Chapter 2- Echo and Marx
Boulders Pov
Boulder snoozed next to Kirby as the Pink puffball snoozed as well. "Wait what's that?" Boulder asked as Kirby yawned getting up as something crashed into the ocean as the puffball ran over. "Kirby! Why do you always run into danger without thinking" he signed running after him to see Echo floating around the object. "I have no clue what it is it just crashed into the ocean and may have woken up Kine" She added. "I think I'll take it back to my cavern and see" The Driblee added pushing the object towards the cavern as Boulder turned around to see Kirby pulling a angry face. "Are you okay Kirby? You seem upset" Spark asked as the Pink Puffball looked at them both and back at Echo then walked off. "Well that was weird" Boulder added as Spark nodded while the two ran up to him. "Would you at least yell us what's wrong?" Spark asked as Kirby turned around and started talking. "So your saying you think that thing that Echo took with her is your enemy Marx that almost tried to kill you?" Boulder asked as Kirby nodded. "Then I think we better go warn her" Spark said running towards Echos cavern with Boulder and Kirby behind. "Echo! We need to talk!" Spark called as the Driblee poked her head out. "Hey guys what's up?" She asked hanging from the cavern entrance. "That thing you have with you is Kirbys enemy Marx who almost killed him once" Boulder added as Echo snorted. "Well that was once this is now He may have changed" she grunted as Kirby came forward and squeaked. "I know you don't want me to go near him but if I make him better he may trust us" Echo added going back into her cave as Boulder looked at Spark. "Maybe we should just leave her to it" Boulder asked as Kirby whined and nodded as the three of them walked off. "Maybe we should go ask Meta Knight if he agrees with us or Echo" he added. "Well if he agrees with any of us. Wait a sec Kirby doesn't Tiff and Tuff still live around here?" Spark asked as Kirby nodded. "Of course they do Spark we kept on seeing Cappy Town when Kirby used to be there until he went away" Boulder added. "Why did Dedede move as well? It's weird" The plugg added. "Maybe to keep trying to get rid of Kirby?" Boulder snorted. As Kirby squealed happily. "Well the Cappies were definetley happy about it" Spark added doing a frontflip. "Well there's Cappy Town but I can't see any Cappies" Boulder added as the town looked deserted. Kirby sighed as Boulder looked even more. "Its weird where are they all?" He added as Sky stopped infront of them. "They've left town, me and Coo were flying over earlier and he explained it to me. They had to move because of constant meteor strikes" She explained. "Do you know where they moved to?" Spark asked as the Birdon thought for a second. "I only know from Coo that Tiff and Tuff are still here somewhere, Rick is with them and I think Coo went to them as well, I have a rough idea of where they are" She chirped as Kirby sqyealed and rolled down the hill following her. The four of them arrived in the town to see cobwebs everywhere. "Maybe we should get Webbi over here to clean up the mess" Spark whispered as Kirby bounced around while Sky flew above him. "Boulder! Kirby! Spark!" Echo called sliding up to them with Marx on her head. "Echo. Get that thing off your head" Boulder whispered as Echo snorted as Marx jumped off. "He's not that bad" She added huffing. "Look I know what I did to Kirby was bad but I changed since I crashed into Nova and I want to help you out" Marx explained as Boulder, Kirby, and Spark looked at each other as Kirby nodded hugging Marx. "Well if Kirbys fine with it so am I" Boulder added as Spark jumped in the air as Sky came flying back. "I found them! Shall I bring them to you?" She asked as Kirby nodded while the bird flew off again. "Is she talking about Tiff and Tuff?" Echo asked as Boulder nodded. "And Rick and Coo" Spark added. as Tiff and Tuff came round the corner followed by Rick and Coo. "Kirby! What are you doing here?" Tiff asked as Kirby jumped in the air. "We came to ask you something" Boulder asked waddling forward. "Hey who are you?" Tuff asked. "How rude" Echo snorted waving her tail around. "Well I'm Boulder, That's Spark, That's Echo, That's Sky and This Is Marx" Boulder explained as Marx tilted his head. "Marx almost destroyed Kirby once so it took a lot of explaining to the others to make them understand he's changed" Echo chirped as Marx giggled. "I guess Sky told you where everyone went" Coo chirped. "Yeah but I don't know where they are" Sky added. "They actually went past whispy woods and now everyone lives at the edge of the forest" Tiff explained as Marx chirped and floated up activating his wings. "That's super cool!" Echo squeaked squeezing Marx. "Don't get too attached he might end up killing you" Boulder snorted as Echo growled. "Fine if none of you will appreciate this guy trying to become good I might as well leave" She hissed going off. "You know guys you might want to be a bit nicer to Echo she is your friend" Tiff added as Kirby whined as Boulder snorted. "Well at least it wont be me getting killed" he growled. "Oh look the Pink marshmallow is back" Takori chirped flying down. "I was going just fine in your house until you come trotting back with your friends and crushing my nice dream" He cooed as Boulder looked at Sky who shrugged. "We'll take you to our new village" Tiff added as Boulder followed behind Rick.
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