Keith rolled over in bed and stared at Lance. The taller boy looked to be sound asleep cuddled up in the blankets. Keith smiled and snuggled up to him, he was warm and soft like a stuffed animal.
Lances arms wrapped around him and he kissed the top of his head. "Morning sunshine," He said in his teasing voice. Keith only responded by cuddling into him more. "You know I have to get up, I need to get back to my room before the others wake up." Lance sat up groggily wiping his eyes.
"I know..." Keith said irritatedly. Lance then froze in his spot with wide eyes. "What? What is it?" Keith asked tiredly and yawning as he sat up to see what Lance was so spooked about.
There was a fairly big spider on the wall next to the door. Keith then froze as well. "Do you think it sees us?" Lance whispered quietly.
"Lance, it's a spider. Not a friggen bear." He says but as if on cue the spider began crawling full speed towards them. Lance immediately flipped out and threw his arms up trying to get as far away as possible as quickly as possible. Keith was right there with him falling out of bed taking all the sheets with him.
"Great Keith, you pissed it off." Lance whined. They were both in just their boxers and they both struggled to quickly get in their suits. It was better than exposed skin that would lead to an alien spider bite which obviously neither of them wanted any part in.
Lance then picked up his weapon which transformed into his gun. Keith immediately latched onto his arm as they began to look around for the spider. "W-where'd it go?" Keith asked beginning to panic.
They both look straight forward to see the spider dangling almost directly in front of their faces. They both let out high pitched screams and Lance fired his gun just as Keith jerked it causing it to blast the wall. They both struggled to the other side of the room tripping and falling in a panic. They both embraced each other in absolute fear as Shiro and the others bust through the door lookin for danger.
"Are you guys alright?! Are we under attack?!" Shiro yelled.
"T-t-t-t-t-t-the s-s-s-s-s-spider!!" Keith stumbled out pointing to the tiny 'harmless' creature. Allura then stepped forward and picked it up. "What? You're afraid of this little guy? He doesn't mean no harm. Do you widdle fella?" She said talking to the spider like a baby.
Lance and Keith stared in disgust as they continued to cling to each other. "You mean to tell me that you guys panicked and even shot your gun because of a spider?" Everyone began to laugh hysterically.
"Wait a minute, Lance what are you doing in Keith's room anyway?" Pidge asked with a smirk as she folded her arms.
"Uh, well, I heard Keith yell and I went to check and I was helping him with the... spider." Lance attempted to lie.
"Ohhhh, that explains why your shirt and pants are sitting over there in the corner. Yeah, don't think I missed those beauties. Also, you heard Keith yell from your room on the other end of the hallway. Funny how we didn't hear anything." Pidge looked at them triumphantly.
Everyone then turned to them expecting answers and boy did they look excited to hear every detail of their relationship. Lance and Keith had large guilty grins spread across their face.
"Well, we have an amazing explanation, it's crazy really it's-RUN KEITH RUN!!!" They both darted past everyone and took off down the hall running as fast as humanly possible with the others chasing them.
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