"Give me a kiss." He whispers in his ear.
Dan freezes as if trying to figure out what is going on. Then he pushes Phil off of him as best he can which he only goes back 3 inches.
"Are you insane!" Dan yells, trying to move out his grasp.
Phil grins and brings his fingertip up, tracing the side of his face, "No I'm not, but I just want to know, you're gay aren't you?"
Dan's cheeks flush as he pushes him harder, Phil actually takes a step back, but he's still grinning at him.
"I-you-It's none of your business what my sexuality is!"
"So you're gay." Phil confirms.
Dan pulls back down his rumpled shirt and straightens out his tie. "You are out of line Phil, and I refuse to answer your statement because I don't have to."
Phil claps slowly, "Okay, but I'll get you to confirm it somehow."
"And what about you? You're-"
"I only have one person I'm gay for."
Dan's mouth fly open in shock. Did Phil just so casually come out to him? He didn't even really know him!
"Who is it?" Dan asks greedily, the one thing that Dan loves is gossip, he's a sucker for it.
Phil looks at him for a moment and laughs, "Oh Dan, you're so precious."
He looks at him in pure disappointment and then huffs, straightening his bookbag straps, "I don't care if you told me or not."
"Right." Phil waves at him, "go back to your room now Dan, but remember, we still haven't discussed your repayment."
Dan turns on his heel and goes further down the hall, he looks back over at the last second to see Phil still standing there, he pecks his lips and his snake bites create a glare from the sunny window. Face flushed, Dan hurried in his room and closes and locks the door. Phil had no right to get in his personal life like that!
It was basically sexual assault now. Dan takes off his bag and throws it to the floor, raking his hands through his hair. He was so confused. He was only 17, Phil was... he didn't even know! But he knew he wasn't old enough to be a pedophile.
Should he report this? He didn't think he should because how would that sound? Dan decides that he would just have to avoid him as best he could, and try to ignore him.
"Hey Shane." Phil calls out to him as he walks into the lounge. Felix was already passed out snoring, books surrounding him.
Shane sighs as he drops his books and bag on the floor in front of him, the more the years go by, the harder the work gets. "What is it Phil?"
"I was talking to Dan today-"
"Phil I already told you that I don't know anything about him."
"No it's just... he wouldn't kiss me when I asked him to."
Shane looks at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "Oh Phil! Dan isn't going to kiss you because you asked."
Phil pulled a confused frown, "But why?"
"Because honey, he doesn't like you, it's just that simple." Felix snores loudly in agreement.
As Phil sits there thinking Shane speaks up again but it's in a more mysterious and ominous voice. "Or Dan is actually a spy here to kill anyone he gets to close to, so that's why he won't."
Phil rolls his eyes and stands up, "Shane I have no time for your conspiracy theories."
"It could be true Phil!" Shane says, propping his feet up and turning on the overhead TV.
Phil doesn't respond, he just walks back up the small steps and back to his room. There was something about Dan that drew him in when it shouldn't, something that made him want him, he wanted to know what he was hiding, it had to be a big secret.
All of a sudden, as he was sitting down on his bed, a single sheet of paper flies through the crack under the door, and he hears retreating footsteps, almost like they were running. Phil gets up curiously and picks it up.
'i like to draw, so i'm repaying you in my drawings'
Phil looks down at the paper more, and sees in amazement all of his favorite anime characters. Dan was a really great artist! He turns the paper over, hoping to see more but then he got quite a shock, instead it was a anime drawing of him with a cigarette in his mouth, dangling from his lips. The speech bubble above him read 'i hate everyone'
It's was well drawn out that Phil actually laughed and held it to his chest like a school girl. Dan. It was his mission to get him.
Dan was laying down on the cool grass just right outside the doors of the school. It was Saturday and everyone was trying to enjoy the freedom while they still could. Most people left to go see their relatives or went shopping for new relax clothes.
Dan was wearing his own black shirt and aesthetic squared shorts. He had black sunglasses on that he had bought at the store for $5 (or £5).
He had already called his sobbing mother. She was still hoping that he could come home but he said he'll be there by Christmas.
"Hey Dan." A big figure blocked his shaded vision and he lifted his shades so he could see a shadowed Phil standing over him, a unlit cigarette in between his lips.
"What do you want?" Dan asked him, shading his squinted eyes.
Phil sat down beside him without invitation, Dan scooted far away from him, at least he didn't smell bad, he actually smelled musky today.
"Looks like you need a friend." Phil says, talking around the stick of death.
"I don't need friends they disappoint me." Dan huffs, as he brings his knees to his chest, looking straight at the other kids having fun and throwing their flying discs to each other.
Phil laughs, "Wow I didn't know you were that crude."
Dan just shrugs, "I was enjoying my day off and you still keep talking to me as if we are friends."
Phil wraps an arm around him. "I thought we were friends."
"No!" Dan throws his arm off him, "we are most certainly not friends, you just think we are."
"Why can't we be friends?"
Dan blushes, "Well because!"
"Because what?" Phil's leaning in now.
"B-because you keep trying to kiss me and friends don't kiss each other!" He stands up to make space farther away from Phil.
Phil stays on the ground, picking at the carefully cut grass. "Aren't couples always friends first though? Until they kiss each other?"
"We're not supposed to be talking about anything like that here!"
"What kissing?" Phil laughs, "Dan it's just kissing it's not like I was talking about full out se-"
"Okay!" Dan exclaims, "I have to excuse myself now Phil, enjoy your day off."
Before Dan moves Phil calls out to him one more time. "Thanks for the drawing."
Dan turns and gives him a genuine bright smile. "Why thank you Phil!"
"No problem," Phil chuckles. "Now run along," he pulls a lighter out his pocket and flicks it a few times so a flame starts, "I'm about to break the rules."
Dan huffs and turns walking towards the band room, and for some reason he didn't feel the need to tell him off even though he should have. Right now his mind was stuck on the crystal white piano that was calling him.
Phil on the other hand, looks at his ass as he walks away. He looked so good in those shorts. His legs were even shaved weirdly enough. "One day." Phil says to himself.
"Daniel Howell?"
"Here Professor Geoffrey! and I must say, that is quite a tie you're wearing sir,"
Professor Geoffrey smiled at him brightly, "Why thank you Dan! if I could, I would give you a point, but sadly I can't do that because it would show favoritism."
"Oh that's okay Professor! I was only complimenting you."
"Suck up!" Someone coughed from the back of the class. The people that heard laughed.
Dan turned his head and glared smartly at the dyed black haired boy, his snake bites glinted in the classroom light as he pecks his lips at him, and smiles evilly. Dan turns around quickly, shocked and disgusted, he copied down this weeks calendar in his planner. Phil was acting more unpleasant as the week went by.
"Phillip Lester."
"It's Phil D-bag."
"And I'll see you in detention, Lester."
"You can wait for me but I won't be there."
Professor Geoffrey sighed, "I honestly don't care anymore if you show up or not."
Phil smiles and got up, his tie was pulled halfway down and his rumpled burgundy blazer was stained with what only smelled like alcohol. He passed Dan on his way out the door.
"I'm going to have a smoke, don't wait up!" And at that he smirks and dips out the room.
No one was surprised anymore at Phil's actions, the boarding school had started 2 years ago, and by this time, all the teachers were even used to Phil walking out of class and being rude. Dan scoffed as his face turns red with slight anger. Someone should teach him a lesson in how to respect proper authority! Dan straightens his already tight and clean tie and huffs. He would be the one to do it if everyone else was scared to.
Dan sits down alone at lunch and opens his gray lunchbox, pulling out a turkey, lettuce, and tomato sandwich. He unwraps the plastic and throws it on the table, then he makes sure that the napkin is tucked safely in his button up, and then takes a giant bite. He moans in ecstasy, the school sandwiches were always the best.
A girl walks past and knocks down his lunchbox, Dan looks up at her with full cheeks before he swallows, still clutching his delicacy.
"Why do you have a lunchbox Dan when you can just get a tray like everyone else."
"Those trays are filled with germs because the lunch ladies are impatient when it comes to washing them for the next day." He looks up at her and smiles genuinely, please go away, his mind begged.
She stood there and huffed, crossing her arms, her skirt was insanely short, she must have cut it because all the girls at Kingston had the red plaid skirts to their knees. She peered at him through her green eyes and swiped the red curls out her face.
"Your just Mr. Perfect aren't you? Always have something smart to say, always on the professer's good side."
Dan frowned, "I take it that you're jealous Melissa, or else you wouldn't be insulting me with comments that are true."
Melissa's eyes went wide with shock. "I-I'm not-"
"Beat it toots, I have to have a chat with Dan." Phil Lester appears behind her and her face grows hot.
Dan notices that she pulls down her shirt a bit more, the top two buttons were already unbuttoned.
"Hey Phil, what are you doing tonight? I heard that down in one of the girls dorm there was going to be a-"
"I said beat it, whore."
Her mouth flops open as she blinks her eyes rapidly, she composed her face quickly and turns around to glare at Dan, "See you later, suck up."
With a turn of her shiny black shoes, she walks away from them. Dan stares at his sandwich nonchalantly before taking another bite. He hears Phil sit down across from him and can feel his eyes burning into him.
"Thank you Phil, you're my hero, thank you for saving me from that disgusting person." Phil says looking more pointedly at Dan.
Dan chews slowly and then looks up, swallowing he notices that Phil's tie is nowhere in sight, so is his blazer.
"Where did half your uniform go?" Dan asks bringing his eyes up to meet Phil's confused blue ones.
"It was getting hot, I took them off, aren't you going to say thank you?"
"But it's against school regulation to take off any means of uniform for unnecessary reasons, this says so in Chapter 1 of 'School Rules and Regulations.' I could read them to you if you'd like, they also talk about not having extremities on your face." He says looking down at the two black piercings in Phil's bottom lip.
Phil blinked at him stupidly. "What the f-"
"Phil I would like to thank you for standing up to my bully, but I assure you, I was going to dumb her down lower than her reading level with my so called 'smart comments' so that she would be so confused and befuddled, she would walk away, contemplating whether if i had just 'burned her' or not."
Phil looks at him, it looked like his mind was buzzing and trying to take in all with what Dan had said. Finally, he shakes his head fast.
"Dan I was coming over here to tell you something, but I think I forgot."
Dan smiles at him politely, "I'm sorry I made you forget Phil, will you please excuse me for a second-"
Dan reaches down to grab his lunch box, but Phil's pale hand was already there, snatching it from his grip. "I got it Dan."
As he sets it down, Phil looks at him weirdly, Dan watches as he stretches his hand out towards him. "You have a bit of turkey on the corner of you lip."
Dan stays put as he watches Phil lean over more so he can get closer to his mouth, but before Phil could wipe away the piece of food, his hand is smacked away. He recoils with a look of shock on his face.
"Don't touch me! I-I haven't given you the right to, and you smell like cigarette smoke!"
A small smile creeps up to Phil's face, slowly turning into a huge grin until he lets rip, loud laughter that sends peoples heads turning their way. Dan sits there with slight determination on his face, but felt heat on his cheeks.
"You....You're to cute Dan." Phil laughs.
Dan's eyes fly open in shock, he was to what? "I am not anything of the sort, I am just pointing out the fact that even though you are classified as a 'bad boy' you have no right to touch me without my consent."
"Oh so you're all about consent Dan?" He laughter faded into a chuckle.
"Why yes I am." Dan says smartly. It sends Phil into another fit of laughter.
"You must have the best time in bed then."
"What ever do you- oh." Dan's face goes red hot as he glares at Phil. "we do not talk about personal bedroom situations at a lunch table! that's absurd!"
Phil rolled his eyes, "Oh come on Dan you must be getting that nice ass of yours fucked every night with that mind blowing consent you speak of."
Dan's eyes bugged out of his head, "How dare you-"
"So tell me Dan," Phil winks, "what kinds of things do you consent to?" He bites his lip, pulling his snake bite into his mouth.
That was the last straw. Dan gets up quickly, sending his chair flying back, and slams down his sandwich, he rips his napkin from his shirt and wipes the turkey off his lip.
"You have gone to far Phil, you are just a good for nothing bad boy that never respects older personnel and you sure don't respect me so I will have no choice but to say, you have my disrespect." Dan stomps off, leaving the first mess he's ever made behind.
Phil sits there for a minute thinking about what Dan said until it finally rings a bell. Did he just say he hated him?
That night as Dan was undressing for bed, he took off his school uniform as usual but also strips off some lacy black panties. He goes over to his drawer to grab another pair but there was only his bland underwear left. He was going to have to do laundry tomorrow, and he knew this was going to happen and he was scared. He couldn't put it off any longer, he had been washing them in the kitchen sink late at night, Chris almost caught him the last time.
He was going to have to be careful that no one found out about this, especially Phil, because if he knew, everything else about him would come spilling out.
oof! laundry day is tomorrow what's going to happen???? oh and dan? BET YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT HUH?!??!
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