Dan stands up so quick you wouldn't even think he could move that fast, his hand reaches up to grab what Phil's holding but Phil jumps off the piano at that very moment and teasingly swings it in front of his face.
"Give that back!" Dan hisses, looking around to see if anyone had noticed the silent confrontation.
"I don't think I will," Phil says, he takes a long sniff of the panties, "damn you smell good."
He bundles them up and presses them against his nose and Dan's face is cherry red as he goes over to Phil but doesn't reach for them, instead he grabs his arm and tugs him back outside. He pushes them to a secluded spot behind the building.
"Alright Phil you had your fun now give them back!" Dan pleads, Phil could see him slipping slightly, losing that perfect manner.
Phil holds them above his head, the black fabric swaying slowly in the wind. "Jump for it."
Dan looks up at them helplessly, he was so tempted to tell Phil he could just keep them but it would only get worse from there. So, humiliation burning in his face, Dan made a small jump for his panties.
"Oh come on Dan that was weak! They're yours aren't they? Take them back." Phil is grinning ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.
So Dan jumps again, this time barely touching them until Phil moves them out the way. "So close! come on." He urges him.
He keeps jumping, and on the fourth try he hooks his finger around them, but as he tugs them down Phil wraps his arm around his waist as pulls him so close their noses are almost touching.
"Give me a kiss." Phil says.
Dan looks at his watery blue eyes and then to his lips, to those disgusting snake bites, ugh! Phil's breath smelled of peppermint and booze.
"No!" Dan says, he pulls away from him with his black lace in hand and sticks it in the inside of his rumpled blazer. Then he straightens himself out and looks at Phil coldly.
"If you lay another unprofessional hand on me, I will have no choice but to report you."
"Oh no I'm so scared!" Phil mocks as he sticks his hands in his pockets.
Dan rolls his eyes, he's had enough for today. "I'm going back to the dorm Phil, and please don't follow me."
"You're skipping class?" He says incredulously.
"I feel sick." Dan half lies, he was breaking out in a cold sweat and his heart was hammering out of his chest.
Phil just shrugs and pulls a cigarette out his pocket, "Have fun I guess."
Dan nods and turns on his heel back to the school. Never before has any ever figured out his secret. He had always been so careful, but then one person has to come and be way to prying in his life so the one thing he tries to keep secret spills out.
"That's not going to happen again," Dan whispers to himself, "I'm done with Phil Lester."
At door 713, Dan knocks on it in the middle of the night, trying not to wake everyone else up.
"What is it?" A sleepy eyed Shane opens the door, his hair all over the place, and he had a weird stain on his grey shirt.
"Shane I need you to move Phil to another floor." Dan whispers. He looks over shoulder hoping that Phil won't pop out of no where.
Shane blinks the sleep from his eyes and shakes his head a few times. "I'm sorry what?"
"Shane please! He won't leave me alone."
"Dan you're 17, okay hon? you can handle a little stalking, everyone has once in their life."
"Look the point is." Shane sighs. "I can't move Phil to a different hall, the 7th hall is where he stays."
Dan looks down at his socked feet, "Can you move me?"
"Dan didn't you hear what I just said! I'm not allowed to move people."
"B-but maybe they can make a exception, I'm in the top 5!"
That's when Shane felt wide awake, he looks into Dan's half crazy eyes, he watches how he turns his hands over each other, how wild his hair was, was he scared?
"Dan there's something I can do."
His eyes brighten, "What is it!"
"I can get you a bodyguard, someone to keep Phil away from you."
Dan fell down at his feet, "Thank you so much!"
Looking uncomfortable but proud Shane helped him back up, "Okay tell Chris and Mark to come in here, then you get some sleep."
Dan nods and runs to doors 714 and 715, after getting the groggy boys out of bed and sending them to Shane's room he walks into his own and falls asleep peacefully.
Shane's room 1:15 am
"Why the fuck are we in here so early in the morning, I have classes dammit!" Mark complains, hugging a pillow on Shane's bed.
"This better not be one of your nighttime theories because I think I heard all of them." Chris says, eyes shutting.
"It's not that." Shane was pacing the room, "Dan's got a admirer that he doesn't like at all."
"It's Phil isn't it?" Mark says sleepily.
"Just tell Felix, he'll handle it." Chris yawns.
"No! He'll handle it to well, I just need you two to keep him away from Dan." Shane says.
Mark and Chris look up, "But they live on the same floor, and Phil is... well nothing can stop him from getting what he wants."
"I know." Shane whispers, "I called Pj yesterday to get information on Phil since he was the one who had been with him longer."
"And?" The boys sat up now, listening to every word. "I found out why Phil has a correction officer."
"He was sent to jail." Shane whispers,
"For what!" Chris's eyes were wide.
"Sexual assault on young boys."
Mark almost passed out and Chris' hand flies to his mouth.
"No! I'm just kidding!" Shane snickers.
Marks throws the pillow at his face, "Don't play like that!"
Shane laughs again but then goes serious. "But really you guys, Phil was a sort of person that could find anything if he puts his mind to it, he's stole valuable things for people, so don't let him slip through you to get to Dan."
The boys nod together, still slightly shaken up by the new information. Shane stands there still thinking, until Chris speaks up.
"What is Phil doing to Dan?"
Shane looks at the floor for a moment, remembering the terrified look in Dan's eyes as he stood there in his doorway. "I don't know," he says finally, "but it must've shook him up pretty bad to come to me."
"And no one ever comes to you for help." Chris mumbles.
The boys all laugh as the tension in the room breaks. "Okay you guys go back to bed." Shane opens the door for the boys to file out.
"Damn this is the most action Kingston's has ever had." Mark says.
And he was exactly right.
woah why did this turn so dark all of a sudden?! i promise things will straighten out, but i was in a dark and scratchy mood so this is what this chapter gets you. HOE OUT✌🏼
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