Dan was sitting at the lunch table the next day eating his regular sandwich. Barely anyone was in there because it was the weekend, they all were out somewhere else.
He had to take a shower early this morning because the guys had came in his room at 12:00 in the morning shouting happy birthday and showered him in chocolate sauce since Phil didn't have any alcohol. Shane had did the honors of licking some of it off his face.
He felt better after he had showered though, he had gathered his crazy thoughts from yesterday and now he felt like a new person, he was eighteen. He had also just got done calling his mom who sang happy birthday to him with all his relatives for so long that the man at the booth told him that Dan was the only thing keeping him from break.
This marked his 3rd year at Kingston's, he was late on making up for the second gold badge and ended up getting a bronze one instead. By his fourth year, he would have one, he was sure of it.
So caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice when Phil had came up to him smiling brightly.
"Hi Dan happy birthday! I was going to tell you this morning but you walked out fast."
Dan tried not to feel guilt as he puts down his sandwich and looks up at him smartly. "Thank you for the birthday wish Phil."
Phil looks at him shocked, he automatically noticed how different Dan's voice was, it was like when he first met him. "Dan? What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Dan shrugs, "just a little bit of growing up is all."
Phil grows confused. "But what about last night?"
Dan starts packing up his half eaten lunch, knowing that a argument was about to start. "What happened last night meant nothing, forget it please."
He straightens out his new v-neck shirt and walks away, putting the strap of his lunchbox on his shoulder.
Phil doesn't let him go easily, he was a little annoyed now, but not angry as he chases after him out of the cafeteria.
"Hey Dan what's the matter with you?" He says walking up to him.
Dan keeps walking quickly, thinking that he would go away if he ignores him but Phil kept at it, keeping pace with him.
"Phil please go away!" Dan finally yells at him.
But then he's being pushed up against the wall, his lunchbox falls from his shoulder and then to the floor, his wrists pinned above his head and the look in Phil's eyes tells him that he shouldn't scream.
"Didn't last night mean anything to you Dan?"
Dan turned his head, Phil was really close, so close that if he leaned forward they would be kissing. His wrists were crossed over one another Phil had kept a firm grip on them. He felt Phil rub his wrist slightly.
"Dan's where's the bracelet I gave you!" Phil yells.
Dan still didn't say anything, but looked back into his eyes, hoping he could see how sorry he was.
"Dan answer me dammit!" Phil says.
"I took it off. I didn't want to wear it." Dan says quietly.
There was so much hurt in those blue eyes. As Phil backs completely off of him, making his hands slump back to his sides.
Phil looks at him for a minute, anger flashes only momentarily across his face before he wipes it clean of any expression.
"Okay that's fine, and again happy birthday Dan." Then Phil walks away.
Dan walks in the other direction, trying not to cry but he feels the tears threatening to spill out. This is how he wanted it from the beginning right? To have Phil leave him alone? And he knew by the look on Phil's face that he would never speak to him again.
Sulking, he walks slowly down the giant corridors, going nowhere. This was the dumbest birthday ever.
He keeps walking and eventually he runs into Jeffree and James, who run up to him in their stiletto boots with ease.
"Dan just the boy we wanted to see!" Jeffree smiles.
"Happy birthday sister!" James kisses him on the forehead and he's pretty sure it left a mark.
"So we're going to glam you because we're all going out to celebrate!" Jeffree says.
Dan looks at them in shock, "What do you mean?"
"We mean!" James takes one of his hands, "you're going to have fun tonight! It's your birthday hello!"
"Will you let us glam you? You'll look so cute in the makeup we picked out for you and the outfit oh! It's to die for." Jeffree takes his other hand.
Dan thinks for a minute, makeup? And no telling what outfit they had picked out for him. Then he thinks back to Phil, maybe if he goes with them, he'll forget, even if it's just for a night.
He nods smiling, "Okay I'll go with you guys."
"Really!" James cries, "okay okay, I have to tell the others we have a big yes on this whole thing!"
"The others?" Dan asks, but they were already pulling him up to the stairs.
Dan wakes up the next morning with the tase of stale vodka and orange juice in his mouth. He looks down and sees that his shirt was off, then he looks around the room, this wasn't his room. He feels the weight of a arm on his side and traces it up to a sleeping raven, but the snake bites were out his lip, small holes were evident in them. His scars shows bright in the morning sun.
Phil opened his sleepy eyes and smiles brightly, "Mornin' Princess."
Dan screams and roles out of bed. And a torn skirt comes tumbling out with him showing his milky thigh. The lace of his panties were showing slightly.
"Mm what a sight to wake up to in the morning." Phil says casually.
"What.." Dan starts out quietly
"the fuck." he gets louder
"HAPPENED!!!! " he screams
Phil covers his ears, "Language Daniel, damn I didn't really think you would live up to your promise."
"What promise!" Dan cries out.
"Take a deep breath, and try to remember."
And Dan does.
* last night*
Dan was wearing makeup, it was very light surprisingly. And James even let him put back on his lipgloss but put on this lip liner to hold it in place. His eye shadow had glitter in it and he also had some in his hair.
Dan was dressed in a black shirt, but it was very thin, and a red skirt that just concealed his panties which Jeffree had figured out about but promised not to tell.
They were all in a limo that Jeffree had bought a long time ago, he was sitting beside him and James and sitting across from them was Shane, Chris and Phil. Mark , Sean and Felix took up the back seats.
He was trying so hard not to look at Phil but he could feel his eyes burning into him. Shane and the others tried to keep up talk, but all of them noticed that something must've happened to them.
"Alright bitches, let's take some shots before we actually party." Jeffree announces pulling out a bottle from who knows where.
"But why are we drinking here and then inside?" Dan asks.
"This is just to loosen you up, so come on!" He passes the bottle around and one by one the boys take a drink from it before it gets passed back to Dan.
Dan sat there looking at the clear liquid, shots were meant to be drank in small glasses he thought, but he guesses none of those were provided. Then he does a small glance at Phil, who had chugged the most of the bottle out of all the boys and he looked sober still, well he'll show him.
He turns the bottle up and chugs it. Most of them are screaming at him to stop but Shane and Jeffree are yelling "chug chug chug!"
The liquor burns his throat but he keeps going until he can't take it anymore and takes the bottle off his lips where James snatched the bottle back and yells at him until they pull up at the place.
His head is swimming madly and he was glad that he had told them that he didn't want to wear heels and just went with his white converses. He grabs on to James' arm as he stumbles out the limo and looks up at the flashing sign.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the gay bar!" Jeffree shouts as he runs up to the doors.
James tugs him along and they open the doors to reveal flashing purple and blue lights, many boys were dancing around holding different colored drinks and some were covered in baby oil dancing on poles.
"Oh! My home!" James squeals as he pulls Dan farther in.
It was to much for Dan, he wanted another drink. So he walks with James to the bar where he meets a blonde hair and blue eyed boy with a apron on that said 'hey mom guess what..'and it looked like nothing he had nothing underneath, he also had on a rainbow bow tie.
"What can I get you?"
Dan looks around, and finds Phil being leaned on by some random boys while Mark took a picture. He just wanted to forget, even if it was for just tonight.
"The strongest drink you have."
The boys shrugs, and in a flash it's in front of him. He looks at James who's looking at him with adoration in his eyes. "Go for it Dan."
Dan tilts the drink back and his ears pop immediately, his mouth goes dry but a wide smile creeps on to his face. Suddenly the loud thumping music was softer everything slowed down and then sped up.
"One more!" He yells happily.
On the dance floor, he dances with any person he could find, Shane gives him a playful swat on his butt and Dan laughs happily. Then at one point he was on Chris' back then Felix then Marks' all of them singing their own drunken song of happy birthday.
At one point the dj hears and made an announcement over the loud speaker.
Dan was pulled up to the stage by a random guy and turned him to face a pole.
"Work that pole bitch!" Jeffree screams.
Then the whole club is chanting, 'work that pole! work that pole! work that pole!"
He was pretty sure he flashed a few people as he drops down and starts dancing around the pole, wrapping his leg around it and swinging from it. He saw Shane laughing hard and holding his stomach, latching on to Felix's arm. He also saw Sean passed out next to the bathrooms with a party hat on his head, his shirt half torn.
Money was thrown on the stage and Dan tries to pick it up but Mark picks him up from the stage and sets him back down, telling him it was dirty money.
Dirty money. That makes him look for Phil. Where was he!
"Phil!" He screams, "Phil!"
He pushes throughout the crowd until he finds him talking to Chris. Why? They weren't a thing were they?
"Phil!" Dan grabs his arm and tugs him to face him.
Chris snorts and pats Phil on the back, "I'll leave you to it."
Phil looks at his face, Dan could barely focus on his. "Phil there's two of you!" He giggles, "one." He points at a random spot, "two!" He pokes him in his eye.
Phil laughs lightly and he moves Dan's finger away. "Are you having fun Dan?"
Dan's face suddenly went sad, and then he busts out crying, and he punches Phil half heartedly in his chest.
"You hate me!" He sobs.
Phil looks at him shocked as he sees the mascara run down his face.
"N-no I don't! Dan it's okay!"
Then Dan brightens up. "It is!"
Phil sighs, "Yes Dan, it is."
"What the fuck are you two standing around for!" Jeffree yells.
Dan giggles, "That's a good word fuck!" Dan yells. "I'm going to say that more often FUCK FUCK FU-"
"Okay Dan!" Phil laughs, Dan looks at his lips, "Phil where did your piercings go?"
"Oh I took them out." Phil says casually, "just thought it was time for a change."
Dan touches his soft lips, and Phil looks down at him, his hands were on his hips. Dan leans forward and Phil does to, but Dan starts crying again, putting his head into Phil's leather jacket.
"I don't have your bracelet Phil!"
Phil pats his back awkwardly as he looks at Jeffree for help.
"Dan? We're going to go home okay?" Jeffree pries him off of Phil.
Dan sniffs and nods. In a few seconds he feels cool night air as he's being sat against a seat. This time Phil sits next to him and laces his hand in his as the rest of the boys pile in one by one.
Dan was singing Toxic at the top of his lungs as the boys cover their ears. Phil sings along with him though. Dan's cheeks were tinted a bright pink as they finally make it back to the Academy.
Dan falls out the limo, and starts crying so hard that Phil has to pick him up and carry him the rest of the way.
"Shh Dan! You have to be quiet or we'll get caught!" Phil whispers as the enter the dark school.
Kingston's Academy fact #9: students are not allowed to sneak out or back into the school. Their curfew is 11:00, if they get caught, they could be expelled.
It was past 11:00 it had to be about 3 in the morning as the boys made their quiet goodbyes and went into their separate rooms.
Dan wouldn't drop away from Phil so Phil just carries him into his room. It was only then that Dan lets go but tries to kiss him.
"Woah! What are you doing!" He whispers as Dan pushes him up to the closed door.
"I want you Phil." Dan whispers as he kisses his neck.
Without thinking, Phil rips away his thin shirt and tears half his skirt.
He grabs Dan's hips and pushes them close together. Now was his chance. He looks down into Dan's drunken brown eyes as he wraps his arm around his neck and lifts his face up to him.
He stands there looking down at him helplessly before he makes up his mind and pushes him away.
"No I can't." He whispers sadly.
Dan frowns, "Why? But Phil I'm eighteen!"
"But you're still a minor!" He yells, "and you're drunk,weren't you the one all about consent?"
Dan blinks wide eyed at him, a silent tear falling down his cheek.
"Besides," Phil whispers, "it wouldn't be the same, you wouldn't remember."
He leads Dan over to the bed and sits him down, he takes off his shoes one by one and then lies him down. Dan looks up at him as he takes off his own clothes. Shirtless, Phil gets in the bed with him.
"Go to sleep Dan." Phil whispers.
"I can't." He wines back.
Phil sighs and gets up, he walks out the door and comes back with a tall glass of orange juice, "Here drink this it will help."
Dan drinks half the glass before handing it back. "Okay I'm sleepy now."
"That's good," Phil chuckles, sliding back in bed with him, "now sleep."
Dan's quiet even breaths fill the room instantly. Phil throws an arm over his side and nestles his head behind his soft hair, and falls asleep to.
Dan remembers all of this in about a minute. He looks at Phil wide eyed.
"I did all of that?"
"Yes." Phil says as he gets up and stretches.
Dan watches him for a moment before he leans over and throws up.
"Dan! Are you okay?" Phil comes back over to his side and Dan slumps into his shoulder, breathing heavy.
"Can you- run me a bath?"
Phil looks at him, "Dan are you still drunk?"
Dan laughs lightly but it sends a rush of dizziness over him. "No I just feel really dirty, just don't look okay?"
"Okay." And that was a promise.
And Phil made sure he didn't look at all as he helped Dan's take off his skirt and panties, he kept his eyes up determinedly as he washed him in the warm water, and lets Dan dry himself off by himself as he goes and gives him one of his shirts.
Dan was shivering uncontrollably as he sat on the edge of his bed, he must be having flashes.
"Here." Phil helps him put on his leather jacket and Dan relaxes. He tried not to think about how he wasn't wearing anything under his shirt.
Dan watches Phil runs his fingers through his hair as he goes back into the bathroom and takes out his contacts, he must've slept with them in, and puts on his glasses instead. He must admit. His looked pretty attractive in them while he was still shirtless.
"Are you okay now?" Phil asks as he adjusts his jacket on his slim shoulders.
Dan lifts his head up and kisses him softly, feeling the softness of Phil's lips before pulling away. He blushes and looks down at his hands.
"I-I'm sorry." He whispers, "that was out of line, I just wanted to find a good way to thank you for helping me."
Phil tries to shake the surprise off his face. "It's fine, I just wasn't expecting it is all."
Dan laughs and stands up, making Phil take a step back. "Good because it's not going to happen again."
Then they turn their heads to the sound of Felix yelling frantically through the door. "Where the hell is Sean!!"
"Oh shit! We left him at the bar!" Mark yells back.
They hear them run back down the hall and Dan and Phil looking at each other before busting out laughing.
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