Dan had back on his cat costume and was crawling towards Phil who was sitting in a chair smirking at him.
"Come here my little neko." He pats his knee.
Dan purrs and gets up easily into his lap.
"You're so pretty." His owner whispers as he strokes his hair softly. Dan nuzzles into his neck.
Phil picks his head up and and kisses him forcefully. Dan kisses back, making small noises as Phil grips his hips in such a sexy way. And wants more of him. His hips twitch softly and Phil groans pulling his lip in between his teeth.
Dan winced but loved the pain. Phil let go of his lip and dipped his head so he kissed and sucked at his neck. Dan leaned his head back so far that his cat ears fell off. "Oh Phil." He moans.That's when Phil stops and looks up at him.
"Why did you stop?" Dan pants as he brings his head back up.
"Because you need to wake up."
"Wake up Dan, wake up." Phil says.
"Seriously wake up." The real Phil says shaking his shoulders. Dan blinks his eyes several times to see a shirtless Phil on top of him smiling, his even hair falling into his eyes.
"Okay, I'm up." Dan brushes off his hands and Phil lays back down beside him. They were in Dan's room today, they usually alternated which room they slept in.
"You we're making weird noises in your sleep." Dan wasn't looking at Phil's face but he could tell it had a smug look on it, Phil wasn't dumb, he knew what was wrong with Dan.
"Get out." Dan says quietly but sternly.
"What?" There was shock on Phil's face, "are you serious?"
"Yes!" Dan sits up and pushes his arm lightly. "just wait for me at the stairs and I'll be there I just need to think for a minute."
"Okay..." Phil gets up but leans over quickly and gives him a quick kiss on the forehead. "don't think to much."
Dan stays with his knees pulled to his chest as he stares at a blank space on the nearby wall. He doesn't know why, but finally, the heat tints his cheeks as he thinks back to his dream. Why in the world did he dream about that? They haven't even done anything remotely close to what happened in the dream, at least not in a while. The cat costume was another mystery to. Dan didn't even think he still thought of Phil in that way, but the feeling of his touch, his lips still lingering on his skin, sent him into some sort of frenzy. He straightens out his legs and holds his head in his hands. He didn't think he could face Phil without blushing now.
Dan sighs and drops his hands. He moves out of bed and.... "Great." Dan had a slight problem in his thin pajama pants and he prays that Phil hadn't seen it. How could that dream get him so worked up?
"You feeling okay now?" Phil asks as Dan adjusts his bag strap and nears him fully clothed in his uniform. Phil hands him a energy bar since he had missed breakfast.
"Yea, I just had to think." Dan accepts Phil's outstretched hand after he puts the bar in his bag, and they start walking down the steps. "I see you're in full uniform today."
Phil looks down at his burgundy blazer and wrinkled, slightly loose tie. "It's whatever." he shrugs but smiles softly. "What was it, your dream?"
Dan blushes as looks at his feet descending down the steps. "It was nothing, I just had to process it."
"I'm glad you did, it sounded like a good dream or a bad one, I couldn't tell by the noises you were making- hey, was I in it?"
"No! What makes you think you were!" Dan's voice goes up an octave as he looks at him.
They were at the bottom of the stairs now and walked easily into the sea people who were hurrying to their classes. Phil bends down so he was right at his ear. "Maybe because you moaned my name while bucking your hips into the air but I don't know I could be wrong."
Dan gasps and he tries to break away from Phil. "You're lying! I didn't do that!"
"If you had a wet dream Dan you had a wet dream, don't let it get to you."
"Phil!" Dan hisses, "be quiet other people might hear!"
"I have never heard you moan like that, it's so high pitched, so sexy.." Phil spoke like it was casual.
Dan ripped his hand away from his and stepped in front of him. The sea of people moved around them easily, not even batting a eye a the couple. "Phillip Lester you shut your mouth right now or so help me I will break up with you."
Phil looks at him stunned for a minute before his mouth breaks out in a wide smile and he bends down and gives him a long kiss on the lips. Why Dan didn't break away he didn't know.
When Phil did pull away, he was lightheaded. "You wouldn't break up with me even if you had to, you love me, or had you forgotten that?"
Dan blushes, "I hadn't forgotten."
"Well," Phil hooks their hands together again as they walk the last few feet to their classroom, "I'm sorry I kept pushing you, I just wanted to see what you would do."
They walk in and pull apart their hands as Dan sits at his desk. Phil makes a kid move out the one beside him like he's been doing. "I just want to know one thing though." Phil asks a small smirk on his face.
"What?" Dan asks, but that's when Professor Geoffrey decided to start class. Phil holds up a finger and gestures to Dan's bag. Dan takes it off and passes to him.
Phil grabs his note book and pen before handing it back to him. He opens the page and scribbles something in it before ripping it out and handing it to Dan.
what was i doing for you to make those sounds?
Dan turns to him shocked as he glances up at the professor who was turned to the board.
'Answer!' Phil mouths and passes him the pen.
Dan bites his lips softly as he considers it but then again, Phil was his boyfriend, he didn't have much to lose, so he wrote it down.
we were just kissing, i was sitting on your lap.
He passes the paper and pen back to him. Phil reads it quickly and looks up at Dan with a smirk. 'shut up' Dan's mouths to him, looking down at his desk. Before he knows it, the pen and paper were back in front of him.
Dan sighs loudly, hoping Phil could understand how done he already was with this conversation.
that was it! you just kissed me and licked my neck a little and and sorta bit my lip that's what made me... you know...
you like getting your neck licked and sucked? and you like pain?god that's hot i need to remember that for the future ;)
The tips of Dan's ears were scarlet as he looks down at the paper. Wasn't this like some weird form of sexting?
there's something else but i don't think i should tell you
what? what is it! i promise i won't make a big deal about it
on my mom
well... i was wearing my cat costume and you called me your little neko and told me i was pretty. i was sorta acting like a cat...
The paper was still on Dan's desk and he was tempted to scratch it out. When he read over it it sounded bad, it sounded really dirty.
"Hey." Phil whispers and ushers to the paper.
Dan takes picks it up. Phil's hand was outstretched to grab it. It a split second, Dan crumbles it up in his fist and sticks it in between his thighs.
"What the hell!"
"Mr. Lester!" Geoffrey yells, "do you need to go to detention?"
Phil opens his mouth to say a smart comment but out of the corner of his eye he sees a slightly embarrassed Dan and he sighs and mumbles out the words no one in Kingston's Academy thought they would ever hear him say.
"I'm sorry sir, I won't do it again."
Even Dan picked his head up shocked, he looked at Phil who was playing with the slightly chipping desk.
Mr. Geoffrey was speechless as he tried to figure out what to say to the apologetic bad boy. "Well, yes um." He clears his throat, "just don't do it again."
Phil nods and he turns back around to continue the lesson. "Why did you do that?" Dan whispers.
"I wanted to stay in class with you, I want to know what you wrote." He whispers back.
Dan clamped his thighs tighter automatically. "No its to embarrassing."
"Shh!" Dan shushes him himself and turns back to his notebook, hurriedly scribbling down the notes he's missed. Phil looked at him. He was a little annoyed at Dan for not giving him the note, he promised on his mom that he wouldn't make a big deal out of it to!
When the bell had finally rang for the end of class, Dan hurried shoved his notebook and pen into his bag, trying to ignore Phil who was standing over him. He takes the crumpled piece of paper from his legs and stands.
"Are you going to-"
Dan shoves the paper hard at his chest and practically sprints out the room.
Dan takes out the energy bar he'd forgotten to eat this morning and unwraps it. He was skipping lunch and hiding in the band room. There was no way he could face Phil after he had given him the note.
He takes a big bite of the bar and scoots closer into the corner he was hiding in. He didn't know how well Phil was at finding him so he was hiding just to be sure.
That's when he hears the door open. He silences his crunches and stills his breath as heavy footsteps were made prominent in the quiet air.
"Dan! I know you're in here!" Phil sing songs as he comes closer to his hiding spot.
Dan swallows silently, there was no way he would actually know.
"Come out come out wherever you are!"
Dan was hiding behind a tuba case that was stuffed in a corner, hopefully his slim figure would conceal him.
Phil leans on the tuba case and sighs. "Hmm I wonder where Dan is."
He covers his mouth and squeezes his mouth shut. Please go away. He chants in his mind. Then, Phil knocks his shoe up against the case and he lets out an involuntary shriek before quickly stifling it. Everything went quiet for a split second before the tuba case was pushed out the way and Phil had grabbed on to Dan's ankles.
He was grinning madly as he grabbed his wrists next and stood him up."Found you, you kinky fucker!"
"Leave me alone!" Dan threw his barley eaten energy bar at him and picks up his bag, "I'm leaving."
Phil stops him by placing both hands on his hips and spinning him around to face him. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I was just messing with you, but we do have to talk about what you wrote."
It seems like his face was always red these days. "There's nothing to talk about, I told you my dream now let it go."
"Okay I will, I just wanted to tell you that I had the same dream to."
Dan stops struggling and looks at him with curious brown eyes. "Really? You're joking."
"No seriously.. you just had some accessories with your outfit though."
"Like what?"
A smirk. "Come up to my room and I'll show you."
Dan looks back toward the school, from out the large window he could see the students throwing away their food. "Phil everyone is going to their classes, we can't skip."
Phil rolls his eyes and grabs Dan's hand, starting to pull him to the door. "You have to live a little Dan."
"Okay I'll go as long as we're back by theater, we can't miss that."
Another eye roll, "Fine."
Dan dropped his bag in the spare chair when they entered Phil room and looked around as Phil grabbed the plastic bag from a corner.
"Wait the thing from your dream is what you bought at the store?" Dan asks.
Phil looks into the bag and a smug look appears on his face. "Yea, now get over here and let me put it on you."
"Put it on me?" Dan stands in front of him, "what exactly do you-what the.."
Phil snaps the collar and leash around his neck. "See? Like a real kitten" he laughs.
This time Dan smirks. "And you say I'm the kinky one."
Phil pulls the leash slightly and Dan gasps as he gets closer to his lips. "And what do you know about kinky?"
"N-not much." Dan breaths as he sees him wind the leash around his hand a couple times making the collar pull at his neck, once again, it was tight but he kinda liked it.
"I'll teach you all about it." A short tug and their lips were together.
Dan automatically brings his hands up to his hair and kisses Phil with such enthusiasm that Phil has to speed up the slow kiss. And then Phil does it actually and Dan doesn't know how to react. He pulls his lip in between his lip and bites down hard.
"Mmm!" Dan moans but tries to pull back. He opens his eyes and sees that Phil's are already open, watching to see his reaction. He lets go and his lip falls back in place, it tingles slightly.
"You sound even hotter when you're awake." Phil mumbles softly.
"I didn't mean to do that!" Dan takes his hands from his hair.
Phil bends his head to his neck and teasingly runs his lips across the smooth skin making Dan tremble. "I wonder what you'll sound like if I mark your neck."
Dan didn't have time to reply because Phil was already pulling his skin with his teeth. "P-Phil! a-ah oh my-"
"Tell me how it feels." Phil whispers, licking the now bruised skin.
"G-good! Feels so good." Dan moans.
"That's good." Phil smiles backing off of him. "now we have to go to theater."
"W-what!" Dan looks at Phil's smirk. "why did you lead me on like that!"
Phil reaches around his neck and unbuckles the collar and throws it to the ground. "Hey you're the one that didn't want to miss it."
"We can stay here!" Dan blurts before he can stop himself but Phil was already walking out the door.
"Nope! Come on Dan! and find a way to cover up that hickey!"
hey! it's been awhile but i'm back! you guys probably noticed the name change but i'll explain why soon enough!
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