"But why can't I drive myself?"
My mom sighs turning to look at me, "Aj, dear, I'll rather drive you myself there."
"Mom did you forget I have a license? And a car? Why can't I drive by myself? I think it's time to get back on the road."
"I don't know if you're ready. It's been so long since you've driven."
"I haven't forgotten how to drive."
"I know but..."
She trails off without finishing her sentence. Instead of continuing she pretends to be looking for something around the kitchen to avoid the conversation.
"I'm not going to crash or anything."
"April! Don't say things like that!"
"I'm just trying to tell you that you don't have to over protect me so much."
She stays silent for a few seconds avoiding my stare. Just as I'm about to walk away she speaks up.
"Okay fine. Just be careful though."
"I will." I reply smiling.
"Who are you meeting there?"
"Just Nikki and Brie." I lie. Of course I'm not going to mention that I am going to meet up with my psychologist and his friends.
"Okay. I'm glad you're spending more time with your friends."
"May I help you ma'am?" The restaurant host asks as soon as I walk in. I didn't know what to wear because I haven't gone out in a while.
So I went with a simple pair of jeans and a 'fancy' shirt. If you can even call it that.
"I'm actually meeting a few friends here."
"Can I have the name?"
"Oh yes sure. It's -"
You've got to be kidding me.
I turn around completely forgetting about the host. When I turn I see none other than Dean. Now he's definitely going to think I'm stalking him or something.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here on ... a date."
His eyes widen and I could swear there's a hint of jealousy in his eyes. This hint of jealousy encourages me to keep lying.
"A date? With who?"
"Seth? You're here with Seth on a date?"
Why does it sound like he knows who I'm talking about? Why does he sound so hesitate? And why does it seem like he doesn't believe me anymore?
"Yeah." I reply trying to sound as confident as I can.
"Aj! Dean! I see you've met." Seth says walking out of the bathroom. My heart sinks to my stomach and my blood rushes to my face.
Dean is one of Seth's friends? He's one of the friends we're meeting with?
And I just literally lied to Dean telling him I'm on a date with Seth. I want nothing more but to disappear right now.
Dean looks at me and I look down at my feet. "Where's Layla?" Seth asks making me look up. Dean keeps looking at me as he replies.
"He went to the bathroom with..."
"My Leighla?" Seth laughs.
I turn to look at Seth confused. What does he mean by that?
That's when two giggly girls walk out of the girls bathrooms. I immediately recognize Layla but I don't recognize the other girl.
She's medium height, has black hair, and blue eyes. She immediately walks to Seth wrapping her arm around his and telling him something.
"Hey Aj. This is my girlfriend Leighla and that's Dean's girlfriend who's also named Layla except it's spelled different." Seth laughs.
It had to be another Leighla.
The blood returns to my face when Dean glances at me. He knows I lied about being on a date with Seth.
Seth has a girlfriend for gods sake!
I was such a fool for even lying. How did I not think of the possibility that Seth could have a girlfriend?
He's handsome, intelligent, and a kind man. Why was I so stupid to think otherwise?
"Aj? Are you okay?" Seth asks. I nod my head swallowing the knot in my throat. I'm beyond humiliated now and Dean's glance only makes it worse.
I don't even bother to introduce myself because Dean and Layla already know me. And also because I want to stay as invisible as I can.
"Okay well let's go take a seat!" Seth says enthusiastically.
"Actually," I begin earning a look from Layla. She's not giggly or happy anymore. Not after seeing me anyways.
She keeps walking dragging Dean along who turns to glance at me once again. "I have to go." I whisper to Seth.
"What? Why?"
"Because ... an emergency came up."
"Is everything okay? Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I just need to go pick up a friend who had car trouble. Please excuse me with your friends and tell them I'm sorry for leaving so early."
Before Seth can say anything else I quickly walk out of the restaurant. I rush to my car and get in.
My face is still on flames from the embarrassment. Dean knows I lied. He probably thinks I'm pathetic.
I lay my head against my steering wheel crying. I'm so angry at myself. For lying, for feeling this way, for still holding onto this damn hope that Dean will someday feel the same way about me.
There's a sudden knock on my window making me get up abruptly. Dean is knocking on it and I quickly wipe my tears before he sees.
I don't open the door or put the window down. The last thing I want is to see him or even speak to him.
I just want to go home and cry alone in my room until I pass out from exhaustion.
He knocks again and I pull out my car keys to turn on the car but before I do he opens the door.
"I guess you forgot you didn't lock the door." He says.
I avoid any eye contact and keep staring at my lap.
"Go away."
"Why're you pushing me away?"
"I said go away! I don't want you to make fun of me."
"Make fun of you? Why would I do that?"
He kneels down on the ground to see me better. "Because I lied about being on a date with Seth. I'm so stupid."
The knot on my throat returns making my breath uneven.
"Why did you lie?"
"So my life won't seem boring and pathetic. So I could make you jealous. I don't know. It was just stupid." I whisper.
"Hey... it's okay. Don't worry about it." He says quietly as he puts his hand on my knee. I look at him who's still kneeling beside me.
"Aren't you suppose to be with her right now?"
"I guess."
"Then why aren't you?"
"This feels better."
My emotions get the best of me and I'm unable to hold my tears. I lay my head back down on the steering wheel with my blushed face.
"It's okay. You don't have to cry. Please don't cry." He whispers. I feel him reach to put his arm around me.
At first I tense at his touch until my body gives in. I've missed his touch so, so, much. I've missed him so much.
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