"I think I know what you took."
"Huh?" I ask looking up with a mouthful.
"This is the third sandwich you've eaten."
"Can I have another one?"
"I think three is enough."
"I'm very hungry and very thirsty. What's wrong with me?" I frown still feeling everything around me enhanced.
"You're on drugs that's what. Who gave you weed?"
"What? Drugs? No! I don't do that."
"You've eaten three sandwiches, three bottles of juice and you still want more. You're definitely high. Who gave you that?"
"Umm, umm, I don't know. I can't remember." I laugh. Suddenly, everything is funny. Even Dean frowning at me is funny. Hilarious actually.
"Why can't I stop laughing? I hate his so much." My laughter soon turns to sadness.
"You're on drugs."
"I'm not on drugs I'm just in love."
He presses his lips in a line and walks to me grabbing my arm. "Come let's get you to bed."
"Am I staying here?"
"Yes. I can't take you home when you're high. I need you to listen to me, okay?"
"I need you to call your friends and tell them you're okay. I need you to call your parents as well and tell them you're staying with your friends. Okay?"
"I'm hungry. Can I eat that pear?"
"Aj! I need you to listen to me."
"I'm listening."
"What did I tell you to do?"
"Call my friends and my parents."
"Okay here." He hands me my phone which I don't even know where he got from.
I first call my mom. "Mom? Hey!"
"Try to sound normal." Dean whispers as he leads me down a hallway.
"I'm okay. I'm staying with D- Nikki." As I'm walking I step wrong causing my heel to go sideways making me stumble.
"What?" My mom says through the phone.
"Nothing! Nothing!" I laugh.
"I'm okay mom I promise. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you."
As soon as I hang up I start laughing hysterically. "Did you see me almost fall? I looked like a baby deer that was just born."
"Yeah, yeah, super funny. Now call Nikki or your other friend."
Nikki picks up after the fourth ring. There's still music playing in the background so she must still be there.
"Where are you?"
"I'm with my friend."
"What? What friend?"
"I'm with Dean."
"Dean? Oh my gosh!!! Are y'all going to-"
"No. No. No. We're just hanging out."
"Oh my gosh." She squeals.
"I'll call you later."
"Okay bye! You better give me details tomorrow!"
Dean opens a door and I look around smelling his cologne in the air. "I'm sleeping in your room?"
"Yeah. I'll sleep on the other one."
"Where's Layla?" I ask as he helps me sit down. "She doesn't live with me."
"Bummer." I sigh laying down.
He grabs my feet and I giggle. "That tickles."
"Would you stay still? I'm trying to take off your heels."
When he's done taking them off he sits beside me with a concerned look.
"Aj what you did was dangerous."
"That guy was trying to hurt you. He could've done something to you if I wouldn't have gotten there in time."
"He wasn't going to hurt me. He was trying to take me home."
"He didn't even know you. You need to be careful who to trust. I still don't understand why you did that if you don't even drink or smoke or anything."
"I wanted to have fun with, Randy. This girl just gave me brownies and then I started to have fun. That's it."
"Wait what? Randy? Who's Randy"
"Randy is his boy I met." I say with a smile.
"Was he the one trying to take you home?"
"Oh no. Randy is another guy. He's really nice and handsome."
"Not as handsome as you."
Dean sighs looking at me. "Just go to bed okay?"
"Why can't I get through you? What can I do to turn you on? Or just to get through you? Why won't you let me." I say sitting up.
"I think it's better if you sleep."
"I don't want to sleep. I feel awful." I say feeling my eyes filling up with tears. Why am I so emotional all of the sudden?
"She said these will make me feel good. She lied. I feel so bad right now. My pain is worse now. I'm so sad." I say tears falling from my eyes.
"Aj, don't cry you will feel better tomorrow. I promise."
He wipes my tears and I look at him with a quivering chin.
"Why didn't you show up at the cafe? I waited for you, Dean. I got all pretty for you. I waited and waited. I waited for you to go through that door but you never did. You left me waiting."
"I'm sorry." Dean mumbles quietly.
"That's not good enough. You keep hurting my feeling and that's not fair. Who do you think you are hurting me like this? I wish I could resist not loving you. I wish I was strong enough to not cry when you're mean to me. You're so mean. So, so, mean."
"Aj..." he leans closer to me and wraps his arms around me. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to hurt you like that. That's why it's better if I stay away."
"You're hurting me either way." I say pulling away from his grip.
I wipe my tears with the back of my hands. He looks at me a sweet sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm staying away from you because it's the best for you and I. I have a girlfriend, Aj."
"Why do you love her? Loving her seems tiring. Why don't you love me instead?"
He smiles sweetly. "Just go to sleep okay."
"I'm serious." I say laying down. He looks at me for a few seconds then lays next to me turning his head to face me.
"I know."
"Then why don't you try to love me? Just a little. I'm sorry to sound so eager it's just that being loved by you sounds like a dream come true. I just want to be loved."
"I already love you."
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