29)Birthday Dinner
I had planned to make Jace breakfast for his birthday, but when I wake up, I find the pullout bed in the living room empty. He's been sleeping there all week to heal. Only this morning, in his place, is a note.
We've kidnapped the birthday boy. He'll be back in time to get ready for dinner. - The Boys
As disappointed as I am, I'm happy the guys are getting him out of the apartment. Maybe when he returns he'll be in a better mood, not that he wasn't last night.
If I wasn't so worried about jinxing myself, I'd say Jace might actually be calming down. Last night he let me take a look at the jagged cuts on his arms, which seem to be healing well and even rested his head in my lap while we watched a movie. It was nice to feel that small bit of closeness. But I didn't ask him to go to bed with me, as much as I wanted to. I didn't want to push my luck.
I set the note back down and get ready for school.
The day goes by uneventfully. Marcel and Ava love the idea of having a joint party. I give them Kade and Josie's numbers and Ava wastes no time going into party planning mode. She seems to be in a better mood too but I have a feeling she's throwing herself into the party to distract herself. Maybe once it's all over she'll finally talk to me about what's going on.
Caleb surprises all of us by making an effort to be around. Even at lunch, he talks to all of us like nothing happened yesterday. I take his lead and do the same. At the end of the day, he gives me an appreciative smile and a hug like nothing's changed between us. His change of attitude makes me realize that though we both have some blame to carry for the shift in our friendship, that I can do a better job at fixing things.
Who knows, maybe I can even get him and Jace to patch things up. Wouldn't that just be amazing?
After school, I stop at my house to check the mail and grab the present I ordered for Jace a few days ago. His apartment is still empty when I get there so I make quick work of getting my homework done, wrapping his present, and then plant my ass on the sofa bed to watch TV.
Neither Jace nor Ms. Amy has specifically said if I'm invited to this family dinner tonight, so I'm last as to what I'm supposed to do. Do I take a shower and get dressed or turn into a couch potato for the night?
I flip through TV shows for the millionth time when the apartment door bursts open.
In a flurry of chaos and noise, Jace and the guys stumble in tripping over each other and laughing their heads off.
"No fucking way! I totally had you that last round!" Wilder yells, pointing obnoxiously at Jace.
Jace cocks his head back with a snort. "You wish. The only way you would've had me is if you add some more off-market parts to that piss-ass machine you call a bike."
"Dude!" Wilder steps back, covering his mouth with shock. "Don't talk about my baby that way!"
Travis pushes past them both with a sloppy smile on his face. "You two deserve each other. Now get outta the way, I need to take a huge piss."
Kade's the first to notice me. He quickly picks up a piece of paper from a nearby table to crumble it into a ball and chuck it at Travis's head. "Watch it, jerkoff. There's a lady present."
With his words, Wilder and Jace turn around to notice me with bloodshot eyes. Jace's eyes gaze over me from head to toe as his mouth hangs open.
I look down at myself, wondering what's gotten his tongue. It's not like I look any different than normal.
Okay, maybe that's a small lie.
I might have had Jace in mind when I got ready today, making sure to straighten my wavy hair, add a little extra makeup, and put on one of the short skirts he seems to like so much. Though technically that was this morning, and it's been hours since then. But if I'm being really honest, I've been thinking a lot about how he'll react when I get dressed lately. Even with him pushing me away all week, I still tried to put a little extra oomph into my appearance. It didn't seem to be working, until now.
Jace gives me another look before he bites his fist and groans.
"Dude." Wilder claps him on the back. "Control your dick. Seriously. I don't wanna see your boner."
Jace pushes him away and chuckles. "Shut the hell up."
With a laugh of his own, Wilder pins me with a pleading look and clasps his hands together. "Lex, please, do my boy a favor and help him release some of that pent up frustration. Shit's gonna get embarrassing if he starts busting in his jeans."
"Dude!" Jace shouts with wide eyes.
I cover my laugh with my hand before nodding seriously. "Lovely image you gave me, Wild. Thanks a lot."
Wilder shoots me a crooked grin. "That's what I'm here for."
Travis stumbles back into the room and Kade grabs him by the back of the neck, steering him towards the door.
"Alright, time to go guys. Let's leave the two love birds alone," Kade announces before looking over his shoulder at Wilder. "Come on, Wild. You're not part of that equation."
"Fuck you, Kade. How you know I'm not in on this action?" Wilder scoffs but follows anyway.
Kade shakes his head. "Cause there's no way in hell that Jace would share her. Now move your ass." He waves to me as he grabs the door behind him. "See you at dinner, Lex."
When the door finally closes, blocking out the bickering in the stairwell, I look at Jace curiously.
"Had fun?"
He flops down next to me on the bed and lays flat out. "Fuck yeah. We got some breakfast, raced around the track at Rock-a-Billy's Raceway, and then had some drinks at the barn. Might've also smoked a little green." His head flops to the side with a smile. "How was your day?"
"Good." I smile back, relieved to see him in such a good mood. "Though what did Kade mean about seeing me at dinner?"
Jace's brows knit together in confusion.
"He said he'd see me at dinner. I didn't know I was invited."
Jace pushes himself up onto his elbows, his deep blue gaze softening with understanding despite the incredulous look on his face. "Of course you are. You shouldn't even have to ask."
"Oh." I bit my lip and nod. "Okay. I just...no one said anything. So, I wasn't sure."
One end of his smile tips further up. "It's my birthday. If there's anyone I wanna spend it with, it's you, baby."
Hearing him call me that after a week of going without it makes my heart hum in my chest. It's such a simple term but coming from him, it means a lot. I've gotten so used to it, this one small name that Jace has given to me, that I don't want to give it back now.
But I can also thank my self-doubt for the next words that fall from my mouth, spilling forth before I can stop them. "I guess, after this week I wasn't sure."
Jace's smile falls, his eyes losing that goofy glaze as they narrow. He releases a deep breath and nods. "I've been an idiot."
My heart stops, instantly worrying where this is going.
He chews on the inside of his cheek before meeting my stressed stare. "I'm sorry, baby. You went out on a limb the other day, agreeing to wait for me and all. I appreciate that and I've done a shit job at showing you that."
I shrug, internally fanning myself with relief. "You were worried."
"Yeah." He nods. "And I still am. But I'm not gonna waste this chance you gave me. Even if shit gets scary."
If I could pull my heart from my chest, it would be nothing but a lump of goo. The words that come from this guy's mouth melt my insides and set my body on fire.
Feeling more confident in our...relationship? Situation? Whatever it is, I feel like we've reached a more stable place, so I make a bold move and climb on top of him. Jace falls back, laying flat on his back again as I straddle his waist.
Leaning down, I plant a soft kiss on his mouth. "I don't think I've wished you a happy birthday yet."
With hooded eyes, he bites that full bottom lip. "No, you sure haven't."
"Well then, happy birthday, baby." I kiss him again, only this time, he wraps a hand around the back of my head and holds me in place.
Quickly deepening the kiss, Jace's velvety tongue finds mine, filling my mouth with a taste that is purely him. He hums satisfyingly from the back of his throat, the sound rocking through my body as a noise of my own satisfaction sounds from deep inside me. Every sip and tug of our lips feel like a breath of fresh air after being deprived for so long. If I could, I'd bottle the feeling of his lips on mine and take it home with me. We don't have much longer until I have to leave and every day this week was wasted away. I'm not ready to give this up. To give him up.
Jace's stray hand wanders down my back before finding my skirt and hiking it up. He palms my ass through my lace panties and groans.
"Is that all you own, baby? Thin little nothings to cover the treasure between those thighs?" He growls against my mouth.
"Good." He grunts and tugs my bottom lip between his teeth. "Those are easier to rip away from that tiny fucking waist."
I love where his mind is going, fucking love the things he's saying too, but I also know his mom will be home soon and we have a dinner to get ready for. Placing both my hands on his rock hard chest, I push myself up while Jace's hold moves to my hips.
"Where you going?" He asks with a heated look swimming in those blue pools of desire.
"We need to get ready for dinner, and I need a shower."
I scurry off of him, fixing my skirt to cover myself.
Jace leans up. "Let me come with you. I smell like the track and need to wash up too."
Oh God, the idea of sharing a shower with him sounds like heaven. But I seriously doubt we would do anything besides getting dirty, and honestly, when we take that next move, I'd rather him be clear-headed. Even if his senses seem to be returning to him, there's still a lot of alcohol and pot in his system.
"No, babe." I shake my head. "No point in joining me if you won't remember it later."
A feral look fills his gaze. "Like I could forget anything about you."
My nerves thrum with the mischievous look he gives me but I fight to reign in my excitement and pat his leg reassuringly. "Next time."
Jace collapses against the mattress, making the poor thing squeak with the threat of collapsing. "One of these days, baby. I'm gonna get you where I want you and not let you go for days."
"Here's hoping." I blow him a kiss and run off before he has a chance to follow.
I ditched the bike for the night so Mom, Lex, and I can ride together. It's not like I'm in the right state of mind to drive anyway. Though after having Lexi fucking straddle me on the pullout bed, I'm feeling a bit more clear-headed.
The effects this girl has on me.
Since it's a weeknight, the drive to Aunt Shannon's place is quick. Her and Uncle Evan got them a place in a gated community on the outskirts of the city a few years ago. They wanted to be close to Cassie's school but considering they're still a good thirty minutes from the Academy, I think they were full of shit.
Aunt Shannon hated the West Side. Pretty sure she felt like less than a high-class ass to live among the peasants like us. So when Cassie started at Port Blair, she jumped on the idea of moving to a better place.
Fuck it.
After getting past the gate, Mom makes a couple turns before pulling into the driveway of Aunt Shannon's stark-white two-story colonial palace. We park next to Uncle Rob and Kade's bikes. Knowing they're here already eases some of my tension. That and Lexi's hand slipping into mine as we get out of the car.
The porch lights and sidewalk lanterns illuminate our path to the front door. Looking around at the immaculate yard, free from leaves and bushes perfectly trimmed, I can't help but roll my fucking eyes.
Mom notices right away and pauses at the door to give me a stern look. "Be nice, Jace. Aunt Shannon went out of her way to host this dinner. Show some appreciation."
"Yeah. Sure." I shrug and look away.
Lexi's hand squeezes mine, drawing my attention to her reassuring smile and instantly making me feel a fraction better.
With a deep breath, Mom turns around and knocks on the door. It doesn't take but a second to hear the clicking of heels before the door is thrown open.
"Welcome!" Aunt Shannon beams, moving to the side to let us in.
Out of the three Williams siblings, Aunt Shannon is the one with the least resemblance. While Mom and Uncle Rob have the same dark brown hair that my grandmother did, Aunt Shannon's is a golden blonde, taking after my grandfather. She doesn't have the signature blue eyes either, watching each of us walk in with whiskey-colored irises. Though she is roughly the same height as my mom and slim built too, most people would be surprised to know she's the baby. Years of drinking can really age a person, making her skin dried and wrinkled. The pound of make-up she uses to hide it doesn't help either, neither does the millions of trips to the tanning salon that give her the look of an Oompa Loompa.
"Happy birthday, sweetie," Aunt Shannon gushes as she wraps her arms around me.
"Thanks, Aunt Shay," I reply using the childhood nickname while I awkwardly hug her back.
When she let's go, her eyes cast towards the beauty shyly standing behind me. "And who is this?"
"Aunt Shay, this is Lexi," I introduce.
She pulls Lex in for one of her suffocating hugs. "Nice to meet you, Lexi. Jace's girlfriends are always welcomed here."
At hearing the double meaning in her words, I have to physically bite my tongue. Mom notices too and cringes.
"Shannon!" Mom barks in my defense.
Aunt Shannon releases Lexi, who looks both stunned and insulted at the same time and turns around to face Mom's disapproving glare.
"Oh, I didn't mean it like that." Aunt Shannon waves her hand dismissively. "Now come on, everyone is already in the dining room."
Falling back from the bickering sisters, I grab Lex's hand again and bend down to whisper in her ear, "Ignore her. She's just being a bitch."
And is probably already on her third drink for the night.
Lexi nods but I can see the questions swirling in her eyes. I'm gonna have to pull her away later and calm her worries. Fuck, we might as well leave now so I can get her alone and escape this shit show.
In the dining room, that's almost the size of our entire apartment, we find everyone sitting at the large ten chaired table. A white frilly table cloth covers the oak wood, with a huge gold and white floral centerpiece on top and a "Happy Birthday" balloon tide to one of the stems.
Uncle Even warmly smiles from the head of the table. "Happy birthday, Jace!"
"Thanks." I smile and nod.
Uncle Evan's cool. Way more laid back than Aunt Shannon with a more down-to-earth outlook on life too even though he was raised with money. He even keeps his appearance more relaxed than his wife with thick salt and pepper hair, matching goatee, and sporting a plain untucked button upped shirt and jeans. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to see him in his socks right now while Aunt Shannon waltzes to her seat in a shimmering gold dress and heels.
Uncle Rob and Kade nod from their seats, both of them wearing their Guardians jackets, and give me birthday wishes. I thank them from across the table while I sit down next to Mom and Lexi plants her sexy ass on the other side of me.
Aunt Shannon peers down from the other side of Mom and smiles proudly. "We got a caterer for the night. Their food is to die for!"
Offering a fake as fuck smile, I nod at her.
She claps her hands the door to the kitchen opens to reveal two waiters carrying steaming plates of food. They set the food in front of us and I have to admit, it looks delicious. Steak, potatoes, green beans, and rolls. Aunt Shannon may be a showoff but at least we all get to benefit tonight. I can't imagine what she's got fucking planned for desert.
Picking up my fork, I'm about to dig in when the sound of the front door opening and closing catches everyone's attention. We all look to the dining room entrance just as Cassie comes strutting in still dressed in her school uniform. She spots me and light ups before running over to hug me.
"Happy birthday!" She squeals in my ear. "So sorry I'm late."
"Shit, I'm just happy you're here." I smile from ear to ear.
Cass let's go only to move onto Lex. She hugs her like they're best friends before she rounds the table to give everyone the same attention. Everyone except her mom that is. After pecking Uncle Even on the cheek, she flips her long blonde hair and doubles back to take a seat next to Kade.
Aunt Shannon narrows her eyes at Cassie. "Late? You're supposed to be at school, Cassie."
Cassie shoots her mom a warning look but still manages to smile sweetly. "No, I'm right where I should be." She pats Kade on the back. "Thanks for the invite, cus."
Kade bites back a smile and looks down at his plate.
Scoffing, Aunt Shannon gets up and stomps into the kitchen, presumably to inform the caterer about the extra plate.
"So." Uncle Even releases a deep breath and looks at me. "Have you done anything else to celebrate today? Eighteen is a huge milestone. You must be living it up."
"Oh, he's living it up alright." Kade chuckles and shoves a bite of food into his mouth.
Mom shakes her head. "I don't even want to know."
I hold back a laugh of my own and nod to Uncle Evan. "Yeah, I did a few things. It's been a good day."
"No party this year?" Uncle Rob asks with a grin. "Pretty sure you and the guys celebrated for a whole week last year."
A party is the last thing on my mind right now. After Motto's funeral yesterday, I'm just trying to get my shit together. I can always party later when shit doesn't feel so doom and gloom.
I shrug. "Maybe another time."
Aunt Shannon comes back a second later with a waiter following behind her holding another plate of food for Cass.
We all spend some time peacefully enjoying our food. When our plates are clear, the waiters come back out to collect them. But it's the chef that gets the most attention, or rather the tray in his hands. He sets the silver dish on the center of the table covered with fancy chocolate and strawberry topped cupcakes.
Aunt Shannon grabs the one cupcake with the candle-shaped into the number eighteen sticking out of it and places it in front of me. After lighting it everyone starts to sing "Happy "Birthday" to me. I eat up the attention, especially Lexi's. Her bright hazel eyes watch me like a mesmerizing spotlight and her soft lips tilt into a smile as she helps the rest finish the song.
I blow out my candles and everyone claps before getting a cupcake for themselves.
"What'd you wish for?" Cassie smiles wide at me as she peels the paper away from her cupcake.
To be buried balls deep in Lexi.
I shake my head. "Like I'm telling you."
Cass rolls her eyes and takes a bite.
"So, Cassie" Mom speaks up, flipping the attention to my little cousin. "How's school?"
Cassie quickly swallows her food. "Good. The dance team has a competition in a few weeks so we've been training hard, and we have a showcase performance before Christmas break."
Mom nods and smiles, her eyes shining with mischief. "And how are things with Brock?"
I try not to listen. Cassie's love life is not something I want to hear about. I'd prefer it if she didn't fucking have one at all. If it were up to Kade and me, she'd be going to an all-girls school. Problem solved.
"Ugh," Cassie scoffs. "I broke up with him weeks ago. He's a tool."
Kade's head jerks to the side, his eyes narrowing. "What'd he do?"
Cass shakes her head. "Don't worry about it. I handle things."
"Good. Don't take shit from anyone, Princess," Uncle Rob gruffly adds.
Mom nods her agreement before another sly smile takes hold. "Anyone new then?"
Watching Cassie carefully, I raise a brow daring her to spill the beans.
She quickly looks down at her cupcake. "No. There's no one."
In the middle of pouring herself another glass of wine, Aunt Shannon's eyes shoot up to look questioningly at her daughter. "What about that cutie from last weekend? The one who drove you home."
Even Lexi's gaze snaps up to watch Cassie this time.
"That was just a friend!" Cass spits out, clearly getting nervous as she begins to bounce her leg under the table.
"What was his name?" her mom looks upwards trying to recall her memory. "Max?"
"Max?" I ask. "Who's Max?"
Do I know a Max? I mean not that I know everyone she does, especially since she goes to that pricey ass private school, but I could get some eyes out there.
Cassie's eyes narrow at me, the signs of rebellion written on her face. Since when the hell does she start acting like this? The fiery look in her eyes is not my innocent baby cousin.
I open my mouth to say more but get interrupted when Lexi taps me on the shoulder. As I turn around Lex holds up a cupcake. "You have tried one yet. They're delicious."
She's right. While everyone has already had one, I have yet to touch a cupcake. I roll my eyes but open my mouth anyway. I'll play along, even if it's just to amuse her.
She slides the food into my mouth but before she can pull away I playfully bite her finger. Laughing, she slaps me and sucks some icing off her finger.
My eyes zero in on her mouth, unable to stop myself from imagining her mouth sucking on something else. My dick twitches in my jeans from the image filling my head.
Fuck, I gotta stop. Now's not the time to get riled up.
"Jerk! I was trying to be nice to you!" Lex giggles and bumps my arm with hers.
"Looks like Jace is the one with a new relationship," Aunt Shannon chimes in with a smirk.
Lexi's face flushes pink as she tries to ignore the comment. But I'm just fucking happy she isn't denying it.
After cake, everyone takes turns giving me gifts. Leather riding gloves from Mom. New riding boots from Uncle Rob and Kade, stuffed with condoms. Of course.
Aunt Shannon reminds everyone that the dinner was her and Uncle Evan's gift but Cassie shakes her head before handing me a small envelope. Eyeing her cautiously, I rip the envelope open to find a gift card to the local bike shop.
"Thanks, cus." I nod her way and smile wide.
She returns the smile, even with her mom glaring at her from across the table. My mom isn't having it though and leans over to whisper something to her sister. While everyone watches them bicker in hushed tones, my phone dings in my pocket. I pull it out and check the text.
Alexis: I'll give you my present at home.
Glancing over, I catch her slipping her phone back into her purse with a sly smile.
Fuck, let's go!
Lexi's promise played in my head on repeat the whole ride home. My hands itched to get a hold of her, to dip into those sheer panties, finding her wanting and waiting for me. My cock throbbed just thinking about the night at the tattoo shop. She was so needy and demanding. I fucking love it.
When we walk into the apartment, Mom yawns and quickly heads to her room telling us goodnight before she disappears. The second her door clicks shut, I swoop Lexi up into my arms and carry her to my room.
"So, what's this present you got me?" My voice comes out ragged and rough, straining to keep from stripping her downright fucking here and now.
She bites back a giggle as we get to my room. "You gotta put me down first, Jace."
I kick the door shut behind me and toss her on the bed. She yelps and laughs again, the sound coming out like a tantalizing melody. But before I can climb into the bed, she scurries away and jumps off.
"Come on, baby," I groan. "You're giving me mix signals here."
"Am not!" Lex scoffs as she grabs something off the dresser. "I said I was going to give you a present, and I am. Not my fault your mind went straight to the gutter."
"With you around, it's hard not to." I look down at my already growing boner. "Very hard."
She walks back over, biting her lip like the fucking tease she is and holds out a small box perfectly covered in gift wrap. I raise an eyebrow at her, just to mess with her. It works.
Thrusting the package at me, she sighs. "Just open it!"
Following orders, I take the present from her and rip it open along with the top of the small box.
I'm lost for words, my throat literally closing the fuck up as I stare down at the gift in my hands. Sitting on top of some cotton material inside the box is a silver chain with a matching silver sword attached. It's not so big it could be considered over the top and flashy but it's not small enough that it would look better around a woman's neck. It's perfect.
Just like my girl.
My heart pounds in my chest, my insides twisting up with the feelings rushing through me. If only Lex knew what she did to me. Not just physically but deep down. This girl takes my fucking breath away. She makes me want to do better, be better.
And to think I tried to push her away. I must've gone temporarily insane. There's no way in hell I can let her go. Fuck Paxton. Fuck Victor. Fuck the Vipers. Alexis is mine and if that means I gotta take down every last one of them to keep her safe then that's what I'll do.
I can't lose her.
"You don't like it," Lexi softly states.
Jerking my head up, I lock eyes with her. "No. I fucking love it. I...I just..." I chuckle at myself. "You got me speechless, baby."
A soft rose color washes over her face as she tries to hold back her smile.
"Come here." I quickly stand up and snake an arm around her waist, pulling her against me. "Thank you, Alexis. Best damn gift I've ever gotten."
I lean down and capture her lips with mine, using restraint to keep from deepening the action and pull away.
Lexi's smile is set free, filling her beautiful face. "Figured a guardian like you needed his sword."
"What?" My eyes widen with shock. "A what?"
"A guardian." She giggles and runs her hands softly down my arm. "Like your tattoos."
I hold back my deep relieved breath and nod. "Right. Right, like my tattoos. Of course."
"And it reminded me of the shorts you wore at the fight," she adds carefully.
Shit. I almost forgot about that. After everything that's happened, Lex and I have yet to talk about her seeing me fight. It may not be my biggest secret but it was something I sure as hell was worried about her seeing.
Taking the necklace out of the box I fasten it around my neck and tap it with my fingertips. "Just so you know, I'm never taking this off, but..." I pick her up off her feet, wrap her legs around my waist just like I like, and sit us on the bed to rest my back against the headboard. "We should probably talk about that."
Lexi's smile fades a little. "The fight?"
"Yeah." I nod and lick my lips, readying myself for this conversation. "Do you have any questions about it?"
Her eyes drift down for a second, her thought process displayed across her face for a few heart-pounding moments before she finally looks back up. "Is that the big secret you've been worried about telling me?"
"Part of it."
"But..." Lex takes a deep breath. "There's more that you're still not ready to talk about?"
I really hope this doesn't mess shit up.
With my pulse pounding in my temples, I nod. "Yeah."
"Alright...so, why do you do it? Why fight?"
My head falls back with relief. "I started it 'cause...something happened a while back. I had to fight some guys and it didn't end the way I wanted. I was pissed."
My hands shake just thinking about that showdown with the Vipers. The guys and I went after them for what they did to Jo. It was reckless and we weren't prepared. Four guys from the ages of sixteen to seventeen going after a large group of seasoned thugs. We got reamed for it by Uncle Rob and the rest of the Guardians but we deserved it.
The night ended with me getting my lights knocked out and while I was sleeping on the ground, Kade was shot. Travis called for backup and managed to stop the bleeding but Wilder took off. He jumped in a car left running by one of the few snakes we were able to knock out and chased after the gunman who had fled on two wheels. The guy managed to lose Wild but wound up crashing his bike shortly after. He died on impact. And as for my brother, he was stopped by police for speeding. He got charges for auto theft and a few other things, wound up having to do three months in juvie due to already having an impressive record.
It was a complete shit show. One that, as horrible as it is, I want to share with Lexi. But I can't give that to her. Not right now. So I gotta give her what I can.
Looking up at the ceiling, I take a couple deep shaky breaths. "I wanted to hurt someone and I wanted to feel like if I was put in that fucking situation again, things would go my way. So, I started training with the guys. Got stronger so one day I can protect myself and others. But training wasn't enough of a release and Wilder was already fighting at the warehouses. It just made sense to do it too. To get that fucking aggression out and if I won some money in the process then that was just a bonus."
Tilting my head back down, I connect with Lexi's gaze, prepared to see disgust reflected back at me. But what I find isn't even close to what I imagined. Her shimmering bluish hazel eyes stare at me with an open warmth that hits me right in the fucking chest.
Before I can say a word, Lex places both her hands on the side of my face and pulls me to her, smashing our lips together. I lose all control, my arms wrapping around Lexi and crushing her against me. When I brush my tongue along her soft full lips she willingly lets me in, filling my senses with strawberries and sugar. I'm consumed by it, by her.
Surprising me more, Lexi's mouth leaves mine to travel along my jaw.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," she murmurs between kisses, her voice a mix of sorrow and needy.
Fighting to focus, I screw my eyes shut. "It's okay, baby. I'm alright now."
She nips the thumping pulse point in my throat, forcing a gravelly groan from inside me and pushing all the blood to my dick. With the way our bodies are molded together like fucking puzzle pieces, I know she can feel my excitement between her legs. Not that my ego's the size of a house or anything but I know what the fuck I'm working with. I just hope Lex can handle it. I'm not what she remembers.
"How long ago did this happen?" Lex manages to ask as her nails dig into the nape of my neck.
"Almost..." I bite back a growl, my cock straining against her, begging for some friction. "Almost two years ago."
She jerks her head back and pins me with a wide stare. "Like...close to...when we..."
Fuck, good going, Jace.
"Yeah." I nod. "Around that time."
She slaps me on the shoulder. "I could've been there for you!"
"Ow." I rub my shoulder. "Come on, baby, don't focus on that. Just concentrate on the here and now."
She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, still looking sexy as hell even when she's pissed. "Just for that, you're not getting your other present. Not tonight."
"What?" I bark.
What other fucking present?
With a wicked smile, she leans close to my ear. "I was thinking about sucking your hard throbbing dick and let you fuck my mouth. But maybe another time."
A jagged growl rips from me, tearing through my throat as my dick painfully pulses with enough strength I think I'm about to come in my boxers.
Leaning back, Lexi lands a swift kiss on my mouth and quickly climbs off my lap with a smug smirk.
"I'm gonna remember this, sweetheart," I rasp.
She gives me a wink. "I hope you do. But I'm exhausted and need some sleep." She slides off the bed and digs through a dresser drawer before looking back at me. "And tonight, you're sleeping in here. You've healed enough and I want to wake up on my birthday with your arms around me."
With a shy blush contrasting with her forward words, Lex strips off her clothes and into one of my t-shirts that flows to her thighs.
I'm pent up beyond belief, but I'm not gonna deny my girl her birthday request. In fact, I'm gonna do her one better. If Alexis thinks she's spending her eighteenth birthday at school, she's got another thing coming.
Don't be mad! I was going to have things go further at the end but this chapter is already super long. I promise though, some more spicy moments are coming soon!
Now onto the questions!
First off, what did you think of the rest of Jace's family? What about the present Lexi gave him? Think she was playing fair to deprive our poor guy? What about Jace's reveal of the past, any thought or feeling about that? And what do you think he has up his sleeve for her birthday?
Let me know what you think in the comments and if you like what you read, please hit that star button!
Side note: KME won 1st place in the teen fiction category of the Punk Rock Awards 2020 hosted by PrettyInPunkBookClub! So freaking stoked and even though I've said it already, I want to thank them and the judge!
As usual, the teaser for chapter 30 will be posted on my Twitter and Instagram in the next day or two!
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