"I'm surprised your mom let you go out without an interrogation." Nikki says.
"Because I'm going out with you duh."
"True. So have you planned on going back to college?"
"I don't know."
We walk in the restaurant where we're supposed to be meeting Brie and her now boyfriend, Roman.
"Why? You were very excited about it... well before your accident."
She quickly apologizes from bringing my accident up, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-!"
"Nikki. It's fine. And yeah I was very excited about my career at the time but I just don't know anymore. I'm still taking therapy and I still have to get checked and I don't know if I can handle college right now. After my accident I came to realize that I want to find something that I'm truly passionate about. I don't think therapy is something I want to do anymore. I can barely handle my own problems so how am I supposed to help others with theirs?"
"Listen, I'm sure you'll find your passion soon enough. Mine was soccer and then I had that problem with my leg that cost me my dream at the time. But everything happens for a reason you know? The accident you were in was terrible but thanks to that you got closer with your family and ... well you even met Dean because of it."
Nikki saying this makes me aware that it's true. If I hadn't had that accident I probably wouldn't have ever met Dean. We probably would've never crossed paths.
Would I have been happy then? Would I be with someone else? Would I not feel so heartbroken?
"Hello. How are you? What can I get you ladies to drink?" A waitress asks.
"Doing good, and you? Oh, and I want a martini please and what do you want Aj?"
"Water is fine for now, thank you."
"Water? Really?" Nikki asks as soon as the waitress walks away.
"I don't want alcohol for a long time. Not after that night."
"Aww come on. Alcohol is fun."
"Right." I reply sarcastically.
Minutes later the waitress brings our drinks. As soon as she does we spot Brie walking in.
"Girls!" Brie squeals approaching us. We get up to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Where's your hot boyfriend?" Nikki teases.
"Nicole, I will cut your throat."
"Damn. Calm down." She laughs.
"Just kidding. He's coming and uh I think we're going to need a bigger table."
"What why?" I ask confused. "Roman brought a couple of his friends."
"One of them is Randy."
My eyes widen. "I didn't bring him I promise! Roman is just really good friends with him and invited him. Sorry if that's uncomfortable."
Roman walks in with Randy and ... Seth?
"Who's that?" Nikki immediately asks her eyes glowing.
"That's my psychologist."
"What? When you said you had a psychologist I pictured an old dude not a radiant sex god." Nikki gushes admiring Seth.
"He's not a psychologist yet it's a long story."
"I thought you were talking to Randy's other friend?" Brie questions.
Nikki rolls her eyes, "I was but ugh. No. We're not anymore."
Roman, Randy, and Seth finally reach the table. Nikki immediately gets up to greet them, Seth in particular.
"Hey." I shyly say when I get to Randy. "Hey Aj. How are you?"
"Good and you?"
"Doing good."
"Aj! What a surprise!" Seth beams hugging me.
"Let's move to a bigger table shall we?" Roman asks.
A waitress walking by moves us to a larger table. I sit beside Nikki who's sitting beside Brie.
Roman in front of Brie, Seth in front of Nikki and of course Randy in front of me.
"I didn't know you were friends with Roman's girlfriend." Seth tells me.
"Well I didn't know you knew Brie's boyfriend."
"Yeah, small world huh?"
"So Aj tells me you're a psychologist?"
"I'm about to graduate. It's a long story."
"I didn't know psychologists were that hot." Nikki says taking a sip of her martini.
My eyes widen while Seth's cheeks turn pink. "He has a girlfriend, Nicole." I whisper. She pouts disappointed.
"Actually, Leighla and I split up." Seth speaks up.
Nikki's eyes glow again a smile on her lips.
"Yeah. A little after that day at the restaurant. We're on good terms though."
If Seth and Leighla broke up after being together for a long time, then maybe one day Dean and Layla will do the same.
"Excuse my sister. She's a bit blunt." Brie says.
Nikki simply shrugs and I catch Seth smiling at her. The same waitress that took our drink order approaches us again asking them what they want to drink.
Brie orders wine while the rest order water. "How boring. Didn't we came to have fun?" Nikki teases when the waitress hands them the water.
"We can have plenty of fun." Seth responds.
The rest of us look at each other trying to hold in our smirks.
"Do you need a few minutes to look at the menu?" The waitress asks.
"Yes please. We're just going to chat for a bit and then we will order." Brie responds.
"What have you been up to?" Randy asks.
"Not much really. I've been trying to look for a job somewhere."
"Well my aunt works at the local library. She needs a helper maybe you could try working there. I mean if you like books and all."
"Really? Do you think she'll hire me?"
"Maybe. I can't put in a word for you. I will tell you this though, you probably won't get paid much."
"I can always have two jobs."
"Yeah you can."
I'm taking a sip of my water when I see Dean and Layla. They're walking to a booth and I almost choke on my water.
Roman turns around and spots them. "Dean! Hey! Over here!"
Of course Roman knows Dean.
Dean immediately locks eyes with me. Layla starts walking towards the table we're in and I feel super uncomfortable all of the sudden.
"Roman, hey. What are you doing here?" She asks.
"Came to eat with some friends. This is my girlfriend, Brie."
Layla looks at Brie smiling, "Nice to meet you in Layla."
"Nice to meet you too. This is Nikki," Nikki waves and Layla smiles waving back. "And one of our best friends, Aj."
Layla stops smiling when she meets eyes with me. "We've met." There's a hint of bitterness in her voice.
Dean finally gets to the table and greets Seth and Roman. Then he turns to the rest of us but keeps eye contact with me.
I look away feeling the blood rush to my face. "Oh my gosh. Is this like a triple date thing?" Layla asks.
Dean furrows his eyebrows confused and looks at Randy then at me. I simply take a sip of my water avoiding his gaze.
"It is." Nikki replies.
"Wow. Can we join? Then it'll be like a quadruple date."
Before any of us can oppose Layla grabs Dean's hand pulling him. "Come on babe."
She sits next to me while Dean sits beside Randy. I can smell Layla's strong perfume and it's making me queasy.
That's not the only thing that's making me sick.
Brie and Nikki both give me a look and I try my best to cover up the disgust and uncomfortableness I'm feeling.
When dinner is finally over I am beyond relieved. I've never been so ready to go home and go to bed.
We're just walking out of the restaurant when Layla stops us. I fee someone behind me and at first I think it's one of my friends but when I look back I see Dean.
He steps closer to me pressing his chest on my back. I can feel his breath on me and it makes my knees shake.
"Guys since we had so much fun why don't we hang out this weekend?" Layla suggests.
"Actually, this weekend we can't. We have to-"
Layla cuts Brie off. "Come on! I have a beach house and we could all go. You know all the couples." Layla grabs Dean pulling him towards her.
She wraps her hand around his waists and lays her head on his chest. At that moment my heart drops to my feet.
Dean looks at me apologetically.
"We're not-" Randy is about to say but once again Layla interrupts.
"You don't want to hang with us, Aj? Is that it?"
"I ... I ..."
"We'll go." Nikki says.
Seth turns to look at her and she clears her throat, "I mean if you want to come with me."
He simply smiles nodding.
I'm about to speak when Brie says, "Yeah we'll definitely go, right Aj?"
Now they're all looking at me and I hate the attention.
"I'm down if you are." Randy says.
"Sure." I finally say after feeling so pressured.
Deans eyes never once leave my sight.
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