THE NEXT MORNING, EVERYTHING that happened last night almost felt like a lucid dream. The live stream went extremely well and almost hit the 100k view mark, dozens of people were talking about the cigarette brand online that Axel used, and thousands of buyers started calling their company.
Everything went well, just like Scarlet predicted. And just because of that single live stream, Cj and Anthony were now signing with three investors.
"Are we all settled now, Mr. Charles?" the investor asks, and Cj and Anthony stand from their seats as Cj shows them his hand.
"We're glad to do business with you, Mr. Quinn," Cj says, and the investor happily shakes Cj's hand before heading out of the room, Rose assisting him out.
As soon as the door closes, Anthony slumps himself back on the sofa and unbuttons his coat. "That was the third one today. This is the busiest we've been. I couldn't even imagine that we'll ever be signing with investors. Who would have thought that we'll be able to pull it off even with your family blocking all our opportunities?"
"Well, I'm glad you're happy about it," Cj says before sitting beside his right-hand man and co-founder, Anthony Rockefeller.
Anthony laughs and pulls out a cigarette stick from his pocket before putting it in his mouth. Cj then takes out his lighter and lights Anthony's cigarette for him.
Anthony inhales the smoke and lets it stay inside his mouth for a quick second before puffing it out. "How will I not be when I spent all my savings on this business to the point where my father almost took my inheritance away."
"Do you want me to go down on my knees to thank you then?" Cj teases.
"I would honestly love that."
The two laugh, and then the atmosphere slowly becomes quiet. But as Anthony continues to enjoy his smoke. Cj looks at the broken television in his office and suddenly chuckles to himself.
Anthony looks back at their leader with his right eyebrow raised, mentally asking him what he found funny. So Cj looks back at him and explains, "I can't believe I was furious about Sinclaire before that I even ended up breaking that very t.v. He was an annoying fella, but now I realize why I got so mad at him."
"Enlighten me," Anthony says as he exhales the smoke.
Cj takes the signed papers on the table and stares at them before saying, "He has the personality that I wanted. I thought people can easily break. Give them enough shit and they'll turn into ashes, just like what happened to me. But he was different; he was damn different. He was broken, but he took the sharp pieces and used is as a defense mechanism against his monsters. He fought back and controlled them. He learned how to take control, which is why he excels so much."
Anthony stares at Cj and slowly puts his cigarette down. Cj was never the type of person to let his emotions show, but he knew that he was someone who's filled with emotions; emotions that he couldn't let go of.
"It's scary how I'm starting to understand why Master Joker and Hans submitted to that boy. I might not even be surprised if we end up bowing to him like the others did," Anthony says, making Cj laugh.
Cj snatches the cigarette from Anthony and uses it before saying, "Not a chance. I'm never going to bow to a Sinclaire."
Anthony grins, knowing full well that such a statement is doubtful, but he doesn't comment about it.
"The person who should be bowing to him isn't us," Cj then adds, making Anthony furrow his brows.
"What do you mean?"
Cj inhales the smoke and finishes the cigarette in one go. As the smoke escapes from his mouth, he looks back at Anthony and answers, "His family. They're the ones who have to bow to him. They chose a terrifying enemy, and like what our old president Grey said, men like him don't just bark-"
He pauses and presses the end of his cigarette on the glass table before adding, "they fucking bite...hard."
Max was listening attentively to their lecture. Half of the class was practically asleep, but the other half was taking every note that they could get especially since the 1st term is going to end soon, and they have to do well in their semestral exams.
"Now the cognitive theory explains that children have to go through different stages of development. We talked about sensorimotor earlier where the object of permanence is developed. What comes next?" Ms.Virgil Macy - their psychology & sociology professor - asks the class.
One student from the back immediately raises his hand and says, "It's the preoperational stage."
"Good, preoperational stage. The preoperational stage focuses on..."
As Ms. Virgil continues with her discussion, Max's phone suddenly vibrates. He wanted to ignore it, but it wouldn't stop, so he quietly excuses himself and walks out of the room.
He looks at the caller and sees that it was actually from his butler, Étienne.
"Hello? Étienne, what is it? I have class," Max says with an angry tone.
"I apologize master, but I just received an email," Étienne explains, making Max furrow his brows in confusion.
"An email? What email?"
"You did it master Leigh. Chairman Christopher Mills requested to meet with you...today," Étienne finally reveals, instantly making Max's eyes widened from shock.
"You're downstairs already, right? I'll be right there," Max says. And without even thinking about it, he cuts class and runs out to the Keep. While running, he sends a text to Ari and says: Give Marcus my bag, I have something urgent to do. Just cover for me.
It didn't even take long for Max to finally arrive at the Keep where his butler was waiting. And like last time when he was heading to where Scarlet was, Max practically throws himself inside their car. Étienne then closes the door and runs to the driver's seat so they could finally leave.
"When did you receive the message," Max asks when he sees a change of clothes beside him.
Max removes his peak cap and starts unbuttoning his coat as Étienne answers, "Just an hour ago. I was also able to contact Mr. Cj Mills's secretary and asked her for the documents regarding the investors. I have it all in my tablet now."
"Alright, send it to me later," Max says as he removes his pants this time. While doing so, he looks at Étienne through the rearview mirror and tells him, "This is it Étienne. This is the moment I've been waiting for. Everything I had to endure and go through led me to this very moment."
Étienne looks back at Max as well and nods his head to agree with him. "Your meeting with chairman Christopher will determine your future Leigh. Once you settle this, you'll regain your inheritance, and everything will go back to normal."
"Will it though?" Max suddenly asks while he wears a new coat.
It was basically a rhetorical question, but Étienne almost stopped the car, but he pretended like he didn't know what Max was talking about and continues driving with a poker face.
"Once I get the inheritance back, I can finally focus on J.S High again. It's been a while since I've done something productive. I can't slow down now, especially when the 1st semester is about to end," Max explains, relieving Étienne a little because he changed the topic.
Max then looks at his reflection through the window and fixes his necktie. While doing so, his calm expression changes into something more intimidating and serious.
"As soon as everything goes back to normal, I will take the company and put everyone back in their place. They called me a monster too many times already, so let them see my fangs. I'll make them regret ever challenging me," Max says with complete determination, making Étienne gulp in terror.
It's been a while since he's seen Max like this. After all, Max is usually calm and collected, even as a child. But ever since things started falling apart, Max went through different phases that Étienne never thought he'd see from his master. He doesn't really know if such changes can be a good thing, but one thing's for certain...
Max was no longer the same boy from before. He was smarter, stronger, and a lot more clever. Anyone who tries to break him will no longer stand a chance.
"We have arrived, master Leigh..."
Étienne finally stops the car and parks it in front of a massive building that they once visited before - the famous Mills Tobacco Company.
Max fixes his necktie as Étienne rushes out of the car to open the door for him. Max steps out, and unlike last time, three employees were waiting for him outside.
The three employees approach Max. The one in the middle then bows to him and says, "Sir Sinclaire, it is a pleasure to finally have you here with us. Chairman Christopher is at his office, so please you two, follow me."
Another employee approaches Étienne and asks for his car keys, so Étienne gives them to him and follows behind Max who was already heading inside the building.
Most of the employees stopped when they saw Max. Since it became such a controversy, everyone in the business world knows the story of a boy named Maximilian challenging the business tycoon, Christopher, at the Mills anniversary party.
Max simply being there means that he was able to fulfill the end of their deal. That alone made them look at Max with amazement.
"I apologize if we weren't able to bring anything for the chairman as a token of our gratitude. The request to meet with me was so sudden that we didn't have enough time," Max says as they enter the elevator.
The man that he was talking to scans a card on the scanner, automatically making the elevator go up. He then looks back at Max through the reflection on the elevator door and shows him a fake smile.
"No need to worry about such unnecessary things Mr. Sinclaire. After all, the chairman is only-" the man suddenly pauses when he directly looks straight at Max's eyes.
Max looked so intimidating that his body froze in an instant. He thought he could handle Max since he's a child, but it seems like he underestimated him.
"The chairman is only...what?" Max asks with a lower tone, suddenly making the man gulp and unable to answer the question.
"I do hope he didn't call out for me to waste my time. I didn't come all the way here for him to just brush me off. That would be very unprofessional now, wouldn't it?" Max then sarcastically asks, surprising the other employees because no one has said such a thing to their chairman before.
"O-Of course not Mr. Sinclaire. We won't dare waste your time at all!" The employee immediately defends, making Max change his expression into a satisfied smile. Even Étienne couldn't hide his grin.
The elevator door finally opens, almost making the other employees sigh in relief. Everyone heads out as Max and Étienne continue to follow behind them. And as they finally arrive at the office where chairman Christopher is, the employee turns around to face Max before opening the door for him.
"Here we are, sir Sinclaire. Unfortunately, the chairman may only allow you to spend ten minutes of his time as he is quite busy," the employee reveals, almost making Max roll his eyes.
"Cj says he's not petty and shallow, but I feel like that's not the case," Max thought to himself before giving out a fake smile and saying, "Oh, of course, I understand. Ten minutes is actually enough time because I honestly thought he'd give me less."
The employee clears his throat because he thought Max would be flustered by it, or maybe even throw a fit, but Max did none of that, so he snaps his fingers instead, and the other two employees that they were with finally opens the double door.
Max heads inside first, followed by his butler, Étienne.
As soon as they got inside, the door closes. The room was filled with windows that had a great view of the city. In the middle of the room was a desk with two armchairs at the front. Sitting on the desk was a man with an equally intimidating stare. It was Chairman Christopher Justin Mills, the chairman of this entire empire.
"Chairman," Max finally greets as he touches his chest and bows, Étienne bowing even deeper.
The chairman doesn't say anything, but then he gestures at the seat in front of him. So Max takes a seat while Étienne stood right behind him.
"I would like to thank you for giving me your time, but I know you're a busy man so I'll cut to the chase," Max says as he gestures at Étienne, and Étienne automatically takes a step closer to the chairman to place his tablet in front of him.
"These are the documents to prove that I was able to find investors for your son. The sales to his company also went up 80% just after last night, and it is still climbing even at this very moment. I also have a copy of-"
"I don't care about any of what you just showed me..." chairman Christopher suddenly interrupts, making Max stop talking in an instant.
The chairman stares at Max and adjusts himself in his seat a little before continuing, "Why did you go to all that extent? What did you gain from helping my son pick up the trash he calls a company?"
Max wanted to genuinely answer his question, but for some reason, his last statement made him clench his fist in annoyance.
"Trash he calls a company?" Max asks back with a threatning tone, making the chairman raise his right eyebrow.
"For your information chairman Christopher, Kings Tobacco Company has the best employees and the best products. And their founder, Mr. Charles, has ideas that you can't even imagine. He has skills far superior to your employee here, so don't you dare belittle his efforts when you don't even know the sacrifices he's done to keep that company standing. I don't care what he did to you, but you just lost your most talented employee the moment you decided to disown him," Max says, almost standing from his seat when he finished.
The atmosphere around the office becomes tensed, but then, the chairman surprisingly chuckles, and his expression eventually softens.
"You really are like your grandfather," the chairman reveals, surprising Max.
"He was always the nosey type, but he was indeed skillful just like you are. When we were younger, this very company was on the verge of bankruptcy during the recession. I met up with a lot of companies, asking for their help, but no one dared reach out a hand...no one but your grandfather, Ulysses," Christopher reveals, surprising not only Max but Étienne as well.
"What you mentioned earlier, about sacrifices that you have to make just to keep a company standing, I know it all. I've faced them too. I know what it's like to be hopeless and to beg in front of people. I know it all," the chairman then adds.
"Then why are you doing the exact same thing to your son?" Max asks, but this time he wasn't asking it to be rude.
Christopher takes a deep breath and adjusts a picture frame that's on his desk. Max couldn't see what it is, but it was actually a picture of him with all of his children when they were all younger.
"Regarding my affairs with my son, I wish you don't stick your nose in it any further than you have. What I decide to do regarding Charles is due to my own selfish reasons," Christopher tells him, making Max chuckle.
"You sound just like my father."
"But isn't that what fathers are?"
"Maybe...but they also have to remember that their sons aren't always going to be kids. They grow up, and they grow stronger to the point where they can stand by themselves. They don't always have to protect us," Max explains, and for a second - even just for a second - Christopher thinks about what Max just said.
After being silent for at least a minute, Christopher finally clears his throat and looks straight at Max's eyes.
"Alright, since we're already here, let's get this over with," the chairman says as he glances at Étienne before looking back at Max. "Though I did not really agree with your terms, you fulfilled the end of the deal regardless. And as a man of my words...I will listen to your request. What can I help you with, Maximilian?"
Max's heart almost stopped beating when he heard what the chairman has to say, but he immediately composes himself. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. There is no way in hell he'd let this slip now.
"I want you to sponsor me," Max finally reveals, making the chairman change into his serious face again.
"As you may already know, my father took my inheritance away and gave it to my brother, Marcus. There's nothing much that I can do regarding that, but there is something that you can do, and that's to sponsor me. If you just declare that you will pull out your hidden stocks in our company if I don't become the chairman, my father will be forced to give my inheritance back," Max explains.
Chairman Christopher looks at Max like he already expected such a request from him.
"Your father knows I am loyal to the Lemieux, so even if I pull out from your company, he might not stop it and just let it go," Christopher tells him, but Max already knew of that as well.
"I know...that's why I want the companies you control to sponsor me too," Max reveals, surprising the chairman this time.
"You have a total of 32 companies under you, and nine of them are part of our corporal stockholders. If they all pull out, our company will definitely experience a crisis," Max explains further, making the chairman realize how reckless Max's plan is.
"You do know that this is a double-edged sword. If I really do this for you, and your father still doesn't make you the heir, you just purposely ruined your own company's life," Christopher explains, but then Max grins, and for a moment, he thought he saw his old friend, Ulysses.
"Like what we always say, we have to make a lot of sacrifices for our company. This...is a sacrifice I'm willing to make in order to get the company back. Will you be able to help me, chairman Christopher?"
Chairman Christopher continues to stare at Max before taking a deep breath and massaging his temple. He must have thought that he was going crazy as he finally makes his decision.
"Alright, Maximilian...I will sponsor you."
- END -
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