No Lance!" He sat up staring at me angrily. "No."
I felt a tear run down my cheek. "And why is that?"
"I'd never ask anything like that of you. Leaving your family will result in you being shunned completely. Disowned. You'd have to find a way to live on your own. Make a living in fact! You would be without money-"
"I understand all of that. I also understand that you would never ask me to do that. So instead I'll ask you this: Do you love me?." I stared at him in desperation.
His face seemed almost shocked before softening. "Of course."
"Do you want to marry me someday?"
"Lance I-!" He was trying to avoid it.
"Yes or no."
"Yes." Keith said weakly.
"Then I'm willing to do it. 100%." I said caressing his face. I leaned in and gently kissed him.
"Are you sure?" He pulled away looking into my eyes.
"I'm sure." We both smiled and immediately got to work on our plan.
"Okay, I have a mission tomorrow to take out a fleet of people from a corrupt planet. The day after is your wedding day. When the morning of your wedding day-"
"Can we not call it my wedding day?" I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. On the morning of 'The Day' I'll make my way to you room and then help you sneak out. I'll have an escape pod prepared. So you need to have a bag of essentials ready." Keith explained.
"Okay. And where are we gonna go when we make it to the escape pod?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I-uh... wait! I know a place! It's an empty planet but completely safe. There's food and water, everything." Keith was beginning to plant hope in the both of us. We were really gonna do this.
"This is it." I smiled from ear to ear grabbing his face and kissing him.
"It's Zarcon." Keith said pulling away. "I have to go. Remember I won't be here tomorrow. I have my mission. But I'll see you the next morning." He smiled kissing my forehead before leaving.
My heart was beating fast. I've never been so excited for anything in my life.
I woke up and there was a light knock at the door. "Lance breakfast is ready."
"Be there is a sec!" I yelled through the door. Tomorrow was me and Keith's escape plan! I felt like a was floating as I got ready for the day.
Keith said he was gone on a mission today but I just can't wait to see him again. I took off down the hall skipping as I made my way to the dining area. I sat down in my seat and began helping myself to the food laid out.
"Morning father!" I said enthusiastically.
"Morning. You seem rather excited. Could it be because of your wedding day?" He raised and eyebrow.
"I guess you could say that." I took a bite of the food, it was delicious. Everything just felt better, knowing that it was going to be alright and me and Keith will have a happily ever after.
"That's good. You have to try on your suit later today to make sure it fits. Make sure to greet the townspeople again today. Show them what a great king you will become. Oh and by the way, that guard of yours... what was his name again...?" He thought.
"Keith." I stared my smile fading.
"Yes right, Keith. Things went badly on his mission today and didn't make it. You'll have new guard by the name of Sheqeu."
I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. I couldn't help my tears from coming and a gasped falling out of my chair. I put my head between my knees as the room felt like it was spinning. "NO!!" I screamed at top of my lungs.
People were yelling things but I couldn't hear them. It's like I'm underwater. Some was trying to help me up but I couldn't. I felt my vision darken and I passed out.
I woke up in my bed greeted by a nurse and my father. "Where's Keith?" I immediately demanded.
"I'm sorry son, he's dead." My father spoke.
I began to cry again. I'd never cried like this before in my life and I couldn't stop.
"I'm dearly sorry. I didn't know the guard boy was a good friend of yours. But never mind his loss tomorrow is your big day! You get marry princess Allura!"
I stared at him a moment tears flowing down my face. "Get out. Now!" I yelled. He stood up defensively and walked out.
"Lance you should drink some water and get more rest." The nurse advised.
"Please... you too..." I said quietly almost a whisper. She nodded and left leaving me to mourn.
"Lance wake up." A maid shook me lightly. The first thought that entered my mind was knowing Keith was dead. I sat up slowly my face blank with sadness and mourning the loss of someone so dear, someone who meant the world- no, more than the world to me.
I just stood there limp. "Lance it's your wedding day! You should be cheerful!"
I didn't say a word and just nodded lightly already feeling like crying again.
"Let's get you dressed, alright?" She said more sympathetic.
I finally got dressed but nothing changed. I still didn't say a word and never smiled. The thought of even smiling made me sick. The thought of Keith being dead made me sick. I waited in my room a bit longer having a smidge of hope that maybe he was okay and that maybe he was alive. He never came.
When I saw Allura she looked overjoyed, she was getting married after all. She glanced at me and her smile faded as she saw the despair in my face.
I was pushed to the front of the altar in front of thousands of people to be married. Keith... I just wish he was alive... with me.
Music began to play. Everything was happening so quickly. Allura walked down the isle looking ecstatic and proud despite my current state. Year fell down my cheeks. I didn't have any time to mourn. I was supposed to be marrying Keith. I've loved him for five years and we've been together for three of those and now he's just... gone. I looked at my feet in guilt.
Allura stood next to me and the ceremony begun. He went through the typical sayings about what marriage means and before he did the I do's he asked a simple question. "Are there any objections before we continue?"
There was a short silence before the doors slammed open. Keith? Keith. KEITH!!! "Yeah! I object!" He yelled loudly. He may have been roughed up, cloths torn and bruises formed on his face, but he never looked more gorgeous. Keith being dead for a day sure does make me really miss everything about him.
I burst into tears and took off running pulling him into the tightest hug I could. "I thought you were dead!" I yelled sobbing on his shoulder. I grabbed his face and kissed him all over.
He smiled but he was clearly in pain. "Careful."
"Sorry." I kissed him a final time and hugged him more.
"Lance! What is the meaning of this!?!" My father yelled so loud it boomed throughout the audience. I flinched.
I whispered in Keith's ear, "Did you get the escape pod?" He nodded and I turned around slowly holding Keith's hand tightly. "Can you run?" I whispered again.
"I thinks so. Why?"
"I think so won't cut it. Don't worry I'll take care of you." I took in a deep breath. "It means I'm not marrying Allura. Sorry Allura, your great but I already have my love." I held up me and Keiths interlocked hands. "See this gorgeous mullet head? I'm gonna marry him someday. By the way, because I know you'll never allow this father, I'm leaving the family."
"Guards!" My father screamed. We didn't stick around to hear what orders were given.
I quickly turned around and picked Keith up bridal style all in one swift motion before taking off running.
I wouldn't recommend getting chased by twenty guards while carrying another human being.
We made it to the pod just in time shutting it just as the guards arrived pounding on the glass. I set Keith down who was still slightly shocked and saluted. "Audios amigos!!" I then launched us off into space, the rout already planned to get us to our designated planet. In the meantime I hugged Keith kissing him all over again.
"Don't ever do that again! I thought you were dead!!!" I yelled and he smiled kissing me too.
"I was just scared I wouldn't make it in time. I rolled my eyes and caressed his cheek.
We lived on the planet for years before moving to a planet we wouldn't be recognized. Did I mention we also got married?
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