Oh no...
BroccoliBoi: I'm here! Where you at?
09SharkBoi: Not there yet! Can't find my other shoe!
I smile a little at my phone as I sit down on a bench next to a lamppost.
BroccoliBoi: How does one manage to lose a shoe?!
09SharkBoi: Dunno muh dude, but I've mamnaged to! Lolol.
BroccoliBoi: Lolol, only you!
Seriously Kirishima? How do you lose something like a shoe? Before I can think of a way, he responds.
09SharkBoi: FoUnD iT! On my way!
BroccoliBoi: Mkay! Cya soon!
09SharkBoi: CyA!
[ 5 minute time S K I P]
I'm laying down on the bench when I see Kirishima jog up to me. I then sit up. Wow, he looks good in grey and black! We hug.
"Hey, Kiri! How's your relationship with Kacchan?" I ask as we sit.
"Oh, it's great! He calms down now apparently when I tell him to! So, how's your relationship with Ochaco~?" He laughs, flashing his teeth. I smile.
"Just fine! She still helps me study from time to time." I tilt my head smiling, the ear on my hood flop.
"So, wanna walk for a bit?" He asks holding out his hand to help me stand. I had sprained my ankle a couple of weeks previous.
"Sure! You lead the way!" I then take his hand and I stumble a little, falling into him. I flush vividly. Crud!
"You okay Midoriya?!" he asks with genuine concern, steadying me. I pull my hood over my face to hide the blush.
"Y-yeah! Sorry about that!" Why am I blushing?! I'm probably just embarrassed is all....yeah.... because..of the fall.
[After walking and talking for a while]
Kiri, you're so nice. I'm a little jealous of how quick you are at making friends...that's what I like about you... Just as I finish that thought, he stops and looks at me with complete seriousness. Oh no... He didn't hear my thought just now did he?! Was I rambling out loud?!
"Izuku..." He said calmly.
My first name?! Oh fudge! "Y-Yes, K-Kirishima?" I say nervously. OH MY GOD OH GOD
"Do you like guys?" he asks, every word laced with care and caution. I turn red and pull my hood over my face once more, the ears on it falling over my face as well. Do I like g-guys?! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! OH. MY. G O D! I feel him pull the hood up to see my face but my eyes are closed. "Midoriya? I'm sorry, was I too blunt?" he asks sweetly.
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