Finally the boys were back in their classes after a long weekend. Dan was more excited than ever, he knew that he was going to work hard now that he only had two more years in the Academy.
His head had also stopped swimming in time for classes also thankfully. He still felt like he couldn't eat for a few days though. And, he had put back on Phil's bracelet where it will stay now. It seemed like every time he saw him he would blush like mad, remembering the quickly shared kiss, remembering how his clothes felt on him. The sad thing was, they both never talked about that day ever again.
It was weird, the minute Dan was well enough to function by himself, he had returned his jacket and shirt and never mentioned it again. None of the boys new of course but naturally Shane had asked why Dan was staying holed up in Phil's room why Phil came down to get his food.
"Did you guys kiss or something?" Dan had tried to change the subject quickly, so naturally Shane knew that they had.
They still talked and laughed together, that definitely wouldn't change, but Dan knew that he never wanted to end up in a room alone with Phil again, for some reason he was scared.
Dan also wasn't sitting alone at a lunch table now. He sat with Phil, Jeffree, James, Chris, and Shane.
"I don't understand how you two don't get caught wearing those." Dan's says one day at the table.
"It's because the school knows they can't touch us." Jeffree smirks.
Him and James were wearing sparkles and glitter over their uniforms, and had cut them to make them look more fashionable.
"Well I think it's cute." Shane gushes, he reaches out to touch one of the diamonds but doesn't dare.
Dan feels a kick at his foot and looks over at James that signals for him to stand up.
"Dan and I have to use the bathroom."
"Together?" Chris asks.
"Yes together." He sticks his tongue out at him and wraps his arm around Dan's waist tightly.
Phil's fist clench under the table as he watches them walk away.
"Hey Phil." Chris says.
"James I'll wait here while you go, but I don't like hearing other people use the bathroom."
James rolls his eyes. "Dan I don't have to use the bathroom, I came in here to talk to you."
"What why?"
"Phil has been staring at you almost all of lunch."
Dan smiles softly but then straightens his face, "Really? I wonder why."
"Oh my God Dan I can't believe you lied to me, Shane told me you guys kissed."
"B-but it was only once! and I didn't mean to." Dan whispers, this was all going downhill.
James smirks at him, before turning to the mirror and patting his lips softly to shape them up. "I can help you get him you know, he's been asking me for help."
This was new information, but then Dan caught on, "Is that what you two were talking about late that night."
James claps excitedly, "You finally figured out! I was trying to be sister sneaky about it but I hate sneaking around on you."
"What happened!" Dan asks eagerly.
"Nothing, he just told me how he really likes you, and wanted some tips on how to get you, one of them was making you jealous."
Dan's ears flush hot as this time he turns and looks at his own self in the mirror again he sub consciously touches his bracelet.
"No," he says to James reflection, "I might like Phil as a friend, but I came here to study not to get into relations and drama."
James looks at him knowingly and just shakes his head. "I would wish you luck, but we both know what's going to happen at the end of things."
James leaves without another word, leaving Dan to himself with his thoughts. He didn't know what was going to happen at the end of things. He couldn't possibly mean him getting together with Phil, that was never going to happen.
Before the bell rang to go to the last class, Dan hurried back to the lunch table to find his lunchbox all packed up.
"I packed it for you, because you were going to be late." Phil smiles.
Dan notices that his snakebites were still out his lip, "Thank you Phil, that was nice of you."
The bell rang then and Dan sees Chris clap him on the shoulder before walking away. Phil keeps his eyes on Dan's.
"Um well I'm going to go." Dan says.
"Okay. Do you want me to walk you?"
Dan stood there considering it for a moment. "Sure."
The walk was silent surprisingly. Phil kept to himself the whole way. Not joking around or trying to touch Dan, just walking beside him.
This all felt weird to Dan, what was that exchange between Chris and him? Were they talking just like Dan and James had in the bathroom? If so, about what? Him?
Outside the band room, Dan and Phil stood facing each other. Phil was still grinning at him. Dan toes the grass with his shoe looking anywhere but at him.
"I'll see you in the hall later then ." Phil says finally walking away.
Dan just blinks after him, wondering what could've changed about Phil.
Dan throws his heavy bag down on his bed and sighs as he takes off his shoes and hot blazer. He falls face first on his bed and sighs, he couldn't wait to fall asleep but he still had a lot of schoolwork to get done with.
He groans and sits up, opening his bag, he pulls out his notebook but a small folded up note falls out with it. Curious, Dan unfolds it:
meet me in my room tonight :)
Dan rereads the line over again until the words start to look wrong and don't make sense. What could he possibly want? Why couldn't he just tell him that any other time.
He spends some time doing school work before being called down to dinner. It felt good for things to be completed not last minute.
He gets down there and to his surprise steak is being served. He sits down and pulls a napkin into his shirt. He felt like he hasn't eaten in a lifetime and this is what he needed to satisfy his hunger.
A chair pulls up beside him and it's Phil , all smiles, surprisingly he had his glasses on in front of everyone.
All of them stop digging into their food and look at him cautiously. Shane had meat sauce dripping down his chin as he looked at him and then shrugs, paying attention to his half eaten steak.
"I didn't know you wore glasses Phil." Sean says pulling his plate out of Shane's reach.
Phil shrugs, "I feel like I can be myself around you guys."
There was a chorus of 'aws' and one gag noise from Mark.
Dan was staring at him for the longest before he caught himself and started cutting his steak. His tongue had stuck out his mouth as he concentrated hard on it, this was a art.
"You look good Dan." Phil whispers in his ear.
First of all, Dan looked like a train wreck. The ac wasn't turned on today so he was sweating on his hairline and the collar of his shirt which was unbuttoned so he could breath.
"Uh, Thanks Phil." Dan says before concentrating again on the meat that refused to be cut.
"Here let me help," Phil laughs. He takes the knife and fork from him carefully.
Dan froze as their hands touched momentarily. Phil starts cutting it with ease. "See you have to cut it like this." Phil was showing him, but he wasn't paying attention at all.
"Phil why did you bring me that note?"
The tips of Phil's ears went red, "Dan you're not supposed to mention it, you're just supposed to come."
"Oh.." Dan grabs the fork back since Phil had finished cutting it.
"Guys look what I got!" Felix says in a hushed voice, looking back into the kitchen to check to see if the cooks were going to come out. He pulls out a bottle.
"Felix put that up now!" Dan hisses, also checking to see if the cooks were watching.
"Relax Dan it's just wine." He snorts already popping the cork.
"That's still not allowed! Where did you even get that?"
"Doesn't matter." He pours a generous amount in Shane's cup and then Sean's, going around the table to everyone.
Phil raised his glass and kept on motioning for him to keep pouring before Felix slaps his shoulder,glaring and moves to Dan.
"Here taste it, it's good." He pours probably the smallest amount of them all into Dan's glass.
Dan looks at it, thinking back to his birthday.
Felix mirrors his thoughts, "Relax Dan it takes a lot of wine to get drunk, much less tipsy."
Dan brightens up and picks up his glass sipping it. It was like a bitter strawberry. "This is actually good."
"I'll take that!" The cook shouts motioning to the bottle.
Felix looks at him a minute before turning it up, drinking all that he could.
"Hey!" He shouts running over to him, he brings the bottle down and starts to wrestle the bottle from his grip.
"Phil I just realized something, how come we never celebrate your birthday every year?" Dan asks as Sean and Chris get up and start to help Felix who was now wrestling the bottle with two other cooks.
"It's just another year closer to death."he shrugs.
"How old are you anyway?"
"20 so don't freak out to much." He laughs. "It's getting late, want to meet me in my room in 5 minutes?"
"Sure I just to shower and change." Dan says getting up. And ducking as a slosh of wine almost hits him.
After his shower, the hall was finally quiet. He walks over to Phil's room and knocks.
"Come in." He hears his voice say.
And Dan does. He closes it behind him as he makes his way over to Phil's bed, but Phil wasn't in it, he was pacing in front of it.
"Phil what's wrong?" His eyebrows scrunch together as he watches him go back and forth.
"Dan I'm really nervous okay." He says stressfully.
"Why? I don't understand-"
Phil suddenly goes over to him and picks up his hands, they were sweaty. "Phil what are you-"
"Dan I care about you a lot okay?"
"Um okay." Dan knew what was coming, and he was searching frantically for a way to back out of it.
"Okay Okay," Phil lets out a breathy laugh, "God I'm so nervous feel-" he puts one of Dan's hands on his chest.
Dan felt muscle but he also felt Phil's frantically beating heart. "Wow that's fast." He confirms.
"Yea I know right! anyway, Dan I care about you a lot and so I've talked with someone."
"And they said I should go for it so Dan..."
His heart was beating fast to, he didn't want to have to answer the question.
"Would you-"
Then a shrill siren rang out suddenly and Dan had to take his hands away from Phil to cover his ears from the loud continuous noise.
"What is that!" Dan yells.
Kingston's Academy fact #10: the siren only goes off on rare occasions, usually for a tornado warning or intruders.
Phil shrugs, trying to look brave but actually he was slightly worried. All of a sudden Chris opens the door looking at them wildly. Dan takes his hands off his ears.
"There's been an intruder breach! We all have to hide."
"What!" Dan shrieks, looking at Phil for help.
Phil also looks at Dan as Chris closes the door again. Suddenly the lights go out the sirens got quieter.
"Phil! Phil!" Dan screams.
"Shh Dan I'm right here," his voice was a strained calm. "Listen I'm just walking over to lock the door Okay?"
"O-okay, But Phil! What if they have weapons! Then that won't stop them from coming in!"
"Dammit Dan don't say things like that right now okay!" Phil says harshly.
Dan goes quiet as he listens to the click of the door locking. He hears Phil make his way back to him.
"Dan," He whispers, "I need you to go into the closet and stay there."
"What? What about you!" He was in hysterics.
Phil grabs his arms and pulls him up. "I promise I'll be in there now go!" He shoves him towards the closet.
Dan only takes a few steps before willing his eyes to see Phil's expression in the darkness. It looked worried but expectant.
Then, a bang cane from the door that rattled Dan's bones. "P-Phil!?"
"Dan I told you to go!" He half pushes half drags him to the closet and throws the door open.
"Sit down!" He commands.
But Dan was looking back at the twisting doorknob. "Phil come in here with me!"
"I told you I would Dan!"
"No now! Please I'm scared!" His voice cracks.
Phil's grip looses on him, "I know Dan I am to,"he brings his hand up to his chest, "see?"
"It's beating really fast." Dan says in a shaky voice.
Phil chuckles softly, "Yea I know."
Three loud bangs come from the door again and Dan screams. Phil puts his hand to his mouth and pushes him down to the closet floor.
"Stay here okay?"
"I'm not planning on going back out!"
Phil closes the doors and Dan brings his knees to his chest and starts biting his fingernails. This can't be happening, This was Kingston's Academy.
Since the sirens were quieter Dan could vaguely hear Phil opening the door and he wanted to yell out but he had lost his voice. He heard a voice it was deep, but he couldn't hear what it was saying.
Dan peaks out from in between the crack and sees Phil being grabbed and thrown by the man. Only a small squeak comes out of Dan mouth as he covers it and shuts his eyes tight.
'just a dream' his mind kept chanting as he willed himself to go to sleep. He was only dreaming. He would wake up and he would be in his own bed, the alcohol just made him pass out for a while and now he's just having hallucinations.
"Sleep sleep." He whispers to himself harshly. There was no sound now, Phil was going to come back any moment.
"Sleep sleep." He chants. And miraculously he does.
In the morning Dan cracks his eyes open to see a sliver of light coming in from a crack. Oh. He was still in the closet.
His heart picks up a beat as he throws open the doors and scrambles out.
"Phil!" He looks around helplessly. His bed was a mess like always, his leather jacket wasn't hanging on the chair, he must be wearing it downstairs.
He goes over to the wide open door and almost steps on a pair of cracked black glasses. He gasps and with shaking hands he bends down and picks it up, and the minute he does flashbacks from last night re surface.
It was real. Everything that had happened was real.
"PHIL!" He screams, tears roll down his face. Where had he gone?
woah shit that was dramatic! lol but yep i thought i wouldn't upload chapter 12 and make you guys wait and suffer hahaha!! cliffhanger who? anyways
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