24)Enjoy The Moment
🔥🔥🔥Fire Alarm, shit's gonna get hot! Enjoy! 😏😉😘
The sound of my nightstand alarm blaring in my ear jolts me awake. With closed eyes, I reach over and smash the snooze button. But as I start to drift back to sleep, I feel a weight shifting against my chest and something grazes my dick making it rise to attention in an instant.
Opening my eyes, I catch a sight that fantasies are made of.
Lexi's cheek is resting against my bare chest, her breath lightly skimming my skin. Dark chocolate waves cover my shoulder and her leg is wrapped around mine. Without meaning to, my arm that's wrapped securely around her waist tightens, pulling her closer, feeling the pressure of her body against mine. A soft hum leaves her lips as she adjusts, her leg brushing against my hard dick again.
Fuck me.
If I could wake up every morning like this, I would die a happy man. And if it wasn't for school, I wouldn't move from this fucking spot. I'd spend the whole damn day in bed with this woman, reacquainting myself with the curves of her body. Feel her shake beneath my fingers as I play with her sweetest spots and have her moaning my name like it's the only thing she knows.
But no matter how much I feel for Alexis, that doesn't mean she's ready for that part. Not yet.
Ignoring the need I have to wake Lex with my mouth on hers, I slip out from underneath her heavenly body as carefully as I can. A sexy pout forms on lips, her hands reaching out only to find a pillow that she hugs close to her chest.
Damn, never thought I'd be jealous of a fucking pillow before.
Shaking my head at myself, I adjust my boxers and head for the bathroom. A cold shower is exactly what I need or I'm not gonna make it through the day.
When I get out, I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt before wandering to the kitchen. I expect to still be the only one up but catch Mom making breakfast by the stove. I'm about to ask how she's doing when my phone rings, still hiding on the floor in the pants pocket of my bloody jeans from last night.
Mom looks over and smiles. I keep my head down but nod back before going to fish my phone out.
"Morning, cus. How you feeling?" I ask, walking out onto the apartment balcony.
"Rough," Kade croaks. "Been in the ER most of the night with Jo and T."
"Yeah." He laughs humorlessly. "Turns out those fuckers broke my hand."
Guilt gnaws at me. If I had gotten there sooner, we could've avoided this entire shit show. Then Kade wouldn't have a busted hand and I wouldn't be walking around with a bruised face.
I gotta talk to Marcel about getting these tips faster. It's the only way we're gonna stop another attack, and from that warning we got, there will be more.
"Aye," Kade calls through the line. "Don't start getting all pensive and shit on me."
"I'm not," I lie.
"Tell someone who doesn't know you better...You couldn't do anything to stop this, Jace. Don't blame yourself."
"But, if you want, I do need help with a small problem."
"Say the word, you know I got you." I nod as I lean against the railing, watching the sun peek over the horizon.
"I was supposed to fight Saturday night. I need you to take my place."
"Done. I'll call Monte and let him know later today."
A tired sigh resonates through the speaker. "Thanks, cus."
"You don't need to thank me, Kade." Not when this is partially my fault. "Just go get some rest. I'll handle the changes for tomorrow."
"Alright. I'll hit you up later."
We say our goodbyes and hang up.
I walk back inside and find Mom setting out a platter of pancakes on the dining room table. She's got the entire set up going. Butter, syrup, and several mugs of steaming coffee.
"Damn, Mom. You haven't made pancakes in ages."
"Language, mister," she corrects with a smile as she turns around. Her smile immediately drops. "Oh my lord, what happened to your face?"
She rushes over, her pained gaze bouncing to each cut and bruise she can see in the dim light. If I didn't feel like shit when talking to Kade, I sure as hell do now. The last thing I want is to worry my mom, but I guess that's unavoidable too.
Mom loves the Guardians, she grew up with most of them, but that doesn't mean she's happy that I'm becoming one. We used to get into it a lot until she finally let it go. When Kade got patched, she accepted that I wouldn't give up until I was too. Though that doesn't stop her from getting upset when shit like this happens.
I try to shrug it off. "Just some business last night. Nothing I can't handle. "
"So this is Guardian stuff?" She nods to her own question, her face pulling together with a simmering rage. "Or are you still fighting in De Luca's cage? I thought your uncle put a stop to that!"
Mom reaches out to touch the bruise on my jaw, a teary shine in her eyes.
"No, Mom. I wasn't fighting at Monte's."
She nods, her anger slowly fading as her lip begins to quiver.
"Come on. Don't start with the waterworks. I'm fine, really."
"You look like hell." She states, biting her nails. "I thought you weren't going on patrol last night. How did this happen?"
"You know you don't want details, Mom. Just be happy the other guys are in worse shape, okay?"
I walk around her, hoping she'll drop it so I can eat breakfast before it goes cold.
"Guys? As in more than one? What happened to having back-up? You guys aren't supposed to be riding alone right now."
Of course, I'm not that lucky.
Sighing, I turn back around. "I was the back-up last night and that wasn't enough. We were outnumbered, it happens. At least I don't have a broken hand like Kade."
Her mouth falls open and I mentally kick myself. If making her less worried was the goal, than I just blew that shit to hell.
"Is Kade okay?" She starts walking towards her purse sitting on the living room coffee table. "I should call and check on him."
I stride over and block her. "Mom, relax. I just got off the phone with him. He's fine but tired. Just let him sleep and call later."
A shaky sigh escapes her but she nods before slowly walking over to the dining room table with her head down. Taking a seat, Mom starts making herself a plate like a robot, and that dagger in my gut twists again.
But I don't have time to dwell on it as a sexy vision of light steps out of the hallway, erasing any worries I may be harboring. Our eyes connect and I swear to god my whole fucking body comes alive, not just my dick.
With a smile breaking across my face, I step towards Lexi but she quickly averts her gaze and takes a seat at the table.
What the fuck was that?
"Morning, sweety," my mom coos to Lex, sounding like her normal self again. "Did you sleep well?"
Lexi tentative makes herself a plate and smiles shyly. "Yes, Mam. Thank you, and thanks for breakfast. This looks delicious."
Mom waves her hand. "No need to thank me. You've been cooking a lot around here lately so I thought I'd repay the favor."
Lex smiles and takes a bite of the pancakes, her eyes closing as she moans with a mouthful of food.
Damn, why does she have to do that right now?
Adjusting my pants for the second time this morning, I take a seat at the table and pile some food on my plate. While I eat, I keep watching Lexi, trying to get her to look my way. But she's doing everything she can to ignore me.
Finally, after several long silent minutes, Mom clears her throat.
"So, I was up early this morning and I noticed the pullout bed was empty."
Lexi's eyes widen and flash towards me for one blissful second.
"I know you two are almost adults and can make your own decisions, but I promised Cheryl she wouldn't come home to a pregnant daughter."
I choke on my food.
No need to worry about that, we haven't even gotten that far, yet.
Mom's eyes dart to me as she holds back a humorous smirk. "I can't be here all the time, so please, I'm asking both of you to be smart here."
"Of course," Lexi quickly nods and sips her drink with her eyes glued to the table.
"We didn't do anything," I speak up after swallowing. "But sorry anyway. It was my fault."
Mom laughs. "I figured that."
"Gee, thanks, Mom."
She rolls her eyes. "Don't give me attitude, boy. I know how you are and if you don't behave I will send you to go stay with your uncle."
She's lying. Mom would never send me away even if she caught me balls deep in Lexi on the couch. But she's gotta act like she would, it makes her feel like a good mom.
Honestly, she's the best mom in my opinion. No need to be a hard ass to accomplish that. She's been both mom and dad for the last ten years, that's an amazing feat on its own.
"Aye, aye, Captain." I salute her and take another bite.
"Alright, I gotta get to work." Mom gets up from the table. "I got a client coming in early for her son's first haircut."
"And you just wanna get baby cuddles." I snort.
"Oh, I am so getting baby cuddles this morning," Mom agrees before pointing a finger directly in my face. "But that doesn't mean I want any babies in this house any time soon! So tonight, pull out!"
She turns to walk away and I smirk. "You do know pulling out isn't a safe form of birth control, right?"
Now it's Lexi's turn to choke on her food.
"Jace Tyler Hall, I did not mean it in that way! I meant you will sleep on the pullout couch tonight not pull out...God, it's like you were raised by..."
"A bunch of bikers." I finish for her.
Mom growls and throws her hands in the hair before stomping out, making me lose it with laughter. Even Lex is having a hard time biting back a giggle, her attention briefly falling on me.
Now if I could just keep that attention, but I got a feeling my girl is trying to run again.
Not this time, sweetheart.
I avoided Jace yesterday and today. Everything about that moment in the bathroom felt so...intimate. The way he watched me tend to his wounds, the way his fingers danced across my skin. And even though I know I shouldn't have, I invited him to bed with me.
There was just something about seeing him hurt like that, that scared the hell out of me. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and hold him close, make sure he was safe. Laying next to him, feeling his hands gripping me and listening to the sound of his heart beat, I've never slept so good in my life.
Then I woke up alone with one nagging thought. There's something he isn't telling me.
Who leaves in the night and comes back hours later busted and bruised?
He siad he had a family emergency, but I've never heard of a family problem that needed to be fixed with your fists.
I hate that I'm questioning things again. It's not a feeling I enjoy. I wanna trust Jace. I wanna just let go and do what feels right, and everything about the other night felt perfect until he left. Now all I can think about is Ava's words from earlier in the week.
We were talking about you and that sexy piece of biker gang candy.
Was she right? Could Jace be in a gang?
I wouldn't even know how to deal with something like that. Don't gangs normally do illegal shit?
"Ugh," I groan outload as I cross the road on my way to Dolly's.
Ms. Amy asked me to bring Jace some of the chilli she made tonight. We've been taking turns in the kitchen the past couple days. One day she makes breakfast and I make dinner, then we switch. It's been so much fun hanging out with her that've I've been helping out even when she's cooking. Even Jace enjoys watching the two of us joking around while we share the kitchen, but tonight he had to work.
So, here I am, bringing him dinner with shaking hands. My gut's telling me that I need to talk to him and that now is the time to do that.
I walk inside the quiet shop, a little surprised that I don't hear him and Dolly cracking jokes. "Jace!"
"Back here," he calls from down the hall.
Fighting back my fears, I follow his voice and find him sitting at his station all alone.
"Hey." I shut the hall door behind me.
He looks over his shoulder with a smile. "Aye, sweetheart. You got something for me?"
How the hell can he make a question like that sound so dirty?
I gulp. "Yeah, your mom asked me to bring this over."
"Thanks, Lex, but I'm about to close up shop here in a second."
"Oh, okay." I nod and stand there like a dumbass. "Where's Dolly?"
Jace gets up and walks over to take the container of food from my hands, his taut muscles moving fluidly underneath his tight RagDoll tank with each step he takes. Thank you Dolly for forcing such a constricted uniform.
"Dolly had to go handle some stuff at the bank. She asked me to lock up tonight since things are slow."
"Make sense." I laugh nervously. "She must really trust you."
Jace places the container on his table and keeps his back to me. "Cut the pleasantries, Lex. What's on your mind?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Again with that shit?" He turns around and leanes against the table, crossing his tattooed arms over his strong chest. "You've been dodging me for two fucking days, again."
I chew the inside of my cheek and cross my arms like a shield that can keep him from seeing my heart thumping out of my chest. "I...uh...I feel like you're keeping something from me."
This time Jace grows quiet, his eyes falling to the floor.
"See," I wave my hand. "Like that right there. Why can't you just look me in the eyes and tell me what's going on?"
"There's nothing to tell."
"Now look who's full of shit."
A tired sigh falls from his mouth as he turns his back to me.
"What do you want for me? You keep teasing me and telling me how we need each other, but what I need is honesty. I can't...let go if I feel like you're hiding things from me."
"Lex, you don't know what your asking for. If your reaction to the other night is to block me out again then...you're not ready."
"Try me." I throw my arms out, frustration bubblying deep inside me. "What happened the other night, Jace?"
With his head down, he continues to clean up his work station. No word or sign of opening up.
I groan, ready to pull my hair out. "If you can't at least give me that, then how am I supposed to trust you? You say you want more but that can't happen if you're keeping secrets!"
Radio silence.
Nothing, not a single fucking word. He just keeps busy, blocking out my desperate pleas and I'm back to feeling like that pathetic girl begging him to talk to me.
"You know what, fuck this. I don't know why I even try! I'm so done with your games, Jace!" I huff and turn for the hall door.
It's fucking one step forward and two steps back with him every damn time.
I yank open the door only to have it slam closed in front of my face.
"Don't," Jace's labored voice rasps in my ear.
His arms are reaching over my head, pressing the door shut while his body crowds my back side. We aren't touching but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like we are. Tingles skate down my spine as his breath fans my skin. It takes all my will power not to close my eyes and just enjoy his close proximity.
As I turn to face him, I plant my back against the door trying to put some space between us. "Don't what?"
Every muscle in his face and body is strained, his blue eyes searching mine like he's mapping the stars in the sky. "Don't give up on me."
My heart aches at the pain in his words.
"I don't want to, but I can't keep questioning everything, baby."
Closing his eyes, he leans his forehead against mine with a satisfied sigh. "Fuck, say it again."
"Baby," I whisper and trace my hand down the side of his face, watching as his breath hitches in his throat.
Jace grits his teeth, his hands falling from the door to land on my hips with a crushing grip. But instead of pulling me close, he pushes up against me, his eyes opening to connect with mine.
"I wanna tell you everything, baby. I swear I fucking do, but I can't lose you. Not when we're this close."
Are we though? How can we be getting close to something even similar to what we used to have if he's still holding back?
"But Jace, what..."
"Shh." He holds a finger up to my mouth. "Please, just enjoy this moment with me, sweetheart. Stop with the questions. Stop trying to dig. Just go with it."
I don't have a chance to question what "it" is before Jace's head dips down to trail kisses along the underside of my jaw. My heart races at the contact, my mouth falling open with a gasp. He grins against my heated skin before nipping at it with his teeth, pulling a moan from my lips.
"Fuck, baby. Those seductive sounds twist me all up," his voice is ravaged. To emphasize his words, his hand travels down to grab my ass and pull me against the rock hard bulge in his jeans.
My head falls back against the door with a whimper.
"Like that?" He bites my neck before soothing it with a stroke of his tongue.
I murmur a lust filled agreement and tip my head down just as he pulls away, a feral look locked on me. He licks his lips and my eyes zero in on his mouth. I can't look away, all I want in this moment is to feel his lips on mine. It's the strongest desire I've ever had in my life.
"All you gotta do is ask, Alexis," he reminds me, reading the thirsty thoughts floating in my head.
I want to so bad I can't even remember all the reasons why I shouldn't. Right here, right now, there's no reason in the world important enough to make me walk away from him. Not when he's looking at me like I'm the center of his universe.
"Jace..." I take a deep breath and lick my lips. "Kiss me."
With a growl that rocks me to my acheing flesh, Jace slams his lips on mine and my body instantly comes alive, hyperaware of every place our bodies connect. He wraps one hand around the back of my head and digs his fingers into my hair while his other hand wraps around my hip and pulls my body flush against his, giving me a better feel of his need for me. His rough movements tear a moan from my lips.
Our tongues collide and a deep groan escapes his mouth, making a moan release from mine in return. The more he moves the more my body responds, trying to match his feverish movements. When both his hands cradle my ass, I lose my mind and climb him like a fucking tree, wrapping my legs around his waist and biting his bottom lip.
"Fuck yeah." Jace pants, a shudder traveling through his strong body as he tightens his hold on me. "There's my fucking temptress. Too damn hot for your own good."
Those husky words turn me inside out and make me feel powerful. To think I can effect this tough, cocky beast that much. It gives me confidence I didn't know I had.
Using my new boldness, I grab his face with both hands and meld our lips together.
The sexiest noise I've ever heard rips through Jace, spurring me on.
My hands dance around his neck, scoring his skin with my nails until I reach the back of his head and dig into those dark locks. I force his head back to deepen the kiss, my tongue diving into his mouth, tasting more of him like the most delicious treat. One I can't get enough of no matter how much of his mouth I explore.
Jace uses the door to keep me up, his hands moving from under my skirt to snake their way under and up my top. His rough hands glide across my stomach, up my ribs, until he cups my lace covered breasts. My nipples bead at his touch and I arch my back with another moan spilling from my mouth.
My body is overloaded with sensations, allowing myself to just feel him, and there's plenty to feel as the slightest jerk of his hips drives his arousal where I need him most.
Needing him more than I need my next breath, I grind against him hard.
"Damn it, baby. I'm trying so hard not to push right now. I wanna be good to you," he groans against my mouth, making my heart flutter. "But you're making that fucking impossible. You can't keep dry riding my cock and expect me to hold back."
"Then don't hold back," I say between breaths.
Who the hell is this? Not Lexi, that's for damn sure.
Lexi's checked out. Talk to the shameless creature beneath the skirt.
My warring thoughts shut up with the feeling of Jace growing impossibly harder against me.
If he keeps this up, he's gonna break through his jeans.
The thought of that sends a jolt of excitement through my body.
Leaning back, I connect with Jace's glazed gaze. He bites hard on his lip, nearly opening the cut from the other night, his body stiff like he's trying to fight for control.
"Just enjoy this moment with me," I echo his previous request and grip both his shoulders. Before Jace can say anything, I use him for leverage and push myself against his straining dick with everything I have and rock my hips to an inaudible rhythm.
Jace savagely growls, his fist slamming against the wall next to my head as he presses his forehead to mine. "I wanna enjoy you. I wanna bury myself inside you, baby, and fuck you so hard we break the damn door down."
"Do it." I run my tongue along his mouth.
With a grunt, he grips my ass punishingly. "Fuck this."
An excited giggle tumbles from my lips as he lifts me away from the door and carries me over to his workstation. Setting me on the table, Jace buries his face in the crook of my neck, leaving agressive suction kisses across my skin. His hand traces my figure, moving from my hips to my thighs before traveling back up with a painfully slow rate.
Chills hit me one after the other, goosbumps breaking out all over my body. With each inch his mesmerizing fingers get to my skirt, my breathing increases, my pulse pounding in my ears.
"I wanna touch you, sweetheart," he whispers in my ear and darkly laughs when my legs spread wide. "I take that as a yes."
"Yes. Please, Jace. I need it."
He snarls and bites my ear. "You need what?"
"Y-You...I need you."
Jace kisses me, his tongue finding mine as his hand finally disappears underneath my skirt. His finger finds my panties and glides up and down the fabric repeatedly. I'm positive he can feel how turned on I am when he grunts and starts rubbing me through the thin barrier in excruciating circles.
My body shakes, needing more.
"Jace," I whine, my head falling back on my shoulders.
A ghost of a smirk tugs at his lips just before he pushes my lace panties aside and sinks a finger inside me. I instantly clench around his digit and his smile fades with a groaned curse on his lips. "Jesus, baby. I knew you'd be wet but this...you're fucking soaked." He slowly curls his finger in and out of my needy flesh. "Why didn't you tell me you needed me this bad, baby?" Jace leans down and captures my mouth with his. "We could've saved both of us so much time. All you had to do was tell me."
My breath shudders, my whole body shaking as mewling noises leave me of their own volition.
Jace pushes one of my legs up so my foot is on the edge of the table, opening me wider for him. Flipping my flimsy skirt up, his finger withdraws and leaves me whimpering.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm not done with you." He snatches my panties, ripping them from my body. I'm so turned on by his rough actions and the carnal way he gazes down at me that I couldn't care less that he just shredded one of my favorite pieces of clothing.
Now without anything obstructing his view, Jace fills me again with his skilled fingers, squeezing a second one in. If one was an intrusion, then two is like being blissfully impaled.
"You're so fucking tight," he murmurs like he's in a trance, watching as he explores my most intimate places. "Have you've really been waiting for me all this time, baby?"
My foggy mind refuses to answer. Now's not the time to tell him that Derek and I have slept together. It was only a couple times and obviously he wasn't big enough or skilled enough to leave a memorable impression. The only times I could get off these last two years was when left to my own devices, and now I see how even that couldn't compare.
Nothing and no one can ever compare to Jace. It's a thought that leaves me breathing harder, desperate to take whatever he offers.
Quickening his pace, Jace twists his fingers, hitting the right spot. My hips buck, wanting-no needing more.
"That's it. Milk my fucking my fingers," Jace hums his approval and sucks on my neck. "To think I could stay away from you, Alexis. I was so fucking wrong. You're the sweetest drug I've ever had and I've been feigning for years. No more, baby. You got me hooked." His thumb moves in time with his deft fingers, circling my aching bundle of nerves and dragging his name from deep in my chest. "I can't walk away from you if I wanted. Not when you moan my name like that. Not after seeing how you unravel when I finger fuck that tight pussy. Call me selfish, but I'm done denying this. You ruined me a long fucking time ago, baby. I'm not letting go this time."
My eyes roll back as he works his magic, an overwhelming pressure building in the pit of my stomach.
"Close, baby?" He pumps his fingers faster in and out of my burning core. "Let go, Alexis. Enjoy the moment. Come on my fingers and let me see how good I make you feel."
His demanding words and another crude thrust of his fingers is all it takes. The bindings inside me release, shattering my world with this man's name on my lips. I cry out, gripping the table to the point of breaking a nail as I shutter in the palm of his hand. Heat fills me from head to toe, licking across my skin with a feat that only Jace can create.
Mmm, Jace.
As the last quivers leave my body, Jace slows his assault. Our deep breaths fill the quiet room in unison. When he pulls out of me, he looks at the glistening damage I left on his fingers and licks his smirking sinful lips. I watch, mesmerized, as his raw hungry blue eyes lock with mine and he sucks every trace of me from his skin, right down to his knuckles.
Forget everything, this is the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
"Mmm, sweetest fucking drug is right." He licks his lips again.
My eyes travel the length of his body, ready to see where things go next. He seems to get the hint and steps closer.
Just as he's about to reach me, the worst thing possible happens.
His phone rings.
"Ignore it," I urge and fist his shirt.
Biting the inside of his cheek, he glances over at the lit screen and his face falls.
"I can't. It's Dolly."
Did she come back? Did she see us?
With a speed I didn't know I possessed, I jumped off the table and fixed my skirt. I'd slip my panties back on but considering Jace tore them to pieces, that's not really an option.
As I pace back and forth, Jace answers his phone.
"Aye, Doll. What's up?....mhmm...yeah. I was just about to do that....alright yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."
"What did she say?"
He grins. "She just drove by and saw the lights still on. Wanted to make sure I turned them off and closed up."
I breathe out a sigh of relief.
"Go ahead and walk home. I'll meet you there in a minute."
I nod, speechless. Our explicit activities still spinning in my head.
When I turn to walk away, Jace grabs my arm and pulls me back. I fall into him, my hands gripping his shirt as his arms tighten around my waste. "You started something, Alexis. There's no going back now."
My eyes widen, fear creeping into my mind. But he quickly puts a stop to it as he gently kisses me. I kiss him back until he pulls away and lets me go.
Stumbling back, I make my way for the door as he flashes me one more smirk.
""I hope you can handle this, baby."
Yeah, I hope so too.
So how was that for fire?
Not gonna lie, I think this moment might be a little short, but you lovelies can let me know what you think.
Anyway, what did you think? Enough? Not enough? Too soon? And where do you think things are gonna go from here? Think Jace is right, is there no going back now?
Let me know what you think in the comments and if you like what you read, please hit that star button!
P.S. Since my last update we've gone from just under 4k reads to 7 THOUSAND! OMG! Seriously, I am floored! Plus all the adds, and votes...wow! But what I love the most is all the new comments coming in. I love hearing all of y'alls thoughts and feelings. You lovelies have me laughing and smiling each time you drop a comment. I really enjoy seeing all of you enjoying this story and it really gives me that added umph to post more. On top of that, I have been planning lots of spinoffs for our other Guardians and even some peeps you haven't met yet. I hope you all stick around for their rides as well.
OH, and this book just won 2nd place teen fic in the quotidian love ━awards this morning! AND while celebrating the increased reads on twitter, your girl was congratulated by the official WP ambassador twitter page!
Seriously this whole week has had me lost for words but the big thanks needs to go out to all of you. You're the best!
As usual, the teaser for chapter 25 will be posted on my Instagram and Twitter in a day or two. Keep an eye out for it!
P.S.S. I also just posted a new chapter at the beginning with new character banners. 😘
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