"Dan quit fidgeting and listen!" Shane says sharply to him.
"I'm trying !" Dan huffs as he yanks out the tight pink shorts out of his crack for the 20th time that morning.
Shane just rolls his eyes, they've been at it for four days now and today was the day that Phil was supposed to be coming back from the hospital.
James was just sitting on the desk in the back studying Dan quietly, he was being very silent these days. Dan wondered if him and Jeffree had got into it.
"Now listen, you rub his shoulders a little, kinda lean in close and tease him, it makes you irresistible, it makes him want you more."
Dan nods feverishly, writing it all down in his small notepad. "But what if he kisses me without me knowing?"
"Dan you have to make him think your in control, that eventually he'll get his kiss if he waits like a good boy."
"That's good." More writing in his notepad.
"I've just noticed something, why do you want to learn how to seduce Phil?" James speaks more words than he ever had in four days. It was mostly noises of confirmation and 'yes' and 'nos'
"Uh well.." Dan starts playing with the bracelet self consciously, "I need information from him."
"Sister scandalous! I didn't think you had it in you Dan!" James eyes go bright in excitement.
"When do you think he's going to tell you? After or before the sex?" Shane asks eagerly.
"Shane!" Dan blushes, "there will be no intercourse."
"I promise I won't listen! But it looks like you would be very loud."
"Yes he does,louder than I would be." James confirms.
"You guys!"
"Just saying! and it also looks like you give good blowjobs." He mumbles the last one.
"A good sister suck."
"Wha!" Dan covers his eyes in embarrassment, he craved death so much right now.
"I bet he has high girlish screams." Shane gushes, now deep in conversation with James.
"You know he probably does! I wonder if he- hey Dan do you get off?"
Dan was about to cry as he peeked from in between his fingers. "No I don't so stop talking about me doing sexual things now!"
James laughs merrily. "You're the one who wanted to know all about it."
"I know but not like that!"
"Okay okay we'll stop teasing you." Shane chuckles.
He walks over to him, circling around him a few times. James also goes back to scrutinizing him.
"You guys I still don't have a shirt on." Dan clarifies as Shane pinches and pokes his hips.
"Oh I know kitty girl, my friend Louise is going to bring up some cute tops for you since mine can't afford to be ripped off by that hot man."
"What do you mean ripped off?" Shane asks eagerly.
Dan's face was so hot he thought he would explode in embarrassment as James continued talking.
"Didn't you hear all what was going on that night? At Dan's birthday party that night when Dan and Phil went in his room I swear the whole Academy could hear him ripping off his clothes and growling like that, hell I almost joined in."
"No!" Shane gasps as he looks back at Dan. "how was it?"
"It wasn't like anything because he stopped right afterwards!" Dan says almost sadly.
Shane was looking at him crazily, "Why won't you date him!"
Dan looked almost disappointed, "I don't know, I guess I just don't want to."
All three of the boys sighed in sync, and then there came a hurried knock at the door.
James hops down from the desk and goes over to it quickly and unlocks it. A girl with strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes stood there with a bundle of clothes in her arms.
"I can't believe I snuck up here for you!" She laughs coming quickly in the room while James shuts the door back.
"Oh please it's not like anyone follows the rules for Kingston's and even Dan has broken some."
Dan looks at his hands, he had broken some rules hasn't he? What kind of start pupil does that?
"Oh so this is Dan!" The girl, Louise says happily. She throws the tops down on his bed and walks over to him, putting her hands on his bare shoulders she turns him in a circle once.
"You have such a feminine body." She notes.
"Right hello??" James agrees walking over to him to and starts grabbing Dan's butt, "his butt is so cute to it's easy to grab."
"Hey!" Dan jumps away from him, "stop touching me inappropriately!"
"Well you had no problem when Phil touched you!" Shane yells smartly.
"How did you know about that!" Dan looks at him crazily.
Shane gives him a look, "James was just talking about your birthday...."
Dan sighs in relief, "Oh! I thought you were talking about something else."
"Did Phil touch you again? Shall we say at thy hospital?"
"No no no!" Dan laughs nervously, let's just see what we got here."
He starts riffling through the bundle of clothes and pulls out a black tank top. "This is perfect! Thanks for all your help."
Louise gives him a goofy look as she picks up the pile of unwanted tops again. "Anytime Dan, and I hope you do well on you're date."
"Date?" He exclaims, Looking back at James.
James gives him a pointed look then turns back to Louise smiling sweetly. "I hope he does good to because he really doesn't know a thing about men."
Louise is laughing as James walks her back to the door and when he closes it back as she leaves he holds his hands up before Dan could yell at him.
"I had to lie to her because she wouldn't let you borrow them if it was for another reason."
"I just don't understand why we couldn't just go to the store and find some tops!" Dan yells back.
"Those tops are so cheap I wasn't going to let you go to Phil looking like that."
Dan huffs and sits down angrily on his bed.
"Dan you're so cute when you're angry." Shane muses, "but stand up because now you have to try all of what you learned on us."
Dan glances up at him, "What?"
"Oh honey we can't just let you go without any practice."
James pulls him up and stands him in front of him, ushering for him to start.
Dan takes a deep breath and shakes out his shoulders. The first step they taught him was a seductive smiling or a lip bite. Dan had sucked his whole bottom lip in his mouth as he went on to his next step. He slides his hand up James chest and then when he gets to his shoulder he grips it a little to hard.
"Okay okay stop!" James says laughing hard.
"What did I do something wrong?" Dan says taking his lip out of his mouth.
Shane was laughing uncontrollably from behind him but he was covering his mouth so he wouldn't get caught.
"Dan don't suck your whole lip in your mouth, and don't grip my shoulder so hard, I'm fragile."
Dan blushes as he messes with his bracelet, "I'm bad at this aren't I?"
"No not at all!" James comforts.
Shane snorts from behind him. James shoots him a look and then gives Dan a comforting pat. "Look I'll show you how it's done, you have to act like a straight boy when you seduce someone."
James slides his hand on Dan's hip and pulls him close he nuzzles his head in between his neck and then slides his other hand to his thigh and hitches it up to his small hip.
Dan was feeling very uncomfortable but he kinda understood what James was talking about wanting more.
"You feel how close we are Dan?" James' breath flutters against his neck.
"Y-yes." Dan breathes.
Then James pushes him down on the bed suddenly and Dan gasps as James climbs on top of him straddling his waist as he brings Dan's wrists up past his head, bending down so their noses were a centimeter apart. Dan could only imagine Phil doing the same thing to him.
"Now this is the part when you ask for the information you want, and if he doesn't give it to you-" James moves his hips suddenly on Dan's front and he gasps.
"You have to tease him Dan, make him want you so much that he has to give you what you want. Be. Irresistible. Be. Phil's drug."
Shane was looking at them with such amazement, he didn't notice when the door cracked open because James forgot to lock the door. So, of course, Phil hobbles in on crutches with a bright smile on his face, Mark helping behind him.
His smile immediately falls and turns into anger as he sees what was happening and Shane slowly hides in the closet before he gets noticed.
"Oh shit." Mark whispers from behind Phil.
Phil was so tempted to throw his crutch at the back of James' head but that's when Dan looks up and scrambles from under James.
"Phil! You're back!" He yells a little to loudly.
"How many times have I told you not to go busting into people's doors." James scolds, wrapping a arm around Dan's shoulders, "we were busy."
this story is just going sexually off track😂
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