Entrance Exam
I look myself over in my mirror, checking out how I look. I flick my ears slightly as a fly buzzes past them. Nodding to myself, satisfied with the clothes I had picked out, I walk downstairs and towards the door.
"Good luck in your exam today, (Y/N)!" my mother calls from the kitchen where she was washing up the plates from breakfast. I nod and wave, smiling back at her.
"Not like you're going to do any good." my brother sneers. I glare at him, not responding verbally. He was just going through that edgy thirteen-year-old phase.
"Oh, and remember honey, if people stare, it's because they're jealous of you!"
I grin and swing my bag onto my back, opening the door and grabbing my bike. My midnight-blue skin shimmers in the light as I wave to my neighbour, who was outside watering her garden. She was my favourite old person.
"Where are you headed off to today?" she asks as I walk past.
"To the UA entrance exam. I've been looking forwards to this all week." I say. Her face crinkles warmly as she smiles at me.
"Good luck, my girl! Make us proud!"
I pause at the gate, staring up in awe of the buildings in front of me, connected to eachother by a pathway suspended about halfway up the structures. Applicants of the exam were filing into the grounds in front of me, more than one glancing back and staring at me. I was in my human form at the moment but I couldn't change how my eyes, ears or skin looked. One of them, a boy with purple balls on his head, stared longer than most. When he caught my eye, he winked at me, making me raise an eyebrow. I chain my bike to the bike rack nearby, then walk inside.
I guess now would be a good time to describe what I looked like, since I don't have anything better to do. In this form, I had midnight-blue skin and orange eyes, flecked with red and yellow. My scleras were black. My ears were shaped like fins that flare outwards, with frayed edges. My teeth were sharpened to a point. Gills lay closed on the sides of my neck, but if I was swimming, I would be able to breathe infinitely. If I wanted, I could also make the invisible markings on my skin glow and provide light. The colour they glow in for me is dark blue, but my mother's markings glow green. In my true form, larger fins sprout along my back, the backs of my arms and my ankles. My hands and feet would shapeshift into something similar to frog's feet, with webbing between my fingers and toes to help me propel myself underwater. My legs would gain an extra join, almost like a deer's hind legs. My quirk was named Queen Of The Sea, or King Of The Sea if you're a dude.
I look at the sheet of paper I was given, studying the images on it. It had four different types of robots printed on it, with each robot having a number next to it.
1, 2, 3, 0...
I wonder what it means until a pro hero steps up to the podium at the front of the stage, speaking enthusiastically and telling us what we need to know. The numbers represented which robots were worth the most points, and the number zero robot was supposed to be avoided since it wouldn't give us anything to fight it. The girl sitting to my left kept glancing at me from the corner of my eye, and one time, while I knew she was looking, I turned and made eye contact. She didn't look at me again.
We were herded outside, split into six groups and assigned a battle centre. They were all identical, and I didn't really understand why they needed six of them. The battle centre I was put in was the same as the weird short kid with purple balls for hair. He sidles up to me, making eyes at my chest and lower region the whole time.
"Hey there, cutie. What's your name?" he asks slyly, not taking his eyes off my chest. I raise an eyebrow at him again but don't say anything. He notices my staring and finally raises his eyes, meeting mine, but I don't break my gaze.
"W-What? Too far? Are you gonna... do anything?" he asks, confused and slightly creeped out. I shove my hands in my pockets and keep staring, not blinking once. I was starting to enjoy this.
"Ooookay... I'm gonna go now... that's what you want, right?" he says, starting to back away. I blink and look away, deciding I probably shouldn't be intimidating him so much. He audibly sighs in relief and scampers away. I keep my face neutral as some people turn and look at me.
"START!!" a loud voice suddenly commands. I whip my hands out of my pockets and run forwards, squeezing through the barely-open gate before anyone else and getting a head start. I head down a side alley and start weaving through the city, searching for some faux villains to attack. One rolls around the corner in front of me and I recognise it as a two-point villain. I leap over its head, latching onto its back tightly, and plunge my hand into the gap between its head and its body. My fist finds a bundle of wires and I rip them out, leaping away as the robot slumps forwards, deactivated permanently. Thank god the wires were covered.
I repeat the process a few more times, adding up my total in my head. I was currently on 24 points. A massive burst of electricity nearby draws my attention and I can't resist taking a look at what caused it. I climb up the inside of a building until I reach the roof, looking around at the ground below me. A boy with yellow hair with a black lightning-shaped streak in it was on the street, fighting off a squadron of robots, his hands alive with crackling electricity.
As I watch, a villain emerges from the alleyway behind him, approaching him quickly. My eyes widen as I realise what was about to happen and I vault over the railing, reaching towards the boy. I knock him off his feet and to the side just as the robot's fist slams into where he was standing a moment ago.
"You okay?" I ask, leaping off him and facing the advancing robots, my eyes flicking around to each of them as I decide which to dispatch first.
"Yeah. Thanks." he responds, slightly dazed. I glance back at him and realise he was sitting up, rubbing his head.
"Crap, are you sure? You look like you're about to faint."
"I'm just near my limit. Lets get these guys." he reassures me, standing up and settling into a battle stance. I nod, leaping towards the closest robot and ripping out the wires inside it. As I move onto the next one, the mystery boy lets out short bursts of electricity on the robots furthest away from me. We work together for a while longer before I get distracted by another robot and run off.
~ Kaminari's P.O.V ~
"Whew, you doing okay?" I ask. I was panting heavily, one shot away from passing my limit and becoming a brain-dead idiot. When I don't get any answer, I look around and realise the girl who had saved me was gone. My smile drops as I assume the worst, but I push my feelings aside and tell myself she had just seen another robot. I sigh, falling into a rhythmic jog and going in a random direction. I didn't even thank her properly.
~ Your P.O.V ~
As I grab the last bundle of wires, the Earth below me starts trembling. A massive crack in the ground appears next to me, the floor sliding back and throwing me off the robot I had grabbed, making me land painfully on my backside. I scramble backwards quickly as it starts attacking me again, an enormous monstrosity rising out of the hole in the ground. I roll desperately to the side as the robot attacks again, accidentally pinning myself against a wall. It approaches me slowly, like it knows I'm trapped. I stare into its red camera eye as it raises its fist again, my face frozen in fear.
Suddenly, the robot freezes, then falls sideways, off balance due to the fact it was half-way through its attack. Before I can even register the face of the person who saved me, they grab my arm and haul me to my feet, dragging me through the streets as the enormous robot above us starts moving.
"You okay?!" the black-haired person who saved me shouts, glancing back. His eyes were as red as blood, his hair almost reaching his shoulders.
"As okay as I can be as we're running for our lives!" I shout back, struggling to hear him over the sound of the robot's clanking gears and grinding wheels. He turns his attention back to the street, making sure we don't run straight into something. He was going too fast for me to get my balance back properly, so he was mainly dragging me. Without warning, he pulls me into a tiny alleyway off the street. Moments later, the robot's wheels crunch down and move past us. I fall to my knees in relief, groaning as my sore muscles start to catch up with me.
"Well that was a... hoo boy! That was a rush." my saviour says, panting and resting his hands on his knees. He was grinning, and I realise he had sharp teeth. Like me. I laugh shakily, turning my face up and grinning at him.
"No kidding. That was the most adrenaline I've felt all week."
He laughs and holds his hand out to help me to my feet. I accept, grabbing on and pulling myself up.
"I'm Kirishima." he says, still smiling.
"(Y/N). Nice to meet you, thanks for saving me twice, and I hope we meet again." I say, waving at him as I jog out onto the same street the robot had been chasing us in.
"As do I, my lady!" he laughs, running in the opposite direction. I smile one last time before turning serious again, chasing after the giant robot.
'What the hell-' I think, then dive to the ground as an enormous explosion rocks the battle centre. Bits of debris fly over me, crashing to the ground a few metres away. I was lucky none of it hit me. Just as I think that, a giant sheet of metal slams into the ground directly in front of my face. I scream in surprise and scramble back, looking up with my jaw hanging open as the giant robot starts imploding. Chain explosions appear all around it and it starts falling backwards... towards me.
"GOD DAMN IT!!" I shout, throwing myself to my feet and diving to the side as it crashes into where I was. The dust kicked up from its landing stings my eyes and clogs my throat. I cough, screwing my eyes shut. After sneezing seven times, the dust finally clears and I can see just how close the thing was to crushing me.
I crawl backwards, shuddering in relief. The robot's body was mere feet from where I had thrown myself. I flop backwards onto my back, my limbs spread out around me as I reign in my panic.
'It's fine. I'm fine. I live. I have survived.'
I shakily get to my feet, my legs trembling.
"She lives!" Kirishima's voice shouts. I turn around, our eyes meeting. He was panting heavily, showing that he had run this whole way.
"Did... did you run back here just to make sure I was okay?" I ask in disbelief. His brow scrunches together.
"Of course I did! It wouldn't be manly if I just left you all on your own."
"Aww, thanks dude!" I say, smiling. He smiles back and approaches me, ruffling my hair. Waves of dust pour out of it. I grin as he coughs and sneezes, regretting his decision greatly. After he finishes, he speaks again.
"Make sure you don't get into any other life-threatening situations, alright?"
"No promises!"
We split up again, me climbing up on top of the fallen robot and him heading back the way he came.
'I think I like that guy. He seems nice.'
"Oi, move, Fishface!"
I duck instinctively as something flies over my head, and large explosions follow. I turn around and watch in surprise as someone with ash-blonde hair and red eyes blows up scores of robots. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts and running off. Just as my feet hit the ground, a loud voice shouts out from city-wide speakers that the exam was over and if we had any injuries, we should go see Recovery Girl.
Sighing heavily, I make my way to the gate out of the city. Halfway there, though, I hear the faint sound of someone repeatedly saying yee. I snicker and follow the noise, allowing it to lead me into a half-collapsed building. Inside, I found none other than the great, electrifying myster boy himself. With snot and drool running down his face as he lay on a pile of bricks, his thumbs wiggling in the air in front of him, a dopey grin on his face. I snort in my attempt not to laugh, then take a moment to calm myself.
"What happened to you, mystery boy?" I ask, stepping forwards. He doesn't respond, but his eyes cross. I chuckle and grab his wrist, pulling him to his feet, then making him swing up onto my back.
"Hold on. We're going for a piggyback ride to the others." I say, like I'm talking to a child.
"What'cha got there, (Y/N)?" Kirishima laughs as I carry the mystery boy into the crowd, attracting more than one stare.
"Just a new pikachu. Found him like this in a building on my way over here." I say, grinning. The boy on my back slips slightly and I readjust my grip, keeping him above the ground.
"Pfft, alrighty then. Know his name?"
"Nah, I just call him mystery boy. Saved him earlier too, from a bunch of robots."
I walk towards Recovery Girl as she kisses the foreheads of other applicants, their injuries closing up. She looks at the mystery boy and a small smile appears on her lips.
"Sorry, love, can't help that one. That's the drawback of his quirk. He'll wake up in..." she says, then pulls a clockwatch out of her pocket. Just as she does, mystery boy's whole body twitches.
"Right now."
"Ugh... where am I?" mystery boy asks.
"Outside the battle centre. I found you in a half-collapsed building and decided to carry you here. Can you walk?" I ask, glancing back. His face turns red as he realises the position we were in, quickly scrambling off my back and away from me.
"I'm so sorry! It's the drawback of my quirk, and I can't control it, and I'm sorry you had to carry me!" he says in a rush. I laugh.
"Don't worry about it. Stay safe, have fun, try not to derp yourself out again. Seeya!" I say, waving to him as I walk away. Kirishima walks up beside me.
"He's staring, you know." he chuckles. I glance back and mystery boy quickly looks away, his face even more red than before.
"Today was fun. You hoping for the hero course too?" I ask. Kirishima nods.
"Of course. I wanna be able to help people!"
"Helping people, huh...?"
We walk in silence to the gate. I sigh as I look down at myself, realising just how much dust still clung to me.
"Hey, where do you live? We might be able to walk home together." Kirishima suggests, looking slightly embarrassed. I smile.
"Near the beach. You?"
"Ah, no..." he says, sounding disappointed. I pat his shoulder, then unchain my bike and hold it up while I say goodbye.
"Well, nice meeting ya! I hope we're in the same course." I say, mounting my bike and pushing off before he can say anything else. I had barely even noticed, but the sun was starting to dip low in the sky, the first hints of an orange sunset appearing. As I cycle towards home, the wind rushes past me, blowing most of the dust off my figure. I smile, happy to be heading home.
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