Kiss it All better
Matthias sat in the cell, on his bed. He fell onto the bed and cried, he covered his face and closed his eyes.
"denny...i love you so much you moron." (Y/N) giggled kissing matthias. He laughed and looked at her, "Um..(y/n) will you... um... (Y/n) i love you more than my own life. Will you marry me?"
(y/n) and Denmark sat on a park bench where he had proposed. Just then the bush shook and Denmark's 2p stepped out, He brought up a gun and shot Denmark's soon to be wife.
He dropped the smoking gun and the coward he ran, and in Denmark's arms was the bleeding love of his life. She cried "kiss it all better denny, im not ready to go." She cried and hugged him. He held her
Matthias sat and he sobbed, He lost the love of his life. to...him.
(Y/N)s skin paled and her hands were so cold, Denmark cradled her," everything's gonna be alright, i promise baby." he saw the gun and his anger took over. His lover was dying infront of him, "Im gonna avenge my lover tonight." she cried "Kiss it better Denny please, im not ready to go." He took the gun and spent months tracking the man that tore his world apart. He would avenge his lover.
3 Months Later
He was completely torn apart but he found him. "You bastard. you killed her. you will die an ironic death. Do you know what she said to me AS SHE DIED?" he held his counterpart against the wall and threw him across the room and held a gun to his head
*CLICK* *BANG* he was dead
he sat in the court room and they sentenced him to a 25 year to life sentence. He cried as he heard her sweet voice.
"Its not your fault love, you didnt know. Please stay with me until i fall asleep. Stay with me, please."
(Y/n) i love you so much, im so sorry, its my fault i wasnt a good husband. I'm sorry."
"Denny its not your fault you didnt know, i will be waiting for you. But that didnt mean you needed to hunt him down and kill him. it wont bring me back, i love you denmark."
and Denmark passed that night, he was reunited with the love of his love.
He was at ease, he was in love.
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