"Hurry up mom we're going to be late!"
"Aj, calm down. Where are we going to be late?"
"The appointment."
"The appointment is in forty five minutes." My mom replies as she grabs her keys. "I know, but I'm late for my coffee."
I rush outside to the car. If we're not at the cafe in approximately fifteen minutes I will not see Dean.
There's no way I'm missing that.
"This is all about coffee?"
"Yes mom, yes. They serve my favorite coffee at this time and if we don't make it there then I won't get it. Can you just please hurry?"
"Agh. Fine."
Throughout the whole ride I'm nervous. I'm fidgeting with my fingers praying we're not late.
"It's just coffee, Aj. Calm down." My mom what's noticing my fidgeting hands.
It's not just coffee mom.
As soon as she parks I run out. My heart is racing as I look at the line. He's not in the front like usual.
Then I look at the table he usually sits and he's not there anymore. My heart swells at the disappointment of not seeing him.
I missed it.
I'm not even in the mood to order coffee so I simply head out. I'm about to walk to the car when I see Dean.
He's standing by his car holding the two coffees in his hands. A smile forms on my lips at the sight of him.
He's such a beautiful human. I haven't figured out how he's so beautiful. I'm still wondering till this day.
Someone walks out of the cafe and I turn around to see Layla walk by. She wipes he's hands on her jeans and heads towards Dean.
I stand frozen unable to move my eyes away from there. Deep inside I know I shouldn't be looking, but I keep staring.
Layla gets to him and takes the coffee from his hand. She then gets on her tippy toes and kisses him.
My heart shatters in a matter of seconds. There's already tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
They get in the car and drive away. I still stand there watching the car disappear in the distance.
Why can't that be me in the car with him?
"You didn't get your coffee?" My mom asks as soon as I get in the car. "No."
"Why not?"
"Turns out that coffee was not meant for me."
"Nothing, never mind. They just ran out of the kind I was hoping to get."
"No coffee today?"
I shake my head no. "Whys that? You always have coffee." Seth replies.
"I didn't feel like drinking coffee today I suppose."
"Do you want to talk about something?"
"I don't know."
"How about you tell me about him?"
This makes me look up. "Him?"
"Yes. Yesterday you mentioned him. I'm not sure who that is. You said he was your friend, but it sounds like you had more to say about him."
My eyes stay glued to Seth. He doesn't break the eye contact either. Instead he speaks again, "If you're not ready to-"
"He upset me today. That's why I didn't get my coffee."
"You talked to him?"
"No. It wasn't necessary."
"What do you mean?"
"Everyday before I come here I make my mom stop at this cafe. Exactly at 3:15 he's in line to get coffee for his girlfriend and him. I always stop by to glance at him and today I saw him... with her."
Just talking about it makes me want to cry. I look down at my lap my throat tightening at the thought of Dean kissing her.
"Oh I see. Do you have feelings for him?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Tell me about him."
"There's not much to say. He's an amazing person who was my friend for a while. Until I told him how I felt. Then he stopped being my friend."
"Do you want him to be you friend again?"
"I don't know. Can friends make out and hold hands? Because in that case yes, I want him to be my friend."
"Why do you think he stopped being your friend?"
"Maybe I did something wrong. I probably scared him away. I just don't understand. After my surgery he went to visit me and - and everything was okay. Then one day he just started to ignore me. He blocked me on his social media sites, he told me he as tired of me. I guess he got tired of my blueness and how boring my life is."
"Aj, you did nothing wrong."
"How do you know? You don't even know me."
"I don't know you that much, but I know enough to let me know you did nothing wrong. Based on what you told me it sounds like he's the one having issues. Maybe he got away from you because he's having issues."
"I could've helped him through those issues. I could've helped him like he helped me, but he decided to push me away."
"Unfortunately, that's how life is. Sometimes things happen and we don't know why. What I do know is that you're an amazing kindhearted person. You'll get though this eventually. I promise it gets better."
"It doesn't feel like it."
"It will get better. I promise. What made you fall for him?"
"His humor. He's very sarcastic and always jokes around. He would steal my food and make me laugh. Overall, he made me happy. He made me feel like a normal person. He's a sweet human, but looks very mean. I like they way he smiles when he tells a joke. The way his lips curve up when he talks. The way he laughs makes me happy. Just everything about him."
"Well I'll tell you this, Aj. If he comes back to your life just know it's meant to be. Don't fee upset for what's happening right now. I know that's hard, but you have to try to be okay. Not just for your family and friends but for yourself. You need to feel okay in order for you to improve your emotional help. I hope that with these therapy sessions you feel better."
"I hope so." I mumble staring at my hands.
Thirty minutes later after blabbing about my feelings the session is finally over. I'm about to head out when Seth stops me.
"What are you planning on doing this Friday?"
"Nothing. Just stay home."
"Want to come with my friends and I to eat?"
"Isn't it inappropriate for you to invite me since I'm your patient?"
"Technically no because I'm asking you after our session. So right now I'm just Seth, your friend, not Seth your almost psychologist."
"I guess I can come."
"Great. We're meeting at the Oyster Bar near the mall at 7:00 p.m. You do like seafood, right?"
"I don't mind."
He grins, "Great!"
I'm about to leave once again when he stops me. "Aj."
"Yes?" I reply turning around. He hands me a sunflower. "Thank you."
"No problem. See you Friday night!"
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