Permission to Love
The next two weeks were interesting. Lance spent a lot of time at Honerva's racking up some cash and helping with the new project. It started amazing and they got a lot of more customers, Lotor was beginning to save his money and it was small but Lance could see the change in the pollution on the beach. It was relaxing and peaceful, just what Lance needed.
But everytime he laid down at night, two things racked his brain. One was the whole staying in Malibu thing..he hadn't told his friends in case his parents didn't find jobs and they still left. He didn't want to get their hopes up. But he had told Romelle it was a possibility. Truthfully, she was the real reason he missed New York and didn't want to leave the place forever. She was his best friend and had helped him somewhat heal after leaving Keith and his childhood behind...but Lance would still miss Romelle a lot. So that was on his mind.
The second thing was Keith. After talking about James, Keith had been slightly distant. Lance understood of course, he was taking time to get over the fact that his father was now hanging out with him. It was hard but..Keith could at least say hi. Whatever it was, Keith had his reasons so Lance would wait it out.
Work also brought its worries, mostly- actually all of it was Lotor and Allura. They were talking..a lot more..and Lance did get nervous. He didn't know Shiro that well, and he trusted Allura but it still made him uncertain.
He told himself he was worrying over nothing though.
"Yes..I'll be leaving to college with Shiro and Coran at the end of the summer." Lance heard Allura before he saw her.
She was standing with Lotor at the back if the shop. They weren't too close but Lance still eavesdropped.
"Where are you attending?" Lotor's crisp accent was just as thick as Allura's.
"Altea University."
Lance heard Lotor hold his breath.
"I'm going there to." he said softly.
Lance watch Allura's mouth fall open as she grinned. "Oh that's great!" She practically gushed. Lance calmed himself and set it aside. Let it go..he told himself..Allura just has a new friend. Try to be nice to him.
"Then I can see your pretty face everyday." Lotor's accent didn't sound so nice to Lance anymore.
Lance riled himself up to grab Lotor but Allura cut him off. "Thank you for the compliment. My boyfriend thinks so too."
Lance could practically hear Lotor's blush as he continued in a slightly more squeaky voice. "A very lucky boy, but it is nice to be going into college with one friend and hopefully I can meet yours."
"Of course." Allura said. The two voices faded away then and Lance took a deep breath. Probably nothing to worry about.
He headed home and the days passed like that, he went to Pidge's a few times but didn't run into Keith at all.
Whatever Keith was thinking, he hoped it wasn't because of him.
And it wasn't. Keith knew it wasn't Lance. And he wanted to say that but it was too hard. It was too hard to talk to anyone at the moment.. Instead he went through the days on his own.
His day with his dad had gone well, they went to an arcade and hung out playing games all day. It was fun and just what Keith needed.. The tension had loosened and it was all good. That wasn't the problem either.
It was Shiro. Shiro was always worried about Matt and leaving to see Matt which left Keith to brood in his own thoughts which didn't end well..he ended up rethinking the whole situation with Lance and how he didnt know if it was even possible to move past their past. They had never had full permission to love and look where it got them?
He knew he shouldn't be worried about it, everything was going well so far but still.. Every day when he sww Lance pass his house on his skateboard it made his heart clench and he wanted to reach out and say something but the fear and pain always took over. It was enough to drive him mad.
He spent his days watching Netflix or talking to Hunk who was easy to talk to and listened. It almost made Keith feel different that he ever needed someone to listen to his problems..he had never needed that before. Maybe he had.
Hunk also sent pictures of his younger cousins and Keith was always up for that. He even went to Hunk's house a few times over that span of two weeks and sometimes Shay was there. She helped too with her small smiles and warm hugs.
It was enough to make him stop worrying and enjoy the things he had now, and enough to make him omsy. Okay enough not to freak when Lance called him. It was Friday, around 5 p.m and Keith was in his room again getting ready to go down to the beach when the phone rang.
Of course he picked it up. "Hey." He said.
Lance's voice was pitchy. "Hey man how's it going?"
"All good." He said trying to keep his voice smooth. Lance detected the lie.
"You sure? I haven't heard from's it uh going with your dad?" he whispered the last part but Keith heard it well enough. He prayed Lance wasn't here to pity him.
"It's actually going well.. I hang out with him at the arcade a while ago and he talks to me and stuff. It's weird but we are both learning to accept it."
"That's really great." Lance said softly. Keith knew he was blushing. It was almost a reflex now when Lance spoke like that.
"Hey Keith?" Lance started.
"Are you happy?" It was sudden and out of the blue. Keith thought it was a trick question but answered honestly.
"Yes and no."
"Can I ask why?"
"I um.." Keith couldn't bring up now his worries over reality boiling over his dreams when it came to Lance.
"I just need to think things through sometimes.." He said softly.
Lance sighed. "I'm happy you're happy."
"No problemo."
"Seriously though Lance why'd you call?" Keith asked plainly. Lance never just asked how he was doing..though it was nice of him..
"Eh..actually..i'm just I guess kinda freaking out??"
"About what?" Keith asked. He was relieved. See, Lance was probably freaking out about one of his siblings or something small like a broken dish or he was late to work..that was just what Lance did. And Keith could handle that. He could handle this.
"So you know Lotor right?"
"Yeah.." Not where he thought this was going.
"Well him and Lura are kinda close..mor not close just like the potential of being close.." there was a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"I'm sure it's okay. Are you jealous?" Keith teased.
Lance sputtered. "What? N-no! But Shiro! What about Shiro?"
Keith was silent at that. Once again knowledge that was unuseful. He didn't know what to say. Here he was..knowing Shiro was slowly letting his wound heal while hanging out with Matt nearly every day and Matt was skeptical he had asked Keith about it and Keith had reassured him his brother just missed his best friend. But also here was Allura starting to like this new guy at was all leading to the same place.
"Oh yea i'm sure it's fine. She's super loyal. Don't worry."
He heard Lance's sigh, and could almost see Lance staring at the ceiling or his room.
"Are you sure you're alright Keith?"
Lance sounded unsure of himself asking that.
"I'm fine Lance. Now stop worrying about everything." Keith said smiling. Lance laughed. "Yeah you're right. Thanks."
After he hung up Keith sat on his bed and ran his hands through his hair multiple times. He had a plan.
It needed revision of course but it was a plan nonetheless, and he didn't want to tell anyone about it. Not yet.
A few days passed and Keith decided to pay Pidge a visit. Matt had taken Shiro to a convection of his so Pidge was home alone.
They talked about everything and nothing, catching up on everything. Such as how Karin was doing which was well and how Keith was doing with his father. Then Keith spilled on how emotionally wrecked he had been lately.
"I thought I told you already to just talk to Lance."
"But he has enough on his plate already I don't know..I just-"
"You're not used to having it this easy." Pidge said for him.
Keith was silent. But he nodded.
Pidge nodded and sighed. "Just take your time. I'm sure he understands he always does."
"That makes me feel worse. He doesnt deserve this! I'm so confused with what this is!"
"Exactly and when you're ready to talk you two can figure this out together. Until then.."
Keith stayed quiet for far too long. "'re right."
Pidge laughed. "I know. Now can we please make fun of our brother's sappy romance lives?" She grinned.
Lance helped pack Rachel's clothes. It was monday and the McClains were packing for New York. It was time to go see Veronica. Lance was excited to see her again it had been so long now that he almost forgot her smile. Almost.
He texted all his friends the news but said he would stay in touch. Lotor would be covering for him at work too. Not that that really reassured him though.
Roni knew they would be staying in Malibu possibly so knew there was a good chance they couldn't take her to college and that's why they would visit now.
She seemed excited over the phone and said she would be planning things for them to do when they got there.
She would be staying in her apartment and they'd be in their hotel but would see her everyday nearly. Lance was a little on the edge because he had to get on another plane and stay in another hotel but he was glad he would be with his family.
It would also give him time to relax and not have to worry about Keith or Allura and Lotor..maybe it would give Keith time to figure out whatever he was dealing with. Because Lance wasn't stupid. He knew Keith was having a problem with something...just he didn't know what.
The airport was familiar now, but Rachel and Victor's loud voices made it all a little bit cozier. He found himself falling into place with his family, his abuelita trying to keep Rachel from kicking Victor in the shin- who was trying to pull the girl's hair.
It was chaotic but familiar and Lance indulged in it. Marco looked like he always did- calm and collected though he didn't say a word, his familiar faint smile on his lips.
The plane left around 7 and Lance sat on the plane watching his phone blow up with messages from the group chat- Karin, Shiro, Allura and Coran had been added to it and it was insanely chaotic. They were all sending hello gifs and telling Lance to say hello to Roni for them- mostly Allura and Keith who knew her best.
It was funny seeing Allura trying to explain Roni's personality to Pidge who assumed she was smart and stubborn based off of the stories. 99% of them consisted in her teasing Lance.
Karin seemed to be having a good time talking to all of them and she seemed to like talking to Allura about different kinds of braids they liked to put their hair in..which made Pidge bored after a while and she began to complain which soon turned into a game of truth or dare which immediately made Lance leave the chat.
He watched the sun set outside his window, the view was breathtaking from so high up and he felt himself wishing Keith was there. Keith would say something about the sunset- something natural and poetic like he always did. Lance felt himself longing for that.
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