Chapter 7: Shadow Key
And yes, I am aware of just how freaking creepy this pic is. U has seen what nightmares are made of :3
"Sleep.. Good old.. Sleep.."
I said to myself as I flopped into my bed, face planting into my pillow. I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling for awhile. When I was a child, I always feared the darkness. I felt as if I was being watched whenever the lights turned out.
Luckily, that fear faded away, but the odd feeling still lingers.
As I covered myself in my blanket and nuzzled my head into my pillow, I felt a presence. Not just the strange feeling of someone watching me, but I felt an actual presence. I looked side to side. No one there. I looked down at the foot of my bed. No one there. I tried to ignore it, and tell myself it was all in my head, and closed my eyes.
Yet, I couldn't sleep. I still felt a presence. It was scaring me. I felt a burning sensation filling up my entire body. I let out a small groan and rolled up one of my sleeves after opening my eyes. Sure enough, the markings were acting up. And more than usual. In the corner of my eye, I could see the small amount of moonlight that was shining into my room disappear, and the room turned pitch black. Once the burning died down and I regained my senses (and my breath), I sat up, and still saw nothing.
All you could hear was my breathing increase to almost hyperventilating, and faint footsteps from somewhere. With every footstep, my heart started to beat faster. I heard something that sounded like metal come out of a tight enclosed space. That's when I knew I was in trouble. Then...
The footsteps stopped and all I could hear was my hyperventilation. Until, I felt breathing on my neck. I had to scream. There was going to be no way out, and no one there if I didn't. Even if I didn't want to wake anyone up, I had to. Or I was done for. So, I took a deep breath, and screamed as loud as my lungs would let me.
Something rough, and extremely uncomfortable was tied around my arm, probably cutting off the circulation as well. A rope? That only made me scream more, until something cold, and sharp pressed against my neck and made me stop screaming. A Knife. "Not, another scream, exalted blood. You'll regret it." His voice was sharp, raspy, angry almost. And it terrified me. My breath was trembling from fear. If only I had the Falchion, I'd shove it up his- "LUCINA!?" Someone yelled. It was, Robin, I'd recognize his voice anywhere. "Help! Finally! ... I didn't need it..." I thought to myself, being extremely stubborn as always.
"Oh I don't think so!" The man moved his sword to the side of my neck, cutting it in the process, and I prepared myself to take my final breath while holding back tears... But there was still hope. Hope, will never die...
"One Assassin won't get to me! ... But I'm useless without my sword... This is it, huh... Robin.. Just find someone you love. I know, Morgan will be happy either way. Morgan... Please, keep her safe. I can't bear to see her upset... And also.. Know that I loved you.."
I couldn't hold it in anymore. "ROBIN!" I screamed out his name while the tears whipped down my face like a river flowing out of my eyes. I could tell he was about to kill me, until...
The lights turned on, lighting up the room, and he completely disappeared. A sword was no longer held up to my throat, no longer did I feel breathing down my neck, no more was a rope tied against my arm, and no more did I feel his eerie presence. Someone had tried to assassinate me. Tears were still streaming down my face, as a small line of Crimson on my throat started to trickle down to my chest. I was still hyperventilating, and I was scared like Grima himself had possessed Robin again. Although that isn't possible.
I had many people try to assassinate me in my future, but none as fearful as this... Why did I let my guard down!? If I had the Falchion I would have been able to handle him myself! ... I'm sleeping with the Falchion for the rest of the night..
"Lucina!? Your neck is bleeding, what happened!?" Robin yelled, running over to my bed and not even bothering to shut the door. I looked back down at the arm that was tied . Completely purple, the circulation had been cut off.
no doubt. Then again, I couldn't really feel that arm...
"What happened." Robin asked a bit more firmly.
I just sat there, doing nothing but overthinking everything that had just happened...
"I thought all Assassins were searched for and sent to the dungeons when my Aunt's life was on the line... Of course Frederick was like her personal body guard.. Then again, what else is new.. But still.. Who... Could that had been...!?"
"LUCINA! ANSWER ME! WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?" Robin yelled, making me jump. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing, so I wrapped my arms around him and cried in his shoulder.
"I don't know, Robin... I don't know..."
"I don't know, Robin... I don't know..."
She may look tough and act like it, but Lucina is actually very delicate. She never admits when she's scared. She probably doesn't want to be shown as weak, or helpless. Or she doesn't want to be shown as a burden.
I embraced her in my arms and rubbed her back. She used to always have the Falchion right next to her bed, until Chrom told her to put it in her closet.
She let go and looked at me with misty eyes, before looking over at the doorway that had the controls for the chandelier light. Yes, it's a fancy little gas activated chandelier, and IT IS SO COOL!- ahem...
She shakily stood up and grabbed my hand, and walked over to the light. She slowly turned it off and then it was pitch black, I couldn't see anything. I felt Lucina, wrap her arms around me and pull herself close. She must've been extremely scared.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her as well. "It's alright, Lucina. Nothing's going to-" I was cut off by something grabbing, Lucina's legs and trying to pull her away from me. With one arm still wrapped around her, I turned the lights back on, to have Lucina crash into me and make me pound my back onto the wall.
"Ow.." I said. I could feel Lucina shaking in my embrace. I looked down, to see she had nuzzled the side of her face into my chest and had her eyes shut tight. She was also trembling... It.. Was.. Adorable!!! ...AHEM
"Shhh! It's okay, Lucina...! ... It's okay... It's all ok..." I said as an attempt to comfort her.
She still wouldn't stop shaking, and I'm not so sure she noticed it either. "Here, follow me."
I decided I was going to take her to the library with me. She definitely wasn't going to sleep in her room after that. So I took her hand and led her out of her room, and Into the library. I could still feel her hand shaking in mine... ADORABLE! ... I really need to stop..
But before we got to the library, we stopped in my room to fix the cut on her neck. Nothing too bad luckily, I think it just scared her.. I need to ask her what happened.
So we got to the doors of the library, and the doors are like these giant grand doors that have the Ylissean crest in the middle, it's cool. Anyways. So I opened the
door with my shoulder, and turned on the lights. The place is really nice.
It's a two-floor library, since it's so tall, and it has stairs going up to the second floor. I turned to look at her and smiled.
"We can sleep here, tonight if you'd like.." I said, only afterwards realizing that sounded extremely bad. "N-NOT LIKE THAT! ... Uh.." I turned completely flustered and looked away while I heard, Lucina let out a small laugh. "You're flustered, Robin." She said. I quickly looked back up at her, to turn more red to see she was smiling at me.
"You're all red, as well." Lucina said, a smirk creeping onto her face.
Oh, no...
"Do you have a fever?" Lucina said, putting her hand on my forehead. "N-no..." I replied. I could tell she was trying to hide her smirk, but failing miserably.
"Are you sure, Robin?" Although I didn't realize it, but her face was gradually becoming closer to mine with every word.
I nodded violently. "Hm.. I think I need to give you a test then." "A.. Test..?" Lucina hummed in agreement, then to my surprise, she leaned in and kissed me. It was short, but sweet. She pulled away as the smirk on her face never faded.
"There. Now if you are sick, I'll be sick by tomorrow as well." Lucina said, a childish smile appearing on her face. I let out a small laugh. "You know.. You've never been this.. Well, how do I put it... Carefree, I guess." I said. Lucina's smile faded after that. "Well.. It's a bit hard when you feel like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders.." Lucina said, looking over at a bookshelf to try and avoid eye contact with me.
Although I longed to see her blue crystals stare into my brown pair. It's weird when our eyes meet. I get a rushing feeling in my chest, my stomach feels like butterflies are in it, and I start sweating out of nowhere. Even when I'm not training, or doing anything that would make me work up a sweat. And.. It's.. Kind of why I love her so much.
I yawned as tears of tiredness appeared in my eyes. (Yes, tears of tiredness are real. You get them after a big yawn. IT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY, PEOPLE! We are now back to our randomly scheduled program) "We should... Get some sleep.." I said in the middle of my yawn. Lucina let out a small laugh and nodded. We just stared at each other for awhile after that. Brown not parting blue. Just enjoying the fact that we could be with each other without so much chaos.. Well... Except for what had happened 20 minutes ago... But other than that, no chaos. Just us.
Until Lucina realized we had just been staring at each other for the longest time, and turned a light pink and let go of my hand... Oh, wow.. We were still holding hands..
"Right, uh.. Sleep." I said. "Yeah.." She mumbled. We looked at each other again, until Lucina parted her gaze from me and walked over to the small woven bin on the lowest shelf of the library that had blankets in it. I saw her take out a large, FLUFFY! ...I SAID AHEM... Brown blanket that was probably made out of sheep wool. She then walked over to the small area that there is in the library for you to sit, and read.. Mwahahaha, BOOKS.. Ok, sorry, I had to.
But there are, chairs, and couches and loveseats (basically a smaller couch. My grandma has one.) that are really nice. And yes, I go to the library very often. I also went over to the small bin and got a blanket. Just a black wool blanket.
I out the bin back and turned around to the, I guess you could say, seating area. Lucina was sitting on the couch with the blanket wrapped around her and had herself curled up into a little ball. Once again, being adorable... What? Don't judge me! She's my fiancé!
I smiled and walked over to her. She was out, cold. I smiled even bigger, and sat next to her. I couldn't help it. I wrapped my arms around her and brought her close in a big hug, and rested her her head against my chest. She looks so peaceful asleep. Her eyes softly closed, her emotion showing nothing but calmness, as her eyes sometimes twitched a little to let her eyelashes flutter against under her eyes. In other words, nothing but adorable.
"Goodnight, Lucina... I love you with all of my heart.." I said, as I slowly drifted off to sleep, my best friend, and soon to be wife in my arms.
I woke up to something tugging on my pant leg. I drowsily opened my eyes to see Lucina's 5-year old self bellow looking up at me. "Hm...? Oh, it's Lucina.. Wait... No... That isn't Lucina.. Her eyes are blue, and this girl is way too small to be a 5-year old..." I thought to myself, looking into the child's brown eyes that mirrored mine. "Wait a minute.. Cobalt blue.. Chestnut brown.. Then this is.." I stopped thinking and yelled the last sentence out loud, probably waking up, Lucina.
Mwahahaha! Cliff hanger!!! Anyways, Konbanwa/Ohayo/Konnichiwa! Whatever time it is.. It's Konbanwa for me right now.. Actually, it's like 12 am XD
~ CG 🇮🇪 💚
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