"Aj you have a visitor." My mom says peeking through he door. "Visitor?" No one ever visits me.
Except a few of my friends but even then they don't come very often.
"It's your physiologist." She says quietly. I stop drawing and look up. "My psychologist? Mom did you call him?"
"No. Of course not."
"This is because I've been refusing to go to therapy isn't it?"
My voice sounds angry and she walks in closing the door behind. "Aj! Cut he attitude. I promise I didn't call him. He came by himself. Why don't you want to go to therapy anymore? Did he do something to you? Did he try to-"
"No mom he didn't try to do anything. I just don't want to go to therapy anymore. I'm okay now."
"Okay well you have to talk to him."
"But I don't-"
"I don't care if you don't want to. I can't lie and tell him you're not here because I already told him you're here. Come on to the living room hes out there."
My fiery cheeks only get hotter just thinking of facing Seth. What if Dean told him I pretend he was on a date with me?
Just thinking of talking to Seth makes me angry. The whole situation flusters me. Seth had good intentions but it doesn't make me less angry.
My mom lets me go out of my room and I head to the living room. Seth is sitting on the couch but gets up immediately when I walk in.
"Aj. Hey how are you?"
He stretches his hand out for me to shake it but I just stare at it. He awkwardly brings it down and sits back down as I and a seat in front of him.
"Is everything okay?"
"Everything is just fine."
"Then why haven't you been to the therapy sessions? You've missed three already since last Friday. Are you sure everything's okay?"
"I just don't need therapy anymore. I'm okay."
"Aj I feel like-"
"There's nothing wrong. Now if you excuse me I have to do some things."
Seth furrows his eyebrows confused, "Did I do something to upset you?"
The flush on my face returns. My stomach starts tightening making my blood boil. "You know what just leave!"
"Aj I don't understand your anger."
"You invited me to hang it with your friends but you never told me it was with your friend and his girlfriend and your girlfriend. Do you know how awkward I felt? You basically invited me to be a third wheel! And not to mention I know Dean and his girlfriend very well and she can't stand me because I desperately confessed my love to Dean and-"
I stop talking once I realized what I've said. "Never mind I'm very busy right now okay? So how about we speak some other time."
"Wait, wait, you know Dean? You confessed your love to him? You..."
His eyes widen a bit as he looks at me. "Dean is ... he's the guy you told me about isn't he?"
I simply look down at my feet. Seth gets up and plops on the couch next to me. "I'm sorry Aj, I had no idea."
There's guiltiness crawling up my throat. I had no right to be mean to Seth. His intentions were good all along.
"It's okay. I'm - I'm sorry for being so rude. I shouldn't have been so mean. It wasn't your fault."
"It's okay. Do you need to talk about it?"
"No that's the last thing I want to do."
"Okay that's fine. I won't pressure you. Before I leave I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"Dean accidentally found out about your therapy sessions."
"I know but he asked me and since he knows I'm studying to be a psychologist he didn't have a problem putting in the pieces together. I'm sorry."
"It's fine." I reply a bit self conscious. What if Dean thinks that I'm crazy or something? Why do I always think of Dean?
I'm walking down the store aisle looking for more paper to draw. I'm too distracted in my mad emotions to see that there's a person in front of me. I bump into him.
"I'm sorry I - I didn't see you." My voice goes quiet when I see Dean in front of me.
"It's fine. It - it was my fault." He says.
The pink tinge in my cheeks spreads all through my body. I quickly turn around and try to reach for a stack of paper.
Im standing on my tippy toes trying to reach it when Dean goes behind me and grabs the paper for me.
"Thank you." I whisper.
"Sure no problem. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I am. Why?"
Dean looks down and I remember Seth's words. "Dean accidentally found out about your therapy sessions."
"Are you only talking to me because you feel pity?"
"What? No. What are you talking about?"
"You're only talking to me because you found out about my therapy." I say rolling my eyes as I walk by him.
He grabs my arm and pulls me back. "No of course not. I'm talking to you because I want to."
I look down at his hand around my arm and he slowly lets go. "Can we talk about this? Not here. Let's talk about it somewhere else okay?"
"Can you meet me in the cafe we always see each other? Meet me around 4:30."
He excused himself and walks away. My heart speeds up and a smile forms on my lips. Even though I hate feeling happy about it I'm happy.
Ecstatic even.
It's been so long since I've felt this way.
And even though I like it I'm so terrified.
I'm terrified of it all.
I don't want to feel this way again. I don't want to be let down again. But this stupid hope inside of me won't die.
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