It's been a little over a week since Lance had gotten back from New York with his family and it was finally his first day off since before he left. It was a Thursday, and he was pretty bored. He was at home with his abuela and the twins. His parents had gone out for some "business" and taken the girls with them.
Melissa was sleeping and so was Victor so the house was relatively quiet. It wasn't too early but it was almost 12 now.
Lance had opened the windows in the kitchen downstairs so that the sea breeze ran through the house. Marco was on his phone so there was really no one to talk to.
"You should come over sometime!" Krolia's sweet offer kept replaying itself in Lance's head. He felt bad for not taking it up- but with all this back and forth with Keith..was that really a good idea? Plus he was busy with work, and Lotor and Allura's first date to be going over there.
He would like to have a nice conversation with Krolia again though, but he wasn't totally sure how James would take it if he showed up. Sure, he was getting along well with Keith and Lance was more than happy for him but that didn't mean it was a good idea to just have Lance pop up. Not yet at least.
Lance grabbed his phone. Maybe he could ask Keith when he could come over and see Krolia. Suddenly the front door opened. Marco looked up as he did to see his parents walk in. Rachel and Maria trailed behind.
"Hey." Lance said sitting up.
"Hey Lance." His mom said shuffling towards the kitchen. "Marco." She nodded. "Are they still asleep?"
"Yeah." Lance said.
"We need them up. Family meeting." Kevin said bluntly.
"Oh uh okay." Lance said. Family meeting?? Neither of them seemed sad..but they didn't give off generally positive vibes either.
Melissa was easy to wake up as she was already in the process she claimed. But Victor was a different story.
"Mhm." He said throwing a pillow at Lance.
Lance frowned. "Come on man.Family meeting." Lance tried.
"No." Victor said rolling over, wrapping himself in the blanket.
"Fine. Guess I have to drag you." Lance said, and resorted to pulling the edge of the blanket.
It unraveled, and Victor rolled out onto the ground. "Nooo." He groaned.
"Come on. Come onn." Lance urged nudging Victor with his foot.
Victor glared up at him. "Fine. Only cause I can't sleep now." He complained as he got up and pushed past Lance.
Lance followed him downstairs to see everyone sitting around in the living room. Lance took an empty spot between Rachel and Marco, turning to his parents.
Kevin stood with a hand on Rosa's shoulder as he looked over them. "So we have good news." He said a smile brightening up his blank gaze.
"As we can see. I'm assuming.." Melissa started. She stopped- knowing they wanted to share the news. But Lance already knew what it was.
"We have found well paying jobs finally here in Malibu and well-" He looked to Rosa to finish.
"We will be splitting rent with Abuela and-"
"Staying here!" Rachel finished happily.
"Yes." Rosa said smiling.
Then it was chaos- Rachel started jumping up and down in excitement accidentally bumping into Victor, who turned around in anger and accidentally stepped on Maria's arm. She began crying loudly as Victor chewed out Rachel for being so extra about everything and Lance tried to stop Victor from yelling.
Soon, Maria had been moved into Melissa's lap, Victor and Rachel separated and Lance was sitting again. "So, no more moving back and forth." Kevin said glancing at Lance. "Permanent."
Lance smiled. He couldn't wait to tell his friends the good news- they had all expected it anyway but expecting something great and then actually having it happen were two different things.
Turned out that Hunk had invited everyone over to his house that day and Lance was able to come over if he wanted to. Everyone was off of work if they had a job so they would all be available to come over. Lance saw it as a perfect chance to give out the good news.
Maybe he could ask Keith about seeing Krolia sometime too.
"Lance!" Hunk said opening the door to his already crowded house.
"Hey." Lance said stepping into the house and falling into Hunk's embrace.
The house was packed- Nico and Elaina weren't to be seen but Keith was watching something with Israel and Jose in the living room, Pidge and Dana were in the kitchen with Sadie doing something else, Matt, Shiro, Coran and Charles were sitting in the dining room playing cards while Allura was sitting on the stairs on her phone.
"Hey Allura." Lance said as they passed the stairs.
"Lonce!" She said looking up quickly before sliding her phone away. "How are you?"
"Fine. You?"
"Good." She said a little to quickly before glancing at her phone. It vibrated and she picked it up again to continue staring intently at it.
Lance glanced at Hunk who led him into the kitchen. "She's been like that since we got here but won't talk about it- my guess is Notor."
Lance nodded. "Has he asked yet?"
"Don't know."
"Hey Lance." Pidge said without looking up. She seemed to be trying to count chocolate chips on a cookie. "3 and a half.." She said under her breath.
"These aren't the same." Dana complained holding up another cookie skeptically.
"I said they should be the same as in size wise not how many chips in each cookie guys." Sadie said tiredly. She shook her head. "Hunk? Can you these two?" She asked.
"Of course." Hunk said happily grabbing the cookie from Dana and turning it over. "5?" He asked. "Now how'd that get there?.."
"Hi Lance!" Dana said waving at Lance.
"Hi Dana!" He replied just as cheerfully.
"Is that Lance?" They heard Shiro call from the other room. He ducked in to see Matt throw down his cards.
"I'm done with this. You are a bunch of cheaters." He complained.
"Lies. You're just a loser." Charles laughed.
Matt glared at him. "You were supposed to let me win." He said to Shiro.
Shiro shrugged. "I deserved this one."
Matt raised an eyebrow. "Did you?"
Coran laughed along with Matt as Shiro stared down at his cards.
"Whatcha watching?" Lance asked as he walked into the living room.
Keith didn't look up but kept his gaze on the t.v screen. "Shh." He said waving a hand in the general direction of Lance.
Lance frowned. "We're watching Sharkboy and Lavagirl." Israel said just as vaguely.
Lance turned to the t.v to see the charecters jumping around on Planet Drool. He had seen the movie a few times with his siblings- and remembered watching it with Keith one time when they were younger.
"Oh cool." Lance said. He forgot how important his message was and found himself lost in the movie.
"HE ASKED ME. HE ASKED ME. HE ACTUALLY ASKED ME." Allura's voice echoed through the house. Keith, Israel and Lance all broke out of their dream like state to pay attention to her.
Allura stood frantic at the bottom of the stairs holding up her phone. "He as,Ed me on a date." She said breathlessly.
Pidge began to slow clap from the kitchen, which followed by Dana's exuberant clapping, started up a cheer from everyone. Allura was grinning.
"Its about time." Lance muttered.
"Thanks you guys." Allura said happily to all of them.
"No problemo princess." Lance replied.
"That's what we're for right?" Keith asked smirking.
"So when's the date?" Shiro asked.
"Saturday. " she said after glancing at her phone. She blushed and smiled at them. "Surfing."
"While we're dishing out good news I guess it's a good time to say I'm staying in Malibu." Lance announced.
It was silent for a few moments. Then. "Really?!!" It was Allura giving him a huge hug, followed by Hunk and Pidge.
"This is amazing news." Hunk said.
"Glad to hear it." Shiro said suddenly by his side, with Matt.
"Yay!!" Dana said barreling into the room to hug Lance too.
Lance couldn't stop smiling. His eyes wandered to Keith who still hadn't moved. But he wasn't occupied by the t.v. He was staring at Lance.
He was smiling. A huge sunshine grin- that lit up his whole face. Lance had only seen it a few times in his entire time of being Keith's friend- but when they came around it was so worth it.
Soon, the door opened and Elaina and Nico walked in- both hauling groceries through the door. "What's all these people doing in my house Charles??" Elaina yelped as she saw all of them huddled around Lance.
"Hunk invited the over." Charles said.
"Without my approval huh?"
The room was silent. "Just joking. Make sure there's no mess though." Elaina said laughing. Everyone breathed again. "And come help with these groceries- so many wasted hands."
After the groceries were put up- everyone dispersed again. There were less people when Nico went to a friends house, Israel went to his room, along with Sadie, Jose went downstairs and Elaina and Charles went to work. Dana went to take her nap so it was just Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Keith, Lance, Matt, Coran and Shiro.
They had been playing on the Wii for a while- taking turns at Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart. Keith, Pidge, Matt and Allura were having a go at Mario Kart.
"Seriously Keith. Classic." Allura said shaking her head at Keith's charecters choice of Waluigi.
"What? Scared he's gonna kick Princess Peach's ass across the screen?"
"No. Peach is gonna smoke you. Just watch." Allura shot back.
"You can both shut it. Toad will squash you all." Pidge said comfortably wrapped in her blanket.
"Okay. Slow down little one." Keith teased.
She glared at him. "Watch it there."
"Which course?" Matt asked, trying to keep the scene non violent.
"Hey Lance." Hunk said nudging Lance in the shoulder.
"Yeah?" Lance asked turning.
"It's nice having you a part of the group- I know it must be weird, you and Keith were best friends, and we swooped in and kinda took over." He said guiltily.
"Nah it's fine." Lance shook his head. "I got new friends too. That's what happens."
Hunk shrugged. "Yeah but..anyway you're really cool. I'm sorry you and Keith didn't keep in touch."
Well James kinda messed that up didn't he?.. Lance thought. He shrugged. "It's al good. We are here now right?" He said nonchalant.
Hunk was quiet for a minute. "But this isn't what you want right?"
Lance didn't answer.
"You've done great- being a part of this friend group, helping everyone figure out their relationships and all that.." Hunk looked at Lance. "And you've been patient for Keigh. But what about you?"
Lance kept looking straight ahead. "I- I don't know."
"How do you feel about Keith now? Al this back and forth between you's blurry."
"I-" Lance stared at his hands. "I like him. I know that. I like him a lot. And...I think I was hurt and confused. I was really hurt. And I took that out on him. Like when we kissed in Tokyo? I then told him I was hurt- and I wouldn't go through that again.. I don't regret it but he grew so distant again and it hurt again, and I started feeling like I fucked up again you know."
"Yeah." Hunk said. He didn't need to say more. Lance was on a roll now.
"And everyone keeps saying be patient. Give him time- but honestly I'm so sick and tired of waiting. I haven't given up on him. And I understand that he is confused and hurt and slow about this but...I sometimes wonder if this is really supposed to work out..when we kissed I was living in the moment hell I was relishing that moment. But the second it was over, reality hit me. This didn't work the first time Hunk. And it doesn't seem that this path is any different."
Hunk nodded. "Keith is scared. I know that. He doesn't know how to move forwards with you and he doesn't know how you feel. You both are at the same place- not knowing. And that's not getting you anywhere." He shrugged. "That is the exact thing you had before, and that does make the path the same."
Hunk was right-both of them were going based off of assumptions and too much emotion but when it came down to the nitty gritty they both wanted the same thing- each other. And that Lance knew he wanted but wasn't sure about if Keith did.
"He likes you too. He hasn't said it but it's so clear man." Hunk whispered.
Lance didn't answer. It was too much growing through his mind right now. He needed a break.
"Your turn Lance." Keith said turning around. He held out the controller. It was casual, but because of how Lance had been feeling he couldn't have been more grateful.
"Thanks." He said trading spots with Keith.
He needed to sort this out with Keith.
It was Saturday- and time for Allura's date with Lotor.
"She's too fidgety." Shiro commented.
He stood with Coran watching Allura as she got out of the car and walked down the beach to meet Lotor.
"She is. But she'll loosen up." Coran said. "I hope all goes well- we can have Lotor as a close friend."
"You act like we are hiring him for a mission or something."
"Aren't we?" Coran asked seriously. He looked Shiro in the eye.
"What..." Shiro shook his head in confusion.
"Just joking." Coran said hitting Shiro on the back. He turned back towards the water.
"But I was right." He said.
Allura was standing by Lotor now. As she had visibly relaxed- her shoulders had fallen and she was laughing, her hair loose and flowing down her back shining in the afternoon sun.
"Yes, yes you were." Shiro agreed. Lotor's smile was visible all the way from across the beach and it was clear he was just as excited as she was as they grabbed their boards but still stood there talking.
"I guess this is our cue to leave?" Coran asked.
They got in the car but didn't leave for another half hour- just to make sure.
"You're friends are very nice." Lotor said.
"Yeah I don't know what they said in the conversation but I hope it was nothing embearing toward me.." Allura said thoughtfully. An image of Pidge popped in her head. "Or hostile towards you.." She added.
Lotor laughed. "No- they were just very pushy..they care about a lot." He said quietly.
Allura nodded. "What about your friends?" She asked.
Lotor shrugged. "Scattered. None that I really associate with or can list off.." He looked back at her smiling. "Not important though." He said.
Allura smiled back despite not being content with his answer. "Could we just talk for a bit? The waters are pretty crowded right now..." She said.
Lotor looked out at the people washed through the waves. He shrugged. "True. Sure." He sat down next to her in the sand and they laid their boards next to each other's. "What about?"
"Hm." She racked her brain. "Lance did apologize to you right?" She asked.
"Oh yeah he did. I told him it was fine- I was actually sorry for intruding you and Shiro's relationship. Couldn't keep my eyes off you apparently." He smiled.
Allura blushed. "It's ok- I love Shiro but we weren't meant to be more than friends."
"Hah. I don't know how he could give you up." Lotor chuckled.
Allura took the compliment. "Thank you but he realized he was missing what was right in front of his eye. Him and Matt have been close for years- and he pushed away his feelings."
"He's lucky Matt took him. Some wouldn't go back for second chances."
Allura thought of Pidge telling her about Lance rejecting Keith after their kiss in Tokyo- rejection wasn't the right word though. Postponement? Considering? "Yeah. He should be careful."
Lotor nodded. "Your friends interest me. Each of them are so different. I thought I'd figured it out- and then there's something else."
Allura laughed. "That's true. They like you too. Coran praises you for always being on your toes immensely and Pidge keeps calling you a prince."
"Am I that handsome?" He asked laughing.
"Yes you are." Allura said.
Lotor smiled at her. "You're lovely."
"Thank you." Allura said blushing again.
"Some of your friends are so secretive- interest me more. Like Keith. He seems secluded. Why is that?"
Allura weighed her words. "He is just careful, cautious. Can't afford to get hurt again."
"I know it's not my place. But why is that?"
Allura watched the waves lap against the sand turning it a dark brown under the sun's intense rays. The white froth almost reached her outstretched toes. "Lance." Was all she said.
Lotor was silent for a long time. Allura was too and she knew that was why. He knew where to bother and where to not push. That's what she loved most about him.
"Lance and Keith knew each other when they were six. They both moved here from different places- Lance from Cuba and Keith from Texas- they bonded over being away from home." A strong wind blew her hair in her face. "And they stuck together all the way through elementary school and middle school, they-" she didn't know how to say it. Things she couldn't understand.
"They loved each other Lotor." Allura said glancing at him. "It's sad..they loved each other and then...they never said anything and then."
"Lance left."
Allura nodded. "Now that he's back it's taking them forever to get back to where they were- and they don't feel the same. It's really sad." she said gloomily.
"They'll come through." Lotor said. "Can't really tell from my point of view though- I haven't met any of them in person other than Lance. And he doesn't talk about Keith at work." He said casually.
Allura nodded. "Yeah. I just don't know." The people had started to disperse and the water looked so clear and welcoming.
"Do you want to um go now?" Allura asked gesturing to the waves.
Lotor grinned. "Of course." He said.
They grabbed hands and their boards and headed off towards the water.
"What is this?" Lotor asked looking at his plate.
"Ask your girlfriend. She ordered for you." the waitress rolled her eyes and stalked off.
Lotor looked up at Allura patiently. "It's sushi." She shrugged.
"Sushi.." He lifted the plate a bit to look at it from a different angle. "Are you sure cause I've had sushi and this.."
"Just eat it. Gosh." Allura said laughing.
Lotor took a bite and shrugged. "Interesting." He smiled at her.
After they had surfed, the sun had set and they had went to eat dinner. Allura's choice.
"This was nice." Lotor said looking out at the beach. They were eating in the outdoor area of the bar/grill and could see the stars glistening over the dark water.
"So." Allura said. She took a deep breath and a leap of faith and reached out for Lotor's hand. At first he fidgeted before turning to look her in the eye and holding her hand.
"So." He said quietly holding her gaze. They continued to smile at each other blushing under the night sky.
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