Chapter 2, Warning: Lemon if you no like no read this one
(3d Person)
(If you are wondering what lance is wearing this is what he is wearing)
Keith and Lance go into the school at the same time for some odd reason and Lance notices Keith right away. "Oh hi my name is Lance I live on the other side of the street from your house whats your name?" Lance said,
"N-nice to meet you Lance I'm Keith." Keith said, *bell rings* Lance says, "well time to go to class nice meeting you Keith bye!" "B-bye!" Keith said,
#time skip to free time with no teacher for home room and Keith and Lance sit next to each other in home room
(Keith's POV)
I kept a secret from Lance and the secret is that I'm a male neko and male nekos can go into heat sooooo yeah...... But I don't know if anyone loves be more than a friend all I know is that Lance loves to touch my thighs in free time home room I heard the teacher always has an excuse for not being here well other than that it's weird in this home room class just like the other we have no teacher, and people fuck each other in home room but that's not what I'm going to be doing, I'm going to be doing my homework for this class not me getting fucked or I'm fucking someone just doing my homework. I was relaxed after I did all my homework until....... I felt myself go into heat so I decided to ditch class and Lance had to go to the bathroom so he left for a bit I saw him walk by me in the Hall I wanted his touch but I couldn't have it but I think he is straight not gay, but I guess I was wrong once Lance saw me ditch class he noticed what I was hiding because he smelled something very sweet come off of me.
(3d Person)
Lance pinned Keith against the wall in the dead gateter's closet and Lance kissed Keith's neck and Keith was shocked when that happend so what Lance was he kissed Keith and Keith let Lance kiss with his tongue and Lance touched where Keith's dick was at and Keith moaned from the pleasure so Lance took all of their clothes off and Lance made Keith turn into his neko form and made him love the pleasure of Lance's dick inside of him #time skip to 1 hour later
Lance finally came inside Keith.
I told you guys I would make it longer well sorry for the yaoi is you don't like it but you still read it well bye!
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