The Celebrities
The Celebrities
Aren't like some of the celebrities
You read about in magazines.
They aren't celebrities
Because they're rich,
Or because of a scandal.
They are celebrities
Because they deserve to be.
Because of talent.
Everyone in the school respects them.
Even the football team.
The sports players can only dream
Of being as popular as the celebrities.
In fact,
Sydney, The lead in the musicals,
And captain of magricals
Beat out the lead football player
For Prom Court.
Many of the celebrities,
Have such strong voices
That they make Kate sound tone deaf.
They deserve the attention they get.
They deserve to be Mr. Jens favorites.
They deserve to be the leads.
The only problem,
The celebrities are in a different social circle.
You can't really talk to them,
Especially during Madgrical Week,
Or Musical Season,
When the entire school worships them.
You can't audition to become a celebrity
Unless you've made it into the highest choir.
Meena, Kate, Michelle and Hope auditioned.
Meena didn't make it.
I still have my friends.
Hope did.
Aside from Jessie, Mr. Jen's son,
Hope became the first celebrity of my grade.
I wonder how things will be next year.
Will I be able to speak to her?
I hardly can as it is,
Simply because she's a Kate.
The celebrities aren't rude.
They never insult people.
But when the entire school
Holds them to the highest esteem,
It's hard not to see them as special.
I imagine it's hard for them,
Not to see themselves as special.
It's not that they mean act to entitled.
It's that they are in Madgricals,
And Madgricals is their whole life.
They think of little else.
So If you don't know about that,
They won't have much to say to you.
Perhaps it makes me a terrible friend,
But I'm glad Meena didn't make Madgricals.
She's aware of the problem with celebrities.
She calls it 'Curse of the gifted'.
She vows never to act like the celebrities,
Even if she becomes one.
But I don't want to take that risk.
I know she chooses Kate over me as it is,
So what if there was another wall dividing us?
I don't have enough friends to lose any.
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