June 12 11:13 EDT
June 12 23:13 CST
-ohdeeryme entered the chat
-ohdeeryme: sehun!!
-ohdeeryme : dammit answer me idiot!! (¬、¬)
Luhan just shrugged off that he wasn't getting an answer from his best friend because he was ecstatic right now! Nothing could possibly bring him down. You see, the email from his professor was actually an acceptance to the university exchange. He was finally going to America. What's more, he was going to New York! Where Sehun lives! He couldn't believe it when he first read it. Maybe he'd get to meet him too...
-longnoodle94 entered the chat
-longnoodle94 : hey hey, I'm back!!
-longnoodle94 : I was unpacking (×_×;)
-ohdeeryme entered the chat
-ohdeeryme : lol sounds fun
-ohdeeryme : anyway, I have news!!
-longnoodle94: oh??
-ohdeeryme : i got accepted for the exchange!!
-ohdeeryme : I'm coming to New York!!
-longnoodle94: seriously?! Which one?!
-ohdeeryme : you wouldn't tell me yours
-ohdeeryme : so I ain't telling u mine!!
-longnoodle94 : prick
-ohdeeryme : that's no way to speak to your elders!!
-ohdeeryme : aren't you happy I'm coming to New York??
-ohdeeryme : we can meet up after so long!!
-longnoodle94 : yeah
-longnoodle94 : I am
-longnoodle94 : congrats btw
Luhan smiled down at his phone. Although Sehun seemed slightly cold hearted, he knew that he was genuinely happy for him. His alarm bleeped and Luhan noticed it was just coming up to midnight.
-ohdeeryme : ah I knew you'd be happy!!
-ohdeeryme : anyway, its nearly midnight here so I'll ttyl
-longnoodle94 : goodnight LuLu x
Kai's teaser is so pretty, don't even argue with me!!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
SNAPCHAT - Abbie_daz
INSTAGRAM - Abbie_Dalziel
See you next time! 👋🏻
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