The First Day
"(Y/N) IT'S HERE IT'S HERE!" my mother suddenly shouts, kicking my door open. I jump almost a metre into the air before settling down again, taking the envelope she was holding out with towards me with shaking hands. She leaves the room as I open it, my heart slowly picking up the pace in apprehension. My hand closes around something small and circular first, so I pull it out and look at it.
'It's a... disc? A tiny disc?' I think, turning it over in my hands. A bright flash of light suddenly half blinds me and a booming, familiar voice fills the room.
"Congratulations, young (Y/N)! You have been accepted into UA high's Hero Course! You have the honour of being in class 1A!" All Might declares, his image suspended in the air in front of me. Every thought in my head turns to static after that. Even after the hologram disappears, I lay stunned on the ground. After realising my jaw was hanging open, I snap it closed and stand up, taking out the other contents of the letter. All that was left was a more formal note saying which class I was in and a list of the things I would need for my classes.
"Hey, mum...?" I say, opening my door. She was right outside, pacing nervously.
"Well? What did it say?" she asks hopefully. Her expression drops a little at my forced disappointed expression, and the tone of my voice. I drop the mask immediately and throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly.
"I got in!!"
"I want out."
I was standing in front of a ridiculously large door with a sign above it saying 1-A. Now that I was standing here, I realised just how nerve-wracking it was to even be near this classroom. I could hear people talking to eachother inside, trading names and some contact details. I take a deep breath, forcing my limbs to stop trembling, and slowly open the door. I peek my head around the edge and look into the classroom, instantly recognising mystery boy. He felt my eyes on him and looks up, his face immediately being consumed by a blush when he sees me. I'm suddenly extremely aware of the short skirt I was wearing, against my will.
"Ah, hello there! I apologise, I didn't realise you were standing there!" a tall boy with blue hair and glasses says suddenly, scaring me. I jump but quickly recover, swallowing and allowing him to lead me into the room.
"Uh... hi." a voice behind me says. I turn around, realising it was mystery boy.
"Hi." I respond, slightly wide-eyed.
"Listen, I... I'm sorry about what happened during the exam. Can we start over?" he asks. I smile and nod.
"Of course. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). And you are...?" I ask, tilting my head slightly.
"Kaminari. Denki Kaminari." he says, relaxing a bit. The door opens again and I look back, seeing someone who looked slightly familiar but also not at the same time. He had red eyes and spiky red hair. He looks over at me and his face lights up.
"Hey, you made it in!" he says excitedly, obviously talking to me.
"Uh, I don't-" I say, wondering if he mistook me for someone else, then realising who it was, "Wait a moment. Kirishima?"
He nods, looking slightly bashful.
"Yeah, I, um... I dyed my hair. What do you think?"
"Looks good." I say, giving him the thumbs up. He grins and we continue to chat for a while before someone kicks open the door and storms through. I was standing in front of him, but I expected him to walk around me and I don't move. I don't even break my conversation with Kirishima.
"Oi, fish breath, move it."
I pause, turning and looking at who spoke. It was the same guy that blew up all those robots in the exam and almost made the zero-point robot crush me. He was standing beside me, his hands shoved deep in his pockets, a scowl on his face directed at me.
"You can walk around me, you know." I say, not meaning it in a malicious way. He seemed to take it like that, though, since he just gets more annoyed.
"I said move it!"
"Guys, lets all just calm down. It's not a big deal. Here." Kaminari butts in, grabbing my wrist and dragging me aside. The fiery hothead clicks his tongue and walks past, giving me a death glare.
"What was that about?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the boy as he slumps down into a chair. The door opens again and this time, it's a boy with green hair. He looks even more nervous than I was.
We continue talking with eachother until someone in a faded yelllow sleeping bag appears, introducing himself as the teacher.
"Good morning, everyone. My name is Shouta Aizawa, but you may refer to me as Sir, Mister or Aizawa." he says, unzipping his sleeping bag and stepping out of it, then turning around and digging through it. "Now, I know it's kind of sudden, but put these on and head down to the PE fields."
He produces a blue uniform accented with red and white. I recognise it as the UA gym uniform and grab mine, then walk out the door.
"Hey, (Y/N), wait up!" Kaminari calls. I glance back and realise he was jogging up after me.
"Uh... hi there." I say, then almost trip over something in the middle of the pathway. Somehow managing to catch myself on one foot, I look back and realise I had quite literally stepped on the boy with purple balls for hair from the entrance exam.
"Oh, shoot! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!" I say, genuinely upset by this.
"Ugh... I saw..." the boy mutters, too low for either of us to hear.
"Um... you okay?" Kaminari asks.
"I saw panties!" the boy suddenly says, full of vigour. He leaps to his feet and approaches me. "You're wearing dark blue pantie-"
I kick him with as much force as I can muster, sending him flying down the hallway. Kaminari's jaw falls open as I turn and stalk down the hallway, my good mood immediately ruined. I travel a for corridors before sighing heavily, getting the crushing weight of anger off my chest.
'It's okay. It's fine, (Y/N). It doesn't matter.'
I relax my sunconsciously hunched shoulders, standing up to my full height again and paying attention to where I'm going. After five minutes of wandering around and not finding anything that could help me find my way, I realise I was completely lost.
'Great job, moron. Amazing. Ten out of ten.'
I start backtracking, panicking slightly. After not being able to find my way again, and somehow managing to find my way to the roof four times, I decide I would just stay there in a blind panic until someone found me. After half an hour of slowly worsening anxiety, I place my head between my knees and start crying.
'Why am I here? What can I hope to achieve if I get lost on the first fucking day? I doubt I could even find my way down to the exit.'
My body trembles as I stay silent, hugging my knees and hiccuping softly. Due to my overwhelming thoughts, I didn't hear the footsteps of someone approaching.
"How did you end up on the roof, (Y/N)?" Kirishima's voice asks, chuckling quietly. I quickly wipe my eyes, not looking at him, but I can practically feel him frowning.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, kneeling beside me. I don't answer, keeping my face turned away from him. He sits next to me and stares for a while before speaking again.
"Did you get lost? We've been looking for you for a while. Aizawa won't get mad if you show up now, if you want." he says softly, hesitantly placing a hand on my shoulder like if he touches me I'll break. I hug my knees tighter, meekly shaking my head.
"Hey, it's okay! We all make mistakes from time to time. It's not like this is going to kill you."
I nod, quietly hiccuping and allowing my tears to fall. Kirishima moves his hand from one shoulder to around both of them, pulling me against him in a weird one-armed hug. For some reason, the gesture makes me want to cry more.
"Hey, Kirishima! Had any luck up here...?" Kaminari calls, his voice trailing off as he sees us.
"Yep. Found her." Kirishima says, smoothing my hair down. I cover my face with my arm, like looking at them would make this all real.
"What happened?"
"She got lost and started panicking, and ended up here."
Kaminari doesn't seem to know what to say, so he just sits on my other side and hesitantly starts patting my head.
"Hey, i-it's okay, (Y/N). We can show you where everything is after this so you don't get lost again, if you want." Kaminari offers. I nod slightly, still covering my face. Kirishima looks at Kaminari over my head and glances at the staircase. Kaminari realises what he's trying to tell him and gets up, walking back down to the lower levels.
"Kaminari's going to go get Aizawa, okay? You're gonna be all right."
I give a shaky laugh, uncovering my face and wiping my eyes again.
"You're saying that like- like I'm a kid." I say, mentally cursing my hiccups. He smiles.
"Well, I'm not really used to comforting crying girls. I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to do this."
"D-Don't worry, you're doing great."
His face reddens at my comment and he looks away, making me laugh again. After a few minutes of silence, I drift off into a deep sleep, kept warm by the boy next to me.
"Hey, (Y/N), wake up..."
I slowly open my eyes, unhappy about being disturbed. At least the person waking me had enough sense not to shake the life out of me. I suddenly remember where I am and sit bolt upright, my eyes wide. My entire class was in front of me, looking down with interest. I feel my face heat up and I quickly avert my gaze, staring out at the view from the top of the building instead of looking at anyone standing in front of me. A loud bell suddenly rings, making me jump in surprise, but as far as I could tell, nobody else was affected.
"Alright, everyone go to lunch. I'd like to talk to (Y/N) alone." Aizawa says. Almost everyone nods and leaves, though I feel them staring at me.
"Sir, if it's okay, may I stay with her?"
"Me, too?"
"Hmm... you two were the ones who found her, right?"
"That's right."
I don't look up, my body seemingly frozen from my nerves. Aizawa sits in front of me and stares until I look at him.
"Are you okay now? Kaminari told me what happened while I was on my way."
His question surprises me a little. I expected him to shout at me, or punish me, or something for making him waste his time. Not this.
"Y-Yeah, I should be..." I mutter, averting my eyes again. Aizawa sighs and stands up.
"I can tell you don't want to talk about this, so I'll let you be. I'll make sure nobody mentions this again, but please do learn your way around here soon. Your friends here were very worried."
With those words, he turns and walks away. I feel the other two take up positions on either side of me.
"Are you sure you're okay? You were really upset." Kaminari asks, frowning slightly. I nod, drawing my knees up to my chest again and crossing my arms over the top. The boys remain silent for a while before Kirishima speaks up.
"Hey, um... do you wanna go get some food? You must be hungry."
As if on cue, my stomach growls, making the boys laugh. I snicker and stand up with them, letting them lead me to the food court.
"Sorry for kind of ruining the first day for you guys." I say once we enter the court.
"What? You didn't ruin it. And besides, it's not even half over yet." Kaminari says. I smile, keeping my head down as we walk between the tables.
"Hey, how do you guys know your way around here?" I ask as we grab what we want and then walk outside, sitting beneath a tree.
"My school had a tour day. We got to see everything in the hero course." Kirishima says.
"Oh. That exlains that, then." I respond, digging into the (F/F) I had picked up. Once we're done eating, I decide it would be a good idea to climb up a tree. Someone was already in the tree I had climbed up and I almost fall out of it in surprise.
"Ah, you're (Y/N), right?" the boy with the black bird head says. I nod nervously. Kaminari's laughter filters up through the branches and I wonder what Kirishima had just said to him.
"I'm glad you're okay now, and you seem to have guides. My name is Tokoyami." he says, nodding to me.
"Um, I'm (Y/N)-"
"I know." Tokoyami says, chuckling. I mentally slap myself.
"Right. Yeah. Sorry. I'm a bit all over the place today." I admit.
"I understand. First day nerves and all. You'll settle in soon enough."
"Well... uh... bye, I guess." I say, climbing back down the tree.
"Only for now, (Y/N)."
'What a weird bird- STUDENT! I MEAN STUDENT!!'
The rest of the day was uneventful, but tiring nonetheless. Aizawa called us in during our second lunch for his lesson, which I ranked low in anyway. I was so tired by the end of everything that even when my mother asked how my first day was, all I could do was mutter "mediocre" before dragging myself up the stairs and falling into my bed.
My last thought before sleeping was that this bed didn't compare to Kirishima's warmth.
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