I am not a robot
Everyone could tell there was something wrong with Lance, the way he more closed off and kept spacing out. The way he fought during training changed, his happy cheering and yelling turned into heavy breaths. His fighting was more calculated, less nervous about throwing blows. Keith remembers Hunk telling him that Lance had said he had never wanted to hurt any of them, that's why he was so hesitant in fighting and hurting the other paladins. Keith's mouth had lost all the moisture and there was a weight pulling on his shoulders after finding that out, there he, Shiro and Allura were giving shit to Lance when he was scared he would hurt them. It should have been obvious Keith thought, but Keith never has been good with emotions.
None of them knew what had brought the sudden change to their blue paladin, they all had thought it was home sickness. It had to be. They all agreed that Lance would "Get over it eventually". Keith felt sick at the way he hadn't helped his boyfriend. The excuse of him not being good with emotions wasn't a valid excuse. What kind of boyfriend was he when he watched Lance slowly stop caring about how he looked, even though he knew that Lance had drawers full of face masks and products. Keith knew that Lance would never let his hygiene deteriorate, but here he was. That doesn't mean Keith would hate Lance if he wasn't good looking, Keith will always love Lance.
Keith knew things were going bad, things were wrong but it was confirmed when Lance had come into their shared room one night, his blue armor covered in blood- it wasn't human it was Galra. The armor was scratched, Lances hair a mess, scratched cascaded down his body, blood from Lances head leaked down his face and Keith stood up looking at him dumbfounded. "Lance what did you do?" Keith had managed to whisper as he continued taking in the sight of his boyfriend, the one who wouldn't dare hurt anyone unless needed.
Keiths gaze snapped up to Lances face when he heard Lance chuckle unamused, "It's always about what I did isn't it? Not 'How are you?' 'Did you get hurt?'. What do you want from me Keith? I was trying to help. I went out and killed Galra, like we are suppose to be doing."
Keiths eyes moved as he looked into both of Lances eyes, they weren't the ones with innocence and fun swimming in them. They weren't like the ocean on a beautiful day, they were the ocean during the storm- dangerous. "Lance, you went out and did something reckless! Something I would do!" Keith swings his arms out from his sides, "You got hurt Lance. How did you leave with out anyone knowing? You could have been killed!"
Lance looked at the ground and Keith watched the blood drip from Lances head onto the floor, he moved closer and reached out to wipe the blood away when a hand snatched his wrist. Keiths eyes widened as they stared into Lances, "It isn't hard to sneak out when you are a seventh wheel." Lance let go of Keiths wrist and turned away. Keith has tried to grab him and tell him he wasn't a seventh wheel, he was loved. Lance had left the room before any words left his mouth. He had opened the door and tried to follow Lance to tell him, but he had let Lance leave and now he was lost. He had sobbed that night in a random hallway, his knees tucked up to his chest and his hands covering his mouth as he tried to muffle the sobs.
Keith knows what he has to do, he has to help Lance. That's why Keith finds himself outside the door to the room that has the earth projections, and a window to look out to space. Keith took a deep breath and walked inside, he saw Lance sitting by the window looking out with a dull expression on his face, a cigarette was hanging off of his lips. Lance had heard the door open and slowly looked to see Keith looking at him.
Keith could see the once bright eyes were dull and he watched the smoke float into the air from the deadly chemical filled stick hanging from Lances mouth.
"You smoke?" Keith asked.
Lance chuckled and looked back out the window, "Yeah."
Keith nods even though he knew Lance couldn't see. The tension in the room weighed heavy on Keith's shoulders. The black haired paladin cleared his throat and made his way over to his boyfriend(?). Could Keith even call him that, he didnt know. He knows he is the worst boyfriend of them all but he wants to help Lance. He still loved Lance, Keith promised himself to change and help Lance more.
Keith walked across the room, his boots making a soft padding sound. He made it to Lance and sat by him. He looked out the window and saw the vast length of space, stars shone and planets far away slowly turned. It was like a painted picture it was so unreal.
Keith looked at Lance and saw the stars reflecting in Lances blue eyes. He lost his breath, cause even though Lance had let himself go, Keith hasn't seen anything more beautiful than Lance. His hair was soft, even unkept. His tan skin was smooth and beautiful. His eyes were the prettiest blue he had ever seen and his eyes were framed with long lashes. He couldn't find one flaw on him. Even though Lance could be annoying sometimes, he loved him.
"Lance?" Keith asked hesitantly. A questioning him was a reply. Keith took a deep breath and said, "You're beautiful." Keith needed to say it, he never really tells Lance what he loves about him-which is everything. He doesn't communicate his love like Lance does. Lance never hesitated to grab Keith's hand, and kiss his knuckles in front of anyway. Lance always hugged and kissed Keith, grabbed his waist and told him cute things. Keith rarely was able to do it back, it wasn't that he didnt want to do it back, he was just so... Nervous and awkward.
"What?" Keith was confused, didn't Lance know that he was beautiful?
"You heard me. You are so beautiful. You may not think that, I know you fake your confidence..." Keith pauses as he leans his head against the wall, "But I am such an awful boyfriend, I never talked to you about it. I never told you how beautiful I think you are. I love everything Lance. Your long legs," Keith smiled as he heard Lance give a little laugh, "Your smooth tan skin, your eyes are the prettiest blue and it's now my favorite color, your soft hair, the way you joke to help lighten the mood, the support you give other. Hell, I even love you when you kick me off the bed at night." Keith gives a laugh, and looks at Lance whose eyes were filled with tears, "I love you Lance. You aren't a robot, you dont have to hide your feelings with me. I will change and help you. You don't have to tough your problems out alone. I will always be here. I love you."
Tears ran down Lances face the cigarette forgotten on the floor, burning out. Lance wiped his tears away and hid his face in his hands, silently sobbing, shoulders shuddering after every sob. Keith raised his hands and moved them away from Lance face, "Dont hide from me... Please."
Lance threw himself at Keith and kissed him, kissed him with all the passion he felt for Keith and Keith kissed back with same passion. Keith didnt care that Lance tasted like cigarettes, he didnt care that the kiss was filled with tears. He loved Lance, it was proved with the way Keiths lips moved against Lance. The way they pushed hard against Lances lip, the way he wanted everything Lance had to offer. Keith ran his fingers through his hair and grabbed Lances face with both hands, bringing Lance impossibly closer.
Their tongues mixed and fingers were running through each others hair and down faces, on each others backs. They finally pulled apart, breaths heavy and they looked into each others eyes, "I love you." Lance whispered as he started into Keith's dark eyes. Keith smiled and pecked Lances lips quickly, "I love you more." Lance laughed and shook his head, forehead still touching Keith's, "Impossible."
They both smiled at each other and slowly leaned away from each other. After a moment of silence Lance decided to speak up, "My legs huh?" Lance stretched one of his legs straight out. Keith pushed him jokingly, "Shut up."
"Make me mullet." Lance said back with a smile. They both laughed and stayed their with each other for hours, looking at the infinite vast of space to just cuddling. And that was alright with Lance.
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