Chapter 1: I found you, I love you.. (Lucina)
"Can't you see...? I'm in the field.. In the field where they found me..."
It's been about a month since we started searching for him. We have found almost nothing.
It's getting a lot colder here in, Ylisse. There was snowfall last night, but by the time we started to search again, the sun melted it.
We were searching around a field when someone called my name.
I turned around to see, Morgan, her brown crystals staring into my blue, mainly looking at my left, the exalt. "Yes?" I asked. "What if... What if we don't find, Father..?" She asked, looking down. It looked like she was on the verge of tears. Yet, I smiled.
"Well we'll never find him with that attitude!"
"Huh..?" She looked back up at me with a confused expression.
"You've gotta be hopeful! Even if it seems like all hope has died, try to find it. It's there." I said.
I saw her eyes light up. She quickly wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you, Mother!" She exclaimed. I was wide eyed. "Morgan... You just..." "Hm? Is something wrong...?" Morgan asked, looking up at me with her arms still wrapped around my torso.
"Y-You just called me, 'Mother' Morgan." I said, pushing her off and grabbing her shoulders.
"I-I did..?!"
I nodded. "O-oh, Sorry, Lucina!" She said, looking embarrassed. "It's okay... I like it... Kind of..."
She smiled at me and i returned it, then went to the forest area to look around. I looked at the places i least suspected him to be first. It just felt easier for me.
The sun shone slightly into the forest, the trees casting shadows and the sun reflecting off my armor. The light was a orange-like light, indicating that the sky would be painted midnight blue soon. The Twilight Hours. But that also meant we had to stop searching and go back. I was not doing that. I had an odd feeling in my stomach. As if something were going to happen. But I ignored it, and trudged deeper into the woods until I came across a small Bear cub. I didn't want to hurt it, and it looked like it was already wounded.
I looked around the place. No one else was in sight. It had a cut along it's stomach, and it looked like it wouldn't be able to walk. But it was breathing.
So, I decided I would take it back to the castle, heal it, then release it again. But before I could even start to take it back, a bigger bear got in my way.
It growled harshly and stared me down with its big brown, black almost, beady eyes. Not eyes like Robin or Morgan of course. I unsheathed the Falchion, and got ready to fight, but not before it clawed me, grabbed me and sent me flying towards the entrance that I took to the forest.
"Uah! NO CLAWS!" I yelled after the harsh landing, keeping my hand over the claw marks on my cheek to stop the bleeding.
The Bear did a decent amount of damage, probably enough to where I could pass out. I looked over to my left. People were staring ahead like they saw a ghost. So i got off the ground, and I looked over at where they were all staring at.
I saw the robe, i saw the white fluffy hair, and the light tan skin. It was him. It was Robin. I saw Morgan run up to him in tears, and hug him tight. I then saw him look over at me. I still had my hand over my cheek, and I was hoping he wouldn't notice, or couldn't see it from that far away. But he did.
I saw his expression change. Then, everything started loosing color. And my vision kept blurring in and out. I was hoping that either I would die, of they would think that was from the bear... But they aren't dense. I've told many tales of my time, and I know that they know I've been in worse conditions.
Yet, I still felt like I was dying... "That thing isn't acting up again I hope..." I thought to myself. "That" is a secret I have kept to myself. I don't feel the need for anyone else to know about it.
A burning sensation. It started at my abdomen. Then spread to my arms, and my legs, then on the lower half of my neck. It felt like a torch blowing patterns into my skin, underneath my armor.
All I could see was black. I didn't feel air coming into my lungs. I could feel my heartbeat, hear it even. As if it was pounding onto my ear. My body started to feel numb. I was sure I was done for.
"What happened!?"
"I saw her go into the forest alone, she might've been attacked, Mr. Chrom!"
Although my body was unable to feel anything, I could feel something against my lips, pushing air into my mouth. I could finally breath again. I couldn't feel my heart beating out of my chest anymore. I still felt numb though.
Wanting to see who saved me, I opened my eyes. But all I saw was the sun shining in my eyes. I shielded them with my hands, only to have another shadow cast over me. I then finally saw white fluffy hair, covered by a black hood staring down at me, with two other Smoke blue haired people.
Once my vision got better, I could finally see it was, Robin. Along with Morgan and my Father, who seemed to be eyeing Robin with a death glare. Robin looked back up at my father only to be greeted by his face, his emotion as if he were about to scold him.
"Don't ever. Kiss. My daughter. Again."
My father said while Robin just stared at him wide eyed.
I was shocked at what my father said, as a dark pink color dusted my cheeks.
"W-Wait what!?"
I asked, blushing even more of realizing what position Robin and I were in.
Robin had his arms wrapped around my torso, and i had my head on his chest, allowing me to rest and restore my thoughts. Although thinking honestly gave me a splitting headache right then.
Robin slowly strayed from his staring contest with my father and looked over at me. "Are you alright, Lucina?" He asked, I nodded but before I could get up, he wrapped an arm around my legs and started walking back to the castle.
"What are you-!?" "Shh...! Rest, Lucina. We'll be at Ylisse soon." He said. "...If your father doesn't kill me." He joked. I looked up at him and he looked at me with a smile, while I just looked at him blankly, and emotionless. "I've... Missed... You..." I said, still trying to be keeping the emotionless face towards him. I saw his cheeks dust light pink.
"I-I-I've missed you... Too.." He said, glancing at me. It looked like he was trying to avoid eye contact.. Nice one Robin... Nice...
Before I could make a comment, remark or anything close to that, sleep overcame me against my wishes, and then all I saw was darkness.
WARning: Graphic dream up ahead! ---->
"You are going to die one day, Lucina. Whether it's today, tomorrow. Fear will eat at your mind. Knives will have cut your flesh, and you will DIE!"
They were all dead. I could see them, all dead. It was a horrible sight to see. Their bodies on the walls in cases like trophies, Their armor and clothing stained with red, their whole bodies with wounds.
"And now... It's you turn.."
I saw a spear thrown from the darkness, and I didn't dodge.
I woke up to my own terrified scream. I was still in my armor, and i was in my bed. Luckily, Morgan wasn't there. I would've woken her up in an instant.
I heard footsteps. Not like the light steps of my 4 year old cousin, Owain. Like the footsteps of a adult, or just someone with heavy feet. I tried to lay back down and trick the person into thinking i was asleep, but I couldn't. I couldn't even move. I was paralyzed in fear from that nightmare.
I was staring forward when the door opened, and only heard the person's voice. "Lucina! I heard you scream, are you okay?!" I recognized that voice as Robin's. I nodded and laid back down, not even bothering to look at him.
I heard the door close and sat up, then just looked forward. The nightmares started after Robin went missing. They should be gone now, right!?
I felt the bed move and thought that maybe my cousin had a nightmare again and was setting up camp in my room. My room is closer to his, so he stays in here for a while before going to my Aunt and Uncle's room.
"What happened this time, Owain...?" I asked, expecting to hear his small shaky voice in the darkness.
"It's not, Owain, Lucina."
I looked over and saw something white. It was Robin's hair. He was... HE WAS SITTING ON THE BED...!?
"What happened. I definitely heard you scream."
He asked.
I sighed and laid back down turning the other way so he was facing my back.
"It was just a nightmare... I'm fine.." I said. It was a bit quiet after that.
".........How long have you been having them..?"
"Why do you care, Robin?"
I asked sitting back up to face him.
"Why do you care?"
"...... Isn't it obvious? I-! .... You're a dear friend to me, Lucina. I hate to see you in pain. Or in fear."
I sighed. "I'm fine." I said, hoping he couldn't see the tears that had just started streaming down my cheeks.
I hugged my knees and silently cried in them, hoping he didn't know. I then felt arms wrap around me and pull me close. I thought about pushing away, but I was too tired. I couldn't. So instead, I relaxed in his embrace. But I blushed when I realized I had my head on his chest.
I did try to pull away this time, but he was stronger. So I then tried to fool him by making him think I fell asleep. And it worked. I felt him lay me down, and then something soft pressed against my head. When I realized he had kissed my head, I had to bite my cheeks to keep myself from smiling out of control.
But that didn't keep me from letting a small smirk slip out. I heard Robin, chuckle.
But before I could hear the door close, sleep, took over me. And all I saw was black.
"Why do I always fall asleep in his arms!?"
Ok... Ok... I think this chapter is long enough..
Right...? ....yeah... This is long enough...
Lucina: hey! Whatcha writing Lex?
Me: *hides phone blushing* NOTHING!
Lucina: *sigh* why don't you ever tell me about your stories!?
Me: *creepy whisper* ....Because I'm writing ur future, Lucy-Chan...
Lucina: ....?
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