Yuki Sakura
Age: 13
Mother Kora Sakura (dead)
Father Aki Sakura (alive)
Friends: Ichigo, Retasu, Prin, Minto, Masaya, Zakuro, Masha, Ryou, Keiichiro
Likes: Family, friends, cooking, flowers, stars, hanging with friends
Dislikes: Kishhu, Pie, Tart, Deep Blue, Kisshu kissing her, green beans, people getting hurt
Crush: no one
Race: Human/Fox
Yuki has blue eyes and light short brown hair. She is the same size as Ichigo and she has slightly bigger Brest then Ichigo. She wears the same school uniform as Ichigo. She wears as normal clothes is a white tank top and shorts.
Mew Yuki:
Yuki has red hair and orange eyes. She wears a light white toob top with a short skirt. It's not poofy like Ichigo's. She has a white choker that holds her power pendant. She has a band around her left leg.
Weapon: Yuki Dagger
Power: Rebon Snowflake Shower!
She releases snowflakes with her dagger. She can use it also to fight and protect her and her friends.
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