Dan had visited Phil every single day after his classes from now on. They sat and talked on his bed for hours on end laughing at nothing. Most of the time Phil wanted to know all about Dan, where he was born, his life goals, he funniest memory.
But Dan really wanted to know about Phil, he rarely said anything about himself or his past. And Dan wanted to know everything.
Sometimes Dan would spend the night there on weekends, and instead of sleeping on the couch he would lie with Phil as he hugs around his waist, this time with both arms since his bruising was getting less severe.
"Phil why don't your parents come to visit you?" Dan had asked once in the dark.
Phil's arms had tightened and so had his voice. "They do from time to time."
"Oh! hopefully one day I can meet them." Dan would say back cheerfully.
Phil would scoff, "You don't want to meet them, they're heartless fucks."
Dan rolled his eyes and nudged his unbroken leg with his foot, "Don't curse badly about your family, and what about your mother?"
Phil would be quiet for a moment. "Let's not talk about my family anymore."
And then that would be the end of the conversation.
And also like last time, the kiss they had shared was once again a memory. Dan wouldn't dare to bring it up, he had lost so much control that day he didn't think he could forgive himself. And Phil takes notice of this and decides not to bring it up either, even though he was kind of hurt of the situation.
One day, Dan was sitting cross legged on Phil's bed eating a ham and cheese sandwich the nurse had brought in for Phil. The only useful thing Dan learned about him, was that he didn't like cheese.
"Can we at least talk about it." Phil asks out of the blue.
Dan looks at him for a moment, chewing slowly before swallowing. "I beg your pardon?"
"You know what I mean," Phil turns the force of those blue eyes on him, "what happened the first time you got here."
Dan sits up straighter, then re crosses his legs, then puts down the sandwich before picking it back up. "I don't know what you mean."
"Dan we can't go through this shit again. We have to talk about how you keep coming on to me and then regretting it."
"I am not coming on to you!" His voice raises an octave as he looks around at anything but his smug face.
"Yea yea, I'm totally irresistible, you want me." He laughs.
A blush is evident in Dan's cheeks as he sets down the sandwich on the tray and stares out the window into the bright sunshine, he wonders what the rest of the boys were up to on this Sunday afternoon.
"It's just- there's these moments where I feel like your actually a good guy." Dan whispers.
"What?" Phil sits up suddenly from his position where his hands were casually behind his head.
"Oh, Phil I promise I wasn't trying to be rude, it's just that, you're still a bad boy." Dan smiles softly at the title, still looking out the window.
"You still care about your damn record don't you." He practically growls, "I thought we were working up to something here."
Looking at him in shock, Dan puts the sandwich on the tray and consciously fixes his curls. "Phil, we're friends."
"I call bullshit on that! Dan haven't you told me before that friends don't kiss each other? And then I responded with that couples are friends that had kissed each other."
"Are you implying that we are in a relationship!" Dan says exasperatedly.
Phil shrugs casually, "I mean I haven't asked you yet, but we can definitely keep kissing until I do though."
"I promise on this day, that I won't kiss you again." Dan states firmly.
"Scouts honor?" Phil teases.
Phil snorts, "What the hell? You were actually a scout?"
Dan blushes, "Of course! You learn valuable things in boy scouts!"
"What like tracking fake footprints?"
He gasps, "Phil! They aren't fake!"
Phil looks at him for a minute, "Be my boyfriend Dan."
Dan looks at him shocked, "No."
Phil didn't look surprised, "You'll say yes one day, you can't resist my lips or my hands."
Dan clenches his fists, "I don't want to talk about that."
"Yea whatever, are you sure you weren't a girl scout though?" Phil brings it back to the original conversation.
Dan glares at him, "I'm not a girl."
"You sure like wearing skirts and panties though." Phil mumbles.
Dan chokes on his air as he gets up from the bed, "Phil! You promised not to bring that up again!"
"But it's just us!" He looks Dan up and down, "I bet you're wearing those black lacy ones."
Dan pulls his shorts up more and stares at a point on the floor.
"Come here." Phil laughs tugging his hand.
"No!" Dan says trying to yank his hand back.
"I just want to see if I'm right!"
Phil grabs his upper arm and Dan yells slightly as he was being thrown across Phil's stomach. Phil starts whistling as he busies himself with pulling Dan's shirt up and hooking his pointer finger on his waistband.
"Phil!" Dan squirms.
"I just want a peek!"
And Phil did get one. He only had to pull his shorts back a centimeter before the top of the black lace was shown.
"Fuck." He whispers.
Dan took that opportunity to press on Phil's broken leg. Phil cries out and throws his hands up, letting Dan scramble off of him.
"Are you happy?" Dan says irritatedly, straightening out his crumpled shirt and pulling up his shorts.
"More than happy." Phil looks up at him. "Dan, date me."
The door opens suddenly and the boys both turn their attention to a brightly smiling nurse. "Mr. Lester, your parents are here to see you."
All of a sudden, Phil's playful demeanor changed, his body suddenly went straight and rigid, he sits up more on his pillows.
"Okay give me a few minutes."
She nods and walks out the door again.
"Dan get out." He says lowly.
"But Phil! I want to meet your family-"
"Dan go!" He shouts.
Dan jumps at his sudden outburst. Then squared his shoulders confidently. "Fine I will, and I won't come back."
"That's fine." Phil answers back plainly.
Dan looks shocked, "I'm sorry? You just said that's fine?"
"Yea," Phil looks at him, "if you don't want to come back you don't have to."
Trying not to show any hurt on his face and looks at him defiantly. "Well fine, I'm going then."
"Bye Dan." Phil waves.
Dan crosses the room and walks to the door, when he reaches his hand out to it he turns and looks back, "I'm really going you know."
"I know."
"And I'm not coming back, to visit you or anything."
A small smile appears on Phil's lips, "I know Dan, I get it, you can leave now."
"Fine!" Dan yells, and he pulls open the door and walks out angrily, Phil was a jerk anyway.
When he turns into the lobby he sees a man and woman with ginger hair, and a older boy that looked somewhat like Phil, just with light hair to. He stood and stares at them while they converse with the nurse that had just been in his room.
This had to be his family. He mother looked so nice, her smile was warm as she held on to the arm of Phil's father who had angry lines etched into his face. And his brother just stood there looking around like he was anxious , Phil never said that he had a brother.
The family turns to go down to the hallway and Dan quickly moves out their way. They didn't pay any attention to him as they walk a few steps to Phil's room and push open the door.
Dan was tempted to turn back and go in with them and see what all the fuss was about Phil's family but then he remembers how he told Phil he wasn't coming back and how cold hearted he started acting.
He just wanted to know why, and maybe that was the greedy I-need-to know-it-all- side of him speaking.
Suddenly he got an idea, and he would need James fashion and Shane's sexual knowledge for it to work.
made it short so i wouldn't reveal it so far! glad you guys are enjoying it so far!
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