Chapter 24
Your P.O.V
This party is getting so BORING! You thought as you leaned against the wall of the ballroom, watching couples dance across the floor. Mey-Rin, you noticed, was taking turns dancing with Finny and Bardroy so you decided to join them. "H-hey" you muttered as you stood next to him, watching Finny and Mey-Rin have the time of their lives. "You wanna dance?" He quickly asked as he held is hand out to you. You giggled at the sound of his voice because of the beak he was wearing but you placed your hand in his. As you started to waltz he got a little nervous and you asked him what was wrong. "O-oh, nothin'. You see, well, I'm a guy... and you're a girl-" "You get nervous around girls that aren't Mey-Rin?" You knew it was rude to interrupt him but he only nodded, his cheeks slightly pink from embarrassment. A short while later the song ended and you both bowed to each other before you noticed Hannah walk into the room in a very revealing outfit. She seemed to be pushing a strange box with wheels into the middle of the ballroom. You had always liked Hannah, and you knew of her love for Claude, and Alois' little brother. She sent you a sad look before she opened the strange instrument and started to lick her fingers. You had a feeling this wasn't going to be good but you brushed it off and stared at her. She started to stroke different parts of the instrument that were coloured purple and an enchanting music echoed throughout the room. Your eyes widened and you collapsed to the floor clutching your head in pain, the sound being magnified about ten times because of your Neko ears. "F-fuck!" You shouted just as everyone else were soon holding their heads in pain. You saw that Elizabeth and Paula fell to the floor too, only to be rescued by Ran-Mao who had bottle corks in her ears. Everything started to spin around you and you began fading in and out of consciousness. The last thing you remember before you passed out was a strange man attacking Soma and Agni with a knife.
Sebastian's P.O.V
As I covered the young master's ears he asked me what that horrid sound was. I explained to him that it was a sound I hadn't heard for at least a hundred years before those three brats showed up holding weapons. One of them, who was holding an ax, lunged at me. Without uncovering Ciel's ears I quickly swung my legs up to stop the blade between my feet. He seemed a bit surprised at my action but soon recovered as another of the triplets leaped over him holding two saws. Using the ax the first triplet was wielding, I spun around and kicked it towards the one with the saws. The first triplet, being the idiot that he is, jumped up so that they were both affected by my attack. They flew backwards and smashed into a tree with shock written on their faces. I only smirked as the other triplet ran away and I looked down to see Ciel with his eyes widened. He shouted "Let's go! We need to get back to the ball!" I told him not to worry as one of my few 'friends' was at the dance. I did not tell him it was Agni, as he is suffering from amnesia and remembers nothing of the past. Unlike (Y/N), his memories were not stolen by what is known to Demons as the 'Memory Spider', a creature with power and strength that only Spider Demons would know how to use. I picked up Ciel bridal style and he wrapped his arms around my neck. As we ran through the forest I asked him if he was alright. "I'm fine, just shut your mouth and run!" he said rudely. I simply replied, "Right" and ran faster towards the estate. I gasped as I thought of (Y/N), who had her Neko ears showing. That means the music will sound at least eight times louder to her... SHIT! THAT CAN KILL HER! I gasped and sprinted at top speed, wondering if Agni had managed to secure (Y/N)'s safety from the instrument.
Agni's P.O.V
There's too many, we won't be able to do this for much longer! I thought as I knocked out each person that tried to attack me. I glanced over at Soma and saw that he was surrounded by people. "PRINCE SOMA!" I screamed as I rushed over. Suddenly, everyone stopped attacking and I shoved them out of the way. "Your Highness, are you alright?" I asked and he said he was fine before asking what was happening. I finally noticed that the sound of the music changed and I looked up to see Sebastian with his gloves off standing behind what appeared to be wine glasses with water in them. He smiled as he 'played'. "This is magnificent," I remarked, "Sebastian's music is merging perfectly with hers, transforming the quality of the sound! Her threatening ominous playing becomes a melody full of warmth and kindness... Such a complete change is incredible!" Blissful tears rolled down my cheeks as I continued, "We are blessed to be able witness such purity in a performer! Thank you, Sebastian!" He continued to play his music with the maid, everyone looking up at him in awe. He moved from glass to glass with alarming speed, as though there were at least three of him, but no one seemed to notice or care. Soon enough a low rumbling sound was heard and Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly. I turned to see the maid's instrument smash and my eyes widened. Everyone clapped when Sebastian finished and he bowed before he jumped over the ledge and landed beside the maid. He whispered something in her ear as a grumpy voice near us said "What a show off" My Prince and I look over to see Ciel leaning against the wall. Sebastian walked up to him and they talked about the kind of instrument she played, but I didn't really pay attention until my Prince shouted "Why would someone play such an instrument at a costume ball?!" A reply came from the door at the other end of the room and we looked to see a young blond boy in a fancy purple outfit. He looks familiar... I thought as he walked into the room, apologizing to all the guests about being late. "I am Alois Trancy," he said enthusiastically, "I am so honored that you came" There were whispers throughout the ballroom about him being so young. He continued talking as though no one said anything. "I see that you enjoyed the entertainment while I was away and I'm relieved that it was to your liking" I watched him as he approached Ciel and Sebastian. They conversed for a short while before Sebastian left with the Alois' Butler.
~ Time Skip... cause you guys know how the sexy yaoi water fight between the demons works ~
Sebastian's P.O.V
After our fight down in the lake, Claude and I agree to make a deal. We found ourselves seated in a small green and gold room at a heptagon shaped table. In the middle of the table there was a vase filled with white roses. Each of us had a small silver plate with nothing but a white rose on it. We both stared at each other before pulling our glove off with our teeth, exposing our Faustian seals. Claude pulled out a knife to slice his wrist while I simply bit into my own, causing a slight sting. We let the blood drop onto our roses, staining them red. I looked up at Claude and said, "You and your master will become targets for my Lord's revenge-" "And once Ciel Phantomhive has gained that revenge we shall battle for his soul... and for the soul of (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" he cut me off and aggressively threw his rose to me. "We make our pact" I added as I threw my rose at him. We let our blood drip onto these roses, turning them black. "Although, it would appear you do not want her soul, Faustus" "Indeed. She is a fine specimen. And I have every intent of making her body mine" I growled at him before placing the rose in my breast pocket and leaving the room.
~Another short Time Skip~
Your P.O.V
You groaned as you sat up only to find that you were covered by a blanket. No, wait. This is... a tablecloth? You felt extremely nauseous as you crawled out from underneath the cloth to find everything back to normal and Sebastian talking to Ciel, who was holding a small stack of papers. You felt that something was off when you noticed the rose Sebastian wore but you spoke nothing of it and kept your mouth shut, thinking that you might vomit if you open it. Soon enough, an aggravated Ciel forced the papers into Sebastian's hand and headed out to the dance floor. "What? Is my Lord actually going to dance?" you heard Sebastian say with an amused tone and Ciel grumpily replied, "Shut up" as he walked up to a woman and started to dance with her. You smiled and resisted laughing at the sight before you looked back over to Sebastian who was smelling the rose and glaring at someone across the room. You simply shrugged it off and stood up, leaning on a table for support. The sound of Hannah's music wouldn't stop playing in your mind as you slowly made your way over to everyone else. After the dance had finished, Ciel decided he wanted to head home. Did those buttholes forget about me?! You were about to laugh when you felt a jolt of searing pain throughout your entire body. You were right behind them all when you felt another jolt of pain so you leaned against the wall. That music was getting louder and louder with each second to the point where you couldn't her anything around you. You couldn't even hear yourself speak as you softly called out to them. They turned around and you saw their eyes widen. Sebastian rushed over to you as you collapsed, his strong arms wrapping around you to break your fall. Your eyes fluttered shut and you felt him lift you off the ground. As you slowly fell unconscious the music only got louder, your head pounding and your heart racing in your chest.
Well... DAYUM! HOLY SHEEET! I'll try to update everyday but I'm back at school now so I have to do homework too. Ew.
Fact time
1: I hate homework
2: Math = Mental Abuse Towards Humans
3: Hermione's S.P.E.W became very successful
4: Cosplay is rarely seen in New Zealand except for at the Armageddon Expo
5: e = mc^2
6: Voldemort used to be married to Alex Kingston
7: Only Kiwis will understand the feels of getting scorched almonds at Christmas -_-
8: Outrageous Fortune
9: "Love is like snow. You never know if its going to stick, and you never know how many inches you're gonna get" -Mrs Brown
10: I am Groot
11: Fact 12 is true
12: Fact 11 is a lie
13: I am writing this in my science class and my teacher doesn't care
14: Erwin Smith is the King of Eyebrows
Let's play a game! Let's do the freestyle rap challenge! Bassy and I will start it now and you can add something about yourself in the comments! If you read the last special you know how this works!
Bassy: Got long hair, but I still get a SAUSAGE!
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