"Could I stay with you again tonight? I know I didn't look scared but those movies were fucking terrifying." Kuroo asked as he stepped into the room.
"Sure." Kenma said as he slid to the side on the bed giving Kuroo some space.
Kuroo walked in and moved so he was under the covers before wrapping an arm around Kenma's waist, big spooning him.
"Are you okay with this?" He asked as he rest his head on Kenma's shoulder.
Kenma nodded mutely as he shut his eyes.
Kuroo hummed before moving so he had his head nuzzled into the crook of Kenma's neck.
Kenma's eyes opened quickly as he turned around to face Kuroo, startling the taller male.
"Whats wrong?" Kuroo asked sounding consirned.
"Your nose almost hit my scent gland." Kenma said as he made sure to not make any eye contact with his mate.
"What's a scent gland?" Kuroo asked as he pulled his face back a little so there was more room between them then before.
"Its a spot on all hybrids between their neck and shoulder. If a dominant hybrid is mated with a submissive one then it's where they would put their mate marks on each other. If there isn't a dominant hybrid then it's where submissive hybrids give off pheromones to fellow hybrids. Also when in heat the scent gland gives off an amazing smell to the submissive's alpha mate no matter if they are human or hybrid. They also swell from time to time when the hybrid wants... sexual affection. The way to get them down is to kiss them and the hybrid. Oh and they are extremely sensitive to the touch so that's why I moved so quickly." Kenma explained making sure Kuroo understood everything.
"I think that's the most you have ever said at once." Kuroo said after a minute of him processing all of the information.
"Thats what you have to say after all of that?" Kenma asked giving Kuroo a "bitch really?" Face.
Kuroo chuckled, "No that's not all, sorry it just shocked me for a second. Could you show me where your scent gland is so I can make sure not to touch it?" He asked with a smile that reasured Kenma.
So Kenma nodded and turned back around so his back was facing Kuroo's chest again before pointing to a spot between his neck and shoulder.
It was slightly raised from the rest of his skin and was pretty obvious now that it had been pointed out.
"Okay, I'll do my best to avoid that." Kuroo stated as Kenma turned back around so they were chest to chest once more.
"Thanks." Kenma said before resting his head on top of Kuroo's chest.
"Where would my scent gland be? And do I still have a scent?" Kuroo asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"It would be right here *he pointed to the same place as his own but on Kuroo's neck* and yes you do. Everyone had their natural scent but hybrids scents change depending on what pheromones they give out." Kenma replied before laying hid hand down on Kuroo's chest next to his face.
By now Kuroo had moved so he was laying on his back back Kenma would be more comfortable.
"Can I ask what my natural scent is or are you annoyed by now?" Kuroo asked as he ran a hand through Kenma's hair trying his best to avoid his ears so he wouldn't purr too much.
"Your natural scent is a mix of Volleyball rubber and pine. You aren't annoying me, if you have questions then I will answer them if I know the answer." Kenma replied getting a smile from Kuroo.
"Do you know what your own scent is?" Kuroo asked, to him Kenma smelt like rose petals and apple pie. It was a kind of weird combination but he liked it.
"I've been told that I smell like mostly apple pie." Kenma replied rembering when Hinata complained that his scent made him hungry for some apple pie once.
"Because Bokuto and Akaashi are mates does that mean that Bokuto cab smell Akaashi's pheromones?" Kuroo asked rembering the time when Bokuto (accidentally) told him that they were mate's.
"If they have mated and/or fucked then yes. If not then no." Kenma replied before letting out a yawn.
"I'll ask more questions tomorrow if I can think of any more. We should go to sleep now." Kuroo said, internally fanboying at how cute Kenma's kitten yawn was.
Kenma nodded before shutting his eyes again. He soon fell asleep to the lulling of Kuroo's steady heartbeat.
After a few minutes Kuroo too fell asleep from the warmth and comfort Kenma brought.
*The next morning*
The two woke up at about the same time, both of them still in a sleepy state.
"Good morning Kitten." Kuroo said as he rubbed some of the sleep out of his eyes.
"Morning." Kenma replied as he cuddled closer to Kuroo, having moved slightly away from him during the night.
"What do you want to do today?" Kuroo asked as he wrapped his arms back around Kenma's back.
"Whatever you want to do." Kenma replied not really caring what they do.
"Then how about we go back to sleep for a while?" Kuroo asked as he shut his eyes again.
"M'kay." Kenma replied as he too shut his eyes, neither one of them bothering to check the time.
After about half an hour Kuroo's phone went off in an alarm.
Kenma winced as he covered his ears, the blaring alarm extra loud for him.
"Why do I have an alar-" Kuroo cut himself off when he saw what the alarm was for.
"Oh shit, I have a Volleyball practice game in an hour." He cursed as he got up, Kenma clinging onto his shoulders.
"So much for sleeping in longer." Kuroo said as he gently moved Kenma off of his lap and got up, already taking his shirt off as he walked into the closet.
"Hey Kenma, go ahead and go to your room and get dressed. Then meet me in the kitchen please." Kuroo said from the closet as he changed into his uniform.
"Okay." Kenma replied before getting up to his room and putting on a pair of nice fitting jeans, a t-shirt, and a chain choker.
He then walked down to the kitchen where he found Kuroo rummaging through the cabinet.
"Are you okay with a granola-bar and an apple for breakfast?" Kuroo asked as he turned around with two granola-bars in his hands.
"Yeah, that's fine." Kenma replied with a nod as he grabbed them each an apple.
"Okay good, let's go! Also my team is going against Bokuto's team so you will be able to watch me, Bokuto, and Akaashi all play considering Akaashi joined Bokuto's team." Kuroo grinned as he walked to the door, Kenma following behind him.
"Sounds fun." Kenma said as they walked to the car, Kenma getting into the passenger seat as Kuroo got into the driver's seat.
The two drove in mostly silence, the radio playing random songs as their only source of sound until they reached a large building.
"We're here!"
1,214 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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