A Little Kit >*<
"Good, you smell anyway." Lance huffed folding his arms and looking away angrily.
The paladins all gave him a sympathetic look. It was painfully obvious that Lance was upset Keith was leaving to go back to the BOM. Obvious to everyone except Keith of course.
"Good! I don't have to see your stupid face everyday!" Keith snapped back.
"Oh yeah? Well, you're... you're... stupider!" Lance yelled.
"Is that even a word?" Keith yelled back.
"I don't know!" Lance stomped away.
Keith sighed defeatedly when Lance was gone. The others helped him prepare to leave and Shiro gave him a reassuring smile.
Keith waved everyone off hopping in. They went off to bed as it was already late. Lance however was wide awake but felt guilt tear in his chest. He got up and left his room needing to say goodbye.
He passed the others on the way and he looked to the ground. Hunk patted him on the shoulder but let him go alone.
"Hey mullet." Lance flashed a quick guilty smile.
"Oh hey." Keith looked up slightly surprised.
"Um, I wanted to..." Lance started, "t-to uh, -I'm sorry."
Keith was going to say something but breaking up the heartfelt moment, the ship began to shake vigorously. Lance grabbed onto Keith as they tried to stay upright.
It stopped for a moment and the sirens began to blare. "We're under attack!" Keith shouted pulling away from Lance to jump into his pod.
"Keith! Wait! Wait for voltron!" Lance pleased.
"Can't, there's no time!" The top began to close as Keith pressed several buttons.
Lance panicked but quickly ran to his lion. The sooner he could get out there the better. Keith aside, Lance was the first out of the ship.
He shot at a few drones but froze when he caught sight of Keith sneaking into the ship. "What is he thinking!" Lance mumbled going after him.
Lance walked anxiously through the halls of the alien ship. "Keith!" He whispered worriedly.
"Lance?" Keith popped up behind him.
Lance nearly screamed as he turned around. Keith slapped a hand over his mouth both of them very close to each other. Lance swallowed hard.
"What are you doing here?" Keith's face dusted a light pink and he removed his hand and took a step or two back.
"I could ask you the same." Lances eyes narrowed and he jabbed a finger poking Keith's chest. "What were you thinking going on an alien warship alone!" He whisper yelled.
"I was thinking no one would follow me!" Keith growled back quietly.
"Whatever, lets just shut it down and leave." Lance sighed. Keith agreed and they moved through the series of confusing hallways. They crossed a few glara but easily took them out.
"In here." Keith waved and Lance followed him into a room. It was illuminated red with a large control panel.
"There!" Lance pointed to a button recognizing it.
Keith slammed his hand down on the button and then pressed his hand onto a hand-scanner. It worked because of his Galran heritage.
"Let's go!" Lance grabbed Keith pulling him out of the room through the now darkly lit ship.
"I need to get to my own pod, Lance." Keith stopped him.
"No, we can just get in my lion." Lance tried to keep pulling Keith along but there was no way he could overpower him.
"Lance. I have to leave." Keith ripped his wrist from Lances grasp. Lance stared at him with glossy upset eyes.
"Fine. Go!" Lance pushed him.
Keith stopped and looked back and forth between the direction of his pod and Lance. He sighed and left.
Lance finally allowed a few tears to escape before swiping them away. He then heard a loud yell come from the direction Keith ran and he booked it after him. "Keith!?"
There was no answer. He couldn't have gone far but he was no where in sight. A blast of blue light flew by Lances face striking the wall next to him. He clasped his gun tightly shooting a glara soldier.
He breathed heavily eyes leaking a few more tears as he was frozen still holding up his gun. Then he felt something nuzzle into his leg roughly. He looked down lowering his weapon and letting it shift back into his bayard. It was a small cat.
Lance bent down and picked it- he clearly saw the gender- him up. "Hey little guy, what're you doing on an alien warship?" Lance spoke fave to face with the small feline.
The cat stared back with death in its eyes. "Hmm, you remind me of... KEITH! KEITH!?" Lance huffed the cat close as he began to search the ship again. He couldn't find him anywhere, and surly there wasn't enough Galra on this ship to take him down. "Maybe he already left..." Lance spoke sadly pursing his lips.
He turned and started the walk to his lion. "What about you? Where'd you come from little guy?" Lance spoke to the small animal petting the top of his head gently.
The small cat wiggled and tried biting at his finger. "Wow, you really are like Keith." Lance chuckled.
He stepped into his lion and sat down in the pilot chair setting the cat on his lap. The cat sat neatly staring forward like he understood what all was happening. "You're smart aren't you?" Lance stroked the side of the cats face with his knuckle the cat reluctantly nuzzling into it.
"Lance, come in, are you there?" Shiro appeared on screen.
"Yeah, Sorry, didn't have my suit. I was sort of in a rush." Lance explained.
"I understand. We handled the drones. We'll meet you back at the castle." Then his face disappeared from the screen and Lance flew them into the hangers.
He picked up the cat holding him close. "I think I'll name you..." he thought for a moment, "not Keith. Even though you remind me of him. Murphy?"
The cats eyes seemed to narrow at him and he scratched at Lance. "No? How about Jasper?" Same results. "Oscar?" The cat looked defeated.
"Oscar it is!" Lance happily carried him down the hall.
"You got a cat?!" Pidge jumped up. The others followed intrigued.
"Yeah... his names Oscar." Lance pet the feline lovingly. "He's a grouch."
The cat in retaliation (or retailiation) bit Lances finger. "Ow!"
After some love from the paladins, Lance brought the Keith to his room giving him some water and laying some paper down.
Oscar looked from the papers to Lance as if to say 'that's not happening'. "C'mere." Lance picked him up and set him on his bed.
Lance laid down on the bed and sighed heavily rolling onto his side facing away from 'Oscar'.
The cat curiously walked to his side and sat down looking at his face. Lance had a few tears running down his cheeks. Oscar stood back up and walked up to his face sniffing it and sitting again. Lance smiled sadly and pet the cat. "Sorry bud. It's not your fault."
He pawed at Lance nuzzling into him. "Alright, alright. I'm just upset Keith left. You'd like him. I do. I wish I didn't."
Oscar pawed at him again. "I'd never tell him that I like him. I'm pretty sure he hates me." Lance lifted the cat just above his head. "Could you imagine if he found out I have a crush on him. He'd probably punch me. I just... can't help it. And he's always leaving and..." Lance wipes a few more tears as he sat up.
Lance swung his feet off the bed and stood up. Walking to the bathroom for a moment.
Oscar looked around the room silently. He spotted a cork board of pictures of the team. One was of him. He jumped off the bed and hopped onto the chair making his way onto Lances desk to reach the picture. He bit it and pulled it off. He made a trot to the bathroom and scratched at the door.
Lance opened it with red puffy eyes and pink cheeks. He sniffled and bent down grappling the photo from the felines mouth. A small smile formed. He looked down at Oscar. "You're even smarter than I thought." He picked up the cat without tearing his eyes from the picture.
He sat on the bed and set the picture on his bedside stand. "Thanks for cheering me up. I promise, I'm usually not this much of a deppy-downer."
Lance went to his closet and pulled out a shoe taking out the shoelace. "Wanna play?" He waved it around the cat but it just stared back at him bored. He even could've swore the cat rolled his eyes.
"Alright, that's not your thing? How about a movie?" Lance grabbed his laptop and played Emperors New Groove. He changed into his pajama bottoms and pulled off his shirt for bed. When he turned around, the cat was sitting faced away. Lance chuckled getting into bed.
"See we don't need Keith. Let's cuddle." Lance pulled the cat in closer and he felt shocked to see the cat was actually paying attention. "Oscar, you're the only man I need in my life." He kissed the top of the cats head.
Both Lance and Oscar began to drift off to sleep. When the credits began to roll for the movie, a loud song began to play and it made Lance jolt awake. He paused the movie and closed the laptop. Cuddled up to him was supposed to be Oscar, but he felt like the mass was much larger. He looked down to see not black fur but black hair.
Lance gasped and pushed himself back falling off the bed with a loud crash. Keith sat up rubbing his eyes dizzily. "Lance?"
Lances head popped up anxiously. "What are you doing in my room?" Lance asked standing up quickly and clumsily. "Where's, where's... Oscar?" Lance came to the realization and he never felt more embarrassed in his life.
Keith leaned back on his hands letting his chest sink in and his shoulders stick out lazily.
Lance swallowed hard, "What all do you remember?" Lance demanded.
Keith glanced at the clock. "Lance, it's four in the morning. Can we do this later?" He ran a hand through his wild hair.
"No!" Lance flicked on the main light causing them both to wince.
"Fine. All of it. Can I go back to sleep?" Keith glared.
"You aren't funny." Lance sat next to him. "I guess you don't remember anything. You'd be running for the BOM if you did."
"I do too remember." Keith defended.
"No you don't. Things would be different otherwise." Lance sighed.
"They are different." Keith said quickly leaning in and planting a kiss on Lances cheek. "I'm sorry I made you cry." He looked away.
Lances eyes were wide with shock. He grabbed Keith's face pressing their lips together.
Keith broke it first, "Seriously, Oscar?"
Lance rolled his eyes, "Oh shut it." They kissed again.
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