Chapter 16
Hey guys! For those of you who don't know, I haven't been updating lately because of my brother wasting all the Wi-Fi and my depression. It's getting better though <3
Your P.O.V
Sitting beside Sebastian on the bed you read the beautifully written letter from Kira and Adrian informing you that they both were safe and had started a happy relationship, which was soon confirmed by a few adorable photos attached. While you approved of this relationship Sebastian was still a little skeptical, since Kira is his 'little princess.' "If he even thinks of breaking her heart he'll have me to deal with," said demon growled, yet you knew he was still happy for Kira, since he couldn't help but smile at the photo of the two of them staring into each other's eyes, a soft blush on both their cheeks. "Adrian's eyes are still prettier than mine," you whispered jokingly, leaning your head on your husband's shoulder. "Not to me," he muttered back and, regardless of whether you were supposed to hear that or not, your heart fluttered in your chest and your cheeks that were now pale from being inside all the time were decorated in the loveliest shade of pink. "Sebastian?" He hummed in response and shut his eyes, his breathing starting to slow as he relaxed only for his body to tense up when you asked him a question. "Do you think Kira would like a little sister or brother after this fiasco with Claude and Alois is over?" After thinking about your question for a minute he relaxed once more, letting out a small sigh before answering. "I suppose we could ask her. I'd love another child." He placed his hand on your stomach and you could just imagine a son or daughter kicking against his hand, the both of you laughing in joy at such a small movement. You were brought back to Earth by Sebastian clicking his fingers in front of your face, chuckling in amusement when he saw your dazed face. "Sorry, I was just thinking. I'd like another kid too." His eyes lit up in excitement and his smile widened, making him look like a silly little puppy who was just offered a treat for being a good boy. Just to amuse yourself even further you forced your ears and tail out, your highly sensitive cat ears easily picking up the hitch of his breath before it became ragged and uneven, his heart loudly pounding against his ribcage. Looking up at his face you saw his smile had dropped and his mouth was open in a small 'o' shape along with his now fuchsia eyes being clouded with lust and adoration. You felt one hand gently stroking your ear while his other hand petted your tail, so you instinctively thrashed your sensitive tail around while your head leaned into his touch, your ear twitching slightly. A loud purr escaped your throat and your cheeks flushed in embarrassment earning a slight gasp from him. "You're so cute," he whispered, making sure not to talk loudly and hurt your ears. You nose wiggled, much like a rabbit's, in gratitude and you smiled sweetly before you froze in your spot, sharply turning your head to the side. Taking in a whiff of the air you knew something was incredibly wrong, since your heightened sense of smell was picking up every scent except one. "Ciel isn't in the manor. He hasn't been for a while."
Undertaker's P.O.V
I woke up to the sweet smell of my favourite cake and I inhaled the delectable scent, sighing heavily as my head began to spin. Licking my lips, I sat up in my bed and looked around, recalling the events of the previous night as I noticed the messily bundled up sheets and small articles of clothing that had been tossed in many different directions. Missing the warmth of my beloved Kira I hastily made my way out of bed and stumbled to throw on a random selection of pants and a shirt, neglecting to button up the shirt as I made my way downstairs. Caught in a daze once more by the amazing smell of banana cake I unconsciously made my way into the kitchen to see Kira dancing around the kitchen in nothing but one of my shirts while beautifully singing a song. Leaning against the door with my arms folded I adoringly watched her dance, softly tapping my bare foot on the cold wood floor to the beat of her song. Deciding I'd had enough I stepped into the room and cautiously wrapped my arms around her waist, placing a kiss on her neck before whispering in her ear. "Good morning, Beautiful. Nice singing voice you got there." She jumped and turned around to lightly slap my cheek, wrapping her arms around my neck afterward. "Thanks," she said with a light blush. "I think I got it from my dad's side." Nodding a little I tenderly pecked her lips and reluctantly removed my arms from her waist just as the oven started to beep, signaling that the cake was ready. "Better get that cake out." "Good idea."
Sebastian's P.O.V
(Y/N) and I, after changing into a cleaner pair of clothes, rushed to the Trancy manor, the two of us figuring that that was the more likely place Ciel would be. Of course, before we left, we had to alert the other servants of our sudden departure and remind them to be ready of a possible invasion. Although I highly doubt they'll survive a demon attack, they can still try their best. Bursting through the gate we sprinted down the driveway, my nostrils flaring in anger as I caught the scent of Ciel. My anger only worsened and my demonic aura grew when I realized that my precious dinner had been tampered with, and I think (Y/N) also knew since her pace had quickened to the point where I couldn't even see her running beside me and I could've sworn she also had a fire trail following her as she ran. Watching her admirably I almost forgot about my reason for being here, but I soon remembered when I got another whiff of 'Ciel's' soul, also picking up my pace until I was running so fast I had to reveal my wings to balance myself. Skidding to a halt in front of the manor steps I folded my wings into my back, glancing to the side to see (Y/N) slightly breathless and I wondered why Trancy required such a long driveway, although I didn't question it further since it allowed me to let my wings out for the first time in a long while. "What the hell is wrong with Ciel?!" (Y/N) shouted as I started to kick down the large mahogany door, not even caring about (Y/N)'s question at all. When the door was finally down I angrily stormed into the manor to see Claude on one of the upper balconies with a confused look on his face. "God damn it," he said exasperatedly, leaping over the balcony railing and approaching me. Opening my mouth to start shouting at Claude I was interrupted by said demon himself. "Don't ask me where the boy is, I don't know." All our questions were answered when we heard a loud shout. "SEBASTIAN! CLAUDE!" Frowning I couldn't but feel that while it was Ciel talking his voice sounded entirely different, as though it were someone else using his voice. I discovered I was correct when Claude's eyes widened, two words slipping out before the two of us rushed forward, entirely forgetting about my precious (Y/N) who was rooted the spot the whole time. Two words. That's all it took for me to understand. "Your highness!"
This is one awesome chapter in my opinion. Although towards the end I sort of stopped being awesome and started rushing even though I don't know why. I don't have anything to do today :P
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