Educational Joyride
Veronica's apartment was just as Lance remembered just emptier? Her roommate had moved out only a week prior to them visiting so lately Roni had had the place to herself.
"It's not as great as it seems.." She shook her head as she showed her family around. "Paying rent on my own is incredibly difficult but soon I'll be ditching this shit hole for Virginia."
"Veronica!" Rosa said slapping her arm. Roni's eyes shot up as she remembered majority of the party was under the age of 13.
"Sorry." She whispered. "I uh mean this dump." She said shyly.
Lance grinned. He had forgotten how unfortunate his sister's vocabulary was and how difficult it was for her to refrain from using it.
"So..did you guys get a good hotel?"
"Yeah.." Melissa spoke. "A few blocks away..this is a nice spot. I always thought of Manhattan as I don't know more trashy..?"
"That's the Queens. I have a friend who lives there. Definitely not as nice though there are places in New York that are nicer than this place too." Veronica shrugged.
"I like this place. It has a soft couch!" Rachel announced as she plopped on the white furniture.
Veronica smiled. "Our's isn't so soft after you've been jumping on it for the past month!" Victor barked.
"Only because it annoys you." Rachel said laughing.
"Big window!" Maria said placing her hands and face on the window that took up half of the wall across from the entrance. Marco stood next to her looking down at the street bustling with cars and pedestrians.
"Well yes my apartment is alright but..there are other places in the city to go! Come on I have a whole list!" Veronica said with a grin.
Of course being in Manhattan for two years, they had already visited The Statue of Liberty, Central Park and Rockefeller Center but Veronica had her own secret list of places she thought were much more suited for their visit especially since Melissa had not lived in New York.
"I have plenty of things for us to do over the next two weeks." Veronica said pulling out her phone. "But today I was thinking.." She scrolled until her eyes lit up. "MUSEUM OF MODERN ART?!?"
Marco gasped, a grin lightning up his face. He spoke quietly. "I've always wanted to go there."
Lance sighed. "More museums??"
"This isn't a normal museum Lance this is an educational joyride!" Veronica insisted.
"That's what Hunk said every time.." Lance groaned.
"I'm fine with whatever." Victor shrugged along with Rachel who was more into looking out the window with Maria who turned around.
"Big window?" She asked her eyes wide.
"Plenty of big windows." Veronica smiled.
Maria smiled wide. "Well seems settled." Kevin said clasping his hands together.
"Yay!" Veronica said grabbing Marco's hand and rushing out of the apartment. Everyone followed Lance last trailing behind his father.
"Don't worry this might actually be fun." Kevin said patting him on the back.
"It's not that it won't be...I've just been to so many museums in the past few months..." he mumbled.
"Well then you can say you have been to all those places right? And hopefully learned something." Lance groaned at that, it was exactly what Shiro had told Lance last time he had complained about too many 'educational joyrides'.
"Keep your chin up." Kevin said. Lance nodded once again wishing Keith was there with him. That boy would be the death of him.
Keith was having the same issue. He thought if Lance went off to New York, Keith would stop all this worrying and hopefully sort out his feelings.
And he had, with the help of Pidge and Hunk he had sorted out that he wasn't upset about Lance leaving or anything in Tokyo. He just had a small crush on Lance.
Simple. And Keith had blamed all his emotional wreckage on it but it still made him uneasy. That's how it had all started..a simple crush.
But maybe that was okay, they could do this again- but not jack it up so horribly this time. It would be smooth, and easy.
Right? Keith sighed as he sat on the beach. He was once again on the rock, which he knew was going to trigger thought on Lance but he still loved the view from sitting on it. He had taken up watercolor painting again like he had when he was 12 but he was never really good.
He sat on the rock watching the waves lap against the sand, the sky perfectly clear and sunny. He was trying to capture the merge of the ocean and the sky far out in the distance but he somehow couldn't get the transition of blues to look real. He sighed after the 10th time and laid the painting down beside him and sat back on the rock.
There were other things on his mind too. Like his plan. It had to do with Shiro and Allura of course. He had planned to have them talk out their relationship- he had already thought about it after Shiro and him talked to James but his plan was confirmed after Lance's critical observation of Allura taking a liking to "Lotor".
Keith didn't know the guy but it sounded like him and Allura might have something. Of course, he didn't really have any opinion of that other than if Allura and Shiro were to break up it wouldn't be harsh for either of them.
It would work perfectly, they tell each other it would be better being friends and their true feelings for other people and bam! A smooth clean break up and Shiro could finally tell Matt how he felt and have Allura's support and Allura could be free to have feelings for Lotor.
It was a win win but did have flaws. And that was exactly why Keith felt he needed Hunk and Pidge's help with it. He hadn't told them the plan yet but was planning on it.
He headed to Hunks house because apparently Sam was home and busy so Pidge was already at Hunk's. It was pretty loud there like Lance's house only because there were 8 other people in the house- Hunk's parents, Elaina and Charles. They had Hunk's older sister Celine when Elaina was only 16 but with the help of Elaina's father Jose, they were able to provide for Julia.
Then Hunk came along a while after when Elaina was 19 and soon after her and Charles got married. Then they had Nico, Israel and Dana. It wasn't long before they settled in Malibu and Jose moved in with his girlfriend Sadie.
Now, other than Hunk he had 4 siblings, his parents and grandpa along with his girlfriend. That was enough sound. Nico was 13, so going through puberty but he was a nice enough guy and enjoyed playing the drums. Israel was 10 and only liked playing video games or eating cereal. Literally all he did, other than bug Nico. And Dana..Dana was Hunk's little princess as he claimed. She was insanely sweet and innocent, only 5.
She clung to Hunk whenever he was home and she really liked talking to Pidge, Keith and Shay. Shay was over all the time and loved to do Dana's hair or the other way around.
So when Keith arrived he wasn't surprised when he entered Hunk's house. Nico had opened the door nodding at him before asking how his day was. Nico looked just like Hunk except more scrawny and his hair was shaggier. But he had the same smile.
Elaina was in the kitchen doing dishes, Jose was beating Israel at some game while Dana was being dragged across the ground, while holding onto his ankles. Pidge sat playing cards with Sadie at the kitchen table while Charles was most likely upstairs.
"Keith!" Dana cried letting off of Hunk's ankles and running towards him at full speed. He reached down and scooped her up like he always did and her face broke into a grin.
"Hey man." Hunk said spotting Keith. Keith nodded placing Dana down before heading into the kitchen to see Pidge. She nodded at him before looking at Hunk. "Come on guys." He said to the two of them.
They all headed up to Hunk's bedroom. "So uh..what is it you wanted to tell us?" Pidge asked sitting on Hunk's bed.
Keith spinned around twice in Hunk's rolling chair before answering. "I have a plan."
At their raised eyebrows, he explained Shiro's feelings for Matt that he has held back for so long because he feared of James rejecting him and how he had cleared it up with his father but still didn't tell Matt how he felt because he was dating Allura and didn't want to hurt her. Then he explained Allura's new liking to Lotor, the new guy at Lance's job.
"So.." Keith said taking a deep breath. "If we can bring it to each of their attentions that the other might like someone else there is a good chance we can get them to talk out a smooth break up and they can be just friends."
Hunk cocked his head, and Pidge narrowed her eyes but they both smiled.
"You know I didn't know you had it in ya." Pidge mumbled.
"What?" Keith asked.
"Putting together such a diabolical plan." She answered.
"Diabolical?... I wouldn't say that..more like complex?" Hunk suggested.
Pidge shrugged. "Touche."
"Why not? I am definitely capable of that." He insisted.
"Eh..yeah. But this might not work.." Pidge said.
"Yeah." Hunk nodded. "Shiro and Allura are not the type of people to.."
"Act? Yeah I know okay? They both are definitely going to hesitate and most likely not agree but it's worth a shot right?" Keith asked.
Hunk and Pidge looked each other in the eye before shrugging and smiling. "Fine. That could work but we need to be careful..."
Keith rolled his eyes. "So peculiar you two."
"Hey! These two are sensitive we have to be peculiar!" Hunk reasoned.
"True." Keith agreed.
"Well I'm curious.." Pidge tapping her chin. "Can we find out more about this.. Lotor?"
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