⚠Cussing, Kuroo being a simp, low key death threats(?), I think that's it, plz tell me if I'm wrong in the comments!⚠ (This was also done on my computer so the spacing might be weird, sorry.)
The next morning Kenma woke up first and was startled when he saw a chest.
Last he rembered Akashi's chest wasn't this large or built, nor was Hinata's.
He then looked up and saw that it was Kuroo's chest and blushed darkly.
Kenma knew that Kuroo was his mate and was actually quite happy that he was. With out any hybrid's mate they always have an empty feeling in their heart that can only be filled by the presents of their mate and their mate accepting them.
He was very happy that Kuroo was nice, effectuate, liked video games, and seemed to actually like Kenma.
Kuroo slowly started to wake up having felt Kenma's eyes on him.
"Good morning." He mumbled, his voice much deeper than normal thanks to him just waking up.
"Morning." Kenma replied with a blush, Kuroo's voice was much louder in to him than to anyone else because of his Neko ears.
"So how did you sleep last night?" Kuroo asked as he moved one of his arms from Kenma's back to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
"Good and you?" Kenma asked as he started to move so he wasn't bacily laying on top of Kuroo.
"I slept great, you must have some sort of magic or something." Kuroo chuckled making Kenma smile lightly.
"Maybe I do." Kenma half joked. A special trait of his was that whoever he was sharing a bed with wouldn't have bad dreams, that's a reason why people would come to him at the home after they had a nightmare.
That's also why he couldn't sleep alone anymore, he was always used to sharing a bed and cuddling with someone else.
"Do you really?" Kuroo asked sounding genuinely curious.
"I do yeah, I don't know how though. Everyone at the home would come to me if they didn't want to have nightmares or if they just woke up from one. We would cuddle and then fall back asleep." Kenma replied as he sat up so he was now sitting beside of Kuroo instead of cuddling with him.
"Thats cool, and also very sweet of you." Kuroo said with a small smile before he saw Kenma staring at the door, seemingly lost in thought.
"Are you ok?" He asked trying and failing to not sound conserned.
"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." Kenma replied quickly as he snapped out of his thoughts.
"Okay... so I was thinking that we could go by your old place and you could talk to your friends again today after breakfast if your okay with that." Kuroo said casually as he got out of the bed and walked to his closet to grab some clothes for the day.
Kenma's eyes widened at the statement. "Really?" He asked in disbelief, how did he get so lucky with a nice person?
"Yeah if they will let us I was thinking you could introduce me to some of your friends." Kuroo replied as he changed into some comfortable yet classy clothes.
"I-I think they will, you said we would leave after breakfast?" Kenma stuttered in shock, he didn't think that he would get to see Hinata or anyone else again in person and yet here he is being told that he will after breakfast.
"Yep! We can pick up food on the way there and then eat in the car if you want, you need to change into day clothes though." Kuroo replied as he came out of the closet now wearing a floral button up shirt and a pair of skinny jeans that showed of his slight curve's.
"Okay." Kenma said with smile before leaving the room to go and et changed into a Zelda t-shirt and some jeans.
Once they were both ready to leave they got into the car and headed to Taco Bell for breakfast. (Taco Bell sold bacon, egg, and cheese tacos and so they got those.)
By the time they had reached the building they had both finished their food and quickly got out of the car.
"Oh no, did Kenma not fulfill your needs?" the office lady asked with a small frown when she saw the two walk inside.
"What? Oh no ma'am, he is perfect. I was just wondering if there was any way if we can go and talk to the others?" Kuroo replied as Kenma moved closer to him, slightly hiding behind him.
"Oh that's good although I don't know about perfect. Also yes you two may go and see the others." She said as she looked Kenma up and down before turning to a door to her right.
Kuroo's eyes darkened as he glared at her when she implied that Kenma wasn't perfect but they quickly returned to normal when he felt a small hand grab onto his.
He looked at their hands before looking up to see Kenma blushing brightly.
"Don't worry about her, can we please go in now?" He asked as he looked up to meet Kuroo in the eyes.
"Okay Kitten." He replied with a smile as he laced their fingers together before sending the lady one last glare and moving to the door that led to everyone's room.
Once inside of the room Kuroo instantly saw so many different hybrids. Yes he had seen a few of them for a second before when he first got Kenma but now he could truly see them... They all looked cool as Hell.
"Kenma?!" A small, orange headed boy yelled sounding confused yet happy as he ran over to the two before tackling Kenma into a large hug.
Kuroo and Kenma's hands un-latched as Kenma caught the boy in his arms, hugging him back with a large smile.
"Hi Hinata." He said as he put the boy down into the ground yet stayed hugging.
Hinata suddenly pulled out of the hug and turned to Kuroo.
"Why are you two here? Are you bring Kenma back? Did you do anything? I WILL fight you if you hurt him!" He said as he attempted to get in Kuroo's face to seem more intimating but only came up to his mid chest.
"We are here so Kenma can see you guys and maybe introduce me to you all, I am not bring Kenma back for him to stay, and I would never hurt him so you don't have to worry about fighting me." Kuroo answered knowing that even though this boy was tiny that he could probably kill him thanks to his hybrid half.
"Oh... Well I'm Hinata Shoyo!" Hinata said with a large smile as he held his hand out for Kuroo to shake, his attitude changing instantly.
"Kuroo, Tetsurou." Kuroo said with a short nod as he shook Hinata's hand.
"What's going to over here?" A person with grey, almost silver hair asked as he walked over to them all, instantly smiling when he saw Kenma.
"Kuroo brought me to visit you all." Kenma replied as Suga pulled him into a hug.
"Aww yay! Hey everyone! Kenma is back for a visit!" Suga yelled to everyone after covering Kenma's ears in an attempt to muffle out his voice.
Kenma flinched slightly at the raised tone but quickly purred when he felt Suga caress the ears.
"Could we all sit down somewhere to be more comfortable?" Kuroo asked as he internally glared at Suga for having Kenma bacily cuddle him while standing.
"Oh of course!" Suga said with a smile as he took his hands back from Kenma's ears and started to walk over to a little area of the room that had a lot of chairs and a few beanbag chairs as well.
The three followed him, Kenma shaking his head slightly in an attempt to get his brain to become less fuzzy.
They all eventually sat down, Tanaka, Noya, and Yachi all joining the group and sitting down in the beanbag chairs.
Kuroo sat down in one and moved another closer to his own for Kenma to sit on.
Kenma noticed this and sat down on the beanbag yet Hinata sat down right next to him and clung to his side with one of his arms around his torso and his head resting on Kenma's shoulder.
That's when they all heard a low growl...
1,350 Words! So sorry for the slow update! I had writers block...
Anyway, I will probably update another chapter tomorrow! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖
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