Phil looks in between Dan and James for a few seconds, trying to control his breathing, if this was how Dan wanted it, then by all means, lets play this game.
"You're right, I'm sorry, you look good Dan."
"Thanks." Dan says to a spot on the floor.
Mark grips his shoulder as he turns around shakily on his crutches and hops out of sight.
Dan sighs and flops backwards onto his bed. James just laughs loudly and Shane comes tumbling out the closet.
"Holy shit I thought he was going to kill you!" He screams at James.
James just laughs and stands up, "You know he wouldn't, I'm to cute to die."
Dan was just staring up at the ceiling, everything was going downhill. Why did he decide to do this anyway? Now Phil is mad him for something he didn't even mean to do!
"Dan? It's okay he'll forgive you because you're you." Shane says, plopping down on the bed beside him.
"No he won't, I feel like I've made him mad to many times." Dan mumbles, putting his hands over his eyes.
Shane pokes his side and Dan stifles a laugh. Shane notices and does it again.
"Quit!" Dan tries to keep a straight face.
"What? Are you ticklish?" Shane smiles, poking his sides more.
"Yes!" Dan laughs as he takes his hands away from his eyes and tries to protect his sides.
James notices and jumps in, he pries Dan's hands away from his sides and allows Shane to keep tickling him. Dan was extremely ticklish and he also hit people when they tickled him. So, James and Shane got a few bruises by the time they stopped.
Dan was panting, red in the face, he sits up and tries to calm down his breathing.
"We should stop before we get caught by Phil again." James laughs standing up.
"Oh we almost made him forget!" Shane wines as he sees Dan's face contort back into sadness.
James covers his mouth with his hands, "Oh! I didn't know I'm so sorry Dan, I can go talk to him if you want."
"No it's fine, I'll still do the thing tonight."
"Really? Dan what information do you want from him."
Dan looks at both of them and just shrugs, "I just want answers really."
The day was going by really slowly. Dan had been sitting at his desk doing his work ever since Shane and James left two hours ago. He wanted extra credit, so he was writing essays on why he loved his classes.
He didn't know why he was still in the outfit that James got for him, it just kinda stayed on, and Dan felt more free in it anyways. He kept his leg tucked under him as he leaned over the desk that would give you horrible posture.
Probably around 12:00, a bell sounded overhead that signaled it being time for lunch. Dan gets up automatically but then he looks down at his outfit and decides he'll just skip lunch. It was for the best, Phil was probably going to sit at the table anyway.
Phil. He wasn't ready for tonight, knowing that he was going to have to get really close to him again, but definitely not kiss him. Dan remembers the promise he had made on Phil's hospital bed. He wouldn't kiss him again even if he had to.
Nighttime had rolled around quickly after lunch had ended and Dan's stomach was grumbling for something to eat.
He peeks his head out of his door and listens carefully. The hall was silent. There was another way into the kitchens. Maybe he could grab a apple and make his way back up without being seen by Phil or anyone else. It was bad enough that Mark had already seen him.
Dan creaks open his door silently and starts tip toeing to the side steps, he was doing fine, he was going to make it.
Dan smiles widely as he turns to look at a surprised Phil on his crutches.
"Ew why are you smiling so big?" He says looking at him.
"I'm trying to smile politely while also trying not to scream." Dan says through his teeth.
"Oh well that's nice, um can you help me down the steps because I still haven't handled these things yet." He wobbles on his crutches to prove his point.
"Phil why can't you hop down the steps." Dan offers as he starts to walk away to the side steps.
"Because my leg is still in a cast and it's difficult to hop down steps with your leg fully encased in plaster why are you going to the kitchens?" Phil notices as Dan starts down one of the steps.
Dan turns around and looks at him like he's half stupid and ushers to his outfit which makes Phil's eyes trail down his body.
"Oh right... why didn't you just change?"
"Because!" Dan starts but then he gets an idea. It was now or never and now was the perfect opportunity since everyone was busy at dinner.
"Because, I wore this just for you." He takes on more of a lower tone.
Shock crosses Phil's face as he adjusts his crutches, "What? You did?"
"Yea.." Dan takes slow steps back towards him, "just for you."
"But weren't you just under James not to long ago?" He questions almost angrily as he watches Dan get closer to him until he stops.
Dan hesitates for a second but then smiles softly, bringing his hand up to rest on Phil's shoulder that was still covered by his leather jacket. "I don't want to talk about James, let's talk about us."
"Dan are you drunk?" Phil laughs nervously as Dan's hand trails down to his chest.
"No not at all, here let's go back in your room so we can get a little more private."
"Um okay.. Dan is something in your eye?" Phil asks as he carefully steers himself back into the room.
Dan was actually trying to wink but he didn't want to tell Phil that so he just brushes off the question without answering.
Dan slams the door loudly and Phil jumps slightly as he watches him lock the door.
"What has gotten into you?" Phil asks in wonder as Dan comes back over to him.
"Nothing Phil, you should sit down."
Luckily, Phil was right at the edge of the bed so when Dan pushes him with all his strength, his crutches fall to the floor as he lands on the bed. Dan immediately scrambles on top of him and sits on his lap.
"Wow Dan, this is really crazy." Phil says as Dan places his hands on his chest.
"Yea I know, I can't wait to um...seduce you." Dan says dryly, he didn't want to say the other word and things were getting real awkward.
Phil laughs, "I mean my leg might get in the way but we'll figure it out." He places his hands on Dan's hips.
Dan freezes for a moment. Maybe he should turn things around before this got to serious, he didn't want Phil to get another problem in his pants. "You know what I want though?"
Phil smirks, "You have suggestions? God that's hot, tell me what you want."
Dan bends down towards his ear, "I want.."
"Yea tell me." Phil says greedily.
"I want to know.... why you won't let me see your family."
Dan sits up and looks at him for a response. Phil's face contorts into a quick flash of anger, then annoyance, and finally amusement.
Phil laughs loudly as he takes his hands off Dan's hips and puts them behind his head. "All this for information about my family?"
"Well yes!" Dan blushes a bright crimson realizing how dumb the idea was, "you wouldn't have told me if I had just asked you!"
"Yea your right." Phil says casually, "you want to know why?"
"Why!" Dan says almost angrily.
"Because it's none of your business." Phil lifts his hand from his head and bops him on the nose.
"Ugh!" Dan smacks his hand out the way.
"But please continue Dan, I'll give you all that you want to know if you work for it." Phil winks up at him before closing his eyes.
Dan sits there for a moment considering if he should just get up and leave at this point. It was pretty obvious that Phil wasn't going to give him what he wanted until he gave Phil what he wanted.
"I'm waiting." Phil says mockingly into the air.
Dan thinks about what he can do without having to touch his lips to any part of Phil. Think think think. His mind chants. What is something James had showed him during their practice?
Dan watches a ghost of a smile on Phil's lips. He hated that he always got his way. Suddenly, he remembers something that James did but he didn't want to do it.
"Dan? Seduce me already so you can get your 'information' " Phil teases.
That was it. Dan tentatively moves his hips forward on Phil's gasps and his eyes fly open.
"I'm sorry did I hurt you!" Dan cries out as he brings his hands to his mouth.
"No no! God no, it just felt.. good, do it again." Phil pleads.
"No!" Dan yells embarrassingly, "I've had enough! Tell me or I'm leaving."
Phil looks up at him for a moment then sighs. "Fine." He puts his hand on Dan's hip but this time he pushes him off his lap.
Dan lands beside him in a heap and opens his mouth to start complaining but Phil puts a finger to his lip.
"Okay the deal is you don't talk until I after I do okay?"
Dan nods and Phil takes his hand off him.
"So basically my dad is a jerk, I love my mom but she is set on making my dad happy and me and my brother are like best friends even though we haven't talked in a while."
Dan waits for more but it looked like that's all Phil had to say.
"That's.... that's it?" Dan asks tentatively.
Phil turns his head to him sharply. "What do you mean? Yes that's it."
"Well then why can't I meet them?"
Phil looks at him like he's crazy. "Because Dan, you'll judge my family to much, they're not 'good people' "
Dan gives him wide eyes, "Have they done bad things?"
Phil just bursts out in laughter and covers his hands with his eyes. "Dan my family is as intimidating as a butterfly, it's just that they have their ways."
Phil takes away his hands and gives him a mysterious look and bops him on the nose once more before sitting up carefully. "I really wish you would date me."
"Phil you know I won't." Dan answers casually.
"Yea yea I know, but you will." He winks.
Kingston's Academy was always expanding and adding more programs to it. So when Dan heard that a theater club was opening up he immediately is the first to sign up for the class.
"Ugh, theater is so dramatic," Shane wines as Dan hands him the pen to.
"Then you'll fit right it." Chris snickers as he finishes signing his name and hands the other pen to Felix.
"Oh shut up!" Shane scribbles his name down and and passes it to Mark, "I am not dramatic."
"School rumors say otherwise." Mark snorts.
"Who's saying what about me?" Shane looks around the room where a line a people were still waiting to sign their name.
"Shane calm down, no one is saying anything about you." Dan consoles him like a mother.
"Is it you!" Shane yells, pointing to a random guy further back in the line, completely ignoring Dan, "or you Melissa! Everyone here knows you can't keep your mouth shut IN BOTH WAYS."
Everyone starts laughing and Dan gasps as Melissa turns red as her curls and pushes through people to get to Shane.
"Oh you want to fight? Let's go bitch, but your going to have to re schedule your appointment with the ten other boys your seeing tonight."
"You fucking fag! You say another thing about me and your over with!"
"Oh honey please call me fag again it reminds me of how your dad moans it in my ear while he's pounding my ass!"
Melissa swings and so does Shane but Mark grabs his arm and pulls him back while Felix grabs her. Dan just stands there shocked.
"Please don't kick or your skirt might fly up and reveal your thong!"
As Felix drags her away as Melissa screams at him.Shane yells again for the fun of it.
"I'm surprised you kept your legs closed this long to fight me!"
Mark turns him around to face him, "And you say your not dramatic."
"That wasn't dramatic she was asking for it."
"Shane you started it." Dan clarifies.
"Yea but I know she was talking about me."
"Hey! Other people want to sign up to!" Someone yells from the line.
Shane whips back around. "Who said that -"
"Alright lets go guys before Shane starts again." Dan pulls him along.
hope you enjoyed! these updates are not kicking my ass :)
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