Warnings: very, very mild smut
Sunlight flooded the room, casting a warm spotlight on the two sleeping boys. Remus was lying on his back, one arm under his head and the other wrapped securely around Virgil, who was sleeping on top of Remus, his head on Remus' chest. Their legs were tangled together under the soft blue blanket, not that they needed it as the warmth of their bodies being so close together kept them from freezing.
Remus woke first. He slowly peeled his eyes open as the sunlight hit them, dragging him from his perfect slumber. However, a perfect sight was waiting for him. Virgil's features were relaxed and didn't hold any tension from anxieties or royal training. His mouth was open slightly and his soft snores were like music to Remus' ears. He gently brushed Virgil's bangs out of his face, so he could see the freckles gracing the smaller's skin. He chuckled lightly when he noticed Virgil's tight grip on the pendant around Remus' neck. While he could stare at his love for hours, he wanted to see where Virgil spent most of his time. So he pried his eyes away to look at the room around him.
The walls were painted a royal purple colour (that was a pun on Patton's part), with repeating gold gothic pattern. His wardrobe was painted a light grey and a purple storm cloud with lightening underneath was painted at the top of the door. There was also rain painted down the rest of the door. Virgil's desk was in the opposite corner to the bed and it was a mess. Pens, paper, and paintbrushes were scattered around along with multiple open books, none that were being read for pleasure. They were all books on economics and Caelum's political system, fun and interesting stuff. Remus' eyes drifted to the bookcase next to the desk that was just as chaotic looking. Books were crammed into every available space, making it seemingly impossible to be able to get any of the books out. Remus made note of the star chart hanging on the back of Virgil's door but he didn't understand any of it so turned back to Virgil.
His adorable emo was still asleep. As much as Remus wanted to leave him like that, he was bored, so decided to play dot to dot on Virgil's freckles with his finger until he woke up. Virgil began to stir when Remus reached his nose, bringing his hand up to rub where Remus had accidentally tickled him. He smirked at this and continued to stoke Virgil's nose until Virgil eventually managed to swat his hand away.
"You're an ass" Virgil's voice was still raspy but not as bad as yesterday
"No, but I do have a great one"
"Sure" Virgil grumbled, nuzzling his face into Remus' chest and attempting to go back to sleep
"Nooo, don't sleep! I'm bored"
"Yeah well, I'm tired so I win"
"Virgie! Virgil... V... ViVi... Verge... Emo... Baby... Babe... Shortie... Dadd-"
"I'm up!" Virgil shot up completely flustered
Remus smirk at his bright red face,
"Aww don't like that name?"
Virgil turned to face Remus, shifting his position so that his knees were either side of Remus' hips. He bent down and whispered in Remus' ear, "I just think that I should be the one calling you that"
Remus' hands travelled up Virgil's thighs, stopping just before his hips, "go on then"
Virgil smirked, running a hand through Remus' hair, his lips ghosting Remus',
"You'll have to earn it"
He kissed Remus on the nose before climbing off him. Virgil darted to the other side of the room to avoid Remus trying to grab him and bring him back.
"Hey! No fair!"
"Sorry Dukey, but we haven't even had a date yet"
Virgil shrugged as he walked over to his wardrobe, pulling out a change of clothes as Remus flopped back on the bed. Before anyone could say anything there was a knock at the door,
"Your Highness?"
"Yes?" Virgil called, motioning for Remus to stay quiet
"Good you're awake. His Majesty wanted to speak with you before breakfast. He will be here shortly"
"Thank you, Ava"
Virgil waited until he could hear her footsteps retreating before he pulled Remus up from the bed and began shoving him towards the window.
"Hey! What are you doing!" Remus protested as he tried to fight against Virgil
"You need to leave now"
"Aww, but I heard something about breakfast"
Remus was now sitting on the windowsill, getting ready to climb down, but he stopped and turned to face Virgil again who's eyes were flicking from the door and Remus and anxiously biting his nails.
"Give me a kiss"
"Give me a kiss and I'll go"
Virgil rolled his eyes, "you're insufferable" but he held Remus' chin as he peck his lips, "now go"
"Come visit this evening?"
Virgil nodded as he watched Remus climb down the wall and slip out of the castle's grounds. It is ridiculous how easy it is to get to Virgil's room and subsequently the palace, but Virgil doesn't complain. It means that it's easier for him to sneak away or for Remus to sneak in.
"What are you doing?"
Patton's voice jolted him from his thoughts as Virgil spun around to face him, saying the first lie that came into his head,
"There was a wasp. It's gone now"
"Oh well, that's good. Anyway, I wanted to talk with you about Prince James"
Virgil inwardly groaned as he sat on the bed, next to his dad, putting on a fake smile,
"What about him?"
"As I am sure you're aware, in three days we are going to Umbra for the prince to announce who he would wish to propose to. Now-"
"No Dad please, don't make me marry him. I don't like him and I most certainly do not want to spend the rest of my life with him. You married Father out of love, why can't I? Please?"
Patton stared into his son's pleading eyes, before sighing in defeat and softening his gaze,
"Very well, you can marry out of love. But please be nice with your rejection, maybe even talk to him before hand"
"I will, thank you"
Virgil hugged Patton for the first time in ages, and while he was stunned, Patton very quickly hugged his son back. When they pulled away, they each had smiles on their faces, albeit Patton's was brighter and wider but Virgil still smiled.
"Get dressed and meet your father and I downstairs for breakfast. Don't forget that you have lessons this morning then you are free this afternoon."
Virgil nodded as Patton left. His smile growing wider as he planned his visit to Remus while he changed.
Remus was on cloud nine as he walked to his lake after sneaking past the guards. However, his mood instantly shifted when he saw who was waiting for him.
He pressed his lips in a thin line as he purposely shoved into Roman's shoulder as he walked past. A few of the fae folk and other woodland creatures were watching from the clearing, all highly confused.
"Look, I'm sure you've come up with a hundred ways to torture or kill me but-"
"A hundred and three, actually." Remus growled as he sat at the edge of the lake, watching as his legs transformed
Roman ran a hand through his hair in frustration before trying again,
"Don't. Don't talk to me. It's taking everything in me not to beat you to a pulp but out of respect for Virgil and Janus, I'm not going to. But, if you don't leave me alone, I won't be able to hold back. So, fuck off."
"I'm sorry"
"I don't forgive you"
Roman dejectedly nodded as he disappeared in a cloud of red smoke. Remus let out a soft breath as he slipped into the warm water, his mind instantly forgetting about Roman and instead of planning what he could do for his and Virgil's date. He was floating on his back when the icey blue fae flew down and rested on his chest.
"Hey Chase"
"Remus...are you alright?" they asked, shaking some water droplets out of their wings
"I'm amazing, but I could use your help!"
"What is it?" they asked, suddenly excited
"I need your help coming up with date ideas for me and Virgie"
Chase's smile faltered as they looked at Remus, but before they could get a chance to protest and ask him what the fuck he was thinking, Remus started speaking,
"If you're going to argue with me and tell me that I'm making a mistake, you can leave. Otherwise I'll pull your spine out through your mouth like you're a PEZ dispenser. That goes for all of you" he raised his voice for the last part, making sure that everyone who was listening from the sidelines heard.
Chase gulped but nodded. As a fae, they were empathic so could sense the strong feeling of love coming from Remus, so agreed to help.
"What ideas do you have so far?"
"That is how our treaty and trade agreements with Kreonada benefit us" Mrs Dusan looked at the clock and frowned, "well that appears to be all the time we have left"
"Oh dear, such a shame. Bye!" Virgil was up and out of the room faster than Mrs Dusan could process
Virgil speed-walked to his room to grab his cloak and shoes. He still had some time before he was going to meet Remus again, so decided to spend it with Remy. He didn't need to sneak out of his window because his parents permitted him to leave this afternoon. He gave a two-finger salute to the guards posted at the door then walked towards where Remy would be, the cafe.
Sure enough, his best friend was there surrounded by empty coffee cups. Remy was reading this fancy-looking book and scribbling notes onto a separate piece of paper.
"Whatcha reading?" Virgil tried to look at the book but Remy quickly hid it in their bag
"Nothing important. How are you?"
"I'm great actually. Remus came to visit me"
Remy almost choked on their drink as they stared wide-eyed at Virgil, "what?! Tell me everything!"
Virgil told Remy what happened last night with a lovestruck smile on his face the entire time, he decided to leave out the teasing that happened this morning for obvious reasons. Remy was gushing about it, but also made sure that Virgil knew that they needed to meet Remus and intimate him. Virgil agreed only to humour Remy, knowing that they probably couldn't scare Remus. Remy was as imitating as a fluffy puppy wearing a fake spiked collar.
While Remy was teasing Virgil, they accidentally let slip about having their own crush and Virgil was instantly pestering them with questions and begging Remy to tell him.
"Come on! Tell me! You know about Remus!"
"Urgh, fine. You can have his first name, and nothing else. I don't need you tracking him down."
"Okay okay, tell me!"
"Fine, his name is Emile. Ask me anything else and I'll switch your coffee to decaf"
Virgil held his hands up in mock surrender, but a smirk plastered on his face. He was so going to tease Remy about this once he hid his coffee stash.
Remy, eager to get the conversation off him and his crush, started asking Virgil about the ball in Umbra and what they need to wear as Virgil's companion. He groaned at the mention of it but told Remy to just wear something formal like usual and reminded them of their job of keeping him away from all the other royals. Remy agreed, like always, and the conversation shifted again. They talked and joked and drank loads of coffee for hours until it was time for Virgil to leave
"Tell your man that I need to met him," they said, waving goodbye
"Only if I can meet this Emile"
Remy narrowed their eyes but Virgil was already gone and practically running to the border. There were more guards posted along with it than usual, but he still managed to slip past. Using his dark cloak to blend in better and timed it to match their shift rotations, it wasn't difficult. Again, unsettling how easy it was to sneak past them. Virgil shook it off, definitely not going to bring it up with his parents because then goodbye meeting up with Remus and sneaking out.
Virgil yelped as he accidentally ran into someone, luckily the other person caught him before he fell to the ground.
"I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention"
"It's okay" the man laughed as he let go of Virgil
The man had light brown hair with bangs that were swooped back out of his white eyes. His skin was lightly tanned and he had faint freckles dotted along what was visible of his skin. The man has a wide smile showing off his perfect white teeth and dimples.
"Hi! It's nice to finally talk to you, I'm Thomas" the man bounced on the spot a little, like an energised puppy
"Hi, I'm-"
"Virgil, I know" Thomas giggled at Virgil's confused and slightly scared expression, "oh right, you don't recognise me! I'm the kelpie you met on your first day here!"
Virgil cast his mind back to that day, eventually remembering the dark horse with seaweed tangled in his mane and tail.
"Oh! Wait...how are you...?"
"Kelpies are shapeshifters, we just mainly stick with the horse form. Okay, now put this on"
Thomas handed Virgil a piece of cloth that Virgil just stared at, unsure what do it,
"It's a blindfold"
"Why am I-"
"Remus wants you to put it on"
"Because he has a surprise for you! Now hurry up!"
Virgil sighed, knowing that there was no way he was going to be able to talk Thomas out of this, so he tied the cloth over his eyes and allowed Thomas to lead him to where Remus was. After stumbling a few times and walking into a tree, Thomas wasn't the best guide, they eventually made it to their destination and he removed the blindfold.
yes that is where i'm ending it. i could've made it one long chapter but....i didn't.
also, i don't know why you couldn't trust me to keep it fluffy?? :)
anyway, i hope you enjoyed and feel free to point out any mistakes
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