⚠️Cussing, talk of medicine/pills (but they are from doctors), slight talk of depression but not really⚠️
"Oh well... Kenma and I went to the adoption place so he could see his friends again and I thought that next time Akaashi would like to come too because they haven't seen him in a while." Kuroo answered as Kenma and Akaashi moved over to the couch, Kenma instantly cuddling up to Akaashi and shutting his eyes.
His head rested where Akaashi's scent gland was so every time he breathed in he got a whiff of the Owl's calming scent. (Because he was used to Akaashi more than Bokuto or Kuroo he was much better around Akaashi's scent then their natural ones.)
"Oh that sounds fun!" Bokuto said with a grin as he sat behind Akaashi, pulling him into his chest again so the three of them were in a large cuddle train.
"I have a sense of Deja vu here." Kuroo said as he sat down on the other side of the couch.
"Join the cuddle boat, I'm sure Akaashi and Kenma wont mind." Bokuto said as he pulled Akaashi closer to himself making Akaashi bring Kenma closer to himself.
"No it's fine, you three cuddle. I'm going to go and work on lunch." Kuroo said as he stood up.
He was about to walk away from them and into the kitchen when he heard what sounded to be a mix between a whine and a whimper making his turn around and look at Akaashi and Kenma.
Kenma's blushing face gave away that the sound had come from him along with Akaashi's smirk and Bokuto's confused face.
"What was that? Are you two okay?" Bokuto asked being the loveable, oblivious person he is.
"I'm fine love, that was Kenma and I think he just wants to go with Kuroo right?" Akaashi asked Kenma who's blush meirly darkened in response.
"Well if that's true then you can help me make lunch if you want." Kuroo said as he moved over to Kenma and held out his hand for him to take.
Kenma took Kuroo's hand and Kuroo pulled him up with ease.
The two then walked into the kitchen and started to make everyone lunch. Well Kuroo made everyone lunch as Kenma played Animal Crossing on his phone, occasionally looking up from his phone to watch Kuroo do whatever he would be doing at the time.
"Are you okay Akaashi? You look like you have something on your mind." Bokuto asked as they moved so Akaashi was cuddled into his chest, their arms wrapped around each other and their legs semi tangled together.
"If I tell you then you have to swear that you won't tell anyone." Akaashi replied instantly gaining Bokuto's full interest.
"I swear I won't tell anyone." Bokuto promised as he put his hand out like some boy scouts do.
"I am almost one hundred percent sure that Kuroo is Kenma's mate." Akaashi replied making Bokuto pull a surprised Pikachu face.
"Really? Like how we are mates?" He asked lowering his voice to a whisper considering they hadn't told anyone that yet.
"Yep." Akaashi replied with a confirming nod and a small smile at the mention of them being mates. He was so happy that Bokuto was his mate, he really got lucky.
"Do you think Kenma knows? Does Kuroo even know what a mate is?" Bokuto thought aloud.
"Kenma knows, it's impossible for a hybrid to not know who their mate is after they have met. As for Kuroo knowing what a mate is... I have no idea. He may have done some research but I don't know. You could try and ask him in a subtly way." Akaashi replied as he nuzzled his head into Bokuto's neck.
"Okay! How about I talk to Kuroo about it and you talk to Kenma about it?" Bokuto suggested as his grip on their hug tightened slightly.
"Sounds like a good idea." Keji said with a smile as he relaxed fully into his mate's embrace.
"Lunch is ready everyone." Kuroo said as he and Kenma entered the room, a tray of turkey and cheese sandwiches in Kuroo's hand as Kenma held bottled drinks.
"Yay! Thanks bro!" Bokuto said as he sat up, bring Akaashi with him.
"Yes thank you Kuroo-san." Akaashi said with a nod before he and Bokuto took a sandwich each.
"No problem, I'm just being hospitable." Kuroo stated before taking a bite of a sandwich after putting the tray down onto the coffee table.
Kenma put all of the drinks down on the coffee table as well and the couple thanked him for those.
Eventually all four boys were sitting on the couch eating their food and drinking their drinks, a random movie playing on the tv screen.
"Hey Kenma, would you like to come upstairs and talk for a minute?" Akaashi asked once they were all done with their food.
"Sure." Kenma agreed as he and Akaashu stood up before looking at Kuroo and Bokuto.
"We will be up in Kenma's room if you need anything." Akaashi said before grabbing Kenma's hand gently and walked with him up the stairs and to the neko's room.
"So what did you wanna talk about?" Kenma asked as he jumped onto his bed landing with a soft thud.
"You and Kuroo being mates." Akaashi answered bluntly making Kenma instantly sit up and stare at him wide eyed.
"What?!" He asked loudly making Akaashi instantly hush him, he didn't want Bokuro or Kuroo coming up there and hear what they were talking about.
"It is pretty obvious love, you don't warm up to people as quickly as you warmed up to Kuroo and you sure as Hell don't cuddle them this quickly either." Akaashi said as he moved so he was now sitting next to Kenma.
"I-... is it really that obvious?" Kenma asked as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"To other hybrids yes, to Kuroo, no. He seems happy that you cuddle him but I don't think he knows that you and him are mates." Akaashi explained getting a nod from Kenma.
"On an unrelated but important note, do you have your suppressing heat meds already? I know your heat is coming up soon and I also know that you are still way to young for kids." Akaashi asked knowing that he would go to the store with Bokuto and bye Kenma some if he didn't already have any.
"Yes I do, they are in the drawer." Kenma said as he pointed to the bedside table's drawer.
"Good." Akaashi said after opening the drawer and checking to see if Kenma would have enough to last him through the full heat.
"And you know that even with the pills you will still want to at least cuddle with Kuroo all of the time right?" Akaashi reminded as he put the pill bottle back into the drawer before laying down onto the bed, Kenma cuddling up to his side.
"Yeah I know. I hope he won't mind." Kenma said nervously at the thought of Kuroo not being okay with it and his inner neko becoming sad and possibly depressed at the semi rejection.
"Well if for some reason that he isn't okay with it, even thought I am one hundred percent sure he will be fine with it, then you can call me and I will come and pick you up and we can cuddle." Akaashi reasured as he pet Kenma's hair getting a string of purrs in responce.
"Thank you 'Kaashi." Kenma purred before his eyes started to droop.
He had already been tired and now he was comfortable and knew he was safe so he slowly let sleep take over.
"I hope Bokuto and Kuroo had a good talk as well." Akaashi thought as he got out his phone knowing that Kenma would sleep for a while.
*Time jump backwards to Kuroo and Bokuto*
"Bro, I jot a question for you." Bokuto said once they both saw Akaashi and Kenma dissappear upstairs.
"Shoot." Kuroo said as he leaned back into the couch.
"How much do you know about Nekos?"
1,370 Words! I will probably update again tomorrow ( / later on today bc it's already 12:08)
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖
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