"Okay mom you can leave now."
"Can't I just wait in the car for you?"
"No mom that's lame. My friend should be here soon."
"Who are you meeting? Nikki? Brie? Paige?"
"It's a friend I met at the hospital okay? He will be here soon."
My moms eyes widen, "He? It's a he?" I nod my head slowly, "Yes and?" She looks at me worried. "Maybe I should stay. What if he tries to take advantage of you?"
"Mom. You do realize I'm in a wheelchair right? You do realize I'm wearing a T-Shirt and no makeup right? I'd be lucky if he takes advantage of me."
"Aj!" My mom whisper screams. "I'm kidding mom. You can seriously leave. The house is like five minutes away just go I'll be okay. I promise."
"Aj I thin-"
"I'm an adult mom. Please. Just let me talk to my friend. I barely go out. I need to at least feel normal for a few minutes."
My mom nods her head, "Okay. Okay. I'll - I'll be at the house. Call me if you need me okay?" She kisses my head and walks out of the ice cream shop.
I wait by the table and try to see if there's any sign of Dean. Then I notice some people staring at me.
It makes me feel uncomfortable. I know they can't help to stare, but it doesn't make me feel less awkward.
Luckily Dean walks in the place making me forget it. "April Jeannette!" He says loudly. "Hello Dean Ambrose."
"Have you been here long? I'm sorry I was stuck in traffic." He says sitting down on a chair in front of me.
"It's okay." I reply sheepishly. "Great! So what do you want to get?" He starts looking around and I feel my face heat up.
My hearts palpitating oddly and my stomach feels queasy. Why does he make me feel this way?
"Strawberry." I finally reply.
"Just strawberry?"
I nod my head and he gets up. "Great well I'll go get it for you." I start to pull out money from my pocket and he stops me.
"What kind of gentleman would I be?" He smiles at me and I can't help to smile back. When he goes to order the ice creams I start second doubting myself.
I should've worn a better shirt and at least should've put on some blush. But then again Dean probably doesn't even care so why am I worried about it?
But what if he does care? Otherwise he wouldn't have invited me here right? Then again he has a girlfriend.
He probably invited me because he feels pity for me. Or maybe he just wants to be friends? Then why does he smile at me like that?
"Strawberry for you!" Dean says handing me an ice cream cone. "Thank you." I reply as he starts eating his ice cream. Which I'm guessing is chocolate.
"So how are you April Jeannette?"
"You asked me that while ago. Why're you asking me again?"
"Emotions can change in seconds. I don't know how you're feeling right now."
"Hmm. Good point. I'm good. I'm better."
"Better? So you lied while ago and saying you were fine?"
"No." I lie.
"That's another lie. Why're you lying? You know lying is bad? You know lying leads to punishment? Don't make me punish you." He says with a smirk.
I almost drop my ice cream cone right then and there. "Huh?" Its all I mange to say as I feel my body heat up.
"Just kidding!" He replies with a grin. "Ohhh." I say fake laughing. The comment got to me though. It almost made me feel like he was flirting with me.
We're both eating our ice creams when his phone vibrates. It's lying on the table and as it lights up he reads the text.
His expression suddenly changes. He sighs annoyed and turns off his phone. "Is it your girlfriend?" I ask out loud.
I immediately regret asking. "Sorry I shouldn't have..." you can hear the embarrassed in my voice.
"Its okay and yes it's my girlfriend." He responds. "Ohhh. Is everything okay?" I don't know why I keep asking.
Maybe it's my curiosity.
"I guess so." He shrugs. "How are you Dean Ambrose?" He gives me a smile, "Ahh I see. Now you're turning things on me huh?"
"Like you said emotions can change in seconds."
"True. Well no everything is not okay." He replies eating his ice cream. "You can talk about it if you want."
"It's just ... do you ever feel like someone's happiness depends on you?"
I slowly nod my head remembering my parents and Phillip. "Actually I do." He nods his head again, "That's how I feel. It just sucks knowing your every move affects someone else's happiness."
He looks down at the table and looks sad all of the sudden. "Do you ... do you love her?" I whisper.
He looks up at me and looks me in the eyes. "Of course I do." My heart sinks to my stomach. I don't know what else I was expecting.
"Then talk to her and make it work."
"I will."
His phone vibrates again and he picks it up. "I'll be right back." He says as he walks to the door.
I nod my head as I watch him exit the door. My ice cream has started to slowly melt in my hands.
Maybe I held on for too long.
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