I am taken back from the sudden action. At first I'm deeply confused until I see Dean in front of me then that only confuses me more.
"What's wrong with you?" I ask embarrassingly pulling my towel closer to my body.
"I needed to see you."
"And you couldn't pick another time? Get out. If Layla happens to be near and she hears us and-"
"Layla is showering in the bathroom downstairs. She takes hours in there so she won't hear us."
"Of course you'd know." I mumble.
Dean sighs ignoring my comment. "Are you dating Randy?"
"Are you dating Randy?"
"Is this what everything's about? Seriously, get out. I don't have time for this."
I try to get by but he stops me by standing in front of the door. "Just answer my question."
"Yes." I say.
Maybe because I want him to feel a little bit jealous. Maybe I want him to feel like I do. Maybe just maybe.
"What? How can you be dating him? I thought you liked me and I thought we-"
"Excuse me?"
"You make no sense. You confess your feelings to me and then you date Randy?"
"You're unbelievable. We decided to put this behind didn't we? Two months ago we decided to end this. So why're you giving me this little jealousy scene?"
"Because the thought of you dating Randy drives me insane!"
"And you think that you dating Layla doesn't? You're a liar. You said she would hurt herself if you broke up with her but you go out and eat with her? You played me! You keep playing me over and over! You come into my life and leave then come right back. You can't do that to me. It's not fair. It's not fair that you keep playing with me like this."
"I know you can't break up with her or so you say. You don't want to hurt her but you hurt me. That's not fair. I'm done with your game."
"Aj I'm trying-"
"Trying what?"
"I know I'm wrong. I know it. I know I should just break up with her but..."
"You can't."
I sit down on the shut toilet and stare at my bare feet.
"Aj." He breathes softly and sits down on the floor next to me.
"It's not fair. It's just not fair." I mumble.
"I'm not playing with you. My feelings for you are real. I promise."
He looks me deeply in the eyes giving me that look. That sweet sad look that always melts me at sight.
That look that makes me fall all over again. That look that always makes me want to cry.
Tears roll down my cheeks without warning. Dean kneels down and grabs my face. "I'm so sorry."
I keep silently crying staring in his deeply blue eyes. "Why do you do this to me?"
"I know this hard. Okay? I know I'm hurting you. I know you want to give up on me and I know you don't trust me anymore but just know that I love you. I love you so much like I've never loved anyone. Please don't accuse me. Please don't judge me. Just give me time. A few days. Please. Give me one more chance, please, please, please." He puts his face against mine resting his forehead on my own.
He keeps whispering please, please, please and my whole knees go weak. My emotions only emerge further up my throat making me want to scream.
What his voice does to me scares me. It completely petrifies me. It controls me. It makes me weak. It keeps pulling me back to him.
And even though my mind says no. And even though I know my body can't handle another heartbreak my body has no control.
I'm his.
I've no control of myself.
I'm his.
My body, my souls, my heart belongs to him even though he doesn't deserve it. I lift my hand up and place it on his cheek caressing it lightly.
There's facial hair growing and it sort of tickles my fingers making them numb. I don't pull my hand away though.
I keep caressing his face while my tears dry on my cheeks making me feel sticky. He breathes on me making me cold.
I'm about to close the space between us when a loud knocking makes me pull away abruptly.
It's Layla.
The doorknob moves as she attempts to open it but it's locked. Dean quickly gets up and he looks at me the same way I look at him.
"Hide in there." I whisper pointing to the shower curtain. He gets in the tub and pulls the bright blue shower curtain with bright yellow fishes.
"Open the door!" She screams.
Before doing so I take a deep breath and try to control my shaky body. "Open the-!"
I cut her off by opening the door. She's wearing an oversized shirt and her hair is pinned in a messy bun.
"Oh." She says when she lands eyes on me. "I was about to shower." I comment. "I see. Well me too but I forgot my razor in this bathroom."
She walks in and I curl my toes in anxiety. She looks around the sink and I'm so worried that she will look in the shower.
I gulp a knot that's formed on my theist when she turns around and looks at the shower curtain.
I'm frozen and I want to scream "no!" But I can't move. My knees lock when she walks towards it.
As soon as her fingertips touch the curtain I hold my breath feeling my heart beating so loud it thumps loudly against my eardrums.
"Ah!" She says turning around leaving the curtain behind. She opens a small cabinet that's under the sink and pulls out a pack of razors.
"They're here. Anyways," she turns her attention back to me. "I'll let you shower." She says walking out and closing the door again.
I'm finally able to breathe normal when she leaves. I look at myself in the mirror and see the blood has been drained from my face.
I look as white as a sheet of paper. How come she didn't notice?
Dean walks out of the shower and I look at him through the mirror reflection. He opens his mouth like he's going to speak but I stop him.
"Just leave before she decides to come back." I whisper.
He looks at me but doesn't speak. He grabs the doorknob and without realizing the words bolt out of my mouth, "I'm tired of hiding this."
He looks at me once again, "I know. It will end soon I promise."
"If you're honest does that mean you'll break the promise?"
"I won't let you down." He says.
But how can I trust a man who's let me down more times than I can count?
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