The next two weeks of Lance being away went quickly, Shiro was spending nearly everyday with Matt getting "Bro time" with him to make up for being away so long. It was quite weird especially since Keith knew Shiro liked Matt as more than just a bro.
Pidge had been spending her time going through Lotor's instagram so she already knew him pretty well before she even met him.
She had also spent time with Keith and Hunk planning Shiro and Allura's talk. Keith had talked to Lance multiple times about his plan as he tweaked it with Hunk and Pidge. Lance was glad that Shiro wouldn't be heartbroken and said the plan was a great idea.
Now all Keith had to do was encourage Shiro to talk to Allure and get Allura to see reason before he put them to it. Hunk decided it would be easier if someone talked to them individually and told them somewhat about the plan so they could go along with it. Everyone agreed- as in Lance, Keith and Pidge and they decided Saturday was a good day. Keith decided to contact Shiro first.
Shiro was at the Holt's watching Netflix with Matt. They'd been binge watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt for the past two hours since it was Matt's favorite show. Another episode finished and Matt sighed leaning back,letting his hair fall loosely over his eyes.
"Shiro?" He asked.
Shiro was looked over at him. "Yeah?"
Matt sat up looking at Shiro. "Um well I was just wondering like... why are you spending so much time here?"
Shiro felt a blush creep up his neck before he cleared his throat. "Wha- what do you mean?"
"I mean it's cool and all but you never was around before this."
"Well I missed you during the trip.. "
"You sure that's all?" Matt asked. Shiro saw Matt's fear in those deep brown eyes and he hesitated. It was subtle,but there.
"Yeah that's all." He lied. How could he explain that he had a crush on Matt and come to not fear being with him as much as he could?
He still feared telling him.
"Ya know... it's been nice these past weeks hanging out with you." Matt said absentmindedly.
Shiro didn't know what to say to that so he didn't say anything at all.
"I have been skeptical of course but it's like something clicked in your or something... but I could be wrong." He said shrugging. "You're not the same but.." He smiled at Shiro. "I like you better this way."
Shiro chuckled. "I'm still the same." He said nervously.
Matt nodded eyeing him. "Yeah okay.Next episode?"
Shiro nodded and pushed his emotions aside. Matt was too close to him to not realize his feelings sooner or later..
Matt was smart. Really smart. Smart enough to figure out Shiro pretty quickly- especially since they'd been friends for so long.
And Shiro knew he needed to get over Matt quickly, Matt wasn't going to the same college as Shirt next year- it was inevitable for them not to drift apart and Shiro wasn't good at long distances thought at some point he'd have to break it Allure that he didn't want this anymore..
"Oh Shiro I almost forgot to tell you!" Matt said pausing the show.
Shiro snapped out of his thoughts. "What?"
"So I was still looking at college right? And guess where I got a scholarship to??"
"Harvard?" Shiro asked sharing Matt's enthusiasm.
"No. ALTEA!" Shiro felt his heart speed up as he took in what Matt had said... If Matt went there Shiro would most likely have a chance at asking him out.... He couldn't make it awkward though.
"Matt that's great!"
"Yeah they have this super cool space program that I am definitely going to check out and also."He smiled at Shiro. "You're going to be there now." he smiled. Shiro's heart fluttered.
"And Allura and Coran of course, so I don't have to take on being such a young student on my own right?"
Before Shiro could answer or even let the new information sink in, his phone rang.
"Uh hold on a sec Matt." Shiro said sneaking out into the hall as Matt continued on and on about Altea's space program.
"Keith? What's up?" Shiro asked as he answered the call.
"Hey man. You got a second?"
Shiro glanced back into the room before heading downstairs. "Yeah why?"
"Well just wanted to talk. What are you doing?"
"Um..was watching Netflix with Matt..until you called."
"As i suspected."
"What is going on Keith?"
"Nothing nothing.."
"Yeah okay. But he just told me he is going to Altea."
"Oh that's really great. Even better actually."
"Keith i'm serious. Tell me what you're planning." Shiro said with a long sigh.
There was silence on the other end but Shiro swore he could hear giggling..was that Pidge?
"Okay okay Shiro so here's the thing. I have a plan. That I came up with with Hunk and Pidge." he announced.
Shiro shook his head sitting down at the kitchen table. "Oh god. Okay..does this have something to do with me?" Shiro asked. He already knew the answer.
"Yes. You and Allura."
Shiro blinked. " propose.."
He heard Keith sigh before he spoke. "The thing is i'm pretty sure Allura is liking this other guy named Lotor? Don't freak out.."
"I'm not.." He said quietly trying to understand what was going on.
"So we thought since it's quite obvious she might like him in time what if you told her how you feel about Matt? You both could explain yourselves and then move on with the people you truly want to be with."
Shiro stayed silent. "Everything okay down there?" He heard Matt call from upstairs.
"Yeah everything's fine." Shiro called back.
"So.." Keith said. "What's it going to be?"
"Shiro agreed." Keith said confidently tossing his phone on Hunk's bed.
"Yay! That's great." Hunk said grinning.
Pidge walked in. "So did Allura. It was surprisingly easy actually."
Allura had apparently been on her lunch break- talking with Lotor, shen Pidge called.
"Shiro is a kind guy honestly. I think you two would get along well." Allura said. She had been telling Lotor about her boyfriend.
"Yes. I think we would."
"And then there is my Coran. He has also been my best friend since I was little..he is kinda wacky and takes time to get used to but you'd like him to. And then there is Keith- Shiro's younger brother. He is really great. He is super a dry humor kinda way?? And he is sensitive but won't show it. And then his friends Pidge and Hunk..Hunk is the sweetest person in the world and Pidge is super smart and caring too. And her brother Matt is close to Shiro,and he is super smart too but not as extravagant as his sister." She chuckled as she ranted on and on about her friends.
Lotor felt his heart speed up. She looked so beautiful with her hair moving around her head from the wind- and her smile was so bright and warm-
"And then Lance. You've met him and he might seem..uptight around you but he is a great guy." she finished.
"I'm sure he is. I'm fine being patient." He said smiling. Allura smiled back.
"So tell me about you." Allura said sweetly.
He sighed pushing back on his chair. "Long story short- I was just a rich kid and then my parents got divorced-"
Allura gasped placing a hand on her mouth. "Don't- it's okay. They're fine. As you can see-" he gestured at Honerva working in the back room.
"They get along well enough to work on a website together right?" He smiled. "It just wasn't working out though..they had different views and- I stayed with my father while my mother started a life here and met you. It never really bothered me though that I didn't have both of them with me..."
Allura placed a hand on his arm her eyes full of pity and kindness. Lotor smiled back shyly. "It's alright I visited in the summer and it was fine by me. Plus I'll be spending equal amount of time with both of them once I go to college. I'm going to Altea mom went there and I just-"
"I'M GOING THERE TOO!" Allura announced wrapping her arms around him. He tensed but slowly softened his body.
"Oh sorry..was that too much?" Allura asked softly stepping back. Her and Lotor had been friends for a few weeks and yeah- she was excited to be going to the same college as him but could she expect him to be as excited? Or to even want a hug??
"No. Just fine." He said standing up. "Can I have another?" he asked so quietly Allura thought she misheard him. Until he opened his arms.
She dived into his embrace and they stood there hugging for a while. It was the first physical contact they had had other than the short hug Allura had initiated at Lotor's announcement and a few arm brushes here and there. It was a huge leap across a line Allura didn't know existed- but she liked it.
They hugged for a long time- but it wasn't awkward. Just comfortable. Which surprised them both.
"So. You're going there too.." Lotor said when they sat back down to continue eating.
"Yeah." Allura said stabbing her fork into her salad. "My dad went there too. That's actually where he first met and became friends with your mom- but Coran's whole line of relatives went there too. So of course he is going too. You can't imagine how much he rants about his uncles and grandfathers..."
Lotor laughed at that. "So Shiro?"
"Yeah he got in too so that'll be nice for all of us to be together you know?"
Lotor smiled. "Yeah."
"You seemed hesitant talking about your mother going to Altea..everything alright?"
"Um's just I almost feel like I have this whole like I don't know.....legacy from my mother looming over me. She was such a good student and everyone knew her and her teachers know I'm coming and...I want to go. I do it's just..."
Allura nodded silently. She knew a lot about being put upon a pedestal from something her parents had done. She had been deemed a scientist because of her mother's success or they thought she would be a lawyer like her father- which only led to more summer camps and after school activities than she had wanted.
She still didn't know what she wanted her career to be and she was going into college soon..
"Forget the legacy alright? Just be yourself. I like you for who you are- and I'm sure everyone else can to if you don't try to be anyone else okay? And your mother loves you for you. I know that much. So don't be scared to be true to yourself." Allura said.
Lotor nodded but he still looked pained.
"Sometimes I try to remember what it was like when they were together." He whispered softly. Allura looked over at him, quietly watching his face shadow.
"I was only 3. But I slightly remember a memory. Just one...I replay it in my head. I have since I was 6 so I could remember it. They took me to get ice cream. They were so happy- we were so happy.." Allura watched as he lost himself in his memories.
He looked up at her. "I'm so sorry..this is too sad. I shouldn't put this on you."
Despite the conversation taking such a turn, she smiled. "It's okay. That's what friends are for right?"
He smiled. Then her phone rang. "Excuse me." Allura said holding the phone up to her ear.
"Hey Pidge. What's up?" She asked.
"Um nothing. Just needed to talk to you real quick."
"Um. Everything okay?" She asked.
"Yea yeah. All good. Are you alone?"
Allura glanced quickly at Lotor, biting her lip before sliding outside the shop. She let her feet sink into the sand before answering. "Yeah now."
"Good. Okay so here is the thing. Let's make a deal."
"Umm okay." Allura said not sure if her friend was making a reference to the game show...
"You let me speak. You listen. You don't judge and don't interupt. I give you priceless information."
She was very confused now. ""
"Great...listen now." There was shuffling and ruffling before Pidge spoke again. "Okay so I've been thinking- along with Hunk and Keith-"
"Wait what?"
Pidge sighed. "I said no interrupting didn't I?"
Allura groaned. "Fine.."
"Okay. So anyway..the three of us have been observing and well. Don't take this the wrong way but Lance told Keith that you have this uh friend at work..and well you seem to talk about him a lot so..who is he? How do you feel?"
"Is that what this is about?" she asked tiredly.
"Ugh. He is just a friend."
"Okay. How do you feel?"
"Hello?? Did you hang up on-"
"Pidge Pidge I'm here.."
"Oh.. So.."
"I think...can you keep this between you and me?"
"No promises princess."
"Okay! For now..but just saying it might change the plan and well then I'd have to tell Hunk and Matt.."
"But for now yes."
"Just tell me!"
"Fineee..i might like him. But does not change how I feel towards Shiro okay?"
"KNEW IT" Pidge said laughing.
"Yeah yeah..I know..doesn't change how I feel..I love him..we are dating..I wouldn't hurt his feelings." She mocked in a british accent. "Allura?"
"Have you ever considered that you might not love that anymore?"
Allura was silent.
"Like just as a close best friend but not to be like your boyfriend? don't want this anymore but instead to be free..and maybe see where this thing goes with Lotor?"
Allura still didn't speak. Pidge tried not to push..she really did but..
"I don't's not a bad thing. It took a lot for you guys ro get together in the first place yes but..all good things end right? But that's not bad."
"Does Shiro know." Allura said, her breath barely more than a whisper.
"Does. Does Shiro know how I feel about Lotor."
"No. No one knows..except me. But a few of us suspect. Not Shiro though I don't think."
"This won't...hurt him will it?"
Pidge sighed. "No actually. Which brings me to the other thing.." She built up suspense for a bit by staying quiet.
"Heh just joking! Okay but um..Keith has some input on Shiro."
"What do you mean?"
"Well. Apparently.. and Allura don't get hurt by this."
"I wouldn't."
"Okay. So apparently Shiro has had feelings for Matt for a while..and he has hidden them down because he thought it would..well make his father ignore him."
Allura was silent. She knew how James treated Keith after he came out...she didn't know Shiro has hidden his true self because of that.
"But when he came home from Florida..well Keith persuaded him to talk to James. They both did- Keith setting his relationship straight with his father and Shiro..well Shiro told his father who he really was. It was an emotional night Keith says but..Shiro seems better. He even has spent a lot of time with Matt lately."
Allura didn't know what to say.
"You okay?..."
"I'm fine yes. Thank you for telling me everything Pidge."
"That's not all?"
"Oh no. We xant leave you two like this."
"Dear this! All sappy with each other when you want something else!"
"Well when you put it like that.."
"That's the only way! But that's the plan I was talking about!"
"I feel guys planned for me and Shiro to break up?"
"I knew you'd get it!"
Allura was silent. It made sense..but it was so sudden and..well...
"Shiro has been going through all of this?" Allura said quietly.
"Yes. But Allura I know what you're thinking- and he would've told you sooner if he didn't care how you felt. He didn't want to hurt you. Keeping his feelings about Matt hidden was doing just that." Pidge said just as softly.
Allura gulped. That was true. Shiro did that for her.
"And he didn't tell any of us really..only Keith. Maybe being more open with his feelings when he is with Matt...maybe he won't be so secretive.." Pidge said. She seemed to be talking more to herself than Allura. But it was all Allura needed to set her mind.
"Let's go through with the plan." she said.
"Oh uh what."
"Let's go through with the plan." Allura repeated.
"Uh- ok. This is great!"
"So what are the details?" Allura asked.
Keith stared at his phone for a long time before calling Lance. Everything had ran smoothly- Allura and Shiro had both agreed to meeting up and talking the following day. Now it was Keith's turn to relay the news to Lance.
Lance picked up. "Hey Keith."
There was yelling in the background. He heard Lance yawn.
"Hey..are you busy?"
"Nah. Just Victor and Rachel again."
"Oh. How's it going?"
"Really good. We haven't been to any museums in a while so that's good. But we see Veronica a lot I forgot how much I missed her laugh."
Keith smiled. "That's great. Tell her I said hi next time you see her okay?"
"Sure thing pal. So what's up?"
"Nothing much..I finished that one painting though. The ocean view?"
Keith had shared his watercoloring with Lance, showing him his failed attempts to paint the merge of the sky and waves.
"Oh that's great Keith..though I think all of them were pretty amazing. Do you think I could see this one?"
"Yeah of course. Also I am working on another one."
"Oh cool what is it?"
"Oh it's a surprise."
Lance was silent. Keith had only thought of the gift a few days ago but he still thought it was amazing. He had decided to paint multiple things merged together- their houses, the park, the rock, and their hands..casually intertwined. It was an intimate gift- a story of their lives together but Keith felt it was necessary. But it would take time. He hadn't even started.
"For me?" Lance chuckled.
"Yea for you."
"Aw thanks man."
"You don't even know what it is."
"I'm sure it'll be amazing whatever it is."
"Maybe." Keith said. But he couldn't stop smiling.
"There's more good news too." Keith said.
"Today, we got Shiro and Allura to agree on meeting up to talk about breaking up mutually."
"That's great! How'd you do it."
"Well I worked my brotherly charm on Shiro..took him some time but he came around. The rest..ask Pidge. She called Allura."
"Hmm..that little one has tricks up her sleeves."
"What did I tell you?"
There was a crash in the background on Lance's end and screaming. Some crying too.
"Um..everything okay?" Keith asked.
"Uh yeah yeah..Can I talk to you later?" Lance asked quickly.
"Yeah yeah. That's fine. Bye."
"Bye." He said before hanging up.
Keith stared at the phone again, he hadn't realized he had been gripping the phone so tight but sure enough he had almost lost circulation. He let the phone go.
He sighed before grabbing his watercoloring kit and heading down to the beach. He was going to start on the painting for Lance.
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