Chapter 5
Soz about all the author notes. I srsly need an opinion on the 'Important Author's Note' so if you haven't read it can you please do so and help me out, it would really mean a lot if I got feedback so I can improve my writing.
Your P.O.V
Just as you finally felt yourself drifting off to much needed sleep the door was opened and a large demon stepped inside, followed by Sebastian and Kira, who were both confused with obvious fear showing in their eyes. You noticed that Kira's eyes had finally settled on two colours. Her left eye was deep crimson, like her father's, while her right eye was (E/C), like your own. Quickly getting to your feet you rushed forward and embraced Kira, relieved that she was alright. Pulling back you tuned to Sebastian, whose appearance was mortifying. His torso was covered in many slowly healing scars and bruises. He wore a new pair of black dress pants, socks and shoes while Kira and yourself were wearing the same dresses you arrived in, the fabric torn in many places. Sebastian leaned down and placed a tender kiss on your dry lips. When you pulled back a guard marched in and threw princely robes at Sebastian while another demon, a female, walked in with a cushion in her hands, Sebastian's crown on it. "You're all free to go and the King has promised never to harm a single member of your family for the rest of time. The King and Queen have given their approval of your relationship," the woman said with fake happiness as she recited her small speech, almost in a way that made it sound as though she had been rehearsing it for days and had grown bored with it. "What? I thought I had to make a sacrifice" Kira gasped and clapped a hand over her mouth at the news, staring at Sebastian with a horrified expression on her face. "If it makes you feel better, I was going to offer myself," he added quickly, the distress in his voice obvious at the sight of her expression. You knew that Sebastian feared the day Kira would look at him like that, for you both knew that she would probably never look at him the same way again depending on the situation. To Sebastian's relief, Kira's expression softened greatly, and you found yourself glad that he mentioned he would kill himself to save you and her. "A sacrifice has been made" You were genuinely interested as she said this, yet confused at the thought of who it may be. "Who was it?" Sebastian asked for you, his curiosity piqued as well. "A grim reaper, otherwise known as your father, Princess (Y/N). His name was William T Spears" You frowned and titled your head a little as you thought of all the grim reapers you knew. "I don't know a William T Spears, but he will forever hold a place in my heart"
William's P.O.V
I spent the rest of my day with Grell, wandering various cities of the world without having to collect souls or watch over soon to be victims of death. Holding his hand we strolled through London, visiting places of importance for the both of us, including the Phantomhive Manor. Ciel had been sent home from Hell a few days ago and had returned to his daily activities, except his demon servants were no longer by his side. Grell and I found that Mey-Rin had to stand by the young Lord without her glasses on with guns in her hands from twelve am to twelve pm every day, while Finny took over the remaining hours, making sure to take extra precautions when preparing Ciel for bed. "Why the unexpected visit, Mr. Spears? I assumed you would be working during the day" I knew this question would eventually be asked, and I had been bracing myself for it during tea. By now the other servants had stopped what they were doing to listen in on the conversation, but I didn't mind. Squeezing Grell's hand I answered, "Sebastian, (Y/N) and their daughter were supposed to die tonight" Ciel dropped his cup of tea, his one azure eyes wide as a dinner plate. "He has been forced to make a sacrifice, but he will give himself instead of either Kira or (Y/N). However his father, King Lucifer, will kill the two of them in a furious rage" I could feel my voice trembling as I told the tale, even though I knew it wasn't going to happen anyway. "This doesn't explain your being here with Grell," Ciel said quietly as he stared down at his lap. "I have made a deal with the King. Because I am a blood relative of (Y/N), I am 'eligible' to be chosen for the sacrifice. If I let them kill me, then Sebastian and my precious girls will be safe from the Royal family and their guards for the rest of their lives. The catch is, no one will remember me aside from my executioners and the Royal family," I sighed before I continued, "I'm here to say my final goodbye" Mey-Rin gasped and I could hear Finny and Baldroy crying beside her. Standing up I thanked Ciel for the tea as I gave him a quick and awkward hug before leaving, deciding to spend my last few hours with Grell only, especially after realizing that I had already been to see my other colleagues at the Dispatch and Undertaker, who I willingly shared some jokes with. Sitting on a bench in an empty park in the reaper realm I engaged Grell in a heated but loving kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as our tongues danced in perfect rhythm. Pulling away I gasped for air, a string of saliva still connecting our lips. "God, I wish we didn't need oxygen," I breathed, Grell letting out a loud laugh. I started laughing along with him, feeling the absolute bliss in the moment. The moments I spent with Grell not caring about anything else in the world were the times in my long life I loved the most. All I ever needed and wanted was sitting right here in front of me, in the body of a gorgeous cross dressing man. "I can't believe there was a time you hated me and my sexy body," Grell joked. "Hell yeah, its sexy," I replied, laughing a little as I shook my head at the ground, a bright smile on my usually stoic face. "It's painful smiling for so long, how do you do it?" I asked playfully and he only smiled a little wider, grabbing my tie and pulling me in for another kiss. I let him dominate the kiss and it only became more passionate by the second until my wrist watch started beeping loudly, making me pull back. "Don't you dare cry, sweetheart," I said as a tear fell down Grell's porcelain face. I cupped his cheek in my hand and stroked it with my thumb as Grell's eyes widened. He jerked a little and a reel of film started to 'fly' out of his chest. Each square of the Cinematic Record had a memory of Grell and I, starting from our first days together until now. "William," he said sadly, "They're disappearing one by one. I can barely remember the day I met you" This time it was my turn to cry as I said, "I know" He placed his hand over mine. "I want you to know that I've always loved you, from the first time you kicked my ass" I laughed and so did he as more tears rolled down his cheeks. "I love you too, and I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner" "Don't be sorry. I'm just happy you loved me in the first place" I suddenly felt a white light surround me and I softly kissed Grell until I felt an unknown force pulling me away. "Goodbye. I love you"
The feels. Oh dear god I just went on a feel trip... THAT I CREATED! Why. Why was I planning for this?! Now that I've accidentally added my OTP to the story I just made it 10 times worse!
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