⚠️Cussing, talk of drunk people⚠️
After taking Kuroo's hand, Kuroo pulled Kenma up and off of the couch before showing him every room of the massive house.
After a while of the tour they finally came to the last two rooms.
"This is your room, you can decorate it however you want. I don't mind." Kuroo said as he opened a door revealing a room with a large bed, a desk, dresser, love seat, and a walk in closet.
Kenma's eyes widened at the size of the room as they took in every inch of it. It was so nice and so much bigger than the one he had at his "first home".
"And the last room is my room." Kuroo said, gently pulling Kenma out of his room and into his own.
Kuroo's room had the same furniture as Kenma but instead of a love seat he had a beanbag, his walls were full of Volleyball stuff, and there were plastic stars on his ceiling.
"You can stay in here with me if that would make you more comfortable but your room is always an option." Kuroo said knowing that Akashi never wanted to be actually alone when he was first out of the house.
He stayed with Bokuto for the longest time before coming out more and becoming more comfortable around him.
Kenma nodded, blushing lightly at the offer before Kuroo led him back downstairs.
"So what do you think of the house?" Akashi asked as Kenma moved to sit next to him.
"Its big..." Kenma answered as he cuddled into Akashi's side and chest.
"But pretty." He added as Akashi moved them so he was leaning up against Bokuto's chest and so Kenma was cuddled up against his own.
"I feel like a fourth wheel." Kuroo half joked as he sat down on the other side of the couch.
Kenma looked over at him. "He has been nice to me this entire time..." He thought before looking up at Akashi who nodded and unwrapped his arms from his waist.
So Kenma moved over to Kuroo and nuzzled his head against his arm, his fluffy cat ears brushing against Kuroo's chin.
Kuroo's eyes widened at how soft Kenma's hair was as he wrapped the arm around Kenma's shoulders.
"You don't have to do this if your more comfortable with Akashi. I was only joking." Kuroo said only to get Kenma cuddling closer to him, admitting soft purrs back in responce.
Kenma's tail wrapped around Kuroo's thy subconsciously as Kuroo ran a hand through Kenma's hair causing Kenma's purrs to become louder.
"He likes you." Akashi smiled at his smaller friend and older friend's interaction.
Kuroo smiled happily. He was quite relieved that Kenma liked him. It would have been quite awkward if he didn't.
Kenma started to play with the buttons on his suit before looking up at him.
"This can't be comfortable." He muttered, pulling softly at the suit jacket.
"Your right. It isn't comfortable. I'll be right back." Kuroo agreed as Kenma sat back from him and back into Akashi's embrace.
Kuroo got up and went up to his bedroom to change into something more comfortable.
"I just realized I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Bokuto Kōtarō and I'm Akashi's boyfriend." Bokuto said with a large smile as he heald out a hand for Kenma to shake.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Kozume Kenma." Kenma said as he shook Bokuto's hand. It was kind of an awkward handshake considering they were both cuddling Akashi but neither seemed to mind that much.
Just then Kuroo came back down the stairs.
"Hey bro, Akashi and I were thinking of going back home around now. It is getting pretty late." Bokuto said as Kuroo sat back down on the couch.
Kenma's eyes widened at the thought of Akashi leaving and let out a whine of protest as he nuzzled closer to him.
"No your not, it's too dark outside and the drunks are out by now. For right now you guys can stay in here." Kuroo said noticing Kenma's reaction.
"Can Kenma stay with me tonight?" Akashi asked rembering how Kenma didn't like to sleep in a bed alone when he could help it.
"If he wants to then yeah." Kuroo answered as Bokuto pouted.
"What about me 'Kashi?" He asked even though he knew that if Akashi had asked then it was probably for a good reason.
"You can stay with me bro." Kuroo said as Akashi stood up.
"Okay bro." Bokuto replied with a smile and a laugh.
"Well Kenma and I are pretty tired so we are heading off to bed. Goodnight you two." Akashi said as Kenma waved to the two still on the couch before Akashi led him up to his room.
Because Kuroo lived in a mansion (bacily), it had a total of ten bedrooms so most of his friends had their own rooms there.
Akashi and Bokuto shared a room, Kenma had his own room, Kuroo had a room, his friend Lev had a room there, Daichi, Asahi, Iwazumi, Tsukishima, Kiyoko, and Enoshita all had their own rooms there but not many of them ever stayed over for long.
"Do you have your pajamas with you?" Akashi asked once they reached his and Bokuto's room.
"Yep." Kenma said popping the 'p' as he flopped onto the bed.
"Do you want me to go and get them?" Akashi asked with a smile at seeing Kenma acting like his old self again.
"Nope, I'm going to get them." Kenma said as he got off of the bed before going to his room, grabbing the pajamas, and coming back into Akashi's room.
By the time he was back Akashi had already finnished changing clothes and was already under the covers of the bed.
"How the Hell did you get changed so quickly?" Kenma asked as he started to change.
"Magic." Akashi replied with a laugh as he looked up at the ceiling, allowing Kenma privacy.
"G'night." Kenma mumbled as he cuddled up to Akashi's side.
"Goodnight." Akashi replied before they both let sleep take them away to dream land.
*Back down to Bokuto and Kuroo*
"So why did you get Kenma? I know you were going to get someone but why Kenma?" Bokuto asked as he faced Kuroo on the couch.
"I don't know. From his description he seemed like a cool cat." Kuroo laughed at his own joke as Bokuto shook his head in disapproval.
"That was one of the worst jokes you have ever said ever." He said making Kuroo pout.
"But seriously, why did you pick Kenma?" Bokuto asked getting them back on topic.
"In all honesty I don't know. I was just kind of drawn to his photo and then I met him in real life and wanted nothing more then to hug and protect him." Kuroo said as he scratched the back of his neck.
"You may be his mate. Most creature/human hybrids have mates. I'm Akashi's." Bokuto said proudly as the two started to walk up the stairs to Kuroo's room.
"What do mate's do?" Kuroo asked as they reached his room.
"Well if they are dominant like you are the they will protect their mate at all cost, make sure their mate is safe and comfortable, help their mate during their heat if they have one, and overall just love them. But you have to be careful because most creatures when in heat can get pregnant no matter the gender." Bokuto explained as he and Kuroo changed into pajamas.
"Wow...that- wow." Kuroo said trying to process all of the information.
"Don't think about it too much, we aren't even sure if you two are mates yet. Now let's sleep." Bokuto said as he flopped down onto his side of the large bed.
"Yeah your right. Goodnight bro." Kuroo said as he laid down on his own side of the bed.
"Night bro." Bokuto said back before they too fell asleep.
1,339 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖
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