Chapter 22
Hope you enjoyed the special! Just in case I didn't let you know, mum's surgery was a success! I dedicate my entire story to mah bestie ElinorWoodburn!! Luvoo Elinor
Your P.O.V
You stared down at the ring Sebastian had giving you only three days ago. You sighed and imagined what life would be like with Sebastian as a husband and, possibly, a father. You always dreamed of having kids, especially since you work so well with them. "(Y-Y/N?)" Sebastian said quietly, opening the door and walking in. He looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet nervously. Huh? What's got him in a dally? "What's wrong?" "Nothing its just that... Well we never discussed it but... Uhm... I know how much you love kids and we can, if you want to, you know... Have one" he mumbled awkwardly, not looking up from the ground. You smiled, gently kissed his cheek and whispered "Only if you want to, my love" in his ear. He blushed furiously and nodded his head before you kissed him lovingly and headed out the door to begin your chores. Sebastian had taught you how to control your inhuman speed and use it to get housework done quickly and professionally. You soon finished washing, drying and tidily putting away the huge stack of dishes within minutes. As soon as you finished you slipped your gloves back on your hands, which hid the Faustian contract seal. You stared at your gloved hand and remembered the dreadfully painful day when the mark appeared on the skin of your left hand, knocking you out for several days and nights. You remembered Sebastian whispering "Its time" to Ciel then picking you up in his arms and sprinting to your room as you screamed in pain. You would never forget how it felt; the feeling of someone carving into your skin with a red hot poker. You quickly snapped out of your flashback as you heard Finny and Pluto playing in the garden. You marched over to him and said "Finny, don't you have work to do?" He nodded and hung his head, but you just gave him a pat on the back and told him to hurry off to work. You found that being a lot nicer to the other servants improved their way of working. Instead of them cowering in fear at the thought of what Sebastian would think, they would happily skip off to work everyday and get the job done faster and better. You approached Pluto, who was currently in his naked human form and getting ready to tackle you. "Down boy, down!" You said as he leapt onto you and licked your face, making you laugh. He retreated and sat down, whimpering like a sad little puppy. "No, its okay Plu Plu, you're not in trouble" you said, petting his head and sneaking him a small dog treat. His eyes brightened and he thanked you with another lick and ran off to chase a cat. You giggled and shook your head as you made your way back to the manor, only to bump into a robed chest. "Adrian! What're you doing here?" You asked the silver haired man. There was no smile on his face as he looked down at you. "What's wrong?!" You yelled, knowing that when Adrian wasn't smiling, something bad has happened, or shit was about to go down. He grabbed you hand and pulled you into a hug as he cried, tears rolling dow n his face and landing in your hair. You pulled back and said "Are you gonna tell me what the fuck is going on?!" "I-its your father, (Y-Y/N), its William!" "What?!" "He's had an... Accident" he whispered, hugging you again. This time you hugged back as you cried uncontrollably. "W-will he be okay?" You asked through the tears. "I d-don't know. He's in s-surgery" he howled and you hugged him tighter. "Adrian, please, I hate seeing you like this. I swear he'll be okay. I know it" you reassured him. He mouthed 'thank you' before heading back to his parlour. You fell to your knees with your head in your hands, crying. You felt drops of water land on head and eventually you were soaked in water. Lightning flashed across the sky before the thunder 'boomed'. (lol :D ) You felt your head hit the muddy grass as you cried over your father. You shuddered from the cold but you didn't care, knowing that your father is in a much worse situation. "Please be okay, daddy" you whispered as you passed out.
Sebastian's P.O.V
Huh? Where's (Y/N)? I thought as I walked in the young master's study. He had a chess board set up with none of the pieces moved as he waited. "Sebastian, where the hell is (Y/N)?!" "I'm not sure, bocchan" I said worriedly. "FIND HER THEN!" Ciel shouted, standing up and slamming his hand on the desk. "She's your responsibility now! HURRY UP AND GO!" he screamed as I hurried out the door and searched the entire manor, looking for her. I was about to give up hope when I looked out the window and saw a familiar red reaper picking her up off the grass and flying away with her. "(Y/N)!!!!" I screamed, banging on the glass as Grell went through a portal with my Kitten in his arms.
Grell's P.O.V
I heard Sebastian screaming her name as I went through the portal to the Grim Reaper Dispatch. "Well," I thought aloud, "What was I supposed to do?! She was just on the ground, in the rain, completely vulnerable! I couldn't just leave her" I looked down at her and smiled, as she snuggled into my chest. I carried her bridal style to her father's home. I won't let you down Will, I'll look after her, I swear! I kicked open the door and rushed into the spare room which William had prepared in case (Y/N) had ever visited. I ripped the soaked maids dress off her and grabbed a towel. She lay there on the floor, still asleep as I dried her as best as I could he slipped a nightgown on her. I pulled a red hair dryer out of my coat pocket, plugged it in and dried her (H/L) (H/C) hair. I brushed it for her before putting her in the (E/C) bed and tucking her in. I kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek gently, before heading to the kitchen and making myself a mince pie.
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